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1、International trade practice主讲:刘伟良主讲:刘伟良TelTel:1392243943713922439437QQQQ:10472051221047205122Chapter 9 Documentation1. Role of documentation2. Major documents1/26P1892/261. Role of documentationn A major difference between domestic trade and international trade is that there are more documents for

2、every export shipment.n The major purpose of documentation is to provide a specific and complete description of the goods so that they can be correctly processed for transport, payment, credit, insurance, import duty, etc.n It is also a good evidence of what actions have been taken by each party in

3、a trade transaction and how the actions have been taken.n In case of dispute, good documentation will certainly very helpful in resolving the dispute.P1903/262. Major Documentsn Pre-shipment documentsn Financial & commercial documentsn Packing documentsn Shipping documentsn Customs documentsn Cl

4、ient-specific documents常用的出口单据n 出口人出具:汇票、商业发票、包装单据、海关发票、其他文件;n 第三者出具:运输单据、保险单据、产地证明书、检验证书。n 装运前文件n 财务/商业文件n 装箱文件n 运输文件n 海关文件n 客户专用文件P1914/261)Export License (出口许可证明) is used to control the export of specific goods to specific destinations.2)Import License (进口许可证) is an import permit issued by the re

5、levant authority to control the inflow of foreign goods.2. Major DocumentsPoints to checkn Issuer: must be the right authorityn Information: must be correct and consistent with other documentsn Validity: will be valid for a fixed period of timen Conditions: may be attached to the license5/262. Major

6、 DocumentsP1926/263) Pro-forma Invoice (PI) is a document created in the format of a commercial invoice, but not actually constituting an invoice (i.e. not a demand for the payment of money).2. Major DocumentsFunctionsn A quotation of an export sale (listing trade terms and costs);n A supporting doc

7、ument to an importers application for an import license;n A supporting document to a customs declaration.P1927/262. Major DocumentsP1927/262. Major DocumentsP1928/264) Commercial Invoice is a statement issued by a seller to a buyer, itemizing the sale (listing details of the goods and the value in p

8、articular) and demanding payment.2. Major Documents商业发票卖方向买方开立,列明货物名称、规格、数量、单价、总金额等,要求买方支付货款的书面总说明。在国际贸易中,商业发票是全套出口单据的核心,所有其他单据均须参照商业发票进行缮制。9/262. Major DocumentsP19410/265) Consular Invoice is a document certifying a shipment of goods and showing information such as the consignor, consignee and val

9、ue of the shipment. It is required by some countries to facilitate customs and collection of taxes. 2. Major Documents领事发票由进口国驻出口国的领事出具的一种特别发票。它由出口商根据进口国驻在出口地领事所提供的特定格式填制,其中列明出口货物的详细情况,并经领事签证。这种发票主要为拉美国家所采用,可用作进口税计算的依据,有助于货物顺利通过进口国海关。P19411/262. Major DocumentsP19412/266) Customs Invoice is an exten

10、ded form of commercial invoice required by customs (often in a specified format) in which the exporter states the description, quantity and price, freight, insurance, and packing costs, terms of delivery and payment, weight and/or volume of the goods for the purpose of determining customs import val

11、ue at the port of destination.2. Major Documents海关发票是由出口商填制,内容同商业发票相类似(项目包括生产国别、货物名称、数量、唛头、出口地市价及出口售价等)的一种特殊发票。其格式一般由进口国海关统一制定并提供,主要用于进口国海关统计、核实原产地、查核进口商品价格的构成等。P19413/262. Major DocumentsP19414/267) Bill of Exchange (draft) is an unconditional order in writing signed by one party (drawer) requestin

12、g a second party (drawee/payer) to make payment in lawful money immediately or at a determinable future time to a third party (payee). 2. Major Documents汇票由一人签发给另一人的无条件书面命令,要求受票人见票时或于将来某一规定的或可以确定的时间,将一定的金额的款项支付给某一特定的人或其指定人或持票人。在信用证项下,汇票的付款人是开证行;在托收项下,汇票的付款人是买方。Bill of ExchangeNo._(汇票号码)Drawn under(出

13、票依据)_ L/C No ._Dated _Payable with interest _% _(付款利息)Exchange for USD100,000.00 (汇票金额) Beijing, China 06/10/2008 (出票时间地点)At(见票)_Sight of this FIRST of Exchange (Second of Exchange being unpaid )(付一不付二)Pay to the order of BANK OF CHINA,GUANGZHOU BRANCH (收款人) the sum of (金额 US DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED THO

14、USAN ONLYTo(致付款人) _Drawer (出票人) (Signature)(签字)Sample of a commercial draft2. Major Documents15/26P1948) Certificate of Origin (CO / COO) is a document declaring in which country a commodity or good was manufactured. It contains information regarding the products destination and country of export an

15、d is required by many treaty agreements before being accepted into another nation. 2. Major Documents原产地证书证明货物原产地或制造地的一种证明文件。它是进口国通关验收、征收关税的有效凭证,也是出口国享受配额待遇、进口国对不同出口国实行不同贸易政策的凭证。原产地证书依签发者不同可分:商检机构出具的原产地证书;商会出具的产地证书;制造商或出口商出具的产地证书。16/262. Major Documents17/262. Major Documents17/26P1949) Certificate

16、of health / Sanitary certificate is a certificate certifying that the goods (usually foodstuffs, animals, plants) are free from disease or insects; or in the case of food, the goods have been prepared to meet prescribed standards. 卫生证书证明货物(常为食品、动植物及其产品)不携带病毒或虫害,或证明食品已达到规定标准的证明文件。18/262. Major Docume

17、nts19/262. Major DocumentsP19410) Certificate of inspection is used to confirm if the goods meet a certain standard. The seller must arrange with the buyer beforehand who is to carry out such an inspection and who is to pay for it. 2. Major Documents11) Certificate of value is a document signed by t

18、he seller confirming that the invoice contains a true and full statement of the price paid for the goods and that there is no other understanding between the seller and the buyer about the purchase price. 20/26P19412)Packing list / weight memo is a supplement to a commercial invoice to show the deta

19、ils of a shipment including specifications, quantity, weights or contents of individual units and packing methods in the shipment.2. Major Documents装箱单和重量单是商业发票的补充单据。装箱单主要用于工业品,对每件包装内的货物名称、规格、花色等逐一作详细说明,以便进口地的海关检验和进口商核对。重量单多用于以重量计价的初级产品,载明每件商品的重量,有的还分别列明每件商品毛重、净重,其作用与装箱单相同。21/2622/262. Major Documen

20、tsP19413)Bill of lading means a document which evidences a contract of carriage by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier, and by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrender of the document. 2. Major Documents14) Air waybill is the shipping document wh

21、en the goods are shipped by air. It is a receipt only, not a title document. The goods will be released to the named consignee without further formalities after the customs clearance.23/2615)Dock receipt 场站收据场站收据 is issued by a port authority to confirm receipt of cargo on the quay / in the warehouse pending等待shipment (e.g., FAS). It has the legal role regarding processing financial settlement of international consignment.2. Major Documents16)Mates receipt 大副收据大副收据is issued when loading is completed. The shipper


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