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1、看故事学单词四一、Everyone in competitive society faces keen competition,including love competition. In a city,there were many young men who competed for a beautiful woman,NancyThe chasing team was composed of about 20 peopleNancy received many compliments on her beauty but she only cared about Arthur and lk

2、e. Arthur was an editor. It took him years of hard work to compile a good dictionaryAnd he would complete the task soonNancy enjoyed reading the dictionaryIkeWas a strong competitor of ArthurHe was a handsome but not compatible piano playerHe always complained that life was getting more complex and

3、difficultHe had enough complication in his lifeI would tell you the complicated processes soon He played many of his compositions for Nancy and she liked his musicAs we know,most of the time,jealousy was a component of loveAnd one day it even compelled lke to shoot at Arthur! The injured man was gra

4、nted 20 thousand dollars in compensationIke couldnt be a competent lover foreverHe was put into jailA sentence could be an excellent complemnent to the storyThat is,in every competition,every one must comply with the law.在竞争的社会里,每个人都面临着激烈的竞争,当然也包括爱情竞争。在一个城市,有许多男人为一个美丽的女人南斯而竞争。求爱的队伍由大约20人组成。南斯因美丽而得到许

5、多恭维,但她只在意阿瑟和艾克。阿瑟是个编辑。他花了好几年来编辑一部好字典。并且他很快就要完成任务了。南斯喜欢读那本字典。艾克是阿瑟一个强大的竞争者。艾克是个英俊但不能和睦相处的钢琴演奏家。他总是抱怨说生活变得越来越复杂和困难。他的一生有很大的纠纷。我将很快告诉你那错综复杂的过程。他为南斯演奏了他许多的作曲,而南斯也喜欢他的音乐。众所周知,很多时候,妒忌是爱情的一个组成部分。它甚至迫使艾克有一天向阿瑟开枪射击!伤者得到了2万美元的补偿。艾克永远都不可能是名胜任的爱人了。他被关进监狱。有句话是对这个故事的极好补充。那即是,在任何竞争中,任何人都必须遵照法律。二、I saw a film last

6、night. The film compressed ten years into two hours. Joseph was a chemist. We know a small baby has no concept of right and wrong. But Joseph wanted to inventr a conmpound to help babies to have good comprehension. The conception of thc plan occurred at a meeting of scientists. Joseph showed great i

7、nterest concerning this plan. He was very seriously concerned with the problems involved. He concentrated all his attention on chemical research. No one could conceive of his hard work. But he concealed the research from his wife. So far as she was concerned, housework was more important. Everything

8、 went right except Jaseph must stop his work because of compulsory military service. He computed his losses at three months. So he worked harder after he went back. Eight years had passed before Joseph succeeded. He wrote a concise summary of his invention. A committee that comprised men of dif fere

9、nt views was sent to test his invention. They concluded that the compound really did work. A director of a big company tried to persuade Joseph to make some concession to sell the invention. But Joqeph had prepared to make no compromise. Hed like to give it to the public free. The newspaper made a c

10、omprehensive report of his deeds. A concert invited Joseph to make a speech. At the end of his speech, he said, In conclusion, let me take the opportunity to thank all of you for your support. 我昨晚看了一场电影。电影将10年光阴压缩为两个小时。约瑟夫是个化学家。我们知道婴儿是没有错对概念的。但约瑟夫想发明一种让化合物来帮助婴儿拥有很好的理解力。些个计划的构想来源于一次科学家的聚会。关于这个计划,约瑟夫有


12、机会感谢大家的支持。”三、A friend congratulated me on my new book about my trip. Then he asked me many questions in connection with life abroad. I said I would tell him a confidential story on condition that he kept it secret. My words confused him but also confirmed his thinking. Last year, in the country I vi

13、sited the conjunction of the heavy rains and high winds caused flooding. At the same time, the conflict between the employers and workers led to the strike. The workers refused to conform to the unfair contract. They had been confined by the contract for many years. They condemned the employers for

14、their bad conduct. And they had no confidence in the enlployers any more. Confronted by the angry crowd the police retreated. Congress conferred upon the strike but had no idea. A killer hired by some employers killed the strike leader, a confident orchestra conductor. A bus conductor caught the cri

15、minal. The criminal was confined in a prison and soon he confessed his crime. The criminal was condemned to death. The Queen conferred knighthood on the bus conductor at the press conference. But one month later, the bus conductor was murdered too. He was found dead nearby a post. made of concrete.

16、I condensed the story to half its original length.一个朋友祝贺我出了关于我自己旅游的新书。然后他问了许多关于海外生活的问题。我说在他保密的条件下,将告诉他一个秘密的故事。我的话混淆了他,但也坚定了的念头。去年,在我待的那个国家暴雨和狂风的连结酿成洪水泛滥。与此同时,劳资双方的冲突也引起了一场罢工。工人拒绝遵守不公平的合同。他们被合同限制了多年。他们谴责雇主的不良行为。并且他们对雇主再也没有信任了。面对愤怒的人群,警察后退了。国会商谈着这场罢工,但有任何主意。一名受雇于一些老板的杀手杀死了罢工的领导人,一名自信的管弦乐队的指挥。一个公车售票员抓住

17、了罪犯。罪犯被禁闭在监狱,很快他供认了罪行。罪犯被判死刑。女王在记者会议上授予公车售票员骑士身份。但二个月后,公车售票员也被谋杀了。他被发现死在一根混凝土柱子边上。我将故事浓缩到了原采的一半。四、A party consisted of ten conservatives. They were conscientious men. In consequence of their conscience, they worked constantly to raise peoples consciousness on the conservation of natural resources. T

18、hey said that the human being kept conquering nature and in consequence one day we would pay for the conquest at a considerable cost. Its conspicuous that forest was getting less and less. Consequently, every conscious person should give careful consideration to this problem. The ideas in their spee

19、ches were consistent. Analyzing their speech into its constituent parts, we knew that the strength of it consisted in the justice of it. Many people consented to support them. So their confidences were consolidated. The consensus of opinion at the latest meeting was that they would try to persuade t

20、he Congress to constitute some new constitutions,They were really considerate!一个团体由10个保守主义者组成。他们都是勤勤恳恳的人。由于良知的缘故,他们不断地努力来唤起人们对自然资源保护的意识。他们说人类一直在征服自然,因此有一天我们将为这征服而付出相当大的代价。森林越来越少是很明显的。因而每一个有意识的人都应该对这个问题给予认真的考虑。他们演讲里的思想始终如一。分析他们演讲的成分的话,我们知道演讲的力量在于它的正义。许多人答应支持他们。于是他们的信心也加强了。在最近一次会议上,他们一致同意去说服议会制定一些新宪法。

21、他们真的是考虑周到呀!五、There are seven continents in the world. Theres too great a consumption of alcohol in Europe. Mr. Keble was an alcoholic. He said he cared for his health but his actions contradicted his words. He constructed a wine cellar for himself. And he consumed a big container of alcohol a week.

22、He was content with alcohol. His favorite was to enter drinking contests. On the contrary, Mrs. Keble disliked alcohol very much. She still loved Mr. Keble, but felt a touch of contempt. She contended that he should stop drinking. But he always contradicted her. They quarreled about this continually

23、. One day when Mrs.Keble arrived at home, she found her husband sleeping on the floor. The wine had contaminated his shirt. So she contacted his consultant at once to consult with him about this. The consultant was contemporary with the Kebles. In contrast with the Keblets, he was always calm. He wa

24、tched and concluded that continuous drinking had made Mr. Keble thoroughly week. He suggested Mr. Keble make a contract with him. Mr. Keble read the contract and agreed with him. Later, Mr.Keble took a new kind of medicine his consultant gave to him every day. After much difficulty, he contrived to

25、stop drinking! Can you guess the contents of that contract from the context? Its about the new medicine. The new medicine proved an important contribution toward Mr. Keble.世界有七大洲。在欧洲,酒的消费量惊人。基布尔先生是个酒鬼。他说他在意健康,但他的行为同他的话矛盾。他为自己建造了一个酒窖。并且他一周就要消费一大集装箱的酒。他很满足于酒精。他喜爱的事情是参加喝酒竞赛。正相反,基布尔夫人非常不喜欢酒。她虽然还爱着基布尔先生,

26、但对他有了一丝轻蔑。她坚决主张他要戒酒。但他总是反驳她。他们在这件事情上不断地争执。一天当基布尔夫人到家的时候,她发现丈夫睡在地板上。酒已经把他的衬衫弄脏了。于是她立刻联系他的顾问医生向他请教怎么办。顾问医生与基布尔夫妇是同时代的人。与他们成对比,他总是很镇静。他查看后下结论说持续的饮酒已经让基布尔先生变得非常虚弱了。他建议基布尔先生与他签订一份合同。基布尔先生读了合同之后同意了。后来基布尔先生每天吃一种顾问医生给他的新药。克服许多困难之后,他设法做到了戒酒!你能由上下文猜出那份合同的内容吗?是关于那种新药的。这种新药证明对基布尔先生的健康有重要贡献。六、A suspect was convi

27、cted of robbery. It was said he robbed a copper watch. According to the convention, he had the right to appeal. A lawyer had interest in this controversial case. He was very famous. Hed never got out of control in any case. And he could always manage to convert defeat into victory. His corporation w

28、as formed in 1994. The lawyer corresponded with the suspect about his case. He tied a package with a cord then sent it to the suspect. The suspect decided to cooperate with the lawyer. He was very cooperative. The core of the case was to find the proper evidences. As a famous lawyer, it was convenie

29、nt for him to do that. Everything was under control. On the day of trial, after the conventional greeting, the lawyer began his statements. His words conveyed his real feeling. No one could cope with him in debate. What ever the accuser said, he could give corresponding refutation. Further more, he

30、supplied some coordinate evidence. He had full conviction that he would win. He was right. In fact, he had convinced the jury of the suspects innocence. We knew he won as he had thought. His friends gave him a cordial hug. And the correspondents reported the news of his success at once.一名疑犯被宣判犯了抢劫罪。


32、疑犯是无辜的。我们知道他正如他所料的那样赢了。他的朋友热诚拥抱他。记者立刻报道了他的成功。七、A millionaire lived in a county of England. He had a costly cottage in the country. One day, he read a piece of news about space. He counted up how much a cosmic flight would cost. Then he was determined to have a cosmic flight at all costs. Few people

33、could go into space. So he thought of his cousin who worked in the Aviation Council. He corrupted his cousin with money. His cousin was a coward corroded by money. His behavior was counter to his duty. He didnt know he accepted the money at the cost of his future. After his cousin left, the milliona

34、ire smiled at a cat crouching on the counters Anytimes, I can count on my money! A week laters two policemen came to visit the millionaire. They passed the corridor and stood in front of him. At that time, the millionaire was having dinner. He sat on his couch and tried to crack a crab. Seeing the p

35、olicemen, he covered up his nervousness. Soon, he was brought to court for trial. His counsel counseled him to say nothing about the affair before they met. In the course of the trail, the millionaire showed his courtesy properly. As a defendant, his counterpart was the Aviation Council. Fortunately

36、, by courtesy of it, he had not been put into jail. Instead, he was imposed a fine of 1O thousand dollars.一个百万富翁住在英国的一个郡。他在乡下有所昂贵的别墅。一天,他读到一则关于太空的新闻。他把一次宇宙飞行的花费相加,然后决定要不惜任何代价参加宇宙飞行;很少人能进入太空。于是他想到他那在航空理事会工作的堂弟。他用钱贿赂他的堂弟。他的堂弟是个被钱腐蚀的懦夫。他的行为与他的职责相反。他不知道他是以他的前途为代价而收下这笔钱的。在堂弟走后,百万富翁对着一只蜷在柜台上的猫眯笑着说:“任何时候我都

37、可以依*我的金钱!”一个星期后,两名警员来“拜访”百万富翁。他们经过走廊站到他面前。那时,百万富翁正在进餐。他坐在睡椅上,试图弄破裂一只螃蟹。看到警察,他掩盖了他的紧张。很快,他被带到法庭审判。他的辩护人劝告他在他们会面之前保持沉默。在审判期间,百万富翁恰当地展示了他的谦恭有礼。作为被告,他对应的人是航空理事会。幸运的是,蒙它的好意,他没被关入监狱,而是被罚了1万美元的罚款。八、A craft flew to the planet L6046. It used to be a cradle of civilization. But now it was a special prison for

38、 all kinds of cruel criminals. As usual, the craft came to check the situation here. Unexpectedly, the craft crashed when it was landing. The crew came out of it. Then they were shocked to see many strange creatures creeping or crawling on the ground like huge crickets. They had black crusts and the

39、y crowed like roosters! They were crude aliens! The huge aliens came up to the crew. Within a few minutes, quite a few people were crippled. Things became to a crisis. A creative woman played a crucial role. She climbed into a crane. Then she drove it towards the aliens. She acquired the craft from

40、her father. The crane crushed the aliens successfully. The remaining people survived. Half an hour later, another craft came to rescue them. The critical period was over. One of the survivors was a critic. He wrote an impressive criticism. But the government had its own criteria. It criticized the c

41、ritic and crossed out his criticism. The new king would be crowned in a month. To avoid a riot,it was reasonable to do that.一艘飞船飞向L6046行星。它过去曾是文明的发源地。现在它是关押各种残酷的罪犯的特殊监狱。像往常一样,飞船来检查这儿的情形。出乎意料地,飞船在着陆的时候撞坏了。全体乘务员走出来。然后他们震惊地发现地上有许多爬行或蠕动着的生物,它们仿若巨大的蟋蟀。它们有着黑色的外壳,它们会像公鸡一样啼叫!它们是天然的异形!巨大的异形向乘务员方向而来。在几分钟内,好几个

42、人就被弄残废了。情况到了紧急关头,一名有创造力的妇女发挥了决定性的作用。她爬进了一台起重机,然后她开着冲向异形。她是从父亲那里学到这门技巧的。起重机成功地压碎了异形。剩余的人幸免于难。半小时后,另一艘飞船来营救他们。危急的时期终于结束了。一名幸存者是个评论家。他写了一则让人印象深刻的评论。但政府有它自己的准则。它批评了评论家并删去了他的评论。新国王一个月后就要加冕。为避免骚乱,这样做是可以理解的。九、A thief had a son who had lovely curls. Even he himself was a thief, he wanted to cultivate his so

43、n into a person of culture. But children always took their cue from their parents. The boy disliked the current curriculum, something about currency. In fact he disliked all of the curricula. Recently, he always cut in when the teacher talked. Thats his customary shortcoming. So the school cut off h

44、is name from the students roster. The boy went home by cycle. At first, he sat on a cushion, cursing the school. Suddenly, he had great curiosity to find out whats in the cupboard. To cut down the dangers such as electrical current, he cut off the electric source first. The boy curved the lock and t

45、hen opened the cupboard. Its a cubic crystal inside of it! On cue, the father felt something. He cut short his work, put down the cylinder in his hand. Then he cut across a field to go home. The moment the boy touched the crystal, he heard his fathers steps. The cunning boy took out a cucumber and b

46、egan to eat it. Facing his father, he said, Im hungry. The father was puzzled, but still wanted to punish him, No matter what tricks you play, I will cut back your allowance !一个小偷有个长着可爱卷发的儿子。虽然他自己是小偷,他想将儿子培养成一个有教养的人。但孩子们总是学父母的样。这个男孩不喜欢现在的课程,是关于货币什么的。实际上,他不喜欢所有的课程。最近,他总是在老师讲课的时候插嘴。那是他一个习惯的毛病。于是学校将他的名

47、字从学生的花名册上删除了。男孩骑自行车回家了。起先,他坐在一个垫子上面,嘴里诅咒着学校。突然,他对碗柜里有什么产生了极大的好奇心。为了减少危险,比如电流,他先切断了电源。男孩弄弯了锁后打开了碗柜。里面有一块立方体的水晶!恰好在这时候,父亲感觉到了什么。他突然停止了工作,放下了手里的圆筒。然后他抄近路穿过一块田野回家。男孩在碰到水晶的那一刻,他听到了父亲的脚步声。狡猾的男孩取出了一根黄瓜并啃起来。面对父亲,他说:“我饿了。”父亲困惑了,但仍决定处罚他:“不论你耍什么花招,我都要削减你的零花钱!”十、Mr. Carter ran a dairy. But he was deeply in debt

48、 during the past decade. He owed a dealer a great deal of money. It was a question they debated all the time. According to the data up to date, the amount of the debt was 250 thousand dollars. The dealers voice was deafening, Tomorrow.is the deadline. If you cant pay off the debts, I will explode yo

49、ur dam! Mr. Carter had no way to deal with it. The next dawn, the weather was cold and damp. He drank some deadly poison and soon was in danger. His daring daughter dashed into his bedroom. Fertunately, the poison was out of date. Mr. Carter opened his eyes. The daylight dazzled his eyes. Then he saw his darling daughter. The daughter said to her fathei. Dad, you still have me to date. Dont give up please. Tomorrow will be a new day!卡特先生经营着一个牛奶场。但他在过去的十年里欠了很多债。他欠一个商人大量的钱。那是他们一直争论的问题。根据时新的数据,债务的数额是25万美元。商人的声音震耳欲聋:“明天就是最后期限。如果你还不清钱的话,我就炸掉你的水坝!”卡特先生没有法子处理这事。第二天黎明


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