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1、专升本英语-完形填空(二)(总分:45.00,做题时间:90 分钟)(总题数:3,分数:45.00)Most men and women pass through life without ever considering or criticizing (1) their ownconditions or those of the world at large. They find themselves born into a (2) place in society, and they accept whateach day (3) , without any thought beyond

2、what the immediate present requires. They seek the (4) of the needs of themoment, without much forethought, and (5) thinking that by sufficient effort the conditions of their lives (6) be changed.A certain percentage, guidedby personal (7) , make the effort of thought and will which is necessary to

3、place themselves among the more (8)members of the community; but very few among these are seriously concerned to secure for all the advantages whichthey seek for (9) . Only a few rare and exceptional men have that kind of love toward (10) at large that makes themunable to endure patiently the genera

4、l massof evil and suffering, (11) of any relation it may have to their own lives. These (12) , drivenby sympathetic pain, will seek for some new system of society by which life may become richer,more full of (13) and less full of preventable evils (14) it is at present. But in the past suchmen have,

5、 as a rule, failed to interest the very victims of the injustices (15) they wished to _remedy.(分数:15.00 )A. ifB. eitherVC. whenD. both解析:at large,普遍地;either. or.,既 又 ,两者的选择。后半句有or,可以断定选项 Beither 正确。无论男女,在他们度过一生时,既不考虑自身的条件,也不考虑整个世界的环境。the worldat large ,整个世界。A. assureB. puzzledC. certainVD. happy解析:全

6、句的意思是人们通常比较认命,对于自己的出生和环境不会多想。“and they accept表示对前面提到的事物的肯定。根据文章大意,他们岀生在社会怎样的地方;再查看选项,选项 B 和 D 可以排除了。 assure,肯定;certain ,特定。排除选项 C。他们发现自己出生在特定的社会环境中。A. wasB. finishesC. bringsVD. is missing解析:finish ,完成;miss,错过。根据上下文大意,应选C,bring,带给。并自然地接受了这个环境所给予他们的一切,从不作深层次的思考。A. satisfactionVB. tortureC. sorrowD. l

7、u xury解析: satisfaction ,满足; torture ,痛苦; sorrow ,悲伤; luxury ,奢侈。根据上下文可以判断这些人 实际上没有什么比较高的奢望,所以选项D 可以排除。选项 B 和 C 实际上是同一角度,只是层次不同。而人们不可能寻求痛苦,所以排除。他们寻求瞬间的满足。A. withB. withoutVC. byD. in解析:“ they seekbe changed是完整的一句:他们寻求的是瞬间的满足,既不深谋远虑,也不思考如 果他们付出足够的努力,他们的生活条件是可以改善的。两个 without 并列说明两者都没有。 that 引导 thinking

8、 的宾语从句, bysufficient effort短语作方式状语, the conditions of their lives是从句中的主语部分。A. couldVB. mustC. wouldD. had better解析:could,能够(表示可能性);must,一定,必须(口气肯定,强烈);would,会,将会;had better 最好。如果他们付出足够的努力,他们的生活条件是可以改善的。A. effortB. decisionC. careerD. ambitionV解析: effort ,努力; decision ,决定; career ,事业; ambition ,志向,抱负

9、。有个人志向的人占有一 定的比例。A. numerousB. innocentC. honestD. fortunateV解析:numerous,为数众多的。前面已经说了a certain percentage (一定比例),这一群人的数量不会很多,所以排除选项 Ao innocent ,单纯的;honest,真诚的;这也是近乎同一角度的词,可以排除。fortunate ,幸运的。按照作者的观点或文章的口气。应该断定:人应该有抱负。所以,选项D 应是正确的。他们做了思想和意志上的努力。这些人是幸运的群体。A. himB. themC. themselvesVD. anyone解析:这里的人称代

10、词指的应是they,反身代词“他们自己”就应是选项Co即使这些人中也极少有人真正考虑捍卫他们自身的权益。A. themselvesB. othersC. mankindVD. a few解析:这篇文章把人分成三个群组。第一群组没有志向,为数最多;第二群组有志向,但关心的是自身的 改善,为数次之;第三组,关心整个人类,为数极少。只有极少数特别的人怀有对整个人类的真正的爱, 而不能容忍广大群体的罪恶与痛苦。A. despiteB. regardlessVC. becauseD. on account解析:regardless of, 不管,不顾一切; despite of ,尽管; because

11、 of, 由于;on account of, 因为。不 管这些是否与他们自身的生存有关。A. manyB. lotC. veryD. fewV解析:根据上下文可知,应为这些少数人。所以,选项D 是正确的。A. problemsB. themselvesC. excusesD. joyV解析:more full of less full of,前后应相反。后面已有evil 定性,所以选择 joy。这些饱受痛苦的人将寻找新的社会体系,从而使人类的生命更快乐,进而减少可防止的罪恶。A. thanVB. whichC. althoughD. when解析:lessthan使罪恶比现在少。A. whoB

12、. whichVC. whereD. whom解析:然而过去,这些人没有注意到那些不公正的牺牲品。which 代表“不公正”这件事。这正是他们希望纠正的。Gallaudet University currently does not allow students to keep pets in their dorm rooms. Exceptions are made only for(1) animals such as guide dogs and hearing (2) But other kinds of pets can be(3) to students too. Pets sho

13、uld be (4) to live in the dorms because they can help students reduce stress and learnresponsibility.College life is very demanding. Pets could help students relieve (5) in many ways. For example, playing with pets couldgive students a study (6) . Walking a dog or playing with a cat would allow the

14、students to relax their body and mind.Whenthe students return to their studying, they would feel (7) and ready to work again. Pets could also (8) social stressor homesickness. A dog or cat could provide companionship and affection when students have problems (9) theirfriends_or miss home. Sometimes

15、it is easier to talk to a pet than to a person. Talking about problems helps students figure out(10).Caring for pets could help students learn (11) in several ways. For example, pets need to be fed and watered on aregular schedule. Some pets also need to be taken out while others need their litter b

16、ox or cage Cleaned. Studentswould learn to schedule time for these chores (12) their_classes and activities. New students are often used to having their parents do things for them at home. Therefore,caring for a pet is something students would have to do (13) at school. They would learn how to solve

17、 problems on theirown and how to follow through with theircommitments.In conclusion, living with pets would offer many (14) to Gallaudet Universitys students. I believe that Galladudet should(15). changing its policies to allowstudents to keep pets in their dormrooms.(分数:15.00 )A. wildB. serviceVC.

18、domesticatedD.tame 解析:这篇文章主要是对学校指定的、在校内不准养宠物的条例的反驳。根据后面的举例可以确定,这里 说的动物是指为残疾人服务的动物,如导盲犬等。domesticated, 驯化的;tame,驯服的。A. aidsB. testsC. peopleD. dogsV解析: aids ,帮助; tests ,测试。文章的第一句话已经定位:宠物问题。前半句也提到导盲犬。这里肯定 只能是动物,为失聪人服务的狗。A. harmfulB. boringC. beneficialVD. exciting解析: harmful ,易带来伤害的; boring ,无聊; benef

19、icial ,易获益的; exciting ,令人激动的。作者对 校方制定的“宿舍内禁养宠物”的规定提出反对意见。作者认为,除了为残疾人服务的动物会给人带来益 处外,其他的宠物也能达到这个效果。A. allowedVB. forbiddenC. fedD. taken解析:allowed,允许;forbidden ,禁止;fed,喂养:taken,带走。作者认为,在宿舍内应允许养宠物。 下面的段落作者说明了学生养宠物的几个好处。A. stressVB. headachesC. funD. tuition解析:demanding,需求。这句话的意思是学校对学生的要求很高,意味着学生的压力很大。宠

20、物可以减轻 学生在诸多方面承受的压力。A. restB. placeC. breakVD. time解析: have a rest 或 take a rest ,休息。 coffee break 或 tea break ,工作时间的中间休息。 study break , 学习的间歇。跟宠物玩耍实际上是学习间的休息。A. distractedB. refreshedVC. tiredD. stressed解析: distracted ,分心; refreshed ,精神振作; stressed ,有压力的。当学生再返回学习时会感到精神 重新振作起来。A. increaseB. raiseC. p

21、ut offD. relieveV解析: increase ,提高,增加; raise ,提高,升起; put off ,推迟; relieve ,减轻,解除。宠物还可以 缓解学生的社会压力和想家的情绪。A. withVB. behindC. withoutD. through解析:with,与。当学生与朋友有了矛盾时,宠物还可用来做伴相陪。A. vacationsB. collegeC. mathD. solutionsV解析:figure out ,找出,弄明白,计算。根据上下文肯定不会是做数学题,而是找出解决问题的方法或 弄清楚问题是什么。solutions,解决问题。与宠物的聊天也可以

22、帮助学生解决问题。这个段落说明养宠物可使学生的在校生活变得轻松。A. responsibilityVB. carelessnessC. FrenchD. irresponsibility解析:responsibility ,责任; carelessness .粗心; French,法语;irresponsibility ,不负责任;ir- 前缀表示否定。养宠物还可使学生学会如何承担责任。A. amongB. betweenVC. forD. ahead解析:among,在. 之中(三者或以上); between A and B ,A 与 B 之间。养宠物可使学生学会如何安排时间,例如学习与活动

23、之间的时间安排。A. togetherB. quicklyC. independentlyVD. carefully解析:上一句说在家里,这一句说在学校,二者在学生的行为上应是相反的。所以应当选择与“依靠别人”相对的“独立”。养宠物的很多事情在家里是由父母做的,但到了学校就得由学生自己独立地去做。A. problemsB. creditsC. computersD. benefitsV解析:上面说了诸多养宠物的好处,这里是一个总结性的词,即“益处”。总之,养宠物会有很多的益处。A. believeB. allowC. considerVD. argue解析:believe,相信;allow,允

24、许;consider,考虑;argue,争辩。学校应当考虑改变政策,允许学生 在宿舍内养宠物。I am an American. Perhaps that (1 mea little biased, but I believe that the American presidency is the most (2) . job inthe world. Its a job that goes up for grabs (3) four years. The candidate who wins in November of 2000 will take officethe following

25、January and be the (4) new U.S. president of the twenty-first century.The election campaign is a (5) one. Some say it begins right after the election and goes on forthe next (6) years. Thats probably an exaggeration, but it does last a long time. Those who have their eyes on the jobhave to start (7)

26、 support and building campaign organizations early.Some believe that the campaign for president should be (8) . I disagree. A long campaign is an endurance contest. Itgives the (9) a chance to show their strengths and (10) them to betray their weaknesses. The extended scrutiny makesit much less like

27、ly that the (11) will accidentally choose an unqualified candidate to be their leader.(12) , I enjoy the contest. Its a marathon that produces a (13) who may have a profound effect (14) all our lives. You canhave your playoffs and your championships; the debates, primaries, conventions, and November

28、 (15) are the sportingevents that really matter!(分数:15.00 )A. forcesB. getsC. makesVD. brings解析:我是美国人。这使我带有一些偏见。make,使得。A. importantVB. worthyC. interestingD. unbelievable解析:worthy,值得的;interesting ,有趣的;unbelievable ,难以置信的。但我仍相信,美国总统的选 举是世界上最重要的工作。文章的后面部分提及,美国总统的选举每一届都很早就开始,并且持续的时间 很长,对人们的生活影响很大。由此推断,这一项工作是非常重要的。A. nextB. everyVC. followingD. before解析:every,每。每四年举行一次总统选举。A. youngB. lastC. oldD. firstV解析:如果哪一个候选人赢得2000 年 11 月的大选,他将在来年的 1 月成为 21 世纪的美国第一位新总统2000 年是一个提示。A. shortBongVC. traditionalD. new解析:but it does last


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