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1、PEP小学英语四年级下册总复习资料一、要求能在四线格里准确听写的单词(四会单词:听、说、认读、写)1. er / ?/(在末尾:小饥饿音)water水tiger老虎sister姐妹computer电脑dinner晚餐 ?(大饥饿音)girl女孩bird小鸟urur/?7(大饥饿音)nurse护士hambur ger汉堡包3. ar /a/ (牙医音)arm胳膊car小汽车card卡片 farmerfarmer 农民alal/?(恍然大悟音)ball球tall高的wall墙4.or / ?(恍然大悟音)horse马fork叉子w+or/?(大饥饿音)homework作业world ma

2、p世界地图uncle叔叔一匸Ml一onthe tai!一wdUra m赵with airj7it5her homework.I Like horses.(2hen Jie/ULSagreen apple ,ZDIZLIisUndeknitable .first floorsec ond floorteachersofficelibrary一楼二楼教师办公室图书馆computer roommusic roomart room操场计算机房音乐教室美术教室Unit 2 What time is it?breakfastlunchdinnerEn glish classmusic class早餐午餐晚

3、餐英语课音乐课go to schoolgo homego to bed体育课起床去上学回家上床睡觉Unit 3 Weather.coldcoolwarmhot寒冷的凉爽的温暖的热的sunny windycloudy snowyrai ny二、要求能听说认读的单词(三会单词:听、说、认读)Unit 1 My school. playgroundPE class get up(LnursedherJiQTnbtiqerlikesto悶baJlj5. le /l/(变异小饥饿音)apple苹果people人table桌子litt le小的三、要求能理解会背的对话(注意粗体部分的问答)C: No, i

4、t isnt. The teachers office is next to the library.(不,不是。教师办公室在图书馆旁边。)s my homework.(你好,怀特老师!这是我的作业。)谢谢你,迈克。)再见,怀特老师。)-2、A: Welcome to our school! This is my classroom. (欢迎来到我们的学校!这是我的教室。)B: Its so big! How many are there in your class的问和答;(它好大呀!你们班有多少个学生?)A: Forty-five students. (45个学生。)B:Is thatth

5、ecomputertomatopotatogree n bea nscarro西红柿十豆豆角胡萝卜horsecowsheephen马奶牛绵羊母鸡Unit 5 My clothes.clothespantshatdress衣服裤子帽子连衣裙skirtcoat sweatersocks女裙外衣毛衣短袜shortsjacketshirt短裤夹克衫衬衫Unit 6 Shopp in g.glovesscarf umbrellasungjlasse手套围巾雨伞太阳镜prettyexpe nsivecheapn ice美观的昂贵的便宜的好的多雨的阳光的多风的 多云的下雪的Unit 4 At the far

6、m.特殊的变复数:tomato-tomatoesPotato - potatoesSheep-sheepScarf-scarves西红柿土豆绵羊围巾Pan ts,shorts,socks,gloves,s unglasses时候直接用复数,女口:Those are your socks.这是我的袜子。用的Unit 1 My school.1、A: Excuse me. Where s the teachers(打扰了,教师办公室在哪?B: Its on the second floor.A: OK. Tha nks.(好的,谢谢A: Hi. Is this the teacher(你好,这是教

7、师办公室吗?(它在二喽示)s office?)1Where 对地点提问。2表示在几楼上,要用介词 on,如:officethe?firstfloor.在一楼。The first 表示第一的,序数词在使用时前面一定要加the,表,物的排列顺序。3当用 Is用肯定回答是:Yes,是:Nothis? Is that?提问时,一般it is .否定it isnt.A: Hi, Miss White! HereD: Tha nk you, Mike.(A: Bye, Miss White.(4Welcome to + 地点(欢迎来 到某处)o5How many 对数量提问。6含有助动词的一般疑问句;do

8、es 用于单三形 式,其它人称用 doo(那是计算机房吗?)不,不是。它是教师办公室。)No, it isnt. Its the teachers office.( Do you have alibrary? (你的学校有图书馆吗?)Yes, we do. Its on thesecond floor. This way, please.是的,有。它在二楼。请这边走。)room?A:B:A:(Unit 2 What time is it?1、A: Hi! School is over. Let(你好!放学了。让我们一起去操场吧。B: OK.(好的。)A: What time is it now

9、?(s go to the playground.B: Its 5 oclock.(五点整了C:Time to go home, kids.(该回家了,孩子们。)A: What time is it?(几点了?)现在几点了?)1Its time to + It s time togo home.2It s time for+ 名词 s timefor home.该是的时候了。3What time 对钟点提问。What time is it ? = What动词原形Its the time?2、A: Oh, Its 6:30. Its time to get up.B: Breakfast is

10、 ready.(早餐准备好了。)A: Hurry up! Its time to go to school.(B: OK.(好的。)C: What time is it?(几点了?)Unit 4 At the farm.B: Its 6 oclock. ItA: Oh! Lets go!(哦,s time for dinner.我们走吧!)(六点了,该吃晚饭了。)D: It A: IUnit 3 Weather.s 8 oclock. Its time for English class.( mready.(我准备好了。)八点了。该上英语课了。)1、A: Mum, what time is i

11、t?(妈妈,B: Its 11:00.(十一点了。)A: Can I gooutside now?(我现在可以出去吗?)B: No, you cant. It一般疑问句 Can you?的 回答形式有两种,肯定回答ca n.否定回I can t.疑 问 句 的回答形式 也有两种, 肯定回答是:Yes,you can. 否定回答是:Noyou cant.迈克,吃午餐吧。)好的,我可以喝些汤吗?)几点了是:)Yes, I答是:No, 一般Can I ?s cold outside.(不,不行。外面冷。)B: Have some lun ch, Mike.( A: OK.Can I have som

12、e soup?( B: Yes, youcan.(是的,可以。)B: Be careful! Its very hot.(小心,很烫的。2、A: Hi, Chen Jie! This is.(你好,陈洁!这是马.克。haf)B: Hi, Mark!What s the weather like in New York?er(你好,马克!纽约天气怎么样?)A: Its rainy. How about Beijing?Is it cold?(是下雨天。北京呢?天冷吗?)B: No, it isnt. ItA: 26 degrees! ThatB: Huh? No, its当问某个地方的天气如何时

13、,sthe一 like in 名?如:Whatsweather like要用weath+地theinBeijin g? 北京的天气s 26 degrees.(不,不冷。是26度。)s cold! (26度!那太冷了!)not. Its warm!(哈? 不,不是的。是暖和的。)(哦,六点半了,该起1、A: OK. Its four oclock!1、ABAABABALook at these!Are these carrots? (看这些!这些是胡萝卜吗?)Yes, they are. (是的。)Wow! Theyre so big!(哇,它们好大呀!What are these?(这些是什么

14、?)Theyre tomatoes.(它们是西红柿。)But theyre yellow!(但是它们是黄色的!this these; that those)含有 be 动词的一般疑问句; 名 词的单复数以及单复数句子要 会转换。1Try some! Theyre good.(尝一下!它们很好吃。)Tha nks. Yum.(谢谢,很好吃。)2、A: Wow! You have a lot of animals!What are those?(哇!你有好多动物啊!那些是什么?)B:Theyre horses.(它们是马。)A: Cool! How many horses do you have?

15、(真酷!你有多少匹马?)B: MmmSeventeen.(嗯17匹。)A: What about those?Are they hen s?(那些呢?它们是母鸡吗?)B:No, they arent. Theyre ducks.(不,不是。它们是鸭子。)Unit 5 My clothes.特殊 疑 问句: What are these? What are those ? What are they?在回答时,都要用They are What is this ? What is that? What is it ? 在回答时都要用 Itsa(an )一般疑问句:Are these?Are tho

16、se ?Are they?的回答形式也都是一样的,肯定回答:Yes, they are.否定回答:No,theyaren t.一般疑问句:Is this a(a n) ?Is thata(an )?Is ita(an)?的回答形式也都是一样的,肯定回答:Yes, it is.否定回答:2Its time to go home!(好的,四点了。该回家了!)A: Amy, are these yours? (艾米,这是你的吗?)B: No, they aren t. My shoes are green.Theyre Chen Jies.(不,不是。我的鞋子是绿色的。它们是陈洁的。)A: What

17、 about this hat?Is this Johns?(这顶帽子呢?这是约翰的吗?)B: No, it isnt. Its Mikes.(不是,它是迈克的。)2、A: Sarah, can you help me, please?(萨拉,你能帮帮我吗?)B: OK.(好的)C: Whose coat is this?(这是谁的外套?)A: Its mine.(它是我的。)Who 和 Whose 的区别:1) Who 谁。用来问人是谁。如:Who isthatgirl?那个女孩是谁?She ismy sister.她是我的姐姐。2) Whose谁的。用来询问物品是谁的。 在回答 Whose

18、 引领的问题时,如果B: Yes. These shoes are nice.Can I try them on? Size 6, please.(是的。这双鞋不错。我能试试吗?请给我拿6号的。)A: Of course. Here you are.(当然可以,给你C: Joh n, are they OK? (约翰,它们合适吗?)B: No. Theyre too small. (不,它们太小了。C: Hmm. OK. Lets try size 7.(嗯,好的。让我们是7号的。)B: Theyre just right.(它们刚好。)C: Good!(好的!)2、A: Sarah, how

19、 do you like this skirt?(萨拉,你觉得这条短裙怎么样?)B: Its very pretty.(它很漂亮。C: Can I help you?(我能为你做点什么吗?)A: Yes. How much is this skirt?(是的。这条短裙多少钱?)C: Its $89.(89美元。)A: Oh, thats expensive!我喜欢它,Can I help you ?)是一般购物时,售货员 的礼貌用语。 回答:Yes,please./ No,thanks.-How much 与 How many 的区别:探 How much 意思是多少钱?用来问物品的价格。在回

20、答时一般要有表示价钱的单位。如:问一件物品的价钱时用How much is ?How much is jacket? It sforty-five 问多件物品的价钱时用How?How much are theseThey are nin ety-nine yua n.thisyua n.much arebooks?探 How many 意思是多少。用来询问物品的数量有多少,后面跟名词的复数形式,回答时一般数字后面没有单位。如:How many cows do you have? I have 12.妈妈s too expensive.(对不起,萨拉,它太贵了。)四、要求能听懂会做的动作 (复习

21、时一定要将书本上的 图片也记忆一下)答案有人名,要在人名的后面 加s, 其中的s表示“某人的”如:Whose shirt is this?这是谁的 衬衣?一 ItsMikes. 它是 mike 的。2C: And those? Whose pants are those?(那些呢?那条裤子是谁的?)A:They are your fathers.(它们是你爸爸的。B: Oh, no! Sam!(哦,不!山姆!)Unit 6 Shopp ing.1、A: Can I help you? (我能为你做点什么吗?)&0 toP lcry -f-cici i i.五、语法精解:(问地点位置)图

22、书馆在哪里?它在一楼/二楼2. How many stude nts are there in your class?(问数量)你班里有多少个学牛?453.Is this/that a teachers desk?t.(单数:一般疑问句)这/那是讲台吗?是的,它是。/不,它不是4. Whattime is it now?(问时间)现在几点钟了?Its nine oclock.现在九点了。5.Itstime for En glish class.该是英语课的时候了。 (for +名词)6. Itstime to_go to school.该是去上学的时候了。(to +动词)7. This is

23、my computer.(近处)这是我的电脑。That is your computer.(远处)那是你的电脑。(问地点位置)我的裙子在哪里?Its on the floor.1. Where is the library? Its on the first/second floor.Forty-five.个。Yes, it is./No, it isn8. Where is my skirt?3.ItS time for breakfast.Let ? drimk ?cme mi Ik.ITB5rime for dihner L*t5 ftcrtSOITVRrice.ITs tune for

24、 PE class.Lets jiimp and runItb time for tunchLet s have some chickenIt sfor* Erigiih巧诂用备LetiS reed and writeItBs time far music classLets sing and -dance.New York?15. Are they / these those horses?(复数)- Yes, they are ./No, they arent.是的,它们是。/ 不,它们不是。16. What are they / these / those?are don keys.17. Howmany cows do you have?(复数)你有几只奶牛?在地板上。9. What colour is it?(问颜色)它是什么颜色的?Its white.它是白色的。10. Whose is this?Its Amys.Whoshe?Shes Amy.这是谁的?这是艾米的(回答“东西是谁的”)她是谁?她是艾米。(回答“是谁”)11. IsthisYes,it is./No, it isnt.(一般疑T恤衫吗?是,它是/不,它不是。12. Whaf s the weat


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