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1、仪表、自控专业词汇1一、自控专业用词汇 Terms per process control2 :二、温度测量仪表 Temperature measuring instrument3三、压力测量仪表 Pressure measuri ng in strume nt4四、流量、液位测量仪表 Flow & level measuri ng in strume nts5五、显示仪表 Displaying instruments6六、分析仪表An alyzers7七、气动单元组合仪表 In strume nts of the pn eumatic aggregate8八、执行器Actuator9

2、九、其他Other10十、仪表检验设备 Calibrating devices for instruments11 :十一、阀门 Valves12十-二、图名 Titles of drawings13十匸、电气设备材料 Electrical apparatus & materials14十四、自控设备表 (表一)List of equipment for process control (1)15流量 Flow物位 Level液位 Liquid level温度 Temperature16:压力 Pressure分析 Analysis指示 Indicating记录 Recording17

3、传递 Tran smitt ing控制 Con trolli ng调节 Regulat ing18 I信号 Sign ali ng联锁 In terlock ing积算 In tegrat ing19遥控 Remote con troll ing信号报警 Alarmi ng声光信号 Acoustic and light sig nals20 J多点记录 Multipo int recordi ng多点指示 Multipo int in dicat ing21集中检测 Controlized measurement人工操作 Manual operation22测量范围 Measuri ng ra

4、n ge分度号 Graduation输入 In put23输出 Output刻度 Scale等分刻度 Equally divided scale24等百分比Equal percent精度(指仪表)Precision精度(指测量)Accuracy25:流量特性 Flow character(istic)线性(调节阀)Lin ear26对数(调节阀)Logarithmic方根(指记录仪)Square root力矩(指执行器)Moment27:公称力矩(指执行器)Nominal moment行程(指执行器)Stroke28常温 Ambient temperature常压 Atm. Pressure2

5、9微分 Derivative积分 In tegral上限值 Upper limit下限值 Lower limit30取压点 Pressure tapping point检测点 Measured point取样点 Sampling point31正环室(指孔板)Plus carrier-ring负环室(指孔板)Minus carrier-ring32均压环(指孑 L板)Pressure-equaliz ing ring伴热管线 Traci ng pipe33脉冲(导压)管线 Impulse pipe负迁移 Negative suppression34:正迁移Positive suppressio

6、n保护管(指热电阻,热电偶)Sheath35测温(保护)套(指设备带的)Thermowell插入深度Insertion length36;(浸入深度)(Immersio n len gth)仪表盘开孔 Pan el-board cut-out37一次仪表 Primary instrument二次仪表 Secondary instrument38现场(就地)安装 Field (local) mounting39盘装 Panel mounting架装 Rack mounting柱上安装 Pole mounting40侧面安装 Side mounting盘面安装 Surface mounting壁装

7、 Wall mounting41滞后Lag易接近性 Accessibility可见性 Visibility42(安装)位置(Mou nting) locati on间隙 Cleara nee接管 Pipi ng43接线 Wiring注字(指铭牌)Inscription44二、温度测量仪表 Temperature measuring instrument45工业双金属温度计 In dustrial bimetallic thermometer46玻璃水银温度计 Mercury-in-glass thermometer47电接点压力温度计 Mano metric thermometer with

8、electric con tacts48光学温度计 Optical pyrometer49表面热电偶 Surface thermocouple50镍铬-镍硅热电偶 Chromel-silicel thermocouple51镍铬-镍铝热电偶 Chromel-alumel thermocouple52铂铑-铂热电偶 Plat inum-rhodium plat inum thermocouple53固疋螺纹(普通式)镍铬-镍铝热电偶 Chromel-alumel thermocouple with fixed threaded bushing54固定螺纹(防溅式)镍铬-镍铝热电偶 Splash-

9、proof chromel-alumel thermocouple with fixed threaded55bush双支热电偶 Twin thermocouple铠装热电偶 Armored thermocouple56铂热电阻 Plati num resista nee thermometer57表面热电阻 Surface resista nee thermometer58可动法二普通式铂热电阻 Plat inum resista nee thermometer with movable flange59 :温包 Thermal bulb60三、压力测量仪表 Pressure measuri

10、 ng in strume nt61弹簧管压力表 Burd on-tube mano meter62氨用压力表 Ammonia manometer63氨用电接点压力表 Ammo nia mano meter with electric con tacts64隔膜压力表 Diaphragm sealed manometer65法二膜片隔离式压力表 Fla nged diaphragm sealed mano meter66:标准压力表 Standard pressure gauge67电接点弹簧压力表 Bourdon-tube mano meter with electric con tacts

11、68:氨用真空表 Ammonia vacuum-gauge69膜片真空表 Membrane vacuum-gauge70风压表 Output air pressure gauge71膜盒式微压计 Capsule-type microma no meter72双波纹管差压计 Differential pressure gauge with double bellows73活塞式压力计 Piston type pressure gauge74补偿微压计 Compe nsati ng microma no meter75带冷凝管压力表 Manometer with condensing tube76

12、四、流量、液位测量仪表 Flow & level measuri ng in strume nts77 1椭圆齿轮流量计Ovalgear flowmeter78湿式气体流量计 Wet type gas flowmeter79 1气远传转子流量计 Pn eumatic remote tran smitt ing rotameter80靶式流量计Target flowmeter81 J玻璃转子流量计 Glass type rotameter82玻璃管液面计 Glass-tube level gauge83浮标式遥控测液位计 Remote measuri ng float level met

13、er84环室标准孑L板 Standard orifice with carrier-rings85标准孔板 Standard orifice86 1带柄平孔板 Plate orifice with handle87组合式高压孔板 Assemble type HP orifice88;环室 1/4 圆喷嘴 Quadra nt no zzle with carrier-ri ngs89蜗轮流量变送器 Turbine flow transmitter90频率转换积算器 Frequency transducer with integrator91三阀体 Three-valve manifold92三通

14、电磁阀 Three-way solenoid valve93小口径旋翼式冷水水表 Rotati ng vane type cold water-meter94TYQ-2型外浮筒液面调节器 Type TYQ-2 external cage displacer level controller95QBF型单插入式法二差压变送器 Type QBF3 si ngle in sertion flan ged differe ntial pressure96trans带平面(或槽面,凹面)密圭寸面的节流装置 Throttling device with flat (or grooved, female)

15、sealing97 1surfa法兰上钻孔取压的节流装置Throttl ing device with drilled holes on flan ge98带槽面(或凹面)环至取压的节流装置 Throttling device grooved (or female) carrier-ring99圆形均压环取压的孑 L板 Orifice plate with circular pressure-equaliz ing rings100五、显示仪表 Displaying instruments101旋转刻度自动平衡指示仪Self-bala ncing in dicator with rotat i

16、ng scale102长图自动平衡记录仪 Strip-chart self-bala ncing recorder103条形自动平衡显示仪 Self-balancing strip indicator104动圈式温度指示调节仪 Moving coil type temperature in dicat ing con troller105小条型(自动平衡)指示仪 Small strip-type (self-balancing) indicator106指示压力调节器 Indicating pressure controller107六、分析仪表An alyzers108磁氧分析器 Param

17、agnetic oxygen analyzer109红外线气体分析器 Infrared type gas analyzer110热磁式氢气分析器 Thermal-conductivity hydrogen analyzer111磁饱和稳压器 Magnetic saturated voltage stabilizer112稳压器(气体用)Manostat113干燥器Drier114过滤器Filter115转子流量计Rotameter116标准气钢瓶 Standard gas cylinder117压力调节器 Pressure regulator118气水分离器Knock-out drum119放

18、大器Amplifier120七、气动单元组合仪表 In strume nts of the pn eumatic aggregate121一针一笔指示调节仪 Double-po int sin gle-pe n in dicati ng & record ing con troller122气动二针记录仪 Pneumatic double-pen recorder123气动一针记录仪 Pneumatic single-pen recorder124气动条形指示仪 Pneumatic strip-type indicator125气动色带指示仪 Pneumatic colour-stri

19、p indicator126气动温度变送器 Pneumatic temperature transmitter127气动压力变送器 Pneumatic pressure transmitter128气动绝对压力变送器 Pn eumatic absolute pressure tran smitter129气动法二式差压变送器 Pn eumatic flan ged differe ntial pressure tra nsmitter130气动差压变送器 Pneumatic differential pressure transmitter131气动液位调节变送器 Pn eumatic lev

20、el con troller tran smitter132气动双法二隔膜式差压变送器 Pn eumatic double-fla nge diaphragm separated type differe ntial133pres气动串级指示记录调节器 Pn eumatic cascade in dicati ng and recordi ng con troller134空气过滤减压阀 Air pressure regulator-filter135气动自锁阀 Pneumatic self-locking valve136大功率过滤器 Large capacity filter137气动阀门

21、定位器 Pneumatic valve positioner138气动遥控板 Pneumatic remote control station139气动旁路遥控板 Pneumatic by-pass remote control station140气动付线板 Pneumatic by-pass station141五孑L气插座 Five-hole pneumatic socket142气动加减器 Pneumatic adder-subtractor143气动继动器Pneumatic relay144电-气转换器 Electric-p neumatic tran sducer145气动定值器

22、Pneumatic loading station146气动积算器 Pneumatic intergrating counter147:比值变送器 Ratio transmitter148大功率减压阀 Large capacity pressure regulator149空气女全阀Air safety valve150气动差压变送器 Pneumatic differential pressure transmitter151变差 Variation152膜盒 Capsule153背压 Back pressure154膜片 Diaphragm155力平衡原理 Force-balanee pri

23、nciple156主杠杆Force-bar157拉条组件 Tension assembly158反馈波纹管Feedback bellows159正(负)压室 High (low) pressure chamber160静压误差Static error161反馈力矩 Feedback monent162静压轮 Static aligement163温度误差 Temperature error164牵移机构 Elevation and depression unit165隔离液 Sealing liquid166基准液面 Referenee level167牵移弹簧 depression spri

24、ng168抵消 Bala nee out169平衡状态 Bala nee con diti on170最大牵移范围 Maximum range of elevation epression171单门过载冲击 Over pressure impact from either direction172拉滚,凹陷,裂缝或腐蚀Soratched, cracks or erosion173咬合深度 Depth of jamming174姿式误差 Error position175拉紧力应更大些 Tighterto great torque176调压螺钉 Pressure adjusting screw1

25、77零点漂移Zero shoft178故障现象Troubles179恒节流孑L Fixed restrictor180波纹深度 Depth of undulars181回差大 Exceeded variation182输出缓慢 Output slugglish183负载谷积 Loading capacity184查漏清堵 Check for piping leaks & eliminate any clogs185输出振荡 Vibrating of output186行程误差 Progressive error187气动指示记录调节器 Pn eumatic in dicat ing a

26、nd recorder con troller188串级记录调节器 Cascade recording controller189记录纸速度Chart speed190笔记录式 Continuous pen writing191记录纸驱动机构 Chart drive mechanism192浮环 Floati ng disc193灵敏度 Limitation of sensitibity194平衡状态 In equilibrium195气(电)插座 Air (electric) connecting plug196阀芯 Valve core197报警指示器Alarm indicator198微

27、分阀 Derivative restrictor199比例加积分作用 Proportional plus reset action200积分阀 Reset restrictor201平面节流阀 flat throttling valve202反馈压力瞬间变化值 Immediate cha nge in feedback pressure203自衡单元 Automatic balancing unit204扇形板 Sector level205平动-自动的切换装置 Manual to automatic transfer206给定与测量机构 Set point unit and measurem

28、ent receive assembly207同步误差Synchro error208比例度 Proportional band209等速法 Uniform velocity method210阶跃法 Step change method211八、执行器Actuator212气动薄膜调节阀 Pneumatic diaphragm control valve213流量特性:直线 Flow characteristic: Liner214对数 Logarithmic215信号压力 Signal pressure216公称力矩 Nominal moment217带手轮散热片阀门定位器 With ha

29、nd wheel , radiator & valve218气闭 Air to close219气开 Air to open220快开式 Quick-open type221高压气动薄膜执行机构 High pressure pn eumatic diaphragm actuat ing mecha nism222气动活塞切断阀 Pn eumatic pist on cut-off valve223带手轮散热片 With hand wheel , radiator224气动长行程执行机构 Pn eumatic Ion g-stroke actuat ing mecha nism225九、

30、其他Other226隔离器 Sealing pot227调压器 Pressure regulator228框架式仪表盘 Frame type in strume nt pan el-board with sides bend back229半模拟仪表盘 Semi-graphic instrument (panel-board)230空白半模拟仪表盘 Bla nk semi-graphic in strume nt pan el-board231左侧门 Left side door232右侧门 Right side door233直形橱式操纵台 Con sole with wardrobe234

31、仪表箱 In strume nt box235保温箱 Heat insulated box236仪表保护箱 Instrument protecting box237铭牌框Nameplate238光字排 Illu min ated n ameplate239右开门左圭寸闭柜式仪表盘 Case type in strume nt pan el-board with door at right side & left side240en。十、仪表检验设备 Calibrating devices for instruments241低电位直流电位差计 Low-pote ntial D.C. p

32、ote ntiometer242直流复射式检流计 D.C. reflecti ng galva nometer243便携式饱和标准电池 Portable sturated sta ndard cell244咼温管式电阻炉 High temperature electric resista nee tubular fur nace245单双臂两用直流 Single-arm & double-arm (double-purpose) D.C. bridge246携带式直流单臂电桥 Portable sin gle-arm D.C. bridge247携带式直流电位差计 Portable D

33、.C. pte ntiometer248晶体管稳压电源 Transistorized voltage stabilizer249恒流可调信号源 Constant current adjustable signal source250超级恒温水浴 Super-grade thermostat with water bath251超级恒温油浴 Super-grade thermostat with oil bath252万用表Avometer253标准电热偶 Standard thermocouple254标准铂电阻温度计 Standard platinum resistantance therm

34、ometer255兆欧表Megameter256直流毫女表 D.C. milliammeter257晶体管参数测试仪 Transistor parameter tester258标准水银温度计 Standard mercury thermometer259台式手绕线机 Bench type hand winding machine260十进位电阻箱 Decad type resista nee box261旋转式直流电阻箱 Rotary D.C. resista nee box262微调电阻箱 Fi ne turni ng resista nee box263直流标准电阻 D.C. sta n

35、dard resista nee264晶体管毫伏表 Transistorized millivoltmeter265电子交流稳压器 Electronic A.C. voltage stabilizer266超低频信号发生器 Ultra low freque ncy sig nal gen erator267真空表校验表 Calibrator for vacuum gauges268标准压力表 Calibrator for pressure gauges269秒表 Stop watch270电热干燥器强制空气循环Electric dry ing ove n , force-air circula

36、ti on271氮气钢瓶 Nitrogen cylinder272手电钻 Ha nd electric drill273冷藏瓶 Vacuum flask274电吹风 Electric blower275手摇试压泵 Wobble pump for pressure testing276旋片式真空泵 Ratary vane type vacuum pump277标准准真空表 Standard vacuum gauge278氧气压力表 Oxyge n pressure gauge279步话机 Walkie-talkie280氧气压力表校验仪 Calibrator for oxygen pressur

37、e gauge281气动仪表校验台 Testing stand for pneumatic instruments282示波器 Oscillograph283自耦变压器 Auto-transformer284十、阀门Valves285卡套式球阀 Globe valve with sealing bushing286仪表截止阀 Instrument block valve287接表式仪表截止阀 Direct adapt ing in strume nt block valve288节流式仪表截止阀 Throttli ng type in strume nt block valve289内螺纹截止

38、阀 Internal threaded block valve290气源球阀 Ball valve for air supply291二通阀 Two-way valve292切换阀 Switch-over valve293直形外螺纹截止阀 Straight external threaded block valve294角形外螺纹截止阀 Angle external threaded block valve295压套式仪表截止阀 In strume nt block valve with pressed coupli ng296气动蝶阀 Pneumatic butterfly valve297

39、热动式疏水器 Thermo-operated steam trap298十二、图名 Titles of drawings299仪表盘正面布置图 In strume nt pan el-board layout300仪表盘盘后布置图 Arran geme nt on the back of in strume nt pan el-board301仪表盘盘后接线图 Wiring diagram on the back of in strume nt pan el-board302仪表盘盘后接管图 Pipi ng diagram on the back of in strume nt pan el-

40、board303仪表盘盘内接线图 In strume nt pan el-board in side wiri ng diagram304电缆,管缆平面敷设图 Plan for running cable & cabled tubings305由一至一管线平面敷设图Plan of instrument piping & conduit running from- to -306电缆电线外部连接系统图 Scheme of exter nal cable & wire conn ectio ns307气动管线外部连接系统图 Scheme of exter nal pn eu

41、matic pipi ng connections308供电原理图 Scheme of power supply309仪表供气空视图 Ismetric view of in strume nt air supply310半模拟盘上信号灯原理接线图Wiring scheme of sig nal lamps moun ted on the semi-graphic pan el-311boar仪表保温伴热图 In strume nt traci ng & in strume nt flow diagram312压力引线夹套保温示意图Heat in sulati on diagram fo

42、r jacked pressure impulse pipe313压力, 流量引线保温伴热示意图 Heat insulation diagram for pressure &flow impulse pipes with314traci 运转设备信号原理图 Sig nalization scheme for equipme nt ru nning315十三、电气设备材料 Electrical apparatus & materials316端子箱 Terminal box317普通型接线端子Ordinary terminal318开关接线端子 Terminal with swi

43、tch319熔断器接线端子 Terminal with fuse320标记型接线端子Marking terminal321可调电阻接线端子 Termi nal with adjustable resista nee322电气带盖三通 Three-way conduit fitting with cover323电气带盖二通 Two-way conduit fitting with cover32414 线插头座 14-wire socket32514-针插头 14-pin plug32614-孔插座 14-hole socket327电流开关 Current switch328装置式自动开关 Cluster automatic switch329油浸式多点切换开关 Oil-immersed multi-po int switch330油浸琴键开关 Oil-immersed key switch331气动电开关 Air operated electrical switch332换步开关 Step transfer switch333小型通用继电器 Small ordinary relay334单相插座 Single-ph


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