



1、格蘭英語贏向三十、格蘭之友徵文比賽Gram English Center “Mighty at Thirty” English Writing Contest for Grams Alumni and Students 一、 活動主旨 Objectives:格蘭英語陪伴了無數的英語學習者走過了20多個年頭,現在,格蘭即將歡度30歲生日!值此時刻,期待格蘭的各界好友們,用文字與我們一同分享您成功的經驗與喜悅。For more than 20 years, Gram English has helped thousands of English learners conquer English.

2、As Grams 30th Anniversary approaches, were inviting all of Grams alumni to share their own stories of success, by entering our “Mighty at Thirty” Writing Contest. 二、 主辦單位 Organizer:格蘭事業股份有限公司 Gram English Center三、 協辦單位 Supporters:派普爾顧問有限公司、偉格圖書有限公司、蘇格蘭顧問有限公司四、 比賽說明 Rules for the contest:1、 文稿主題 Them

3、es:(1) 我在格蘭學習英語之成功經驗 My successful English-learning experience at Gram(2) 我的工作成就 My professional accomplishments (3) 我最特別的人生經驗 My most unforgettable life experience 2、 創作之作品需符合以下規範 The writing samples should be drafted in the following format:(1)文字及格式 Language and font:全文採英文撰寫,並加註中文翻譯,文件格式以Microsoft

4、 Word為準。Submissions must by typed in standard 12-point Times New Roman font, using microsoft word or an exact format equivalent. (2)尺寸Size:A4文件 A4-size paper. (3)字數 Word count:500字以上2000字以內 Minimum: 500 words. Maximum: 2000 words五、 評審方式 Grading:英語正確度40%, 40% in language correctness、切題性30%, 30% in to

5、pic relevance、內容完整度30%, 30% in overall writing style六、 參加資格 Who should join:曾經或現正就讀於格蘭英語之學員均可報名參加 Former or current Gram students七、 收件截止日 Deadline:98年10月31日下午五點前,將作品及報名表寄至sam.tw 活動組-盧先生收 Please submit both your writing sample and the registration form to Mr. Lu (sam.tw) before 5 p.m. on October 31st

6、 .八、 獎項Prizes:第一名:一名新台幣伍仟元整及獎狀乙只 First place (1 candidate): Cash reward (NT$ 5000) with one winners certificate 第二名:一名英語學習禮券參仟元整及獎狀乙只 Second place (1 candidate): Grams learning voucher (NT$ 3000) with one winners certificate 第三名:一名英語學習禮券貳仟元整及獎狀乙只 Third place (1 candidate): Grams learning voucher (NT

7、$ 2000) with one winners certificate 佳 作:十名,各得英語學習禮券壹仟元整及獎狀乙只 Good writing award (10 candidates): Grams learning voucher (NT$ 1000) with one winners certificate 九、 活動官網 Grams official website:.tw十、 注意事項 Note:1、 參賽作品應為本人之創作,凡有抄襲或侵害他人著作權之情事,除取消得獎資格、追回獎項外,一切法律責任由參賽者自行負責。All writing samples should be th

8、e original creation by the author. The awarded candidacy will be revoked if any contestant is found to have committed plagiarism. The contestant is also liable for any legal responsibility incurred. 2、 得獎作品,其著作財產權歸格蘭英語所有,主辦單位擁有授權廠商生產之權利;若入圍得獎者私下將設計作品之權利讓與第三者,主辦單位得隨時暫停或取消參加競賽及展覽之權利,並追回已頒發之獎金與獎狀。The c

9、opyright to all the winning submissions belongs solely to Gram English, which retains the lawful right to reprint the submissions in any form. In the event that a winning candidate disputes Grams copyright, the candidates award will be subject to revocation and any allotted prize monies must be retu

10、rned to Gram. 3、 參與本活動者請真實且正確地填寫、提出資料,如有資料不實、資料不完整、資料不正確及所留資料無法聯絡得獎者之情事,將被取消得獎資格。且如有致生損害於格蘭英語或其他任何第三人時,應負一切民刑事責任,格蘭英語對於任何不實或不正確之資料不負任何法律責任。All contestants participating in this contest should provide accurate information when registering. The awarded candidacy will be revoked if:- the personal detai

11、ls provided are inaccurate- the contact information provided is incorrect- the content of the writing sample defames Gram or any particular person in any way. The contestant is also liable for any legal responsibility incurred. Gram will not be held liable for any incorrect or untrue information pro

12、vided by third parties.4、 格蘭英語有權保留對活動網站、活動規則、獎項、抽獎時間及得獎公佈等的修改權利,修改後將於活動網頁中更新,恕不另行通知,不遵守活動規定者將不具參賽資格。Gram English reserves the right to revise the rules, prizes and scheduling related to the writing contest without further notice. The contestants will lose eligibility to participate if the revised rules are not followed. 5、 其他未盡事宜,得依中華民國相關法令辦理。The ROC regulations shall be followed for all the other unmentioned details pertaining to the contest. 十二、活動報名表(附件)Registration form (See attach


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