



1、英语专业(国际商务方向)培养方案Undergraduate Program of English (International Business-oriented)一、培养目标:Educational Objectives:本专业方向旨在培养具有扎实的英语知识和技能,使学生具有坚实而熟练的英语语言基本功,丰富广泛的英语语言、文学知识,较高的人文素养和一定的商务英语、对外贸易、市场营销和旅游等方面的专业知识,从而成为对外贸易、国际商务、实用商务口笔译等相关领域的复合型外语人才。本方向学生需要进行英语语言等各种技能的基本功训练,系统学习英语语言、商务英语基础知识,对英美等国家的政治、经济、历史、文

2、化等方面知识有较深刻的理解。掌握对外贸易、外贸英语函电、市场营销等方面的专业知识,培养较强的商务英语应用能力。This program aims to equip students with proficient English language skills, rich knowledge in English linguistics and literature, high humanistic accomplishments, general knowledge in business English, and practical experiences in foreign trade

3、. It is designed to prepare students for positions in foreign trade, international commerce, business interpretation and translation by strengthening their knowledge of business English, English correspondence, foreign trade, marketing, and tourism, deepening their understanding of English cultures,

4、 improving their English skills, and cultivating their ability of using English for business purposes. 二、培养要求:Learning Outcomes:本方向学生需要进行英语听、说、读、写、译各种语言技能基本功训练,系统学习英语语言、英美文学基础知识,广泛了解英语国家的社会、文化、历史等方面的知识,对英美等国家的政治、经济、历史、文化等方面知识有较深刻的理解。本方向培养复合型应用型人才, 毕业生能够熟练地运用英语和商务知识和技能,掌握商务英语、对外贸易等方面的专业知识,最终具备从事商务英语、

5、对外贸易等方面工作的能力。 毕业生在打好扎实的英语语言基本功和牢固掌握英语专业知识的前提下,具备获取知识的能力、独立思考的能力和创新的能力,有较好的思想道德素质、文化素质和心理素质。Students in this program will receive training in basic English skills including listening, speaking, reading, writing and interpreting, and learn courses aimed at either strengthening their knowledge of Engli

6、sh linguistics and literature or deepening their understanding of various aspects of English cultures including politics, economy, history, culture, and society. The program intends transform students into well-educated talents with multi-disciplinary background. Students who have completed program

7、learning are expected to be equipped with fluent skills in English, knowledge of business English and foreign trade, the ability of acquiring knowledge by themselves and that of thinking critically, independently, and creatively. They should be well trained ideologically, culturally and psychologica

8、lly. 三、主干课程: Main Courses:综合英语、 高级英语、视听、写作、口语、阅读、语言学导论、英美文学选读、 国际贸易实务、 市场营销、 商务交际英语、 国际商务谈判、外贸英语函电、商务英语阅读、商务英语口译、 商务英语翻译等。 Comprehensive English, Advanced English, Listening Comprehension, English Writing, Spoken English, English Reading, General Linguistics, Selected Readings of English Literature;

9、 Practice in Foreign Trade, Marketing, English for Business Communication,International Business Negotiation,English Correspondence for Foreign Trade, BEC, English Business Interpretation, Business Translation etc. 四、实践性教学环节: Internship and Practical Training: 包括军事教育训练、暑期社会实践、课程实践、课外讨论/报告、学年论文、毕业实习、

10、毕业论文等。Military Training,Social Practice in Summer,Courses Practice, Out-of-class Seminar/Report, Course Thesis,Graduation Fieldwork, Graduation Thesis 五、修业年限:四年Length of Schooling: Four Years六、授予学位:英语语言文学学士 Degree Conferred: Bachelors Degree of English Language and Literature七、辅修专业说明: Minor Program其

11、他专业学生选修“培养计划运行表中”打*的课程(共15门课,30个学分)后,可获得“英语专业翻译方向副修课证书”Students from other programs will be entitled the certificate of minor study in English (International Business-oriented) with the completion of the above courses marked with * (15 courses in all, 30 Crs.)八、课程体系关联图 VIII Links between Main Specia

12、lized Courses视听3视听4视听2视听1二外4二外3二外2写作4写作3写作2写作1阅读2阅读1高级英语3高级英语2高级英语1综合英语4综合英语3综合英语2综合英语1二外1商务英语口译口语4口语3口语2口语1商务英语阅读2英译汉2商务英语阅读1 市场营销外贸英语函电国际贸易实务Listening Comprehension (I) Listening Comprehension (II) Listening Comprehension (III0 Listening Comprehension (IV)Spoken English (I) Spoken English (II) Spo

13、ken English (III) Spoken English (IV) English Business Interpretation Comprehensive English (I) Comprehensive English (II) Comprehensive English (III) Comprehensive English (IV) Advanced English (I)Advanced English (II) Advanced English (III)English Reading I) English Reading (II) Business English Reading (I) Business English Reading (II) English Writing (I) English Writing (II) English Writing (III) Engl


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