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1、第十七讲定语从句一、关系代词引导的定语从句1 . 关系代词用来指代先行词是人或物的名词或代词(如下表功能作用用于限制性从句或非限制性从句只用于限制性从句代替人代替物代替人或物主语who which that宾语whom which that定语whose( = of whomwhose( = of whichHe is a man who ( that means what he says . 他是一个说话算数的人。(指人, 作主语 The people whom ( that you met in the campus yesterday are from England . 你昨天在校园里

2、碰到的那些人是从英国来的。(指人, 作宾语Is there anyone in your depar tment whose father is a painter ? 你们系里有谁的父亲是画家吗? (指人, 作定语The young man with whom I travelled could speak English . 同我一起旅行的那个年轻人会说英语。(指人, 作宾语The book which( that you are reading is written by a contemporary American novelist . 你正在读的那本书是一位美国现代小说家写的。(指

3、物, 作宾语The bicycle the brake o f which was damaged has now been repaired . 那辆坏了闸的自行车现在已经修好了。(指物, 作主语Note: what 不能引导定语从句。考察下面一句:Nimbost ratus clouds areAthickB, dark gray clouds whatCforebodeDrain .(C 项错。应改为which 或that 2 . 使用要点1关系代词的省略(1作直接宾语时可以省略。例如:The man(whomyou saw just now is our manager . 你刚才见到

4、的那个人是我们的经理。Is there anything ( that I can do for you ? 我能为您效劳吗?Who was the woman ( that you were talking with ? 你刚才同她谈话的妇女是谁?(2在“there + be”结构的从句中作主语的关系代词可以省略。例如:This is the only bus( that there is to that park . 这是开往那个公园的唯一的一路公共汽车。The old professor made full use of the time( that therewas left to h

5、im to continue his researchin the field of elect ronics . 这位老教授充分利用余年, 继续他在电子学方面的研究。Note: 关系代词放在介词后作宾语时, 不能省略。但介词位于句尾时, 关系代词可以省新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书716 第十七讲定语从句略。例如:This is the girl with whom he worked . (whom 不可省This is the girl ( whom he worked with . 这就是同他一起工作的女孩。This is the room in which Churchill

6、 was born . (which 不可省This is the room(whichChurchill was born in. 这就是丘吉尔出生的房间。who 或whom 的先行词有时可省略。例如:Who knows most says least . 大智若愚。( = He who, anyone whoWho works not shall not eat . 不劳无获。Who eats must pay . 吃了就得付钱。Whom the gods love die young .This is written to whom it may concern . ( any pers

7、on whomWho mar ries a beauty marries trouble . ( = Those whoWho are thirsty drink in silence .2如果关系代词紧跟在介词后面, 不能用who 或that , 只能用which 或whomThis is the question about which(不用that they have had so much discussion in the past few weeks . 这就是几周来他们反复讨论的那个问题。The people with whom(不用that he worked thought

8、he was a bit st range . 同他一起工作的人都觉得他有点怪。3如果先行词是all, much, anything , something, nothing, everything , little, none 等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that , 不用which ( 但something, everything 或anything 后, 偶尔也用whichPlease just tell me anything ( that you know about the author of the book . 凡是你知道的关于本书作者的情况请都告诉我。That.s all (

9、 that I could do at that time . 这就是我当时所能做的。There is little that can be believed about it .She has nothing that is good to say .The book doesn.t say much that amuses children .She hates everything that is modern .Note: 在“It is + 名词+ 定语从句+ 定语从句”结构中, 后一定语从句要用that。例如: It is only a man who has seen much

10、of the world that can be a leader . 只有阅历丰富的人才能当领导。It is always the mouth which talks too much that arouses troubles . 言多必失。It is a man who is honest that can do the work . 只有诚实的人才能做这项工作。4如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first , last , any, only, few, much, no, some, very 等词修饰, 引导限制性定语从句常用关系代词that , 不用which, who 或whomH

11、e is the only person that was present at the time . 他是当时唯一在场的人。This is the best TV set that is made in China . 这是中国生产的最好的电视机。No sample that we have received is satisfactory .Please send us any information that you have about the subject .5在非限制性定语从句中, 不能用that , 作宾语用的代词也不能省略The Heavenly Lake, which(不能

12、用that is one of the world famous scenic spots, is on Tianshan Mountain . 天池是世界名胜之一, 位于天山之上。There are thir ty students in the class, the majority o f whom(不能用that are f rom the city . 这个班上有30 位学生, 大多数来自城市。6which 可以引导修饰整个主句的定语从句大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版717 一、关系代词引导的定语从句which 还有一种特殊的用法, 它可以引导从句修饰前面的整个主句, 代替主句所表示

13、的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中, which 可以作主语, 也可以作宾语或表语, 多数情况下意思同and this 相似, 并可以指人。例如:New Concept English is intended for foreign students , which is known to all of us .新概念英语是为外国学生编写的, 这是我们大家都知道的。(which 作主语She was awarded a gold medal, which the whole family considered a great honour . 她被授予一枚金质奖章, 全家人都认为这是极大的光荣

14、。(which 作宾语He lost the manuscript during the war, in which case he had to rewrite the book . 他在战争中把手稿丢失了, 既然如此, 他就不得不重写那本书了。(which 作定语She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was . 她对孩子们非常耐心, 她丈夫却很少这样。( which 作表语I told him to go to a doctor, which advice he took . (指代部分概念D

15、on.t call between 12 o.clock and 1 o.clock , at which time I am usually having lunch . She is studying economics, which knowledge is very impor tant today .He believes in self- reliance, which idea I fully agree to .She died three days ago, which I can.t believe . ( = which fact , a fact whichJim wa

16、s seriously ill , which she did not know . ( = which circumstance, a circumstance whichThey bribed the officials , which practice was common here .The president was killed , which circumstance was very serious . ( = which fact He hung about for hours and , which was worse, kept me from my work . (wh

17、ich 代表后半句的意思Note: 注意下面两种which 的用法:He is sure to come unless (which is impossible he has something urgent . ( which 从句放在括号中, 表示作出某种说明She said ,“I.ve done my best .”Which was true . ( which 紧跟在直接引语之后7用作表语的关系代词(1关系代词that 可指代人或物, 用作表语, 仅用于限制性定语从句中。例如:He is no longer the simple-minded man that he was fiv

18、e years ago . 他已不再是5 年前那个头脑简单的他了。He is said to be everything that an honest man should be . 人们说他具备了一个正直的人应有的一切美好品质。It is not a pro found book that you think it to be .(2 which 可用作表语, 既可指人, 又可指物; 指人时, 一般指从事某种职业或是有某种特性、品质或才能的人。which 引导的定语从句可以是限制性的, 也可以是非限制性的。参阅上文。例如:The modern car is no longer the car

19、 which it was in 1930.s . (指物He will become the man which his father wants him to be . 他将成为父亲所期望的人。(指人She is not the selfish woman which she is generally represented . (指人She looks like a Russian , which you are not . (指人, 非限制性, 相当于She looks like a Russian , while you are not like a Russian . He is

20、exactly the man which such a family was likely to form .She did it like a clever girl which she undoubtedly is . 她像一个灵巧的姑娘那样做了这件事, 她无疑是一位灵巧的姑娘。新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书718 第十七讲定语从句(3 what 可以指人或物。例如:He is not what he was before . ( = the person thatThe situation isn.t what it used to be .(4 as 可用作表语, 同such

21、, the same 连用, 引导限制性定语从句; as 亦可单独使用, 引导非限制性定语从句, 相当于which。参阅有关章节。例如:The town is about the same distance from Nanjing as Yangzhou is .The question is very difficult , as ( which indeed it is .(5 where 指地点。例如:Leave the dog where it is .He went to the river bank where the tall t ree was .8句子+ and that

22、. . ., 句子+ and . . .at that 和at that这种结构中的that 为代词, 代表前面句子中的意思。and that 和and . . .at that 可译作“而且”, 表示强调。at that 意为“就是那样”, 一般放在句尾, 作状语。例如:He can climb up t rees , and that very fast .Tom is a sportsman, and an excellent one at that .I will take it at that . 我就照(你说的那样办好了。9whose meaning 和the meaning of

23、 which(1whose 引导定语从句, 既可指人也可指物。whose 还常在定语从句中同it 连用, it 起形式主语的作用, 表示强调。例如:This is the building whose windows were all painted green .A teacher is a person whose duty is to teach .A teacher is a person whose duty it is to teach . 这两个句子意思相同, 结构有所不同。whose duty it is to teach 中的it 是形式主语, 真正主语是不定式to teac

24、h, 从强调结构it is his duty to teach 演化而来。再如:There are many organizations whose sole purpose it is to help mentally retarded children . (演化自it is their sole purpose to help . . .(2名词(代词或数词 + of + whom 和名词(代词或数词 + of + which。若用定语从句表示“所属”关系, 先行词指人时, 用“名词(代词或数词 + of + whom”结构; 先行词指物时, 用“名词(代词或数词 + of + whic

25、h”结构, of 前表示部分, of 后表示整体。whose 指物时, 可用. . .of which 代替。例如:The committee consists of 20 members, 5 o f whom are women .The book contains 50 poems, most of which were written in 1930.s .There are two left , one o f which is almost finished and the other o f which is not quite . After having had twelve

26、 months.practice, in the last month of which no attempt hadbeen made at publication, I decided to make one more effort .They had a sentence whose meaning was completely beyond them . ( = . . . the meaningof which was . . . (注意加theShe.s become famous by writing a novel whose purpor t nobody was quite

27、 sure of .( = . . .the pur port o f which . . . 下面三句意思相同:The river whose banks are covered with trees flows to the sea .The river of which the banks are covered with trees flows to the sea .The river the banks of which are covered with trees flows to the sea . 下面三句表述相同的含义:大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版719 一、关系代词引导

28、的定语从句There are in this class twenty students, whose backgrounds are different .There are in this class twenty students, the backgrounds o f whom are different .There are in this class twenty students, o f whom the backgrounds are different . 但是, . . .of which 所修饰的词若是数词、不定代词或另有其他限定词( the 除外 , 不可改为“wh

29、ose . . .”结构。例如:There are six possibilities, every one o f which involves difficulty . 有六种可能, 其中每一个都有困难。They offered a strong opposition, of the like of which he had never dreamed . 他们进行了有力的抵抗, 他做梦都没想到会遇到这样的抵抗。An aircraft engine consists of thousands of par ts , each of which has its importance . (不

30、可说whose each . . .It now has 20 , 000 hectares of land, more than two-thirds o f which are under cultivation . (不可说whose more than two-thirds . . .10先行词是集体名词用who 还是用which如果作先行词的集体名词着眼于集体的整体, 关系代词用which; 如果指集体中的各个成员, 则用who。比较:The basketball team, which is playing very well, will come out first .The b

31、asketball team, who are having a rest , will begin another match in twentyminutes .11如果先行词是anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, 应用who 或whom, 不用whichIs there anyone here who can speak French ?He saw the manager talking with somebody whom he didn.t know .12如果有两个或两个以上先行词, 兼指人或物, 应用t

32、hatThe famous writer and his works that the radio broadcast have aroused great interest amongthe students .They spoke highly of the diplomat and his brilliant success that they read about in the newspaper .He was watching the children and parcels that filled the car .A victim is a person , animal or

33、 thing that suffers pain, death, harm, ect . .13不可以说a film about that I told you关系代词that 前不能用介词, 须把介词移至句尾。参阅上下文。比较:Have you seen the film about that I told you ? (误Have you seen the film that I told you about ? (正The seventeenth century was one in that many significant advances were made in both sci

34、ence and philosophy . (误The seventeenth century was one in which many significant advances were made inboth science and philosophy . (正14 a girl with whom to work 还是a girl whom to work with关系代词whom 和which 可以同不定式和介词连用, 其结构为:介词+ whom/ which + 不定式(whom/ which 省略不定式+ 介词. 要注意的是, 介词在前时, whom 和which 不可省略,

35、介词在句尾时, whom 和which 必须省略。比较:新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书720 第十七讲定语从句She is a pleasant girl with whom to work . (正She is a pleasant girl to work with . (正She is a pleasant girl whom to work with . (误He has not reached the proper age at which to marry . (正He has not reached the proper age to marry at . (正He ha

36、s not reached the proper age which to marry at . (误. 注意下面一句:Who that you have ever seen can do better ? 你曾见过谁能做得更好? (这里只能用that , 避免与who 重复15“介词+ 关系代词”结构问题介词+ 关系代词( whom,which引导定语从句的现象很多, 但也较复杂, 须细加考察。其要点如下:(1“介词+ 关系代词”结构可以引导限制性定语从句, 也可以引导非限制性定语从句。(2“介词+ 关系代词”结构中的介词可以是in, on , about , from, for, thro

37、ugh , with , to, at , against , without , by means of, because of, by virtue of 等, 关系代词只用whom 或which, 不可用that。(3“介词+ 关系代词”结构中介词的选用或根据上下文要表达的具体意思, 或根据先行词的习惯搭配, 或根据定语从句中某些词或短语的习惯搭配, 有时候, 这个介词可能就是作定语从句谓语的短语动词的一个固定介词(如sail for 中的for, choose from 中的f rom等。(4“介词+ 关系代词”结构在定语从句中可以作状语或定语, 并可修饰别的名词一同作状语。(5 wh

38、ich 在定语从句中可以单独作定语, 而whom 却不可。参阅上文。There.s only one problem about which they disagree . (习惯搭配, 谓语的一部分This is the ring on which she spent 1, 000 dollars . (习惯搭配, 状语The author with whom all of us are familiar will visit our company . (习惯搭配, 表语I can.t remember the age at which he won the prize . (习惯搭配,

39、状语。at the age 在.岁时Sound is a tool by means o f which people communicate with each other . (状语He was found disappointed at his failure, because o f which he was criticized . (状语 Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance, in which case I would but stand there, nodding and waving . (定语Ten years

40、of hard work changed her greatly, f or which reason he could hardly recognize her at first sight . (定语Water boils at 100, at which temperature it changes to gas . (定语I called her by the wrong name, for which mistake I apologize .Jane spent four years in college, during which time she studied medicin

41、e .Note: from where 中的where 为关系代词, 可以引导定语从句。例如:She stood near the north window, f romwhere she could see the whole garden . ( = through whichHe climbed up to the top of the temple, f rom where he could see nothing butt rees . ( = from the top of . . .That.s the place f rom where the river branches o

42、ut .比较:From where did he come ? ( where 是疑问代词Where did you buy the book ? ( where 是疑问副词大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版721 二、关系副词引导的定语从句两个词或三个词构成的固定短语动词, 在定语从句中一般不宜将介词分开放在关系代词前, 如: listen to, look at , depend on, pay attention to, take care of 等。例如:Please tell me what you are listening to . (不说. . . to what you are

43、listeningThis is the girl whom he will take care of . (不说. . .of whom he will take care16是定语从句还是宾语从句who, whom 和which 等引导的从句, 可以是宾语从句, 也可以是定语从句, 应加以区别。例如:He is the writer whowrote the book . 他就是写这部书的那位作家。(只能是定语从句 Please tell Professor Wang who wrote the book .A . 请告诉写这本书的王教授。(定语从句B . 请告诉王教授, 这本书是谁写的。

44、(宾语从句Would you ask the woman who is singing in the room ?A . 你去问问正在房间里唱歌的那位妇女好吗? (定语从句B . 你去问问那位妇女, 谁在房间里唱歌, 好吗? (宾语从句17“介词+ which”后接不定式短语作后臵定语, 相当于一个定语从句Allow me half an hour in which to wash the clothes .He had no pretext on which to break his promise .He has a knife with which to de f end himsel

45、f .She has saved another thousand dollars with which to sup port her family .18 that 有时相当于for which 或in which有时候, that 相当于for which 或in which, 表示原因或方式。参阅下文。He apologized to her for the very reason that he had wronged her . ( that = for whichI wish you would see things in the light that we see them .

46、 ( that = in which二、关系副词引导的定语从句1 . 关系副词也可以引导定语从句, 并在从句中分别表示时间、地点或原因等1关系副词的意思相当于“介词+ which 结构”(其用法分类列表如下关系副词被替代的先行词在从句中的作用when( = at , in , on , during which 表示时间的名词时间状语whe re ( = in , at which 表示地点的名词地点状语why( for which 只有reason 原因状语He will always remember the day when( on which his father returned f

47、 rom America . 他将永远记着父亲从美国返回的那一天。This was the time when( at which she left for Beijing . 这就是她动身去北京的时间。The bookstore where( in which his sister works is the largest one in Nanjing . 他妹妹工作的那家书店是南京最大的。I don.t know the reason why ( for which he didn.t come to the meeting yesterday morning. 我不知道他为什么没参加昨天

48、上午的会议。2关系副词引导定语从句时只起状语作用, 既不能作动词的宾语, 也不能作介词的宾语新/ 世/ 纪/ 英/ 语/ 丛/ 书722 第十七讲定语从句The man is said to come from a town where nobody knew . (误The man is said to come from a town which nobody knew . (正That is the age in when people live in peace and happiness . (误That is the age in which people live in peac

49、e and happiness . (正Do you know the reason why she did it for ? (误Do you know the reason why she did it ? (正Note: 地点名词后当然可以接where 从句, 但其他如case, point , conditions , job 等表示“情况, 方面”等的名词后亦可接where 从句, 这种用法的where 相当于underwhich , f rom which 等, 意为“在这种情况下, 从.中”等。例如:There are some cases where this rule doe

50、s not hold good . 在某些情况下, 这条规则不适用。There are many instances where he is cool-headed . 他在许多情况下都是冷静的。He had to face the conditions where pressure was heavy . 他必须面对压力很大的情况。They are in a di f f icult situation where all efforts seem futile . 他们的处境艰难, 似乎一切努力都是徒劳。I will show you the point where you fail .

51、我将指出你的失败所在。This is a job where you can learn something . 从这项工作中你能学到一些东西。where 和in which 均可引导定语从句, 有时可以换用, 但含义并不完全相同。比较:That is the city where she grew up . (仅指一个地点, the city 可省That is the city in which she grew up . (强调“在.之内”, the city 不可省. 但在下面的句子中, 只可用in which, 不可用where:She had only the long night

52、s in which to study . 她只有在漫漫长夜里才能学习。( in which 表示时间They hired two boats in which they came up to the source of the river . 他们租了两条船, 乘船来到了那条河的源头。( in which 表示乘船但when 有时可作关系代词, 意为“那时”, 可作介词宾语。例如:He left his hometown in 2002 and since when he has never come back . ( = sincethen2 . that 有时也可以代替关系副词when,

53、 where, how 或why 引导定语从句, 表示时间、地点或原因, that 也可以省去This is the university that( where he studied at 20 years ago .这就是他20 年前求学的那所大学。(注意: 这句用where 时, 后不可用at Do you still remember the day that (when he arrived ? 你还记得他到达的那一天吗?This is the second week that ( during which he hasn.t come for class . 这是他第二周没来上课了

54、。The night that (when she left was rainy . 她离开的那天晚上下着雨。She knows the place that (where he stays . 她知道他呆在哪里。The speed that ( at which he is driving is 100 miles an hour . 他以每小时100 英里的速度行车。That is the manner that ( how he deceived her . 他就是那样欺骗她的。I don.t like theway that( in which he did it . 我不喜欢他做这件

55、事的方式。The reason that (why he missed the train is that he got up late .3 . how 不能用来引导定语从句大学英语语法讲座与测试(第二版723 三、as在定语从句中的用法This is theway how he behaves . (误. 如果要用how, 句子中就不能有先行词。可以说:This is how he behaves .This is the way he behaves .三、as 在定语从句中的用法1 . 引导限制性定语从句在限制性定语从句中, as 多和such 或the same 连用, 构成“suc

56、h . . .as”和“the same . . .as”结构, 可以代替先行词是人或物的名词。在“the same . . . as”结构中,“as”也可以用“that”代替。例如:Such people as were recommended by him were reliable . 他所推荐的人是可靠的。(“as”作主语Such books as I have read are classical works . 我所读过的书都是些经典著作。(“as”作宾语I.ve never seen such a talented young man as he is. 我从未见过像他这样才华横

57、溢的年轻人。(“as”作表语I.d like to use the same tool as ( that is used here . 我想使用和这里用的一样的工具。(“as”作主语. the same . . .that 虽然在结构上与the same . . .as 相同, 但有时句意却不一样。比较: This is the same book as I read last week . 这和我上周读的那本书是一样的。This is the same book that I read last week . 这就是我上周读的那本书。. 但如果先行词表示抽象概念, 则没有这种区别。例如:She told me the same story as( that she had told you . as 还可以用在so 和as 之后, 构成“so . . .as , as . . .as”结构。这种结构前面


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