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1、翻 译 125张 凡if you are honest, i will believe in you i don t know whether you have noticed a note while you were eating in the diningroom. there was a note put up on the vending machine, and the word on the paper reallytouched me. it said that, if you are honest, i will believe in you. the word recall

2、s a story kept in my mind, and now i am so glad to share with you.i believe most of you have watched cctv spring festival gala this year, but who stillremember an old man named wu hengzhong. (lookthis man, as a representative of“ national moral models ” , was invited to pay a new year call to the pe

3、ople, and wasalso the protagonist of the story i am going to tell. one thing i hope you can realize is that there is no legal provision requiresthe relatives should repay a debt instead of the debtor,even his father. now my story is over. i am not sure whether you were touched deeply like me, buti s

4、till want to restate again. if you are honest, i will believe in you. maybe lifewould be some different, but you will have a clear conscience, and that is moreimportant. thank you.篇二:大学生诚实守信的重要性英语演讲大学生诚实守信的重要性the importance of the students take trustworthiness pathetic move by him 诚实守信是一个具有普遍性的道德规范。

5、诚实守信是初始性的道德,是道德体系中的母德,一切的道德规范都是在这个基础是建立的,更高的道德是以诚信为基础建立的。honesty and trustworthiness is a universal code of ethics. honesty is the initialof morality, is the moral system of the maternal morality, all moral standards are established on this basis is, the higher moral integrity is established on theb

6、asis of.守信是遵守诺言实践传统道德中的精华,守信是最基本的道德要求。所谓信,即诚实自己的诺言。言必信,行必果是中国传统。我国传统文化中非常重视信,把信作为立人之本,立政之基,人无信不立,政无信不立。 “信”也就成为儒家着重提倡的道德规范之一。credit is to keep his word practice the essence of traditional morality, and 诚实守信是我国传统道德大厦的根基,诚信铸成中华民族道德之魂。统而言之,诚信包含了几个方面的含义:一是诚实无欺,主要指人的自我修养以及由此形成的个人内存的道德品质、德性和道德境界。二是相互信任,主要

7、指信任他人或被他人所信任,这是社会中的一般的道德要求。三是信守承诺,通常指能够履行对他人的承诺,是对特定对象的责任。所以相互信任、信守承诺主要指人们在交往中的行为规范。二、诚信是大学生安生立命的关键。 second, the good faith is the key of collegestudents made him life. requirements, the good faith will be a college student she made the life of this,which require us to do the good faith standard doe

8、rs. 在全社会都在倡导“诚信”的今天,作为接受文明教育最充分的大学生,更应该身体力行,领文明之先风,不做有损个人名誉和国家利益的事情。考试作弊、毕业不还贷等失信行为大大降低了大学生的道德水准,也降低了社会对大学生的信任度。对考试作弊、毕业不还贷的理解和宽容,也就是对社会不正之风的淡然和认同,自己也就不知不觉加入其中,其危害是不言而喻的。学生中更存在严重败坏了学校和社会风气。有道德的人以做假、说谎为最大耻辱,有道德的人也必定会忠于自己的承诺。所以信必有忠,忠能达信。考试作弊、欠贷不还等行为则是对优良校风的败坏,是对学校正面的道德教育的无端亵渎与粗暴贱踏。 inthe whole society

9、 in advocating good faith today, as most fully accept civilization education, college students should be more physically broughtcivilization, the first, dont do the wind beneath personal fame and the interestsof the state of things. cheating in the exam, graduate still do not borrow, etcdiscreditabl

10、e behavior greatly reduces the college students moral standard, alsoreduces the society on the students trust. cheating in the exam, graduation to stilldo not borrow understanding and tolerant, also is the unhealthy tendencies of societyand identity, calmly may have unconsciously join them, the harm

11、 is self-evident.students in there more serious damage to the school and social atmosphere. moral manto make false, and lying, for the biggest disgrace, moral man also will be loyal tohis promise. so there will be loyal, loyal letter can marsh. cheating in the exam,owe loans dont also is the good be

12、havior such as the corruption, is to the school moral education of schoolpositive unprovoked profane and rough base on. 由诚实、守信方面出问题而导致社会成员之间的不信任,导致社会信任度的降低,不仅在量的方面大幅减少,在质的方面也大幅下降,会使信任危机强化为社会危机,直到社会系统的崩溃。从而也就能够明白为什么各个民族的各种文化都把诚实守信作为最基本的道德规范。 诚信者付出诚信,诚信者也收获诚信。诚信者收获的信任,是诚信者拥有的社会资源,它足以使诚信者安身立命。by honest

13、, truthful problems and lead to distrust between the members of society,social credibility to reduce, not only in the aspect of sharply reduce the qualityof, has dropped dramatically, can make the trust crisis for strengthening socialcrisis, until the collapse of the social system. and thus able to

14、understand why eachnations various cultures have honesty as the most basic moral norms. the good faithgive good faith, the good faith the harvest honesty. the good faith, the good faithis harvest trust the person has social resources, it is enough to make the good faithhe governed. 作为当代大学生应该把科学认识上的求

15、真精神和做人方面的求真精神结合起来统一起来,才能无愧于时代、无愧于国家和人民,人生也才会有真正意义上的价值。也只有热爱真理、襟怀坦白、诚实公正的人才能为追求真理拼搏和献身。使大学生自觉建立道德防线,把诚实守信作为自己道德良知的红色警戒线,从而战战兢兢,如临深渊、如履薄冰。why integrity is important in business? there is an english proverb which says “ integrity is thebest policy ” .it signifythe importance of integrity.what are the b

16、enefits of integrity?if you are honest toothers,they will be honest to you in return.when you are in trouble, they will helpyou immediately.it goes without saying that integrity is crucial in business. however,why we raiseintegrity again today? yes,that is because there are plenty of horrifying thin

17、gsflooding the market.fake cigarettes,fake alcohol,fake milk,fake diplomas,fakename,and so on.people may can t help to ask why our life is filled with fake goods.what s,theyfeel deeply worried about food safety.the keywhy integrity is important in business? good evening,ladies andgentlement,it s my

18、great honor to stand here and give you a short speech.to startwith, i want to ask a question. have you ever eaten fake goods? have you everexperienced network fraud。 have you ever heard of fasle accounting?i think most ofyou will say yes.today,my speech is why integrity is significant in business. i

19、n the two sessions period, the most popular topic is not chinas economic development can not be separated from a business will not prosper without sincerity and a person will not succeedwithout egrity is the top policy of life, the basis of government,even,itis the golden rule of the market

20、 economy. in the world, the jews is very rich, theyare skilled in business.the secret to their success in their business lies in keepingbusiness ethics integrity.in the minds of the jews, the contract is sacred and cannot be destroyed. they have benefited a lot from it, which was a great wealth. mar

21、ket economy has two eyes: one is the visible eye, namely the rule of law; theother is the invisible eye, this is the integrity. like a beautiful girl, no matterwhich eye blind, full of the defects and misery! “狼来了”的故事,想必大家都知道。故事中的放羊娃因撒谎,把信用当游戏,最后被狼吃掉了,付出了生命的代价。小时候,父母就给我讲过“狼来了”的故事,告诫我要做一个诚实守信的人。 现在, 我又把这个故事讲给我的女儿听。 在今年的全国 “两会” 期间,最热门的话题不是 wto ,


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