1、【创新+拓展设计】高考英语题型之读后续写素材整理(4) 上美句赏析适用于2021-2023届高考 We watched him ploughplau on, northwards at incredible speed, until he vanished from sight.我们看着他以惊人的速度努力向北前进,直到他从视线中消失。 , So there was nothing we could do but wait.所以我们只能等。 They were curious to know what he was doing alone in that desolate place - I w
2、as, too - but he was in no state to answer questions. So he rested there, barely able to move or speak, and two days passed before he was strong enough to respond.他们彳艮想知道他一个人在那 个荒凉的地方干什么我也是但他的状态不适合回答问题。于是他在那里休息, 几乎不能动弹也不能说话,两天过去了,他才有足够的力气作出答复。 On hearing this he became agitatedeedjiteitid and strugg
3、led to sit up听到这话,他变 得焦躁不安,挣扎着坐起来。 Eventually he calmed himself and began to speak.最后他冷静下来,开始说话。 For a moment I was too stunned to move.一时间,我惊呆了,动弹不得。 Then the truth dawned on me.然后我发觉了 真相。0|. I remember the day she came to us. My mother told me she had a present for me, and then, to my surprise, in
4、troduced me to this little blue-eyed girl.我还记得那天她来我们的 家。我妈妈告诉我她有一件礼物给我,然后,令我吃惊的是,她把我介绍给了这个蓝 眼睛的小女孩。 One day, when I was about fifteen, a violent stonn mmbled,iAmbl out of the mountains and broke over our home. I stood amazed at the door, listening to the crashes of thunder and blinking at the great
5、flashes of lightning which lit up the garden.我大约十五岁的时候,有一 天,一场猛烈的暴风从山中隆隆而至,在我们的家上方炸裂。我惊讶地站在门口,听 着阵阵雷声,惊愕地看着照亮花园的闪电。 As I walked, thunder rumbled in the mountains all around and rain began to fall in heavy drops.我走着走着,山里雷声隆隆,雨点开始大颗大颗地往下落。 From that moment I was determined to find the answers to these
6、 questions, to discover the secrets of life.从那一刻起,我决心要找到这些问题的答案,去发现生命的秘密。 I stood there, claspingkla:sp the door handle.我站在那里,紧攥着门把手。 Ingoldstadt was a place of great learning, a place where I realized I could at last tackle the questions which had fascinated me for so long. I threw myself into my s
7、tudies of the sciences and over the next two years, barely wrote to my family and found no time to pay them a single visit.Ingoldstadt是一个做大学问的地方,在那里我意识到我终于可以解决 那些让我着迷了很久的问题。我全身心投入到科学研究中,在接下来的两年里,我几 乎没有给家人写信,也没有时间去拜访他们。 I was appalledopo:ld by what I was doing,but I couldnt stop. It was as if there w
8、ere something inside driving me on.我被我所做的事吓坏了,但我不能停止。好像有什么东 西在驱使我继续下去。 One dreaiyf dnsri night in November, with the rain beating against my window, I stood back from my work and knew that it was almost doneHk月的一个沉闷的夜晚,雨打在我 的窗户上,我停止了我的工作,知道工作快完成了。 I felt a surges3:d3 of triumph, but it lasted no mor
9、e than an instant. Then I was overcome with a feeling of disgust.我感到一阵成功的喜悦涌上心头,但它只持续了一瞬 间。然后我感到厌恶。feel a sudden surge of anger/excitement感到一阵愤怒/兴奋 Then he looked into my eyes and his face clouded with worry.然后他看着我的眼睛,他的脸布满了愁云。 As I made my way to my old home next morning, I knew I could say nothing
10、 of what Ihad seen.当我第二天早上去我的老家时,我知道我不能将我看到的说出来。 I could see the sadness in her eyes.我能从她的眼睛里看出悲伤。21. In spite of this, he smiled to me and shook me warmly by the hand.尽管如此,他还是对 我微笑,并热情地握着我的手。All I could do was repeat that Justine was innocent.我所能做的就是反复说贾斯汀是无辜的。. For the first time in weeks I felt s
11、omething like happiness in my heart. But the feeling was short-lived.几周来,我第一次感觉到内心的快乐。但这种感觉是短暂的。 . All at once I charged at him, burning with anger.突然,我怒火中烧地向他冲去。 . His anguishedgeijgw ciy echoed over the valley.他痛苦的叫声在山谷中回荡。She let out an anguished cry.她痛苦地大叫 了 一声。.However vilevail he was, he had t
12、he right to tell his story. So I suppresseds9pres my anger and prepared to listen.不管他多么卑鄙,他都有权讲自己的故事。所以我抑制住愤 怒,准备倾听。 , If I can master their language, I thought, I can perhaps speak to them one day.如果我能 掌握他们的语言,我想,也许有一天我可以和他们说话。. She was a pretty girl and I thought I could see kindness in her face a
13、s she busied herself sweeping and tidying the cottage.她是个漂亮的女孩,我想当她忙着打扫和整理小屋时, 我能从她的脸上看到善良。2|. The thought that I might speak to them and be happy one day filled me with hope, but it was a hope that did not last. While I was wandering alone in the forest, I came across a pool of still water, and kne
14、lt down to drink. There, suddenly, I saw my own face reflected and the sight of it made me shrink back in horror.一想到有一天我可以和他们说话并且很开心起 来,我就充满了希望,但这种希望并没有持久。当我独自在森林里徘徊时,我碰到一 滩死水,我跪下来喝水。在那里,突然,我看到自己的脸倒影,一看到它,我吓得缩 了回去。, What am I? What creature am I? I cried aloud, but the only answers that came to me w
15、ere my own groansginun of despair.”我是什么?我是什么生物?我大声喊叫,但唯一 的回应是我自己绝望的呻吟。Then, with my heart beating quickly, I went up to the door. I hesitated a moment, knowing that my future happiness depended on the next few minutes. I knocked on the door and, after a while, heard a voice call back.然后,我心跳加速,走到门口。我
16、犹豫了一会儿, 知道我未来的幸福取决于接下来的几分钟。我敲了敲门,过了一会儿,我听到一个回 应的声音。. The room fell silent apart from the soft cracking of the fire.除了 炉火发出的轻微的阴辛啪 声,房间里一片寂静。 At this I became overwhelmed with happiness and fell to my knees. I clutchedklAtJ the good old man hands.听了这话,我高兴极了,跪了下来。我紧握着那位老人的手。I ran from the cottage, how
17、ling with fiiistration and fiuy, my hopes scatteredskeet9(r) and broken.我从小屋里跑了出来,沮丧和愤怒地嚎叫着,我的希望破灭了。I felt rage build up inside me at the thought of this and suddenly I could bear it no longer. Fierce anger shook my body.*想到这件事,我就感到愤怒,突然间我再也忍不住了。强 烈的愤怒使我浑身发抖。 Days of loneliness and pain followed bef
18、ore I was able to continue my journey, and two months passed before I eventually reached my destination.几天的孤独和痛苦之后,我才得以继续我的旅程,两个月过去了,我最终到达了目的地。 On the morning I left, Elizabeth came to say goodbye, seeing her there made me even more determined to put an end to this ugly business once and for all.我离开
19、的那天早晨,伊 丽莎白来道别,看到她在那儿,我更加下定决心要彻底结束这桩丑事。.These thoughts turned over and over in my mind.这些想法在我的脑海里翻来覆去。 Shock and fear ran through my body at the sight.一看到这情景,我全身都感到震惊和 恐惧。I didnt know how long I sat there helplessly waiting, but eventually I heard the doorflung open as he rushed into the hut.我不知道我在那
20、里无助地等了多久,但最终我听到他 冲进小屋时门猛地打开了。 I stood on the stony beach and his words rang through my head-I shall be with you,我站 在多石的海滩上,他的话在我脑海中回荡我会和你在一起的。 There was a momenfs silence, and then one of them stepped forward and spoke in a rough voice.沉默了一会儿,他们中的一个走上前,用粗野的声音说话。. A murmur ran through the crowd when
21、they heard this. I fell on the limp body of my dear companion and began to sob.他们听到这话时,人群中传来一阵低语。我倒在我绵软无力r的同伴身体上开始抽泣起来。 Theie were ominousDimnosdark clouds gathering overhead,不祥的阴霾在头顶上汇 聚。. Darkness has now descendeddf send and the moon and stars shine hazily heizi in the clear sky.夜幕现在己经降临,晴朗的天空里月影
22、婆娑,星光朦胧。(night, darkness , a mood, etc) descend on/upon sb/sth 降临;来临 For an hour I paced about the comdors, looking in every corner where the beast might be hiding. I found no trace of him.我在走廊里踱了 一个小时,到处寻找野兽可能藏身的每个 角落。我没有找到他的踪迹。 . I was about to retimi when I heard a piercingpi9siy scream. A pause, and then another. It came from our room. A suddenly dreadful realization rushed into my mind.我正要回来, 突然听到一声刺耳的尖叫。停了一下,然后又一个尖叫。它来自我们的房间。我突然 想到一个可怕的念头。 I stood there a moment, in frozen terror, and then rushed back to the ro
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