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1、某某学院 * UNIVERSITY本科生毕业论文论 文 题 目: On the Aesthetic Study of EST Translation 系 部:外 语 系 专 业:英 语 学 生 姓 名:班 级:学号 指导教师姓名:职称 最终评定成绩教务处二一三年六月制(2014届)本科生毕业论文On the Aesthetic Study of EST Translation系部:外 语 系 专 业:英 语 学 生 姓 名:班 级:学号 指导教师姓名:职称 最终评定成绩:2014 年 5 月科技英语翻译的美学研究作者: 导师: 摘 要随着中国经济的日益发展,国内国际环境的不断变化,科技英语的翻


3、译,信息转换,翻译要求On the Aesthetic Study of EST TranslationAuthor: Supervisor: ABSTRACTWith the development of Chinas economy, the changing domestic and international environment, the translation and the development of science and technology English are caught increasing attention. The translation of EST(E

4、nglish for science and technology bringing the visual experience meets the people's spiritual needs.This paper mainly focuses on the feelings to people brought by the translation of scientific translation. EST, as a special language, has its own features and translation methods. Its main functio

5、ns are to convert information, describe facts, record test, clarify the law or explore theory. It has the beauty of accuracy, logic and conciseness in content, and also has the beauty of rhetoric, symmetry and completeness in form. The good knowledge of translators in the aesthetics of EST Translati

6、on affects the readers feelings on EST translation. Therefore, the translators quality also changes with the development of Scientific English Translation. This paper studies the aesthetics and puts forward the requirements to translators by combining the analysis of EST translation aesthetics with

7、the study of case of Scientific English. Keywords:Translation aesthetics, EST Translation, information transformation, translation requirementsAcknowledgementsFirst of all, I want to show my greatest gratitude to my school, it is a good palace for me to learn how to be a good student and person in o

8、ur society.Secondly, I want to show my thanks to my teachers in the Department of Foreign Languages who had taught me and guided me a lot in four years.Thirdly, I want to express my thanks to my friends who had always given me moral support,instructed me and helped me.Last but not least, also it is

9、the most important thanks should send to my thesis supervisor Jiang Juan, she has always been helpful and responsible. She taught me how to choose a topic, how to collect information and how to organize my passage. With her help and guide, I can finish my paper well before the deadline. Her suggesti

10、ons made a huge effect in my paper and influenced me in my life. She told me no matter what things you are going to do, a great preparation you must do and do well. Only in this way, you may finish a thing successful. So, I must show my greatest thanks to my supervisor.CONTENTS摘要.IABSTRACT.Acknowled

11、gements.1 Introduction.12 Aesthetic Standards of EST Translation.32.1 Origin of Translation Aesthetic.32.2 Development of the Aesthetic of EST Translation in China.33 Embodiment of EST Translation Aesthetic.53.1 Content Beauty of EST Translation Aesthetic.593.2 Form Beauty of EST Translation Aesthet

12、ic.101011124 Requirements for Translators of EST Translation.134.1 Subjective Requirements for Workers of EST Translation.134.2 Objective Requirements for Workers of EST Translation.145 Conclusion.16References.171 IntroductionWith the rapid development of Chinas economy and China's further refor

13、m and opening up to the outside, our country communicates frequently with other countries and also as China accessed to WTO, China has fast developed in commercial trade and international cooperation. At the same time, different kinds of translations have appeared and played more and more important

14、role in the whole translation industry. Many excellent translators have translated many beautiful papers and essays. Also, Scientific Translations have rapidly developed in the translation industry. Many translators are pay attention to it. Whats more, the aesthetic of Scientific Translation attract

15、s many scholars who believe that aesthetic of scientific translation can increase our knowledge, develop our logic thinking and experience aesthetic of translation. Scientific Translation is an indispensability part in our daily life. It includes many kinds of beauties, such as beauty of accuracy, b

16、eauty of logic, beauty of brief and so on. EST Translation has common point with other translations, while it has its own characteristics. Nowadays, many scholars observe the significance and the aesthetic of Scientific English. Many people believe that there has been a steadily increasing interest

17、in translation field. Aesthetics has a long history in China. The famous educator Confucius thought the feelings should in accordance with contents, only in this way, the beauty of the passage can be displayed. Up to now, we can see many famous translators. For example, Yan Fu, his translation theor

18、y is faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, which is accepted by many scholars and Lu Xun said the aesthetic standards of translation is the beauty of sound, form and meaning. Qian Zhongshu thought the highest level of translation is internalization, which emphasizes the essence of the essay and

19、 shows to the translators how to transfer the feelings of the author to the readers. Practical translation aesthetics was written by a fabulous writer Fu Zhongxuan. He thought the aesthetics of translation can be considered from different aspects, which includes the form and the content. He puts for

20、ward that many problems should be paid attention to when you translate a scientific essay, such as the translation of terminology, the accurate translation of words and sentences and so on. His views on translation aesthetics provide theoretical guidance for many scholars in scientific translation.T

21、he aesthetic of EST Translation can be divided into two categories in my view. By collecting information and reading books, one category I think is content beauty, and the other is form beauty. They are two embodiments of aesthetic of Scientific English, which transmits the original sentences meanin

22、g and tells the readers the original idea. Translators are top priority in translation, so the aesthetic of the scientific English are decided by translators work. The translators opinion and translation standards are very significant to the scientific readers. Some scholars think that translators h

23、ave a great influence on the spreading of EST translation aesthetics. A qualified translator should have a certain aesthetic accomplishment and develop their aesthetic ability; also translators must have passion towards translation career and aspire to beauty. Whats more, translators must have coura

24、ge to show the aesthetic of Scientific English for people in the world. This is a very important point for the aesthetic study of EST translation.Many scholars put great effort in English for science and technology aesthetics, but there still exist some difficulties. Through the method of collecting

25、 data, reading books and documents, searching the Internet, I get a certain understanding of aesthetics. However, the theory of aesthetic study on EST translation is not enough and it is difficult to find the professional books to discuss the aesthetics, which influences our learning progress and wr

26、iting schedule. However, there are still some limitations. For example, the aesthetic study is not deep enough and the scholars lack theories of their own. So this paper will analyze from these aspects mentioned above. There is not a special standard to tell us what aesthetic translation is. But we

27、can still use our method to judge which is the most appropriate scientific translation. We hope our translators can take advantage of their wisdom to translate more excellent essays, and then all of us can enjoy the aesthetic of scientific English.2 Aesthetic Standards of EST TranslationBefore the a

28、uthor of this thesis makes some specific explanations for what is the aesthetic of EST translation, it is necessary for the readers of this thesis first of all to have a basic understanding of the aesthetic standards of EST translation.There are many different aesthetic standards in the English tran

29、slation. However, no matter which standards are proved that the aesthetic is very important.Scientific language is characterized by specific lexical system. Besides purely technical words, semi-technical word such as hypothesis, experiment, analysis, and description are shared by a variety of discip

30、lines. Neologisms incessantly emerge and penetrate scientific language(Luu, T. T,2011. Bacon said, "a wonderful thing is harmony with a singular." Under the premise of rigorous, science and technology translation can also be harmony with unity, coordination(He Xiaowa,1995. Yan Fu put forwa

31、rd that translation standard need Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance, which accepted by many scholars. Then Lu Xun said the aesthetic standards of translation are beauty of meaning, beauty in sound and formal beauty. Qian Zhongshu thought the highest level of translation is Internalization,wh

32、ich emphasize the essence of the essay. Although there is not a theory to confirm the aesthetic standards, the aesthetic of EST translation can divide into two categories, one is content beauty, and the other is form beauty.2.1 Germination of Translation AestheticTranslation aesthetics appeared in t

33、wentieth Century (Feng Zhijie, 1998, translation aesthetics based on the basic principle of aesthetics, linguistics, cultural studies to explore the linguistic problems in Translation. Comparative Aesthetics of Literary Translation is the bud of translation aesthetics which was wrote by the Xi Yongj

34、i in 1992. The famous Soviet translation theorist Cheech Laz thought that translation is an art, is the creation of a special form, it should obey the general rules of art. So, complimenting with the principle of art, Xi Yongji affirmed the artistic and aesthetic value of the source language and the

35、 target language, using a large number of examples of comparative literature from the language, style, and other aspects to analysis how the aesthetic factors influence the translator's choice, these example includes China classics translation and English classic essays (Geoger, P, 2007.2.2 Deve

36、lopment of the Aesthetic of EST Translation in ChinaAesthetics has an important significance to Chinese translation. Firstly, the aesthetic theory in china has made a progress. Practical Translation Aesthetics wrote by Fu Zhongxuan (1998, which described the aesthetic object, aesthetic subject, the

37、aesthetic activities and the translation standards of beauty, also it represented the book's dominant ideas, contents and framework, and it is a principle for the aesthetic of EST translation.Liu Miqing used the basic principle of modern aesthetics to discuss the science and art of translation.

38、Compared with the macroscopic and microcosmic world, the study of Xi Yongji is cross-cultural, cross time and cross region .Jiang Qiuxia explored the image Gestalt theory from the angle of aesthetics, linguistics, literature, aesthetics, he thought the aesthetic has a huge effect on the translation.

39、 Mao Ronggui also discusses the translation aesthetic from different angles. All of these are proved that the aesthetic theory is developing in China.The combination of translation and aesthetics is a major feature in Chinese translation theory. The famous Soviet translation theorist Cheech Laz thin

40、k: translation is an art, literary and artistic creation. Western translation theory is based on Philosophy - also has a long aesthetics tradition. Translation theory and modern linguistics gradually incorporated. We should adhere to the Chinese translation aesthetics and western translation theory

41、on the equally important position.3 Embodiment of EST Translation AestheticWith the progress of science and technology, the pursuits of people are also beginning to rise from knowledge to the spiritual level, many people and scholars are pay attention to the use of Scientific English Language. From

42、the English translation of science and technology, different translators have different views on EST translation aesthetics, from the data collected from the books, EST translation aesthetics can be divided into two categories, namely the content beauty and form beauty. Next we will analyze the embo

43、dies of two kinds of beauty in scientific translation. The form is a carrier of the content, content beauty refers to the forms of the themes and ideas, its intrinsic beauty consists semantic word, phrase, sentence, text, chapter and so on. EST, the perfect integration of form and content to constit

44、ute the object beauty - the beauty of the original, but how to reproduce the original form and content beauty has become the ultimate pursuit of translation work. (Aesthetic Translation of Scientific English Li Qingming3.1 Content Beauty of EST Translation AestheticBecause the scientific theory refl

45、ects the contents beauty of the nature (Fan Wudi, 2002, which determines the aesthetic criticism of scientific theory must be based on the nature. The real beauty is the embodiment of the inherent beauty of nature, science and technology translation is also prominent “really” beauty (He Xiaowa, 1995

46、.Firstly, accuracy in the translation of science and technology mainly refers to the content accuracy, it embodied in two aspects: one is faithful to the original "accurate", the other is the accurate expression (Tian Ling, 2010. Secondly, the main beauty of EST is the concept accurate, wh

47、ich depends on the using of the precise word. There are numbers of professional and technical vocabulary in the scientific English, and its meaning is relatively fixed and single. Pay more attention to these words, try to avoid ambiguity words and polysemy words, you can make a good translation (Hua

48、ng Zhending, 2001. But because the modern science and technology mutual infiltrated each, which produced semantic flexibility and cross use phenomenon, in the English translation of science and technology, so the appropriate use of terminology can increase the accuracy of content, and can improve th

49、e simplicity of form, also can express the exact content with simple language. Many scientific vocabulary has the characteristics of accurate and vivid, so the understanding of word meaning and selection must take into account the discipline, professional context and language environment, sometimes

50、the common sense and logic relation also have a huge effect on the understanding (Li Jie, 2007. So the translator must be familiar with the professional knowledge of the scientific English, the basic meaning and extended meaning of a word, the specific meaning of words in the field of science and te

51、chnology also very important. The translator must enter into the deep structure of the paper, and then use the idiomatic target language to reproduce the original text content, style and emotional color. Only in this way, the paper may translate well. Next let us analysis the exact beauty of the use

52、 words.People around the world have access to millions of documents, articles and websites over the Internet. However these electronic documents are often written in different languages and therefore it is necessary to translate them into the relevant target language (Sameerchand, P. Lallesh, S &

53、; Arvind K. R, 2013. For example: dogclutch (爪形离合器, door-to-door delivery (送货上门, Walkie-talkie (步话机, rareelement (稀土元素, acousticelement (声学元件, primaryelemrnt (原电池, clutch (离合器, cut and cover (明挖法, piggyback (背负式运输, 高温高压 ( great heat and pressure, 静空气(dead air , 紧急踏板 ( dead man pedal etc.(Tian Ling,

54、2010).Obviously, if the translation does more extension will destroy the terminology translation, so we must follow the professional feathers of the words.Effect of semantic context in English for precise beauty of science and technology translation:In the case of power, power in the mechanical forc

55、e is 力、电、电力、动力、电源、功率等,in the mathematical is乘方、次方、幂(Xiong Yingfei, 2014.Example 1: Assume that the input voltage from the power supply remains constant.假如由电源输入的电压保持不变(power译成电源)Example 2: The third power of 3 is 27.3的三次方是27(power译成方幂)Example 3: Radiations amazing power to cure a wide variety of canc

56、ers almost unknown to the public.放射疗法对各种癌症都有惊人的疗效 (power译成疗效)The accuracy beauty OF EST translation must accord with Chinese standard and scientific English style and other aspect.Example 4: That the vitamin is sensitive to light was recognized only later.(Tian Ling, 2010)Original translation : 维生素感光只是后来承认的 。The correct translation : 维生素的光敏效应 ( 或光敏作用 只是后


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