1、 许多人写英语文章时,对大写字母的使用(capitalization) ,感到有点迷惑。虽然咱们在文法桂也学过英文大写字母的用法,但如能把重要的规则,复习一下,也许可加深记忆!(1) 每个句子的第一个字(first word of a sentence) 以及写信的地址,信中的开头称呼和结尾,都要大写。例如:How is everything with you today? ( 你今天一切都好吗?) 25 Park Street, Silver Spring, Maryland.写信开头称呼:Dear Mr. Wang, Hello, Bob, Greetings, Mary,信中结尾:Sin
2、cerely yours, Yours truly, Best wishes, With love, Respectfully yours,(2) 表示特定的人、地或物的专有名词(names of a specific person, place or thing) 或是属於专有名词的一部分,都要大写。例如:Mr. Wang Dachung was born in China. ( 王大中先生在中国出生。)Bob Smith sailed on the Queen Elizabeth for a trip to France. (Bob Smith 乘伊莉沙白邮轮到法国旅游。)其他如:Yale
3、 School of Law ( 耶鲁法学院)Declaration of Independence ( 独立宣言)The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. ( 美国防止虐待动物协会) 等等。专有名词中的冠词、介词、连接词都不必大写,除非是名字的开头与结尾。(如上句狸的 for, the, of, to) 但是指普通名词时,则不必大写。例如:The two men sailed on a ship for a trip to some foreign countries. ( 两位男子乘船到外国旅行。)(即句中
4、的men,ship,countries 都是普通名词)(3) 一星期七天,十二个月份,以及假日(seven days of the week, 12 months and holidays) 都要大写。例如:The Chens came to see me on Father's Day. (父亲节陈家来看我。)He works on Saturdays and Sundays. (星期六和星期天他都要上班。)His store closed during January and February. ( 元月和 2 月,他的商店不开。)但是春夏秋冬四季,则不要大写:例如:Mr. A w
5、ill stay in Florida next winter. ( 下个冬天A 先生将住在佛州。)The fall semester starts in September. (秋季班9 月开始。)In Maryland July and August are summer months. ( 在马里兰州7 月和 8 月是夏天。)地球(earth)、太阳(sun)、月亮(moon)也不要大写。(4) 学校的特指课程名称以及各国的语文,都要大写。例如:Her daughter will take Math n and Algebra m this semester.(她女儿本学期选修数学 n
6、和代 数出。)All new students have to take History 101.(所有新生都要选修史 101。)Did you study English literature and American history?(你读过英国文学和美国11史吗?)Many American students now take Chinese in the big universities.( 在大的大学许多美国学 生选修中文。)但是指一般性的课程或一般知识,则不必大写。例如:Many Chinese students are good at mathematics. ( 许多中国学生数
7、学很棒。)High school students are encouraged to take music and history.(鼓励高中生选修音乐和11史。)(5) 地理上特有的名称(geographical names) ,诸如国家、州、省、城市、山脉、湖、河流、公园等都要大写。例如:Have your parents ever been to Africa ?(你的父母去过非洲吗?)His dream trip would be a cruise across the Atlantic Ocean. ( 他的理想旅游是坐邮轮横渡大西洋。 )We have lived in Mary
8、land for over 25 years. ( 我们住在马里兰州已超过25 年。 )The company is located in the middle of Fifth Avenue. ( 公司坐落於第五大道的中间。)其绘如:Asia, China, Lake Michigan (密西根湖),Black Sea (黑海),Rocky Mountains (洛磴山脉 ) , Yellowstone National Park ( 黄石国家公园) 等等的特别名称,还有东、南、西、北地区和位置(region and location) 也要大写。例如:Living in the East
9、I have never seen high mountains. ( 我住在东部,没有见过高山。)The North of China is experiencing a serious drought. ( 中国北部旱灾严重。)但是 east, west, north, south 只指方向(direction) 时,则不必大写。例如:Drive south for one mile and you will see the building. ( 往南开一哩路,就可以看到楼房。)Please turn north at the next corner. (请在下一角落,往北转。)(6)
10、社会上的职位或专业上的头衔(social and professional titles) 包括学位和得奖名称(award) ,都要大写。例如:Professor Lee,Ph.D.,is from Taiwan. ( 李教授博士,来自台湾。)Dr. Anderson, M.D., is well liked by his patients. ( 医学博士安德生医师,深受病患喜爱。)President Bush, MBA from Harvard, was a business man. ( 哈佛大学企管硕士的布希总统,过去 是位商人。)His Reverend Smith and Fathe
11、r Jackson were both present at the meeting. (Smith 牧师和Jackson 神父都参加开会。)其他头衔如:Sir, Mister, Miss, Madame ( 夫人 ) , Congressman (国会议员) , Senator (参议员) ,Governor (州长 ) , Mayor ( 市长 ) , Secretory of State (国务卿 ) , Attorney ( 律师 ) , Judge (法 官 ) , Bishop ( 主教 ) , Sister (修女) , Sergeant (士官) , Corporal ( 下士
12、 ) , Lieutenant ( 中尉 )注意:如果不跟个人名字一同使用,或不是特指某人的头衔时,则不必大写。例如:He is a professor at a university. ( 他是大学教授。)The mayor of a large city has a tough job.(大城市的市长难卷。)The presidents of many companies attended the conference. (许多公司的董事长都来参加会议。)(上面的 professor, mayor, presidents,都是指一般性的。) 书名、文章题目、报章杂中的主要字 (key wo
13、rds),都要大写。还有短篇故事(shortstory) ,诗 (poem) ,戏剧 (play) ,电影 (movie) ,歌曲 (song) ,绘画 (painting) ,雕刻 (sculpture) 等名称,也要大写。例如:Mr. Wang has authored a book entitled My Life in America. ( 王先生写了一本书叫:我的美国生活 。 )Did you read the latest issue of Time Magazine?(你看了最新一期的时代杂吗? ) 其他如:The Sound of Music ( 歌名 ) , Mona Lis
14、a ( 蒙娜丽莎肖像画名) , Bird in Space ( 雕刻名称) ,Popular Mechanics (杂名称),Death of a Salesman (戏剧名称),The Tale of Two Cities (双 城记),The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (汤姆11险记)等等。文章题目狸的冠词、介词和连接词都不必大写。但不定词的to,通常要大写。例如:Did you read Mr. Wang's article “ Ways To Make Money ”?(你读过王先生大作赚钱之道吗?)(to make是 infinitive)(8) 谈到
15、神 (God or Deity) 或宗教与种族(religion and race) 时,名词及代名词都要大写。例如:He said that God will take good care of his wife. ( 他说上帝会好好照顾他的太太)We pray Lord's ( 或 God's) help and His blessings upon her. ( 我们祈求上帝帮助以及对她的祝福。 )(His blessing 是指上帝的祝福。)Many people say that the Japanese are more aggressive than the Ch
16、inese.(许多人认卷日本人比中国人更有侵略性。) (指race)其他如:Roman Catholic ( 天主教 ) , Baptist ( 浸信会教友) , Christianity ( 基督教 ) , Hinduism ( 印度教 )等。但如果,god 及 goddess 是指古代的神话(mythology) 人物时,则不必大写。例如:The gods of ancient Rome, the god Jupiter, the goddess Juno (女神朱诺,即主神Jupiter 之妻 )(9) 学校, 政府机关,政党或公司(schools,government bodies,
17、political parties and companies)是指专有名词时,都要大写。例如:Stanford University has a well known business school in the U. S. ( 史丹福大学的商学院很有名。 )She graduated from Parkside High School last year. ( 她去年自Parkside 高中毕业。)Are you a member of the Lions Club ?(你是狮子会的成员吗?)其他如:the Republican Party ( 共和党 ) , the Democratic
18、 Party, the Senate ( 参议会 ) , the Congress (国 会 ) , Boy Scouts of America ( 美国男童军) 等等。但是学校、楼房、公司、机构等,当做普通名词时,就不必大写。例如:His son will go to a junior high school this fall. ( 他儿子今秋上初中) (即七、八年级)This organization was founded in 1995. ( 这机关是於1995 年成立的)(high school 和 organization 都是普通名词)(10) 特别的地方,诸如纪念碑(monu
19、ments) 或有纪念性的建筑物(memorials buildings)或是引人注目的标记 (trademark)以及史上的文件、事件或年代,都要大写。例如:Many tourists like to see the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. ( 许多观光客都爱 参观华盛顿纪念塔和林肯纪念堂。)The Empire State Building is located in New York City. ( 帝国大厦坐落在纽约市。)其他诸如:Revolutionary War ( 美国独立战争) , Middle Ages (
20、中世纪 ) , Constitution of the United States(美国宪法),World War n (二次世界大战),Renaissancea艺复兴)等。(11) 国家和城市名字,当专有形容词(proper adjective) 时,也要大写。例如:There are many Chinese restaurants in our community. ( 我们社区有许多中国餐馆。) (Chinese形容 restaurant)Mr. A knows some Italian language. (A 先生知道一些义大利文。) (Italian 形容 language)Th
21、e favorite Maryland dish seems to be the blue-leg crabs. (马里兰州好吃的菜也许是蓝脚螃 蟹。) (Maryland 形容 dish)The mild California climate has attracted many young people. ( 加州温暖的气候,吸引许多年轻 人。)There were many World War n battles in China.(二次世界大战的许多战场是在中国。)可见上面句子本里的普通名词dish, climate, battles被前面专有名词形容时,都不必大写。(12)第一人称代
22、名词"I"以及感叹字"O",不论在句子狸什麽地方出现,都必须大写。例 如:I told her I will help her and I mean it. ( 我告诉她我会帮她,我是真心的。)"Today, O my fellow Chinese, we should help and not hurt one another." he said. ( 他说: 中国的同胞啊,今天我们应该互相帮忙,不能彼此伤害! )Hear my prayer, O Lord. ( 主啊,听我的祷告吧!)(13) 直接引句(direct quotat
23、ion) , 也就是引用他人真正所说的话(a person's exact words) ,那麽引句狸第一个字要大写。例如:He said, "Here is my project." ( 他说: 这是我的计画。 )The boss said, "All staff members must be here tomorrow morning by seven o'clock." ( 老板说:所有员工明早七点前要到这狸来。)Mr. A announced today: "Five employees will be laid of
24、f as of July 1, 2002." (A 先生今天宣布:自 2002 年 7 月 1 日起,五位员工将被解雇。 )Academic Dean issued this statement:"Foreign students are required to take an English test." ( 教务长发出通知:外国学生要考英文。 )假如quotation包括一个以上的句子,那麽每一句的第一个字都要大写。例如:"Please distribute these handbooks to everyone", explained t
25、he boss, "They show everything you have to know." ( 请把这些手册分给每个人, 老板说, 这些手册有你们应该知道的一切。 )当一个 quotation 包括两部分时,只要第一部份第一个字大写即可。例如:"Helping others", said my wife, "is the foundation of happiness."(我老婆说,助人卷快乐之本 。 )(14)卷了加强另一句话的语气,在冒号 (colon)后第一个字要大写。例如:Let's think of this
26、:Student enrollment is now decreasing. ( 我们要想到这点:学生入学人数正在 减少。 )Consider this: Our business has declined this year. (要考虑这个:我们的生意今年已在下降。)不过,在冒号后的句子,只是卷了解释前句的意义时,那麽第一个字就不必大写。例如:The president of our university has given us two reasons: annual budget cut and facultyretrenchment. (大学校长给我们两点理由:年度预算的紧缩以及教师的
27、削减。)(15) 家庭亲属关系的称呼(family relationship) , 如果放在某人的姓名前或直接称呼时,那麽要大写。例如:We respect Uncle Chen's opinions. ( 我们尊重陈叔叔的意见) (uncle 放在 Chen 之前。 )Is Cousin Lin visiting us for the weekend?( 林表兄遇末来看我们吗?)(cousin 放在 Lin 的前面)(cousin 可指表兄弟,表姐妹,堂兄弟,堂姐妹。)May I attend the dance party, Mother? ( 妈妈,我能参加舞会吗?) (直接称呼)My problem, Dad, is that I am not interested in chemistry. ( 爸,我的问题是我不喜欢化学。) (直接称呼 )I am sorry,
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