1、无需积分,无需回复,只要你带宽足够大,你资料就足够多!大家网考研论坛http:/club.真正的全免费公益性考研论坛,等待您的光临! 声明:本资料由大家论坛考研论坛http:/club.topsage. com/forum-28-1.html 收集整理,转载请注明出自http:/club.topsage. com考研英语完形填空题规律与技巧一. 完型填空指导思想:教育部考试中心编辑出版的全国硕士研究生入学考试分析,“完型填空主要测试考生结合上下文的综合理解能力和语言运用能力,即在阅读理解基础上对篇章结构、语法和词汇知识的运用能力”,体现了考研英语大纲的“重应用,轻背诵;重理解,轻猜测;重思维,
2、轻僵化;重时效,轻保守”的原则。二. 历年试题主题:(一 主题:社科与科普1992年:探索太空1993年:建筑材料1994年:语言1995年:睡眠1996年:维生素1997年:人力资源1998年:工业革命1999年:安全生产2000年:农场经营2001年:新闻媒体2002年:媒体革命2003年:青少年教育2004年:青少年犯罪2005年:嗅觉2006年:救助无家可归者(二 总结:1. 考点分配:完型填空词汇辨析题所占比例60%。每个单词,每类词汇考察的是通过词根、词缀演化、派生的新词词义或用法,重点考察形近词和近意词的用法及区别-这要求大家要把单词放到环境(context记,而不要死记字面上的
3、“词义”;完型填空语法辨析题所占比例10%。要求考生准确把握语法项目,同时能够举一反三并且灵活的应用。完型填空逻辑关系题所占比例25%。单调肤浅的转折、因果等逻辑关系已不再是体现句子之间关系的必要内容了。取而代之的是递进、引申等更具悬疑的关系。同时,固定搭配题的数量明显减少。可见,要想作好完型题,关键是平时要真正地作好“精读”,不放过每一个词和每一个句意。理解句子的意义和词义肯定是完型高分的前提。2. 文章长度:2001年前,一般为200字左右、10个空。2001年后为280字左右、20个空。3. 语法点:常规语法都会涉及到。尤其要注意定语从句、非谓语动词。(三 文章出处:与其他阅读文章一样,
4、完型的题,内容显然出自外国书刊,句子具有明显的英语特点(没有汉语味道 -(句子结构 紧、(句子长度 长、(表达意思 绕。要求大家多看外国人写的文章,熟悉真正的英语思维。 文章的另一个特点是:所选的文章俨然就是一篇很好很严谨的英语作文,一般前一段给出主题,中间是论述,最后是结尾。例如99年(P:39的试题:Companies _with _low accident rates plan their safety programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them 42and active. When th
5、e work is well done, a of accident-free operations is established _where _time lost due to injuriesis kept at a minimum. (主题段Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by _observing _rules or regulations. _Still _others depend on an emotional appeal to the wo
6、rker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every progr 8m if maximum results are to be obtained. (论述段There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial stand-point alone, safety _pays off _. The fewer the injury , the better the workman's insurance
7、rate. This may mean the diff-erence between operating at _a profit _or at a loss. (结论段因此,每天认真做一个完形练习,你可以收到下列效果:真正详细彻底地理解了单词、句意、巩固了语法(这些又极大里有利于你做阅读题 ,同时又无意中领略了作文的思路、用词和写法。三. 历年考研英语完型填空考点汇集及规律性答题技巧:(一 解题步骤:1. 略看全文:知道它是关于什么的,大意是什么2. 看语法:把选项放几句子里,语法不正确的搭配,绝对是错误的。3. 看搭配:除逻辑以外,词的用法经常是固定的,动词后边跟什么名词做宾语(或反过来
8、 ,都是常例,不能违反。4. 看逻辑:文章第一段一般给了全文的整体逻辑(主题 ,你选的选项所得出的意思与该主题相悖,一定是错的。5. 看汉语:心理把句子翻译成汉语,如果符合该词所在的全文、全段和句子的逻辑,那就是对的。可以绝对地说,符合全文、全段和句子的逻辑的选项一定是对的。(二 规律性答题技巧1. 逻辑题:既根据全文的主题,选择与主题一致(不与主题逻辑发岔 的词。检验的办法是:你填空以后,心里翻译出你完成的句子的汉语,如果与你理解的全文主题的逻辑一样,就应该是正确的。可以说,这种题就是要你补全逻辑,因此你的工作是“增”和“补”、而不是“减”和“损”原文的逻辑。一个不足三百字的短文,其逻辑一定
9、是统一的,不会发岔。例如:(1段内逻辑一体的判断:例1. (P.34:94年题第一段 The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word. In speaking, the choice of words is the utmost importance. Proper selection will eliminate one source of breakdown in the communication cycle. Too often, careless use of
10、words a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. The words used by the speaker may 44unfavorable reactions in the listener interfere with his comprehension; hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down. 本段中,In speaking, the choice of words is the utmost importance 说交流中是否恰当用词是至关重要的,顺
11、着这个逻辑,下边要说的话一定是(通过举例或论述 来支持这个论点。果然,他认为Proper selection (ofwords 会消除(eliminate一个阻止交流中断的来源(source,那么从第42选项中A. inaccessible B. timely C. likely D. invalid 选C, 然后,心里翻译该句子,得到:正确地选择用词可以消除中断交流过程的一个可能的原因。这样的句意,与前边的choice of words is the utmost importance 意义一脉相承,因此合乎全文逻辑,因此是正确的。后一句,Too often, careless use of
12、 words 43a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. 选项是A. encourages B. prevents C. destroys D. offers, 把四个选项都放进句子里,得到:Too often, careless use of words a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener.很多情况下,用词不当会鼓励听、说双方的心灵交融。Too often, careless use of words a meeting of the minds of the s
13、peaker and listener.很多情况下,用词不当会阻止听、说双方的心灵交融。Too often, careless use of words meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener.很多情况下,用词不当会破坏听、说双方的心灵交融。Too often, careless use of words a meeting of the minds of the speaker and listener. 很多情况下,用词不当会提供听、说双方的心灵交融。显然,“很多情况下,用词不当会阻止听、说双方的心灵交融”与前两句的逻辑一体,是正确
14、选择。接下来,The words used by the speaker may 44unfavorable reactions in the listener. interfere with his comprehension 是进一步说明前边那句里说的“用词不当”会在听者内心引起什么样的反应。选项是:A. pass out B. take away C. back up D. stir up 。这个选项,就是动词与宾语的搭配要受逻辑搭配决定的问题了。所谓“动词与宾语的搭配”,就是说,从语法上看,任何一个选项都可以与unfavorable reactions 形成动宾搭配,但是这句话不是一个
15、孤立的句子,而是一个大逻辑体里的一个部分。The words used (用词不当 与下列哪种情况结合才合乎本句和全文的逻辑呢:The words used by the speaker may unfavorable reactions不当用词会使不良反应晕倒。The words used by the speaker may unfavorable reactions不当用词会取走不良反应。The words used by the speaker may unfavorable reactions不当用词会支持不良反应。The words used by the speaker may
16、unfavorable reactions不当用词会引起不良反应。显然,“不当用词会引起不良反应”才与前边的句子“很多情况下,用词不当会阻止听、说双方的心灵交融”一脉相承。例2. (P.35:95年题, Line 1 Sleep is divided into periods of so-called REM sleep, characterized by rapid eye movements and dreaming, and longer periods of non-REM sleep. kind of sleep is at all well-understood, but REM
17、sleep is to serve some restorative function of the brain. The purpose of non-REM sleep is even more . The new experiments, such as本句中,首句说,睡眠分为几个叫作REM 睡眠的阶段(特点是快速的眼球运动和多梦 以及几个非REM 睡眠阶段。第三句说non-REM 更有神秘感。这个“mysterious”字眼揭示了41kind of sleep is at all well-understood 的意思应该是,两种睡眠方式目前尚未被人类充分了解,否则它就不“神秘”了。A
18、. Either B. Neither C. Each D. Any 四个选项中,A. Either,C. Each 有肯定的意思,不合理。D. Any 与句子结合,语法说不通。B. Neither 放进句子里,得到“两种睡眠都没有被充分了解”,这样,后边的“non-REM 更有神秘感”才前后逻辑一体。(2段落之间逻辑一体的判断: 一个文章中间的一段,一定是全文逻辑体中的一个部分。全文中一个段落的开头(词或句 ,一般是表示递进、(推论 结果、转折、让步等的字眼。例1.(P.34:94年题第二段46, inaccurate or indefinite words may make 47it di
19、fficult for the listener to understand the which is being transmitted to him. The speaker who does not have specific words in his working vocabulary may be to explain or describe in a that can be understood by his listeners. 因此,A. Moreover B. However C. Preliminarily D. Unexpectedly 中,选A. Moreover,
20、就不会使后边的句子与前边的主题逻辑发岔。例2.(P.38:98年完型 第一段的末尾句子:By contrast, they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650to 1750, when England was still a agricultural country, a period of great abundance and prosperity.第二段的开头句子:This view, 47, is generally thought to be wrong. (选项A. however B. meanwhile C. therefo
21、re D. moreover第一段的末尾句子说,专家认为1650到1750间,英国虽然完全是个农业国家,却是个富足繁荣的国家。第二段的第一句This view, 47, is generally thought to be wrong 说:一般认为这个观点是错的。显然,前后句的观点相反。相反的观点,在过度上一般用转折的字眼,因此选A. however 。例3.(P.46:大纲样题 During the 1980s, unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90percent. Some countrie
22、s did not _enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not _. Many of these countries looked to the industrial processes of the developed nations _solutions. problems cannot always be solved by copying the industrial nations. (选项A. Moreover B.Therefore C. Anyway D. However (3句子之间逻辑关系的判断例1.
23、(P43:2003年完型, 第二段尾句 This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility. they can help students acquire a sense of commitment (A.On the contrary B. On the average C. On the whole D. On the other hand:前半句:这并不意味着成人们应该采取不管不问的态度,后半句:他们(成人 应该帮助学生培养一种责任感。前后句子一顺,很显然,中间应该是一个转折性的词:A. On the contrary
24、。例2.the students must _42_learn English, French, German or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad(选项A. soon B. quickly C. immediately C. first (4句子内部逻辑统一决定词的选择:前、后半句为逻辑一体,互为前提或因果,因此,为另一个半句里的词的选择起着提示的作用。这种情况在完型中比例很高,它的基本原则是,所选的词既要符合该句子的逻辑,又要符合全文的逻辑。因此,判断词义和句子的翻译是个基本前提。例1.(P.36:96年完型第二段 T
25、hey do not provide energy, 41do they construct or build any part of the body. (选项do A. either B. so C. nor D. never 本句中,前半句说“它们(维生素 不提供能量”,后半句,如果用either, 就得到“他们两者任意一个都不参与构成身体的任何部位”。可是本文只谈维生素,没有谈别的,显然跑题了。如果用so, 不合语法啊。如果用never, 既然有了nor, 还犯着用never 吗?只有用C. nor, 才得到“它们(维生素 既不提供能量,也不参与构成身体的任何部位”这样使整句逻辑一体(
26、也符合全文逻辑 的句子意思。例2.(P.37:97年完型第二段第一句 44its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part timers and temporary workers. (选项A. Even though B. Now that C. If only D. Provided that 后半句的意思是“美国仍然日益成为一个兼职者和临时工众多的国家”。前半句的its economy continues to recover 的意思是“美国的经济继续复苏”。既然经济复苏了
27、,人们的工作岗位应该越来越稳定、临时工应该越来越少才对。把四个选项放进句子里,第一个就是:尽管美国的经济继续复苏,美国仍然日益成为一个兼职者和临时工众多的国家。这意思有被原文中随后的句子This “disposable”work force is the most important trend in American business today 所印证了。 例3.(P.46:大纲样体第二段第三行 These workers must be trained, _many nations do not have the necessary training institutions. (选项A
28、. since B. so C. and D. yet 2. 运用写作常识判断选项:前边说过,一个不足300字的短文,一定在结构上就是一篇紧凑的作文。它也一定符合一般的写作规律,即第一段提出全文主题,中间段论述,最后是结尾。同时,它还要用到写作中常用的过度和连接性词语。(1写作时的常用搭配词决定选项。例1.(P.39:99年完型 本文就是一篇很好的英语作文(为阐明“运用写作常识判断选项”的道理,这里只说中间一段第47选项 :Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies low accident rates plan their safety
29、 programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them 42and active. When the work is well done, a of accident-free operations is established time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.Successful safety programs may greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the progr
30、am. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by rules or regulations. _(A.SomeB.Many C.Even D.Still others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every progr 8m if maximum results are to be obtai
31、ned.There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial stand-point alone, safety _. The fewer the injury , the better the workman's insurance rate. This may mean the difference between operating at _or at a loss.第二段中,提到了三种人的三种看法,依次是SomeOthersothers (一些人其他人还有些人 。“还有些人”
32、的固定用法是“Still others”。这是英语写作中介绍不同人的不同观点时最常用的词语,很容易选对。(2利用段中后句倒推出该段主题句中的选词:典型的英语作文常见规则是:第一句是主题句。随后是论述-论述的手段要么是推理论述,要么是举例子。如果不能确定第一句(主题句 里的选项,就把后边的论述部分先看完,然后把第一句的四个选项放进去,得出的意思如果与后边的一致,即主题句是对后边的高度总结,那就对了。也就是说,用论述部分倒推出主题句子的意思,然后确定选词。例1.(P.39:99年完型第二段 Successful safety programs may differ greatly in the e
33、mphasis placed on certain aspects of the program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices by _observing _rules or regulations. _Still _others depend on an emotional appeal to the worker. But, there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every progr 8
34、m if maximum results are to be obtained.例2.(P.44:2004年完型第三段 Changes in the social structure may indirectly (29_juvenile crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that (30_to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment (31make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain.
35、The resulting discontent may in (32_lead more youths into criminal behavior. 本句(29选项是A. affect B. reduce C. chock D. reflect :For example 一词已经说明,本段是用例子说明主题句子。后边的大意是经济形式的变化(变坏 使工作机会少,失业增加使工作收入难以增加。对上述的不满导致年轻人犯罪。上述意思归纳为一点,社会经济结构的变化对年轻人犯罪有较大影响(A.affect ,而不是减少(B.reduce 了犯罪率。C. chock 意思为“用楔子垫”,这个选项显然是干扰。
36、D. reflect 是个“忽悠”项,如果句子是Juvenile crime rates may indirectly _changes in the social structure, 那就可以选D 了。例3。(P.48:大纲样题passage 2第四段 Now Andy Morgan at Yale University and his colleagues at _from _stressful situations. They studied over 500soldiers, sailors and pilots at “survival school”-three mock POW
37、 camps run by the US military, who partly funded the study. The subjects, whose mean age was 25, were being trained to the mental and stress of capture.(9和选项所在的句子是本段的主题句子,先不填它。先看后边的句子,然再根据后边的论据倒推出主题句子里的选项。 例4. (P.48:大纲样passage 2第六段 The performance of all groups was _?(16. Only 30percent could find t
38、he person in a line-up, 34percent from a photo-spread and 49percent from _photos -though the clothing cue correct identification to 66percent. Thirty people got the gender wrong, and those subjected to physical threats were the worst at interrogator. (3. 句意题:(1根据句意选择选项:这种题是纯句意题,不需要参考其他句子,所选的选项要求能满足句
39、子本意要求就行。例1.(P.35:95年考研完型第一段第四行 The new experiments, such as these 44for the first time at a recent meeting of the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis, suggest fascinating explanations 45of non-REM sleep. 选项为A. maintained B. described C. settled D. afforded 。原句子中的such as these 后边一定是跟一个分词结构。后边的a
40、t a recent meeting of the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis 说明前边的The new experiments, such as these 是在会议上讨论/介绍的内容。选项中只有B. described 配得上at a recent meeting of the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis 的搭配。例2. (P.37:97年考研完型第一段第二行 Every morning, its people 41into the offices and factories o
41、f America, seeking a day's work for a day's pay.(选项A. swarm B. stride C. separate D. slip四个词的意思分别是:A. swarm :涌往,B. stride :大步行走,C. separate :分开,D. slip 滑动。然后,放进句子里,整合意思,发现“A. swarm :涌往”最合适。得到句意为:每天造成,人们涌进美国的办公室和工厂,干一天挣一天的钱。例2.(P.44:2004年完型第四段第一句 Families have also (33_changes these years (A.
42、survived B. noticed C. undertaken D. experienced :四个选项放进句子里:得到:许多家庭幸免于这些变化。许多家庭注意到这些变化。许多家庭进行了这些变化。许多家庭经历了这些变化。你看哪个更合理?(如果在看它后边的句子,就更加验证了例3.(2006年完型 Finding ways to _10_this growing homeless populati on has become increasingly difficult. (A.assist B. track C. sustain D. dismiss:句子里,gr owing homeless
43、 population 是无家可归的人,显然是需要帮助的人,只有A. assist 合适了。(2句中前词决定后词的选择:例1. (P.37:99年完形第三段第二句 From a financial stand-point alone, safety _48. (选项A.comes off B.turns up C.pays off D.holds up:前半句,financial 与经济有关,选项中,C.pays off 与financial 呼应。例2.(P.42:2002年完型第二段最后一句 They were thought of, like people, 35in terms of
44、generations, with the distance between generations much (A.deeper B. fewer C. nearer D.smaller:既然有distance, 必然不是距离大,就是距离小,选项中就只有D. smaller 了。 例3.(P.45:2005年完形第一段第二行 This means that our noses are (3limited to perceiving those smells which float through the air, 选项A. catching B. ignoring C. missing D.
45、 tracking :本句中,前半句This means that our noses are to perceiving those smells which float through the air 意思是:人类的鼻子仅限于嗅到漂浮在空中的气味。按这个意思推,附着在地面的气味,人类应该是闻不到的。显然,前后半句有因果关系,选C. missing 。(3句中后词决定前词的选择:有些句子不需要看全文,可以根据某个选项的跟随词决定选择。例1.(P.35:95年完型第二段第一句 it has long been known that total sleep 46is 1OO percent fa
46、tal to rats, :本句,“完全睡眠对耗子是完全致命的”。什么样的睡眠对耗子是完全致命的呢?睡得好,当然是有益健康,睡得半好(例如reduction (减少 ,destruction (破坏 、restriction (限制 也比不睡强,只有(在一个试验中 完全不让耗子睡,才会要耗子的命(人也一样 。所以1OO percent fatal to 决定了A. reduction B. destruction C. deprivation D. restriction 中选C. deprivation (剥夺 。例2. (P.45:2005年完形第一段第二行 This means that
47、 our noses are (3to perceiving those smells which float through the air, (选项A. limited B. committed C. dedicated D. confined :本句,those smells which float through the air 告诉我们:人类只能嗅到漂浮在空中的气味,所以选A. limited 。例3.(P.45:2005年完形第一段最后一句 Our noses are capable of (7_human smells(选项A. distinguish B. discoverin
48、g C. determing D. detecting :本句中,human smells 决定前边的选项只能是D. detecting 。例4.(P.46:大纲样题第二段第五行 Students must be sent abroad to 40_vocational and professional training. (选项A. accept B. gain C. receiveD . absorb :training 一词决定了选C. receive 。例5.(2006年完型 _4_the minimum wage,(选项A. raise B. add C. take D. keep
49、:wage 决定选A. raise 。例6.(P.46:大纲样体第二行 Some countries did not 31enough food;(选项A. generate B, r aise C. produce D. manufacture例7.(P.56:模拟真题10, 第三行 That assessment, 1Monday by a group of international cli (选项A. released B. reported C. Replied D. responded例8.(P.49:大纲样题第二段第2-3行 Most archaeologist _5(appoi
50、ntthis beachfro nt land as the site of the 490B. C. battle of Marathon the Persian s and the Greeks.(选项A. between B. amid C. from D. among例10. The bank HBOS says 2million UK householder are now _18_th on their estates(选项A. vulnerable to B. answering for C. liable for D. liable to 例11.14(Unwantedbulk
51、 e=mailjumped by about 4%in March and now _15?_(选项A. takes off B. accounts for C. turns up D. g oes down(4反比关系决定选项:例1.(P.47:大纲样题passage 1第四段第一行 High fertility rates and a _10?_death rate have caused this adolescent _in population. (选项A. high er, B. faster C. lower D. slower 4. 语法题:(1学会用“抽筋”法简化难、长句子:
52、例1. (P.34:94考研完型第二段最后一句 The speaker who does not have specific words in his working vocabulary may be 49to explain or describe in a 50that can be understood by his listeners. 遇到本句(以及类似的句子 ,你可以把中心词speaker 后边的定语从句用手指盖住,得到:The speaker may be 49to explain or describe in a 50that can be understood by his
53、 listeners. 然后可容易地(按照全文逻辑 选A. obscure B. difficult C. impossible D. unable 中的D. unable为答案。(2学会看被移动的定语从句: (P.39:99年考研完型第一段第二行 When the work is well done, a (43of accident-free operations is established _time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum. 词句,中心词为这个词有两个定语,一个是of accident-free operations, 一个
54、是where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum 。如果从语法上讲,应该写成:When the work is well done, a of accident-free operations is established. 但是这样写,会让人误以为where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum 限定的是operations, 为了避免误会,就移到后边了。如果你看不出来这个,就会误认为第43个选项应该选A.where B.how C.what D.unless 中的别的一个。这种
55、句子,一定是完型的一个考点。应该在阅读中多注意。(3学会看非限定性定语从句:(P.34:94考研完型第一段最后一句 The words used by the speaker may 44unfavorable reactions in the listener with his comprehension; hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down :本句中,45选项前应该有个逗号,45处的那个关系代词显然指前边的整个句子。知道这一点,断然选A. who B. as C. which D. what 中的C. which 。(考
56、试中,要极其小心关系代词前有无逗号,或者要善于看出这个逗号是否被“隐藏”或被印刷“遗漏”,否则回酿成大错。(4主、系、表结构题:例1. (P.34:94考研完型第一段第一句 In speaking, the choice of words is 41the utmost importance. (A.of B. at C. for D. on 本句,纯语法题。考察“be+性质”的表达:一是be+形容词,二是be+表示性质的名词(即与该形容词意义一样的名词形式,如important=importance,difficult=difficulty。因此,断然选A 。例2. (P.36:96考研完型
57、第二段第二行 There are thirteen or more of them, and if 43is missing a deficiency disease becomes .(选项A. any B. some C. anything D. something选项43后边有个is 就可决定some 一定不是正确的。前边说有十几种维生素,后边的意思应该是缺任何一个都不行。Any 等于any one 或any one of the thirteen, something 或anything 在意义上不等于any one 或any one of the thirteen 。因此,选A. a
58、ny 。(5It 作形式宾语决定选择:(P.34:94年完型第二段第一句inaccurate or indefinite words may make difficult for the listener to understand the which is being transmitted to him. (94考研完型 . (选项:A. that B. It C. so D. this这是个常规语法题。英语里make+it+for+名词+to是个常见句式,断然选B. It 。(6学会看省略:例1.(P.34:94年完型第一段 The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is th
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