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1、2021-12-4法律英语1Legal English法律英语法律英语英国、美国法律制度英国、美国法律制度2021-12-4法律英语2nThree questions before classn1. How will we study the course of legal English? n2. What will we learn from this course?n3. What are the difficulties in studying legal English?2021-12-4法律英语3nQuestion one: How will we study the course

2、 of Legal English?nWays of teaching and studying: a. This course will be taught bilingually in Chinese and English.b. the culture of common law, the legal tradition of American law and the institution of it, or the spirit and essence of American law.c. case study (case method)/ lecture methodd. lega

3、l movie/TV play appreciation: Twelve angry men, Legally Blonde, Law and Order,Harrys law2021-12-4法律英语4nQuestion two:What will we learn from this course?The content is as follow:( altogether 14 chapters)a. Legal terms +Textb. Exercises: Translation by group.c. Supplementary Reading ( not compulsory)2

4、021-12-4法律英语5nQuestion Three: What are the difficulties in studying legal English?A. (1)法律英语法律英语专业术语专业术语众多,有自身独特的含义众多,有自身独特的含义/且用语正式。且用语正式。 action: 诉讼诉讼 consideration: 对价、约因对价、约因 minor: 未成年未成年 major: 成年成年 party: 当事人当事人 offer: 要约要约 instrument: 法律文件法律文件 Approach the bench. Come over here. He is a benc

5、h. He has become a judge. civil death deprivation of political rights (剥夺政剥夺政治权利终身)治权利终身) 2021-12-4法律英语6A.(2)外来语较多,尤其是拉丁语nalibi 不在犯罪现场nbona fide 善意nstare decisis 遵循先例2021-12-4法律英语7nB. Legal System:不了解英美法不了解英美法制度和背景制度和背景,需要需要系统学习英美法律制度。系统学习英美法律制度。e.g. lawyersolicitor (英国初级律师英国初级律师/非出庭律师)非出庭律师)barrist

6、er(英国高级律师(英国高级律师/ 出庭律师)出庭律师)2021-12-4法律英语8Lessonone Legal system 2021-12-4法律英语9Legal terms1. common law: 普通法普通法 common law legal system2. Civil law : 民法民法 civil law legal system3. 刑法?刑法? 行政法?行政法? 民事诉讼法?民事诉讼法? 国际法?国际私法?国际法?国际私法?4. Case law: 判例法判例法5. Statutory law: 成文法成文法 6. relief: 救济救济 2021-12-4法律英语

7、107.Equity and Equity Law: 衡平及衡平法衡平及衡平法nSome Maxims of Equity Law:a. Equity looks to the intent rather than to the form.衡平法注重含义,而衡平法注重含义,而不注重形式。不注重形式。b. Equity looks on that as done which ought to be done. 衡平法将要做的衡平法将要做的事看作应做的事。事看作应做的事。c. Equity delegates equality.衡平法代表公平。衡平法代表公平。d. Equity will not

8、suffer a wrong to be without a remedy.衡平法不允许对衡平法不允许对违法行为没有补救方法。违法行为没有补救方法。8. Jury juror 陪审团、陪审员陪审团、陪审员9. specific performance: 特定履行特定履行/实际履行实际履行10. compensatory damages: 金钱赔偿金钱赔偿2021-12-4法律英语11Characteristics nCommon law legal systemq普通法系DecentralizationCase lawStare decisis遵从前例遵从前例2021-12-4法律英语12Re

9、presentatives of the 4 legal systems1.Civil / continental legal system: France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Thailand, Turkey, Indonesia Holland (the Netherlands)2. Common-law / Anglo-American legal system: England, Ireland, USA, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore, M

10、alaysia, Australia, Canada (excluding Quebec), Burma, India3.Socialist legal system: China, Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam4. Islamic legal system: Middle East countries2021-12-4法律英语13Civil law legal system大陆法系大陆法系/罗马法系罗马法系Common law legal system普通法系普通法系Statutory law法国和德国为代表,还有法国和德国为代表,还有瑞士、意大利、奥

11、地利、瑞士、意大利、奥地利、比利时、卢森堡、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、荷兰、西班牙、葡萄牙、日本等西班牙、葡萄牙、日本等Case law形成于英国,包括加拿大,澳形成于英国,包括加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰,爱尔兰,印大利亚,新西兰,爱尔兰,印度、巴基斯坦,马来西亚和新度、巴基斯坦,马来西亚和新加坡,香港地区也采用英美法加坡,香港地区也采用英美法2021-12-4法律英语14The distinction of two legal systemsThe basic distinction between the two systems lies in the sources of law upon w

12、hich they rely. The common-law system uses prior decided cases as a very high sources of authority. The doctrine of stare decisis ( let the decision stand) in one of its form is the essence of the common-law system. The doctrine states that the courts should adhere to the law that set forth in prior

13、 cases decided by the highest court of the govern jurisdiction as long as the principle derived from those cases is logically essential to their decision, is reasonable, and is appropriate to contemporary circumstances. 2021-12-4法律英语15n大陆法与普通法的根本区别在于其所依靠的大陆法与普通法的根本区别在于其所依靠的法的渊源法的渊源.普通法系以先前的判例为其很高普通法

14、系以先前的判例为其很高的权力渊源的权力渊源,以其诸形式之一出现的以其诸形式之一出现的STARE DECISIS即让判决继续有效学说即让判决继续有效学说,是普通法是普通法系的精粹系的精粹,该说主张该说主张,法院应遵守在本法域最法院应遵守在本法域最高一级法院判决的先例中所定下来的法律高一级法院判决的先例中所定下来的法律-但取自先例原则以在逻辑上为判决各案件所但取自先例原则以在逻辑上为判决各案件所必须且其合理合情并适宜于当代情况者为限。必须且其合理合情并适宜于当代情况者为限。2021-12-4法律英语16nThe civil law, on the other hand , is oriented

15、toward a code of laws, when a controversary is presented to a court or a lawyer, the immediate problem is to find the appropriate code provision covering the situation and then to apply it to the problem at hand. nThe courts look to the writings of scholars to aid them in interpreting code provision

16、s. Cases are not ignored, but they do not have any approaching binding authority on judges.2021-12-4法律英语17n在另一方面大陆法系则以法典为中心。法院在另一方面大陆法系则以法典为中心。法院或律师遇到一项争端,其迫在眉捷的问题,或律师遇到一项争端,其迫在眉捷的问题,是去查出与案情相关的适当法典条文,然后是去查出与案情相关的适当法典条文,然后把条文适用于手头的问题。法院请教学者的把条文适用于手头的问题。法院请教学者的著作,以便在解释法典条文时从那些著作中著作,以便在解释法典条文时从那些著作中得到帮

17、助。案例不是完全被忽视,但对法官得到帮助。案例不是完全被忽视,但对法官却没有任何接近于拘束力的权威性。却没有任何接近于拘束力的权威性。2021-12-4法律英语18普通法普通法衡平法衡平法普通法专指英国在普通法专指英国在11世纪后由法官通过判决世纪后由法官通过判决形式逐渐形成的适用于形式逐渐形成的适用于全英格兰的一种判例法全英格兰的一种判例法。而衡平法是指英国在而衡平法是指英国在14世纪后对普通法的世纪后对普通法的修正和补充而出现的一修正和补充而出现的一种判例法。种判例法。 2021-12-4法律英语19nThe common law is historically the common ge

18、neral law with supremacy over local law which was decreed by the itinerant judges of the English royal court. 普通法在历史上是普通综合法,由英国皇家法院的巡回法官颁布的普通综合法地位高于地方法。2021-12-4法律英语20n enforcement 强制执行强制执行;n claim 请求请求;n action 诉讼行为;诉讼行为;n writ 法院令状;法院令状;n classical Roman law 古罗马法古罗马法2021-12-4法律英语21nThe enforcement

19、 of a claim presupposed the existence of a special form of action, a writ, with the result that the original common law represented a system of action similar to that of classical Roman law.n某项诉讼请求的强制执行是以法院令状这种特殊诉讼形式的存在为前提的,而这就使最初的普通法表现为由类似于古罗马法的“诉讼行为”所构成的体系。2021-12-4法律英语22n If a writ existed (in 12

20、27) a claim could be enforced; n有法院令状,诉讼请求就要强制执行;nthere was no recourse for a claim without a writ,the claim did not exist. n没有法院令状为前提的诉讼请求,就没有追索权,因而该诉讼请求也就不存在。2021-12-4法律英语23The narrow limits of the forms of action and the limited recourse they provided led to the deve-lopment of equity law and equ

21、ity case law. n诉讼形式的限制及其提供的有限追索权导致了衡平法和衡平判例法的产生。2021-12-4法律英语24衡平法衡平法 由英国由英国衡平法衡平法法院的大法官法院的大法官在处理专门的申诉案件时,在处理专门的申诉案件时,为为避免过分重视令状和程序避免过分重视令状和程序方面的技术性问题,而方面的技术性问题,而集中集中考虑案情的理据得失考虑案情的理据得失,最终,最终发展出有别于普通法的法律发展出有别于普通法的法律规范,就是规范,就是衡平法衡平法。2021-12-4法律英语25n“Equity”doing equityn公平行为公平ndeciding ex aequo et bono

22、n决定公平且善良(拉丁语)nwas first granted by the King, and laterby his Chancellor as keeper of the Kings conscience, to afford relief in hardship cases.n首先由国王,以后由作为“国王良知守护人”的大法官作出,以便对难以解决的案例提供救济。2021-12-4法律英语26nIn the fifteenth century, however, equity law and equity case law developed into an independent leg

23、al system and judiciary (Court of chancery)which competed with the ordinary common law courts. n15世纪,衡平法和衡平判例法发展成独立的法律制度和司法制度(大法官法庭),大法官法庭与普通法法庭并列存在。2021-12-4法律英语27nIts rules and maxims became fixed and, to a degree, inflexible as in any legal system. n衡平法的规则和原则逐渐确定,与任何法律制度一样,具有一定程度的固定性。equity law20

24、21-12-4法律英语28nrelief in the form of specific performance n特殊履行的救济方式nthe injunctionn禁令(临时或最终的采取或不采取某种行为的命令)nthe development of so called maxims of equity lawn形成所谓的衡平法座右铭 Special characteristics of equity law:the performance of a legal contract as specified by its terms2021-12-4法律英语29nHowever, equitab

25、le relief regularly will lie only when the common law relief is inadequate. n不过,只有当普通法救济不充分时,才适用衡平救济。2021-12-4法律英语30nFor instance, specific performance for the purchase of real property will be grantedbecause common law damages are deemed to be inadequate since they cannot compensate the buyer in vi

26、ew of the uniqueness attributed to real property. n例如,对购买不动产提供特殊履行的救济,因为普通法的赔偿被认为不充分,由于不动产具有特殊性,普通法的赔偿无法补偿买方。2021-12-4法律英语31“ordinary” common law relief of damages普通法规定的赔偿金救济普通法规定的赔偿金救济“extraordinary” equity remedy of specific performance衡平法规定的特定履行救济衡平法规定的特定履行救济2021-12-4法律英语32n Today, both legal sys

27、tems have been merged in many American jurisdictions 普通法普通法衡平法衡平法nthere is only one form of civil suit in these jurisdictions as well as in federal practice. n在美国司法管辖区和联邦实践中只有在美国司法管辖区和联邦实践中只有一套民事诉讼形式一套民事诉讼形式2021-12-4法律英语33nOnly few States continue to maintain a separate chancery court. n独立大法官法庭2021-

28、12-4法律英语34At first the concept of equitable relif was flexible, and depend to a large extent on the chancellors application of principles of conscience to each individual case before them. In time, equitable principles themselves became hardened and lost its flexibility. By the Judicature Act of 187

29、3, parliament fused the two streams of english justice, making the common law and equity equally applicable in all english courts.2021-12-4法律英语35nThe advantage of the case law is the power of flexibility and growth. New decisions are constantly being added as new cases come before the courts. In thi

30、s way the law tends to keep pace with the times and can adapt itself to changing circumstances. The drawbacks of case law in some cases merely the converse aspects of the advantages. For example, Jeremy bentham criticised the principle of the law following the event dogs law system, it is, he says,t

31、he judges that make the common law , do you know how they make it ?just as a man makes laws for his dog, when your dog does something you want to break him of , you wait till he does it and then beat him , this is the way you make laws for your dog, this is the way the judge makes laws for you.2021-

32、12-4法律英语36n案例法的优点,灵活性和成长的能力,随着一件件新的案件告到法院,一个个新的判决也就补充起来。这样法律就能跟上时代的步伐并适应不断变化的客观情况。案例法的害处,就是上述优点的反面。例如边沁曾对事后立法原则加以指责并称判例制度为狗法,他说:“是法官们在制度共同法,你知道他们是怎么样制定的吗?就同一个人替他的那条狗立法一样,狗做了人不让做的事情,人们事先袖手旁观,然后在事发后揍他。这是人替狗立法的方法,也是法官替你我立法的方式。2021-12-4法律英语37A further criticism is that the binding force of precedent lim

33、its judicial discretion. It has been said that judges are engaged in forging fetters for their own feet. This can be illustrated by the doctrine of common employment. Which was laid down by the house of lords in Priestley v.Fowler(1837). This doctrine said that if a employee was injured by a fellow

34、employee whilst both were acting within the scope of their employment, their employer was not liable vicariously for the negligence. The rule operated in a most unjust fashion during the period of great industrial development, but it continued to bind judges for over a century until it was finally a

35、bolished by the Law Reform (Personal Injuries)Act,1948.All the judges could do in the meantime was to limit its scope. 2021-12-4法律英语38n案例法受的另一个指责,则是先例的的拘束力限案例法受的另一个指责,则是先例的的拘束力限制了审判上的裁量,有人还说,法官们是在替自制了审判上的裁量,有人还说,法官们是在替自己铸造脚镣。这一点可以用共同受雇说来加以说己铸造脚镣。这一点可以用共同受雇说来加以说明,此说是由上议院在普里斯特告福尔一案中所明,此说是由上议院在普里斯特告福尔一


37、nited States Supreme CourtCommon law legal systemCivil law legal systemCase law Statutory lawclassical Roman law2021-12-4法律英语40nequity lawnequity case lawnspecific performancen injunctionnequitable reliefncommon law reliefcommon law damagesStare decisis2021-12-4法律英语41civil suitnJurisdictionntrial by

38、 jurynjudge-made law 2021-12-4法律英语42Doctrine of stare decisisWhere precedent merely requires that courts look to previous decisions for guidance, stare decisis requires that a court follow their own decisions and the decisions of higher courts within the same jurisdiction.2021-12-4法律英语432021-12-4法律英

39、语44Jury1.Why we need a jury?2.In what circumstances, we need a trial by jury?3.Who can be a juror?4.How jury works?5.Bless it or curse it?2021-12-4法律英语452021-12-4法律英语46Types of jurynThe petit jury (or trial jury) hears the evidence in a trial as presented by both the plaintiff (petitioner) and the defendant (respondent). After hearing the evidence and often jury instructions from the judge, the group retires for deliberation, to consider a verdict. The majority required for a verdict varies. In some cases


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