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1、1.A 2. A 3. D4. D 5. A 6. A 7.D美文研读美文研读1.avoid 2.concert 3.exhibition 4.increase 5.festival 6.especially 7.destination 8.convenience 9.available 10.attract 11.program(me) 12.explore 13.帮助帮助 14.度过时间度过时间15.寻找寻找 16.接近于接近于17.结束做结束做 18.在周末时在周末时19.以某人自己的速度以某人自己的速度 20.节省节省21.提前提前 22.在你假期开始的时候在你假期开始的时候复记强化复

2、记强化一、句子翻译一、句子翻译1. There, help, with 2. it, to keep calm3. had expected, ended up doing worse4. it is, convenient for5. For, convenience, plan to, in advance, write down知识运用知识运用6. A survey was conducted among 2000 junior and senior students concerning the habit of reading outside lessons. 7. It was f

3、ound that 37 percent of the middle school students read fewer than 5 books per year. 8. As for the reasons why students read so little, some of them have no interests in reading while others complain that they have no time to read because they had too much homework to do. 9. With regard to reading m

4、aterials, there are popular novels, classic works and science fictions. 10. The findings suggest that we need to encourage students to do more reading and give them more time for reading after class. 二、短文填空二、短文填空 in Senior Grade Three apply for located in who held to take part in written to get read

5、y for is limited equipped with 本文主要论述了在人生中要成功,虽然本文主要论述了在人生中要成功,虽然运气、天赋、家庭出身固然很重要,但运气、天赋、家庭出身固然很重要,但首先要树立目标,然后花大量的时间来首先要树立目标,然后花大量的时间来学习和实践,没日没夜地工作,达到入学习和实践,没日没夜地工作,达到入迷的程度,并长此以往。迷的程度,并长此以往。1. the reasons for success 2. people sometimes succeed without luck or talent典型例题典型例题3. C主旨归纳题。由第二段开头的主旨归纳题。由第二

6、段开头的However可知,本文的中心论题不是第一段而在第可知,本文的中心论题不是第一段而在第二段二段to succeed in life, one first needs to needs to,再结合最后一段第一句,再结合最后一段第一句if you want to become great at it, you need to work day in and day out, almost to the point of addiction, and over a long period of time,可知本文的主题思想是不花时间和实践是可知本文的主题思想是不花时间和实践是不可能取得成功

7、的。不可能取得成功的。4. B代词指代题。代词是意义衔接的代词指代题。代词是意义衔接的手段之一,此处的代词手段之一,此处的代词that替代前句替代前句中的中的set a goal and then gradually make it more practical,故选,故选B。5. D细节理解题。题眼出现在第三段第一句细节理解题。题眼出现在第三段第一句This is a big reason why many successful people advise you to do something you love.但其中的但其中的this就是指代上文的内容,即第二就是指代上文的内容,即第二段

8、的最后两句话的内容段的最后两句话的内容one needs to spend at least 10 000 hours studying and practicing. To become great at certain things, itll require even more time, time that most people wont put in,这两句就告诉我们,这两句就告诉我们,要成功需要花费大量的时间。要成功需要花费大量的时间。1.success, succeed 2.elligence 4.goal5.practical 6.achieve7.rewa

9、rd 8.guarantee9.情况情况 10.出身于出身于11.还有还有 12.擅长于擅长于13.喜欢喜欢 14.付出很大的代价付出很大的代价15.对对有好处有好处 16.夜以继日夜以继日17.至少至少复记强化复记强化本文介绍了今年学生贷款增多给家庭带来的压力本文介绍了今年学生贷款增多给家庭带来的压力和大学学费的不断增加的社会问题,提出政府对和大学学费的不断增加的社会问题,提出政府对之做出的回应。之做出的回应。1. Diana Jacobs workable plan to pay for college for her 21-year-old twin sons2. that financ

10、ial aid administrators expect more families to need student loans3. B推理判断题。第一段提到推理判断题。第一段提到Diana Jacobs的家庭的家庭本来有一个可行的计划可以支付两个双胞胎儿子本来有一个可行的计划可以支付两个双胞胎儿子的大学费用,可由于丈夫的失业计划瓦解了。的大学费用,可由于丈夫的失业计划瓦解了。实战演练实战演练4. D推理判断题。第三段指出解决方案推理判断题。第三段指出解决方案solution 是向学校索求更多的援助,每是向学校索求更多的援助,每个儿子增加贷款到最大额度。如原文个儿子增加贷款到最大额度。如原文

11、“They asked and received more aid from the schools, and each son increased his borrowing to the maximum amount through the federal loan (贷款贷款) program.”,也即是选项,也即是选项D。5. A细节推断题。由第四段细节推断题。由第四段“expect to hear more families like the Jacobs”可以可以得知财政援助的管理员们预期会看到更得知财政援助的管理员们预期会看到更多像多像Jacobs一家的情况,同义转换即选一家的情

12、况,同义转换即选项项A。而。而BD原文没有提到,原文没有提到,C 从第五段从第五段“Student borrowing has more than doubled in the last decade”,可知在过去可知在过去10年里已经长了一倍还多,因此是错的。年里已经长了一倍还多,因此是错的。6. C推理判断题。从第六段最后一句话推理判断题。从第六段最后一句话“They will send kids to college whatever it takes, even if that means a huge amount of debt.”可知,无论需要什么他们都会送孩子可知,无论需要什么

13、他们都会送孩子去上大学,即使那意味着大笔的债务。去上大学,即使那意味着大笔的债务。7. D细节推断题。由最后一段可知许多公司细节推断题。由最后一段可知许多公司做出决定说学生贷款利润不高因此不再做贷做出决定说学生贷款利润不高因此不再做贷款,而好消息是联邦政府承担着四分之三的款,而好消息是联邦政府承担着四分之三的学生贷款。因此推断是学生贷款。因此推断是D,政府将继续承担,政府将继续承担对大学生的资金援助。对大学生的资金援助。1.income 3.solution 4.receive 5.graduate 7.debt 8.average 9.governm

14、ent10.21岁的岁的 11.一些,相当数量的一些,相当数量的12.崩溃,土崩瓦解,破碎崩溃,土崩瓦解,破碎13.给某人提供给某人提供14.同时同时 15.解决,计算出解决,计算出16.申请申请 17.生活艰难生活艰难复记强化复记强化 Last weekend, I had an interview with Professor Wang, an eye-doctor, about the issue of short-sightedness of the school children in China. According to Professor Wang, slightly more

15、 than half of the school children in our country are short-sighted, which ranks the first in the world. 典型例题典型例题He also pointed out that the cause for short-sightedness are so complicated that no medicine could cure short-sightedness. So he suggested that school children avoid overuse of their eyes

16、and do more outdoor activities. He particularly reminded us that how to hold a pen is also related to it. 第一步,认真审题。第一步,认真审题。实战演练实战演练2主体人主体人称称第一第一(I)人称;第三人称人称;第三人称he (Mr. Wang)3主体时主体时态态采访:采访: 一般过去时。一般过去时。基本信息及原因分析:基本信息及原因分析: 一一般现在时般现在时4信息点信息点总数总数10项项第三步,信息表达。第三步,信息表达。(参考译文参考译文)1. Last Wednesday, I ha

17、d an interview with Mr. Wang concerning the issue of English spelling among middle school students.2. According to Mr. Wang, 54% of the middle school students English handwriting is very poor and about 45% of them can not spell words correctly although they are able to speak.3. He also pointed out t

18、hat the causes for poor spelling are that there are no specific word spelling checks in exams, and there is no enough training at ordinary times.4. He suggested that we should raise the awareness and place great emphasis on spelling.5. Also, we should master skills while we increase training on spelling.第四步,连句成篇。第四步,连句成篇。Last Wednesday, I had an interview with Mr. Wang, an English teacher, concerning the issue of


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