1、Translation Skill Word Conversion (翻译技巧(翻译技巧 词性转换)词性转换) 转译成汉语动词; 转译成汉语名词; 转译成汉语形容词; 转译成汉语副词。 由于英汉两种语言属于不同的语系,所以它们在语言结构与表达由于英汉两种语言属于不同的语系,所以它们在语言结构与表达形式方面各有特点。要使译文既忠实于原意,又顺畅可读,就不能局形式方面各有特点。要使译文既忠实于原意,又顺畅可读,就不能局限于逐词对等,必须采用适当的词性转换。限于逐词对等,必须采用适当的词性转换。p英语句法要求一个句子只能有一个谓语动词(并列英语句法要求一个句子只能有一个谓语动词(并列谓语必须有连词)
2、,其他动词必须变成非谓语形式谓语必须有连词),其他动词必须变成非谓语形式,而汉语中使用动词比英语多,也比较灵活,有时,而汉语中使用动词比英语多,也比较灵活,有时一个短句子就用了好几个动词。因此英语中名词、一个短句子就用了好几个动词。因此英语中名词、形容词、介词和副词均可转译为汉语动词。形容词、介词和副词均可转译为汉语动词。转译成汉语动词转译成汉语动词转译成汉语动词转译成汉语动词lA change ofA change of state from a solid to a liquid form requires state from a solid to a liquid form requi
3、res heat energy.heat energy.lThe term laser stands for amplification The term laser stands for amplification byby stimulated stimulated emission of radiation.emission of radiation.l译:从固态译:从固态变变为液态需要热能。(名词转译成动词)为液态需要热能。(名词转译成动词)l译:译:“激光激光”这个术语指的是这个术语指的是利用利用辐射的受激发射放大光辐射的受激发射放大光波。(介词转译成动词)波。(介词转译成动词)转译
4、成汉语动词转译成汉语动词lBoth of the substances are not Both of the substances are not solublesoluble in water. in water.译:这两种物质都不译:这两种物质都不溶于溶于水。(形容词转译成动词)水。(形容词转译成动词)lIn this case the temperature in furnace is In this case the temperature in furnace is upup. .l译:在这种情况下,炉温就译:在这种情况下,炉温就升高升高。(形容词转译成动词。(形容词转译成动词)转
5、译成汉语名词转译成汉语名词lSuch materials are Such materials are characterized characterized by good insulation by good insulation and high resistance to wear.and high resistance to wear.英语中有些动词的概念很难用汉语东西直接表达英语中有些动词的概念很难用汉语东西直接表达出来,这时可以转译为汉语名词。出来,这时可以转译为汉语名词。l译:这些材料的译:这些材料的特点特点是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强。是:绝缘性好,耐磨性强。(动词转译成名词)(动
6、词转译成名词)转译成汉语名词转译成汉语名词lThe result of this experiment is much better thanThe result of this experiment is much better than those those of previous ones.of previous ones.l译:这次实验的结果比前几次的译:这次实验的结果比前几次的实验结果实验结果都好得多。都好得多。(代词转译成名词)(代词转译成名词)lAll structural materials behave All structural materials behave pla
7、sticallyplastically above above their elastic range.their elastic range.l译:超过弹性极限时,一切结构材料都会显示出译:超过弹性极限时,一切结构材料都会显示出塑性塑性。(副词转译成名词)。(副词转译成名词)The cutting tool must be The cutting tool must be strong, hard, tough, and strong, hard, tough, and wear resistantwear resistant. .转译成汉语名词转译成汉语名词某些表示事物特征的形容词做表语时
8、可将其转译某些表示事物特征的形容词做表语时可将其转译成名词,其后往往加上成名词,其后往往加上“性性” 、“度度” 、“体体”等。带有定冠词的某些形容词用作名词,应译成等。带有定冠词的某些形容词用作名词,应译成名词。名词。译:刀具必须具有足够的译:刀具必须具有足够的强度、硬度、韧性和耐磨性强度、硬度、韧性和耐磨性。Both the compounds are acids, the Both the compounds are acids, the formerformer is strong, is strong, the the latterlatter is weak is weak.译:这
9、两种化合物都是酸,译:这两种化合物都是酸,前者前者是强酸,是强酸,后者后者是弱酸是弱酸转译成汉语形容词转译成汉语形容词lThis experiment was a This experiment was a success.success. This man-machine system is This man-machine system is chieflychiefly characterized by characterized by its simplicity of operation and the ease with which it its simplicity of ope
10、ration and the ease with which it can be maintained.can be maintained.译:这个试验是译:这个试验是成功的成功的。(名词转译成形容词)。(名词转译成形容词)译:这种人机系统的译:这种人机系统的主要主要特点是操作简单,容易维修特点是操作简单,容易维修。(副词转译成形容词)。(副词转译成形容词)转译成汉语形容词转译成汉语形容词lIt is demonstrated that dust is It is demonstrated that dust is extremelyextremely hazardous. hazardous
11、.lThe equations below are derived from those The equations below are derived from those aboveabove. .l译:已经证实,粉尘具有译:已经证实,粉尘具有极大极大的危害。(副词转译成的危害。(副词转译成形容词)形容词)l译:下面的方程式是由译:下面的方程式是由上面的上面的那些方程式推导出来的那些方程式推导出来的。(副词转译成形容词)。(副词转译成形容词)转译成汉语副词转译成汉语副词lThe mechanical automatization makes for a The mechanical aut
12、omatization makes for a tremendous tremendous rise in labor productivity.rise in labor productivity.l译:机械自动化可以译:机械自动化可以大大地大大地提高劳动生产率。(形提高劳动生产率。(形容词转译成副词)容词转译成副词) 转译成汉语副词转译成汉语副词lA helicopter is A helicopter is free free to go almost anywhere.to go almost anywhere.l译:直升飞机几乎可以译:直升飞机几乎可以自由地自由地飞到任何地方去。(飞
13、到任何地方去。(形容词转译成副词)形容词转译成副词)lRapid evaporation at the heating surface Rapid evaporation at the heating surface tends tends to make the steam wet.to make the steam wet.l译:加热面上的迅速蒸发,译:加热面上的迅速蒸发,往往往往使蒸汽的湿度变大使蒸汽的湿度变大。(动词转译成副词)。(动词转译成副词)CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIE- - 1313 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILUR
14、E OF DIE- - 1414 - - - 1515 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEp Proper selection of the die material and of the die manufacturing technique determines,to a large extent, the useful life of forming dies.p适当地选用模具材料和模具制造技术,在很大程度上决定了适当地选用模具材料和模具制造技术,在很大程度上决定了成形模具的使用寿命。成形模具的使用寿命。- - 1616 - -CHAPTER 6 L
15、IFE AND FAILURE OF DIEp Dies may have to be replaced for a number of reasons, such as changes in dimensions due to wear or plastic deformation, deterioration of the surface finish, breakdown of lubrication, and cracking or breakage. p由于很多原因,模具不得不被更换,譬如由于磨损或塑性由于很多原因,模具不得不被更换,譬如由于磨损或塑性变形引起了尺寸改变,表面粗糙度的
16、恶化,润滑系统的破变形引起了尺寸改变,表面粗糙度的恶化,润滑系统的破坏、模具的开裂和破损。坏、模具的开裂和破损。dimensions 尺寸、规格尺寸、规格 deterioration 恶化恶化 lubrication 润滑润滑 breakage 破损破损 - - 1717 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpIn hot impression die forging, the principal modes of die failure are erosion, thermal fatigue, mechanical fatigue and permane
17、nt (plastic) deformation.p在热在热模腔模腔锻造中,模具失效的主要方式是锻造中,模具失效的主要方式是侵蚀侵蚀、热疲劳热疲劳、机械疲劳机械疲劳和和永久变形永久变形。impression 型腔型腔 ,模穴,模穴principal permanent 永久的永久的- - 1818 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpIn erosion, also commonly called die wear, material is actually removed from the die surface by pressure and slid
18、ing of the deforming material, wear resistance of the die material, die surface temperature, relative sliding speed at the die/material interface and the nature of the interface layer are the most significant factors influencing abrasive die wear.p侵蚀破坏,通常也称为模具磨损,指由于压力或变形材料侵蚀破坏,通常也称为模具磨损,指由于压力或变形材料的流
19、动引起的模具表面材料的流失,的流动引起的模具表面材料的流失,材料的耐磨性材料的耐磨性、模具模具表面温度表面温度、模具模具/材料接触面相对滑动速度材料接触面相对滑动速度以及以及接触面的性接触面的性质质,这些都是对模具磨损产生影响的的重要因素。,这些都是对模具磨损产生影响的的重要因素。sliding 滑动滑动 interface 接触面、接口接触面、接口 abrasive 有研磨作用的有研磨作用的 - - 1919 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpThermal fatigue occurs on the surface of the die impres
20、sion in hot forming and results in heat checking. Thermal fatigue results from cyclic yielding of the die surface due to contact with the hot deforming material. p热疲劳现象产生于热成型模腔的表面,从而导致热裂纹。热疲劳现象产生于热成型模腔的表面,从而导致热裂纹。热疲劳是由于模具表面与热变形材料接触而循环变形产生热疲劳是由于模具表面与热变形材料接触而循环变形产生的。的。heat checking 热致裂纹热致裂纹cyclic - -
21、2020 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpThis contact causes the surface layers to expand, and, because of the very steep temperature gradients, the surface layers are subject to compressive stresses.p这样的接触导致了表面层膨胀,并且因为温度梯度非常陡,这样的接触导致了表面层膨胀,并且因为温度梯度非常陡,表面层受到压应力表面层受到压应力 。 expand 扩张扩张 steep 陡峭的,急剧升降的
22、陡峭的,急剧升降的temperature gradients - - 2121 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpAt sufficiently high temperatures, these compressive stresses may cause the surface layers to deform. When the die surface cools, a stress reversal may occur and the surface layers will then be in tension。p当温度足够高时,这些压应力就会导致
23、表面层变形。当模当温度足够高时,这些压应力就会导致表面层变形。当模具表面冷却时,会产生应力的逆转,表面层将承受拉应力。具表面冷却时,会产生应力的逆转,表面层将承受拉应力。 compressive stresses 压应力压应力 reversal 逆转逆转 tension stresses 拉应力拉应力- - 2222 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpAfter repeated cycling in this manner, fatigue will cause formation of a crack pattern that is recogniz
24、ed as heat checking.p如此多次重复循环后,疲劳将导致裂纹形成,这被认为是如此多次重复循环后,疲劳将导致裂纹形成,这被认为是热裂变形。热裂变形。pattern 模式模式 - - 2323 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpDie breakage or cracking is due to mechanical fatigue and occurs in cases where the dies are overloaded and local stresses are high. p模具的破损和裂纹是由于机械疲劳造成的,它们在模具过模
25、具的破损和裂纹是由于机械疲劳造成的,它们在模具过载和局部压应力过高的条件下产生。载和局部压应力过高的条件下产生。overload 过载过载local stresses 局部应力局部应力- - 2424 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpThe dies are subjected to alternating stresses due to loading and unloading during the deformation process, and this causes crack initiation and eventual failure.
26、p在变形过程中,由于加载及卸载交替,使模具承受交变应在变形过程中,由于加载及卸载交替,使模具承受交变应力,从而导致裂纹萌生并最终模具失效。力,从而导致裂纹萌生并最终模具失效。 initiation 初始,萌生初始,萌生eventual 最后的最后的- - 2525 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpDie life and die failure are greatly affected by the mechanical properties of the die materials under the conditions that exist in
27、 a given deformation process.p模具寿命和失效,在给定的变形过程条件下,受到模具材模具寿命和失效,在给定的变形过程条件下,受到模具材料的力学性能的巨大影响。料的力学性能的巨大影响。- - 2626 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEp Generally, the properties that are most significant depend on the process temperature. Thus, die materials used in cold forming processes are quite d
28、ifferent from those used in hot forming.p通常来说,材料最重要的力学性能取决于工艺温度。因此,通常来说,材料最重要的力学性能取决于工艺温度。因此,冷成型工艺与热成型工艺中所用模具材料是很不相同的。冷成型工艺与热成型工艺中所用模具材料是很不相同的。- - 2727 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpThe design and manufacture of dies and the selection of die materials are very important in the production of d
29、iscrete parts by use of metal forming processes. The dies must be made by modern manufacturing methods from appropriate die material in order to provide acceptable die life at a reasonable cost. p在单个零件生产的金属成型工艺中,模具的设计及制造以在单个零件生产的金属成型工艺中,模具的设计及制造以及模具材料的选择是非常重要的。为了保证模具具有合理及模具材料的选择是非常重要的。为了保证模具具有合理的成本和
30、较高的寿命,模具必须使用适当的材料和现代制的成本和较高的寿命,模具必须使用适当的材料和现代制造方法。造方法。discrete 不连续的,单个的不连续的,单个的- - 2828 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpOften the economic success of a forming process depends on die life and die costs per piece produced. For a given application, selection of the appropriate die material depend
31、s on three types of variables:p一个形成过程的经济性往往是取决于模具寿命和每件模具一个形成过程的经济性往往是取决于模具寿命和每件模具的制作成本。对于既定的应用,选择合适的模具材料取决的制作成本。对于既定的应用,选择合适的模具材料取决于三种类型的变量:于三种类型的变量:variables 变量变量- - 2929 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEp (1) Variable related to the process itself, including factors such as size of the die cavi
32、ty, type of machine used and deformation speed, initial stock size and temperature, die temperature to be used, lubrication, production rate and number of parts to be produced.p(1)与工艺本身相关的变量。包括型腔尺寸大小、使用的)与工艺本身相关的变量。包括型腔尺寸大小、使用的机器类型及变形速度、初始毛坯尺寸及温度、模具使用温机器类型及变形速度、初始毛坯尺寸及温度、模具使用温度、润滑、生产率及生产零部件的数量等因素。度、
33、润滑、生产率及生产零部件的数量等因素。stock 原料,坯料原料,坯料production rate 生产率生产率 (output/productivity rate)- - 3030 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEp (2) Variable related to the type of die loading, including speed of loading, i.e., impact or gradual contact time between dies and deforming metal (this contact time is
34、especially important in hot forming), maximum load and pressure on the dies, maximum and minimum die temperatures, and number of loading cycles to which the dies will be subjected.p(2)模具加载类型相关的变量。包括加载速度,譬如模)模具加载类型相关的变量。包括加载速度,譬如模具与成型金属之间的快速撞击或渐渐接触的时间(这个接具与成型金属之间的快速撞击或渐渐接触的时间(这个接触时间在热成型工艺中是非常重要的),模具的
35、最大载荷触时间在热成型工艺中是非常重要的),模具的最大载荷和压力,最高或最低模具温度,模具将要承受的加载次数。和压力,最高或最低模具温度,模具将要承受的加载次数。gradual 逐渐、渐渐、顺序变化的逐渐、渐渐、顺序变化的- - 3131 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEp (3) Mechanical properties of the die material, including hardenability, impact strength, hot strength (if hot forming is considered) and resis
36、tance to thermal and mechanical fatigue.p(3)模具材料的力学性能,包括它的淬透性、冲击强度、)模具材料的力学性能,包括它的淬透性、冲击强度、热强度(如果考虑热成型),抗热疲劳和抗机械疲劳性能。热强度(如果考虑热成型),抗热疲劳和抗机械疲劳性能。hardenability 淬透性淬透性CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIE- - 3232 - - - 3333 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpDuctile fracture criteria can be generally repr
37、esented by a function having the form: F(deformation history) d = C (1) Where is the effective strain and C the damage value.p塑性失效准则通常由下面的函数方程表示:塑性失效准则通常由下面的函数方程表示:这里这里 指有效应变,指有效应变,C指损坏值。指损坏值。- - 3434 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpThe common hypothesis of ductile fracture, as represented by E
38、q. (1), is that ductile fracture occurs when the maximum damage value in a workpiece exceeds a critical value or critical damage value . p 正如正如(1)式所表示的,塑性破坏常用的假设是,当工件承受式所表示的,塑性破坏常用的假设是,当工件承受的最大损坏值超过一个临界损坏值时,就会产生塑性破坏。的最大损坏值超过一个临界损坏值时,就会产生塑性破坏。hypothesis 假设假设- - 3535 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF D
39、IEpFor a homogeneous material, this critical damage value can be considered as a material constant, similar to yield stress or tensile strength. p 对于匀质材料来说,这一临界损坏值被视为类似于屈服应对于匀质材料来说,这一临界损坏值被视为类似于屈服应力或拉伸强度的一个材料常数。力或拉伸强度的一个材料常数。homogeneous 均匀的,单一的均匀的,单一的- - 3636 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpSin
40、ce different ductile fracture criteria lead to different damage values, the critical damage values corresponding to different ductile fracture criteria are different for a given material.p因为不同的韧性断裂准则导致不同的损坏值,对于一种给因为不同的韧性断裂准则导致不同的损坏值,对于一种给定的材料来说其对应于不同的韧性断裂准则的临界损坏值定的材料来说其对应于不同的韧性断裂准则的临界损坏值也是不同的。也是不同的。
41、- - 3737 - -CHAPTER 6 LIFE AND FAILURE OF DIEpMany experimental studies have been conducted to establish testing methods to determine formability and/or fracture limit diagrams and several ductile fracture criteria have been suggested. Mathematically derived ductile fracture criteria have been proposed based on experimental observations.p为建立确定成型性能和失效极限图的测试方法,已经进行为建立确定成型性能和失效极限图的测试方法,已经进行了许多实验研究,且已经有几种塑性损坏准则推荐使用。了许多
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