1、实用阶梯英语语法教程(第二版)PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: 新世纪高职高专教材编审委员会组编总主审刘黛琳总主编牛健主编郑仰成王海丽缑慧权CONTENTS PAGESentences (句子)Chapter11.1Basic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.2 Simple Sentences (简单句)1.3 Compound Sentences (并列句)1.4 Complex Se
2、ntences (复合句)CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.11. Everybody laughed.2. Class begins at eight oclock.3. Patterns of demands differ among countries.4. Human brains resemble considerably.1.1.1 Our journey begins. (主语+谓语)CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.15. I study pedagogy.6. Ma
3、ny restaurants have a no-smoking section.7. The police are investigating the crime.8. We all need a balanced diet for good health.1.1.2 I love this trip. (主语+谓语+宾语)CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.19. The story sounds interesting.10. The employees seem very capable.11. Electronics is a p
4、art of electricity.12. People are similar in many ways.1.1.3 He is a student. (主语+系动词+表语)CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.113. He found the box empty.14. We think education crucial.15. We have proved him wrong.16. The technician taught us how to examine the water in the boiler.1.1.4 We c
5、onsider English important. (主语+谓语+宾语+补语)CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.117. Electricity gives us light.18. She made herself a new dress.19. The driver saved us a lot of trouble.20. The onlookers told the police the whole story.1.1.5 She gave me a present. (主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语)CONTENTS PAGE
6、Basic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.1Exercises to 1.1Analyze the patterns of the following sentences.1. A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.2. The story of Mark Twains life sounds interesting.主语+系动词+表语主语+系动词+表语CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.1Exercises to 1.1Analyze the p
7、atterns of the following sentences.3. Knowledge makes a man elegant.4. Leaves turn yellow in autumn.主语+谓语+宾语+补语主语+系动词+表语CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.1Exercises to 1.1Analyze the patterns of the following sentences.5. The old man walks in the park every day.6. We all breathe, drink, a
8、nd eat.主语+谓语主语+谓语CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.1Exercises to 1.1Analyze the patterns of the following sentences.7. All critics considered his novel a masterpiece.8. Walls have ears.主语+谓语+宾语+补语主语+谓语+宾语CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.1Exercises to 1.1Analyze the patterns of
9、 the following sentences.9. Whether they will come or not depends on the weather.10. My cousin mailed me a package yesterday.主语+谓语主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.1Exercises to 1.1Analyze the patterns of the following sentences.11. The meeting lasted for two hours.12. He i
10、s repairing the generator.主语+谓语主语+谓语+宾语CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.1Exercises to 1.1Analyze the patterns of the following sentences.13. We call it electric energy.主语+谓语+宾语+补语CONTENTS PAGEBasic sentence Patterns (基本句型)1.1Exercises to 1.1Complete the following sentences by translating
11、 the Chinese parts.14. Nothing works better than _ (拥有积极的态度).15. _ is the common goal. (考试的高分).16. _ (他没有遵守安全规则) resulted in an accident to the machinery.17. The lion is _ (勇气的象征).18. Music expresses _ (人们的问题与感情).19. The teacher told the students _ (注意拼写).20. That is why _ (我们要做善事).21. I dont know _
12、 (他明天是否会来).having a positive attitudeGetting high exam scoresHis failure to observe the safety regulationsa symbol of couragethe problems and feelings of peopleto pay attention to his spellingwe should do good thingswhether he will come tomorrowCONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Life is ful
13、l of ups and downs. (陈述句)1. People have five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.2. The sun is the largest source of energy in the solar system.3. The rapid increase in population has created some serious problems.4. Most people watch television every day.陈述句用来说明一个事实或陈述说话人的看法,句末用句号。CONTEN
14、TS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Life is full of ups and downs. (陈述句)5. She arrived quite early.6. The earth revolves round the sun.7. In general, people keep their savings in banks.不含否定词的句子即为肯定句。 I am a statistics major. (肯定句)CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Life is full of u
15、ps and downs. (陈述句)8. I never go to bed without watching the news.9. I can never see the film without being moved to tears.10. There was no one who didnt feel sympathy for the victims.双重否定表示肯定,为了加强语气。 I am a statistics major. (肯定句)CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Read
16、 the following story and learn the usage of statement.The Forbidden City is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. It took 14 years to build the Forbidden City. The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are symbolic. Red represents happiness, good fortune a
17、nd wealth. Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture. The complex consists of 800 buildings wi
18、th 8,886 rooms, covering 720,000 square meters. Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate, the Meridian Gate on the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valor on the north, being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today. Once inside, visitors will see a succession of halls and palaces spreading
19、out on either side of an invisible central axis. The buildings glowing yellow roofs against vermilion walls is a magnificent sight, not to mention their painted ridges and carved beams. The Forbidden City was declared a World Heritage Site in 1987 and listed by UNESCO as the largest collection of pr
20、eserved ancient wooden structures in the world.CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Life is full of ups and downs. (陈述句)11. Dont apologize. Its my fault.12. She has not been sleeping well lately.13. There isnt any market for these products.系动词、情态动词、助动词加not表示对句子的否定。 This is not the righ
21、t answer. (否定句)CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Life is full of ups and downs. (陈述句)14. I have no brother.15. He never comes to school late.16. I know nothing about computer.一些否定词如no, never等表示对句子的全部否定。 This is not the right answer. (否定句)CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) L
22、ife is full of ups and downs. (陈述句)17. He seldom comes to see me.18. He has few friends in Hong Kong.19. I hardly see anything in the room.一些否定词如seldom, hardly, rarely等表示对句子的部分否定。 This is not the right answer. (否定句)CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Life is full of ups and downs. (陈述
23、句)20. Without music, the world would be dull.21. Jack is the last person whom we would want to meet.22. The heat was more than we could stand.某些肯定形式的词或短语表示否定意义。 This is not the right answer. (否定句)CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Change the following sentences into the
24、ir negative form.1. We can go to the park with our teacher next Saturday.2. Tom does his homework after supper.We cant go to the park with our teacher next Saturday.Tom doesnt do his homework after supper.CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Change the following sentences into t
25、heir negative form.3. Jason plays football every afternoon.4. I do voluntary work in the community every summer holiday.Jason doesnt play football every afternoon.I dont do voluntary work in the community every summer holiday.CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Change the follo
26、wing sentences into their negative form.5. Self-control is something that comes with your birth.6. He can sing this song and that one.Self-control isnt something that comes with your birth.He cant sing this song and that one.CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Translate the fol
27、lowing sentences into Chinese.7. Her lecture was above me.8. You seldom work on Sundays, do you?我听不懂她的报告。你星期天很少工作,是吗?CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Translate the following sentences into Chinese.9. She had a lot of friends and was usually asked out in the evenings,so she s
28、eldom spent an evening at home.10. I agree with most of what you have said, but I dont agree witheverything.她有很多朋友,晚上常被邀请外出,因此她晚上很少在家里待着。我同意你说的大部分内容,但不是所有内容。CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Translate the following sentences into Chinese.11. It is not unusual for a family to
29、have more than one car to use indaily life.12. The kids had never been in London, and were astonished at thecrowds.一个家庭在日常生活中有一辆以上的车子并不特别稀奇。孩子们从未来过伦敦,看到人群感到很惊讶。CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Questions (疑问句) Will you be free tonight? (一般疑问句)1. Do I need a reservation?2. Is there a
30、 Korean restaurant around here?3. Has the factory gone into production?No, not yet. / Yes, it has.4. Could you help me with my homework this evening?Yes, I will. / No, I wont.一般疑问句由助动词、情态动词、动词be或have引导,通常要求以yes或no回答。CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Change the following state
31、ments into general questions.Model: We speak Chinese. Do you speak Chinese?1. We have to finish the job on time.2. She took the late night train to Beijing.Do you have to finish the job on time?Did she take the late night train to Beijing?CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Cha
32、nge the following statements into general questions.Model: We speak Chinese. Do you speak Chinese?3. College is a different experience for me.4. Education gives us tools for lifelong learning.Is college a different experience for you?Does education give you tools for lifelong learning?CONTENTS PAGES
33、imple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Change the following statements into general questions.Model: We speak Chinese. Do you speak Chinese?5. Things always change.6. I locked the door before leaving.Do things always change?Did you lock the door before leaving?CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句
34、) Questions (疑问句) What is your name? (特殊疑问句)1. Whats the exchange rate today?2. How long have you been waiting here?3. Which book have you lent him?4. Who is the young lady standing over there?5. Why is the Internet so widely used?特殊疑问句对句中某一部分提出疑问,由疑问代词或疑问副词引导,一般用倒装语序。CONTENTS PAGESim
35、ple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Ask questions to the underlined words.1. Jack did well in math.2. My sister is reading a book at the windows.How did Jack do in math?Who is reading a book at the windows?CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Ask questions to the underline
36、d words.3. There are over 30 students working in the laboratory.4. The teacher read an interesting story to the students before classbegan.How many students are there working in the laboratory?When did the teacher read an interesting story to the students?CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exerci
37、ses to Ask questions to the underlined words.5. I bought the dictionary at eight in a bookshop.When and where did you buy the dictionary?CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Questions (疑问句) . tea or milk? (选择疑问句)1. Which do you prefer, tea or milk?2. Is the delegation leaving to
38、day or tomorrow?3. Did you work out the math problem in this way or that way?4. Will Prof. Smith or Prof. Anniston give us a lecture?选择疑问句提出两个答案供选择,在结构上与一般疑问句相似,两个选择部分用or连接。CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Make up sentences according to the situations given.1. You want to kn
39、ow whether Ben or Mike didnt come to schooltoday.2. The waitress is asking the customer to choose between the pizzaand hamburger.Who didnt come to school today, Ben or Mike?Which food do you want, pizza or hamburger?CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Questions (疑问句) You made reservat
40、ion, didnt you? (反意疑问句)1. Im as tall as your brother, arent I?2. You arent going to her birthday party, are you?3. We believe she can do it better, cant she?4. He said he wanted to visit Japan, didnt he?5. You didnt find many problems with your equipment, did you?反意疑问句用于提出看法,询问对方是否同意,前一部分用陈述句的形式,后一部
41、分是一个附着在前一部分的简短问句。如果前一个部分用肯定形式,后一部分就用否定形式;如果前一部分用否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式。CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to Fill in the blanks with a proper tail.1. He often goes to school by bike, _?2. Dont make any noise, _?3. There are times when such things are necessary, _?4. I dare not go out af
42、ter dark. Lets go together, _?5. You seem to be dissatisfied with your present job. I dont think you judged your ability objectively when you applied it, _?6. Few people would agree with this, _?7. He said he wasnt at home last night, _?doesnt hewill youarent thereshall wedid youwould theydidnt heCO
43、NTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) Sit down! (祈使句)1. Fasten your seat belt!2. Dont turn off the switch!3. Come in, please!祈使句表示请求、命令、劝告等,一般无主语,谓语动词用原形。4. You wait here for a moment!5. Behave yourself!6. Nobody say a word!在某些情况下加入特定主语,如you, oneself, everyone, nobody等用于加强语气。CONTENTS PAGESimple
44、Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to 1.2.3Translate the following English warnings into Chinese.1. No spitting!2. Please do not throw rubbish into this river.禁止吐痰!请勿向河中投掷垃圾!CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to 1.2.3Translate the following English warnings into Chinese.3. Keep in dark place.4
45、. Customers please refrain from entering this area.避光保存!顾客止步!CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercises to 1.2.3Translate the following English warnings into Chinese.5. No parking day or night!6. Keep your belongings with you at all times.昼夜禁止停车!请随时照看好您的个人物品!CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1
46、.2Exercises to 1.2.3Translate the following English warnings into Chinese.7. In case of fire, stay in vehicle.8. Do not speak to the driver when the bus is moving.如遇火警,请留在车内!汽车行驶中严禁与司机交谈!CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) What a beautiful day! (感叹句)1. How time flies!2. What a bad time I had
47、!3. What terrible weather weve been having these days!感叹句表示说话时的惊异、喜悦、气愤等情绪,多用what或how引起,what用于修饰名词,how修饰形容词、副词或动词。CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句) What a beautiful day! (感叹句)4. What good news it is!5. What difficult questions they are!6. What noise they are making!What a/an + Adj.+Noun+主语
48、+谓语,构成感叹句。7. How cold it is today!8. How interesting this novel is!9. How hard he works!How + Adj. + a/an +主语+ 谓语,构成感叹句。CONTENTS PAGESimple Sentences (简单句)1.2Exercise to 1.2.4Fill in the following blanks with proper words to form an exclamation.1. The old lady walked very slowly._ the old lady walke
49、d!2. Mary is an honest girl._ girl Mary is!_ girl Mary is!3. The students are listening carefully._ the students are listening!4. The weather is fine._ weather it is !_ the weather is!5. On our holiday we had good weather._ weather we had on our holiday!How, slowlyWhat, an, honestHow, honest, aHow,
50、carefullyWhat, fineHow, fineWhat, goodCONTENTS PAGECompound Sentences (并列句)1.31. I knocked at the door but no one answered.2. Hurry up, or youll be late.3. Give him an inch and he will take a mile.4. She said she would be late, yet she arrived on time.并列句由并列连词and, or, but, so等将两个或两个以上平等关系的简单句连接在一起,表
51、示语义引申、选择、转折、对比或因果关系等。5. They are not only ornamental, but also useful.6. Either Jack or Lily will go with you, for one of them has to stay home and wait for the call.7. You must leave early, or else youll miss the train.一些固定搭配如, not only.but also., neither.nor., or else等也可以用于构成并列句。CONTENTS PAGECompo
52、und Sentences (并列句)1.31. You must work hard, _ youll fall behind.A. and B. or C. so D. for2. Mr. Yang knows little English, _ he cant understand the instructions on the bottle.A. but B. and C. yet D. or3. He is good-natured, _ I dont like him.A. but B. or C. for D. so4. Stop smoking now, _ your heal
53、th will be ruined.A. and B. but C. or else D. since5. This winter is _ cold, _ windy.A. either.or B. neither.nor C. both.and D. not only.but alsoExercises to 1.3Multiple ChoiceB. orB. andA. butC. or elseD. not only.but alsoCONTENTS PAGEComplex Sentences (复合句)1.4复合句有两个或两个以上主谓结构,但其中一个是主句,另外是从句;根据从句在主句
54、中充当的句子成分,可把从句分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句、同位语从句等。1. That light travels in straight lines is known to all.2. A new study hints that eating milk chocolate may boost brain function.3. His first question was whether Mr. Smith had arrived yet.4. The question that who should do the work requires considerati
55、on.名词性从句是在句子中起名词作用的各种从句,分别为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。CONTENTS PAGEComplex Sentences (复合句)1.45. The lady whom you saw just now is our math teacher.6. The company where I work is not far from here.7. He has a son who works in a hospital.8. She missed the train, which annoyed him very much.定语从句在句中起到定语作用,修饰一
56、个名词或代词,有时也可修饰一个句子。9. When Maria arrived home, her parents were watching TV.10. He failed the exam because he was too careless.11. You will certainly make progress if you study hard.12. We have to make an early start tomorrow so that we wont get stuck in the traffic.状语从句在句中起状语作用,可位于主句之前,也可位于主句之后,表示时间
57、、地点、原因、条件、让步、方式、比较、目的或结果等意义。CONTENTS PAGEComplex Sentences (复合句)1.4Exercises to 1.4Read and translate the following sentences.1. Energy and persistence conquer all things.(Benjamin Franklin)能量和毅力可以征服一切。(富兰克林)CONTENTS PAGEComplex Sentences (复合句)1.4Exercises to 1.4Read and translate the following sent
58、ences.2. An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.(Robert Luis Stevenson)生活的目标是唯一值得寻找的财富。(史蒂文森)CONTENTS PAGEComplex Sentences (复合句)1.4Exercises to 1.4Read and translate the following sentences.3. Human mind is great, for as long as it concentrates on some cause,it will produce surprising ach
59、ievements. (Mark Twain)人的思想真是伟大,因为只要它专注于某种事业,就会产生惊人的业绩。(马克吐温)CONTENTS PAGEComplex Sentences (复合句)1.4Exercises to 1.4Read and translate the following sentences.4. As many languages as he has, as many friends, as many arts andtrades, so many times is he a man.(Emerson, Culture, The Conduct of Life)竭尽全力掌握各种语言,结交各式朋友,精通各类技艺及行业,如此努力方能成为一个完整的人。(爱默生处世之道论文化)CONTENTS PAGEComplex Sentences (复合句)1.4Exercises to 1.4Read and translate the following sentences.5. The people who get on in this world are the people who get upand look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot findthem, make them.(Bernard
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