



1、Un itl Readi ngNowadays, we can find advertiseme nts almost wherever we go. We are so used to them that we ofte n do noteve n realize how many we see and hear in a day. I did some research on advertiseme nts, and have some veryimporta nt in formati on to share with you.What is an advertiseme nt?An a

2、dvertiseme nt uses words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product or service, or to believe in anidea. Newspapers, magaz in es, the Intern et, radio and televisi on are the most com mon places to find them.There are two main types of advertiseme nts commercial advertiseme nts and public serv

3、ice advertiseme nts(PSAs). A commercial advertiseme nt is one which some one has paid for to advertise a product or service.PSAs are ofte n run for free, and are meant to educate people about health, safety, or any other problem thataffects public welfare.Does an advertiseme nt tell people the compl

4、ete truth?There are laws to protect people from advertisementsthat cheat people. However, we stillmust be aware of the skilful methods used in ads to try and sell us thin gs. Even if an ad does not lie, it does notmean it is altogether inn oce nt. One toothpaste ad declares, Bright-Teeth fights bad

5、breath!Thisstatement tries to fool you into assuming that thetoothpaste cures bad breath, yet it does not say that! All it says is that it fights it,and that is not the same thing at all. One grocery tells customers, You are proud of your cooking, so shouldn t you buy the very freshest food? This ad

6、 is very clever, becauseit tells customers they are good cooks. However, it n ever says that this grocery has the freshest food! Thegrocery just hopes that whe n you read the ad, you will feel pleasedwith the n ice comme nt, remember the words freshest food1, and make a men tal connectionwith the fo

7、od in the grocery. We must not fall 25 for this kind of trick!Public service advertiseme ntsNot all ads play tricks on us though. PSAs use some of the same methods, like attractive pictures and clever Ianguage, but they are made to serve the public.PSAs aim to teach us and help us lead better lives.

8、 Our gover nment un dersta nds 30 thisand has bee n using PSAs to educate people for many years. China bega n an ati on wide publicservice advertis ing campaig n in 1996, and since the n various types of PSAs have appeared around thecountry. You have probably seen or heard some of them yourself, suc

9、h as, Yesto life, no to drugs and Knowledge changes life , . These ads deal with widespread social concerns. Thereare also PSAs that 35 encourage people to support public service projects, such as Project Hope. Its motto isProject Hope educat ing every child. There are evenPSAs to teach us how to li

10、ve healthy lives. One of these is, When you smoke cigarettes,you are slowly killi ng yourself. All of these ads are meant to ben efit the public, andyou can ofte n lear n a lot by follow ing the advice they give.Fin ally, I wish to tell you this: think about why you should do the things the ad sugge

11、sts, or buy the product orservice the ad promotes. Whe n it comes to advertiseme nts, we mustall use our intelligenee and not be a slave to them!Un it 1 ProjectHow do you build an ad campaig n?Un like a si ngle advertiseme nt, an ad campaig n is a pla nned programme of advertiseme nts using variousk

12、inds of ads to reach a certa in audie nee. When you start a successful ad campaig n, you must have a clear aimand an audie nee in min d. It is importa nt to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audie nee and what youare trying to get them to do.In an ad campaig n you .may n eed to employ dif

13、fere nt kinds of media, in clud ing posters,n ewspapers, magaz in es, radio and televisi on.There are three major questi ons you must first con sider:1. Who is the audie nee for your ad campaig n?The people you want to reach are your target audienee. In order to determine your audienee, you will n e

14、ed to doa little research and an alysis in adva nee. You will n eed to explore what the audie nee already thin ks. It is veryimporta nt to know your audie nee so you can create the right message for the right people.2. What do you want your ad campaig n to say?After you have decided who your audiene

15、e is, it is time to decide what you want the audienee to know or thinkabout. It is importa nt to always try to appeal to the audie nee in order to get them to react in a certain way. Youcan gather this information from your research. When pla nning a public welfare campaig n, you may want to askyour

16、self:? What does my audie nee already know about this problem?What aspects of this problem would they care about or be concerned with?Is there some history beh ind the problem that they would be in terested in? How does the problem pers on ally affect their lives?3. How do you reach your audie nee?T

17、here are lots of differe nt ways to getyour message across whe n you are putt ing togetheran ad campaign. You must decide what, approach you want to use. This decision should depend mainly on yourtarget audie nee and which kinds of ads reach that group best,An ti-smok ing ad campaig nEvery year mill

18、ionsof people around the world die due to smoking. Every pocket of containspoisonous chemicals that can result in lung Cancer and heart disease. This costs countries a lot of money andcauses great damage to the welfare of the people. There are huge numbers of smokers in Asia, This is why wehave chos

19、en anti-smoking as the subject of our ad campaign.The target audienee is high-school teenagers. Our main aim is to discourage young people from smok ing.Our research shows that young people care about their health and future.We will educate them about the bad physical effects of smok ing and how smo

20、k ing affects those people aroundthem. Wewill explain all the advantages of not smoking, such as saving money which can the n be spe nt onother thin gs. Our in terviews also in dicate that young people are concerned about what is cool and what theirfriends like. Wewill show how smoking is not cool o

21、r attractive, because it makes people smell terrible, and givesthem bad teeth, skin and fingern ails. If we can convince young people not to start, they might the n urgetheir pare nts and other people to give up smok ing, too.Our campaign will start on 31 May, World No Tobacco Day. We will put large

22、 posters aroundthe school with our logo and slogan. Our website will provide students with more information about smok ing.We will also publish an article in the school magaz ine informing stude nts about the dan gers of smok ing, andwe will orga nize an essay competiti on as well.Our sloga n: Smok

23、ing kills!Many people think that smok ing is cool or enjoyable, but they are not fully aware of the damage that it does totheir health. This is why we choose this picture as our logo. We want to shock people into realizing that manysmokers die all too soon from illnesses and diseases related to smok

24、 ing.Un it 2 Readi ngThe Olympic GamesGood after noon,stude nts and teachers. As a memberof the Intern ati onalOlympic Committee,I am delighted to have bee n in vited to your school to talk to you about the history andsignificaneeof the Olympic Games. Ill share some interesting facts and stories wit

25、h you,and then well have time for questions.Do you know whe n the ancient Olympic Games bega n? It was in the year 776 BC. They were held at Olympiain Greece every four years, for almost 12 centuries, until AD 394.Some of the sports from the ancient Olympics are still see n today, such as the long j

26、ump, wrestl ing and running.At the ancient Olympics, by traditi on the athletes were all men and they had to compete wearing no clothes.Single womenwere allowed to take part in theirown competition,at a separate festival in honour of Hera, the wife of the Greek god Zeus.Today, both male and female a

27、thletes from around the world can take part, no matter what n ati on they comefrom.The con temporary Olympics were first held in 1896, in Athe ns. It was a Fren chma n, Pierre de Coubertin, whobrought the Olympics back to life. He dreamt that the Olympics would make it possible for people of all cou

28、n triesto live side by side in peace. Now people all over the world are helpi ng to realize this dream. Among them aremany well-k nown athletes.Did you know that perhaps the most famous boxer of all time first came to public attention during the 1960 RomeOlympics? He won the gold medal for the USA,

29、under his birth name Cassius Clay. Afterwards, this young manwent on to win the World Heavyweight Boxing Champi on ship in 1964 and later cha nged his n ame to the onewe all know, Muhammad Ali. He returned to the Olympic Gamesin Atlanta in 1996 to light the Olympic flame atthe opening ceremony.Ano t

30、her sports star I would like to men ti on is Michael Jorda n. Every one knows of his success in the NBA, butdo you know that he helped the USA basketball team win the gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics?Jordan alsoreturned to the Olympics after many years, butunlike Muhammad Ali, he was stil

31、l competing for medals. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, Jorda n won his second Olympic gold medal as a member of the so-called Dream Team.Chinese athletes have also made importantcontributions to the Olympic Games. At the 1984Los An geles Olympics, the Peoples Republic of China retur ned to the Olym

32、pics after 32 years abse nee. I amsure the whole of China must have felt proud whe n Xu Haife ng won the first gold medal for his coun try. DengYaping, who won four Olympic gold medals in 1992 and 1996, is perhaps the greatest female table tennis playerthe world has ever see n. At the 2004 Athe ns O

33、lympic Games, Liu Xia ng excited people all over Asia whe n hebecame the first Asia n to win the gold medal in the mens 110-metre hurdles.The Chinese led the way at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, winning 51 gold medals. For the first time in history, theChinese womens gymnastics team won the gold medal.

34、 However, the athlete that some people remember mostwas Zhang Ning, a former badm inton champi on. At the age of 33, she was much older thanthe otherplayers. Yet, she hung on to win the goldmedal in the final match.These are some of the Olympic athletes who have brought joy to people across the worl

35、d with their attempts topush the boun daries of huma n achieveme nt. We are look ing forward to seeing more of them in future OlympicGames. Join me in wishing the Olympic Movement a successful future to match its past glory. Thank you. Now,are there any questi ons?Un it 2 ProjectHow does a sport en

36、ter the Olympics?En teri ng a sport in to the Olympics can be a long process. There are many requireme nts that must be metbefore a sport can be considered by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). First, a sport must have its owninternational association. Next, it must be practised by men in at

37、 least 75 countries on at least four continents, orpractised by women in at least 40 countries and on three continents. Thats not all. In order for a new sport to beadded, another sport must be dropped. This helps the IOC keep the Olympics, budget under con trol.Which ones are out?Some sports that w

38、ere part of the Olympics in the past have been removed. These include familiar sports, suchas baseball, as well as more unu sual sports, such as power boat ing. These sports were judged to havebecome less popular, and had to make way for new sports which are more popular.Which ones are in?Somesports

39、 have been added, such as tae kwon do, which was first included in the Olympics in 2000. The IOCis planning to change some of the sports in the next few years. In 2016, rugby and golf, which were earlierplayed at the Olympics and then dropped, will be included aga in, as they are now very popular an

40、d are playedall around the world.Which ones are still trying?Wushu is stillapplying to get into the Olympics. The IOC has still not approved the sportdue to the concern about the bala nee of sports there are already many other sports inthe Olympics that are connected with fighting, such as tae kwon

41、do and boxing. However, the IOC is con sidering cha nging the nu mber and type of Olympic sports in the future, soWushu fans may fin ally get what they are hop ing for.Winning isn t everythingIt was near the end of the football match, and neither team had scored. The captain of the Eagles passed the

42、ball to a teammate, and then ran down near the Kangaroos goal. His teammate passed the ball back to him, butthe t shot was too high. The Eagles capta inkno eked the ball to the ground with his hand, and the n kicked it and scored. The referee blew the whistle; thematch was over and the Eagles had wo

43、n. Of course, the goal should not have, coun ted. However, now it wastoo late.Later, a reporter asked the Eagles capta in what had happe ned.We won, and that is all that matters, the capta in said.The Kangaroos were out of the tournament, while the Eagles continued on. However, with the referees now

44、keeping a close watch on the Eagles, they struggled and lost their next match. Afterwards, they compla ined thatthe referees had bee n unfair.The Eagles went home angry and bitter because they didnot win the tourn ame nt. Mean while,the Kan garoos went home and trained harder tha n before.In the n e

45、xt tour name nt, the Kan garoos defeated the Eagles by a score of 5 to 1. They went on to the finalmatch against the Bears. The match was tied with minutes to go. The Kangaroos captain was near the Bearsgoal. A teammate passed the ball to him, and by accide nt it hit his hand. The Kan garoos capta i

46、n stopped thematch and let the Bears have the ball.With in minu tes, the Bears scored and won.Later, a reporter asked the Kan garoos capta in what had happe ned.They won, the captain said.They were the better team,The Kangaroos went homeproud that they had done their best. Many of the Kangaroos play

47、ers became friendswith the players on the Bears, team for the rest of their lives. In defeat, the Kan garoos found somethi ng moreprecious tha n victory they found frien dship, honourand respect.Un it 3 Readi ngNot just watching a film ?RealCi ne virtual reality for every oneThis presentation will g

48、ive you some information about RealCine: how it works, why it is better than a film, andhow it can be used in other ways. The RealCine experience will amaze you, and you will agree that this is anextraord inary tech no logy that deserves to be developed further.The tech no logy beh ind RealCi ne is

49、virtual reality (VR). Un like a film, where a passiveaudience watches and hears what is happening on a screen, RealCine puts you into the action and connectswith your senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch in an active way. Imagine that a VR user goes sightsee ingin the Himalayas. Not only will h

50、e or she feel every step of climb ing Mount Qomola ngma, but the user will alsoexperie nce the cold, smells,sights and sounds of the surrounding en viro nment;he or she will enjoy a feeli ng of happ in essand a sense of achieveme nt upon reach ing the top.RealCine works by making the users feel that

51、 they are really in a new world - a world that does not exist exceptin a computer program. To achieve this, special VR headsets are desig ned to allow the users to see in 3-D andhear the sound all around them. The moveme nts of the headset in dicate the direct ion in which the user wantsto go. The u

52、ser also wears special gloves so he or she can touch the people and objects that he or she sees. Toadd to the virtual world of RealC ine, the headsets even have small ope nings that give out smells to match theen viro nment. Both the headsets and the gloves are conn ected to a computer n etwork in t

53、he VR studio.In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can be a good treatment for people who have social problems. Inone case, a tee nager who was afraid of talki ng and playi ng with his schoolmates was treated with VR. In theworld created by RealCine, he became the captain of the Brazilia n

54、 football team and scored the winning goal ina World Cup fin al. This en couraged him to become more con fide nt around others.An argume nt has bee n put forward that some users will be disappo in ted by RealC ine becauseVR is not real. However, with VR we are able to do things that could n ever be

55、achievedin real life. For example, with the aid of RealCine, a seventy-year-old grandfatherrecentlytook a trip to Africa. In reality, he is disabled and can no Ion ger walk, but he was able to see and touch a lionwhile still in the convenience of the VR studio.Besides this, VR can be used to practis

56、e skills in a secure environment that otherwise would be quite dangerous.For example, firefighters could use RealCine to train safely, without the risk of getting injured in a burningbuilding. It could be used in class as well. Teachers could bring history alive by plac ing stude nts in an an cie nt

57、tow n, or they could teach biology by allowing students to experienee the world as a whale or a squirrel. Fin ally,RealCi ne provides fan tastic tech no logy for urba n pla nning. Engin eers can en ter the desig n of a neighbourhood into a computer, and the n use VR to walk around the n eighbourhood

58、, see how it looks andmake cha nges before | con struct ion is carried out.This kind of urba n pla nning is in the long term cheaper and more practical, compared with the way most urba npla nning is done today. I recomme nd the gover nment use the tech no logy in the future pla nning of this city.Un

59、 it 3 ProjectJourney to the centre of the earthIn 1863, Professor Otto Linden brock found a secret message in an old book he had rece ntly bought. Themessage spoke of a trip to the centre of the Earth through a volcano in Iceland. Immediately, he got his thingspacked and went to Icela nd, forcing hi

60、s n ephew Axel to go with him.In Iceland, the Professor hired a guide named Hans. When the three of them reached the volca no, they journeyed un dergro und through a small cave. After many days, they came to a vast room with a large ocea n in side.On the shores of this ocea n, there was a forest and


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