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1、医药英语翻译练习I. Translate the following phrases and sentences into ChineseA Phrases translation1. Lidocaine hydrochloride 盐酸利多卡因 2. procaine sulph(f)ate 硫酸普鲁卡因3. APC: ( Aspirin Phenacetin Caffeine) 阿司匹林,非那西丁,咖啡因4. Diazepam 地西泮B Sentences translation1. Despite problems of cultural, ethical and regulatory

2、differences, a growing number of foreign companies have begun multi-centre phase III clinical trials in China.尽管由于文化,伦理和规定的不同,越来越多的国外公司开始在中国进行3期临床试验。2. The interest by US and European pharmaceutical companies in doing something more than a small phase IV trial to meet Chinas minimal licensing criter

3、ia was modest at best.美国和欧洲医药企业在中国进行超越4期临床试验达到中国注册标准的兴趣并不大。3. By law, the FDA has responsibility to oversee the purity, quality, safety, usefulness, and related characteristics of the nations food, drug, and cosmetic supply.根据规定,FDA负责监督国家食品,药品和化妆品的纯度,质量安全,效果和相关特性。4. The FDA must primarily rely on th

4、e voluntary compliance of those who operate within the professions and industries that are responsible for the products which the FDA has jurisdiction.对于属于FDA监管范围的产品,FDA主要依靠那些负责生产的工厂和企业自觉遵守。5. According to the governments strategic plan for 20062050, Chinas total drug sales are expected to reach RMB

5、 700 billion by 2010, an average growth rate of just over 16% from 2006.根据2006-2050政府的战略计划,到2010年中国总体药物销售量期望达到7000亿元,也就是说从2006年开始平均增长率超过16%。6. The use of Western medicines in China is usually said to have begun in 1952, when the antibiotic chloramphenicol(氯霉素) was first synthesized and produced dome

6、stically.人们通常说中国使用的西药始于1952年,当时中国首次生产氯霉素。7. In fact over 1,500 bulk drugs, fine chemical ingredients and intermediates are currently made in China and sold in 3,500 finished formulations.事实上有1500多种原料药,即化学原料和中间体在中国生产,并且有3500种成品药由中国销售。III Fill in the blanks.1. ZHP is a_venture with Spanish Esteve Grou

7、p. It is a national level Hi-technology _ and demonstrating enterprise of innovation. ZHP has been focusing on being a reliable _for APIs and _ intermediates and a strategic custom manufacture partner as well.(Active pharmaceutical ingredient)jointenterprisesupplierpharmaceutical2. FDA is the federa

8、l agency responsible for ensuring that foods are _ wholesome and sanitary; _ and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical _ are safe and _. Cosmetics are safe, and electronic products that emit _ are safe. FDA also ensures that these products are honestly, accurately and informatively repr

9、esented to the _. safehumandeviceseffectiveradiationpublic请翻译下列专业术语结晶固体 crystalline solid 无菌注射剂 sterile injection 有机溶剂organic solvent分子式MF(molecular formula)淡黄色溶液 yellowish solution 理化性质physicochemical properties溶解度solubility抗体antibody冻干粉末西林瓶无机化学分子量类白色素片肝炎热原抗原freezed-dried powdervialinorganic chemis

10、tryMW(molecular weight)off-white plain tablethepatitispyrogenantigenII.汉译英1.本品为白色至类白色结晶固体,难溶于水 乙醇( ethanol ),易溶于氯仿(chloroform)和丙醇(acetone)中。It occurs as a white to off-white crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water or ethanol, easily soluble in chloroform and acetone.2.本品是一种很稳定的抗生素。其粉末置于密封容器中,在室温下

11、保存二年以上,活性不减。It is a very stable antibiotic, and its activity does not decrease when the powder is placed in an airtight container and kept at room temperatures for more than 2 years.CNS BBB(blood-brain barrier )LD50(Lethal Dose 50)ATP(Adenosine Triphosphate)EEG(electroencephalogram) ECG(electrocardi

12、ogram)ia.(Intraarterial )iv. (Intravenous )im. (intramuscular )sc.(Subcutaneous) Ab AgIV. Translate the following abbreviations into Chinese.中枢神经系统血脑屏障半数致死量三磷酸腺苷脑电图心电图动脉给药静脉给药肌肉给药 皮下给药 抗体抗原V. Translate the following terminology and sentences into English.半衰期 血药浓度血浆浓度 血清浓度耐受性耐药性Half lifeDrug plasma c

13、oncentrationPlasma concentrationSerum concentrationTolerance resistance临床药理生物活性感染廓清率 强力速效剂横纹肌Clinical pharmacologyBio-activityInfectionClearancePotent short-acting agentStriated muscle1. 已证明青霉素具有消炎作用,是疗效很好的抗生素。Penicillin has been found to be a good therapeutic antibiotic and has highly effectiveness

14、 against inflammation.2. 本品具有杀菌作用,能耐酸,且口服或肌注吸收良好。It is bactericidal, acid-stable and well absorbed by either the oral or the intramuscular route.3. 静脉注射后约3060分钟之间环丙沙星(ciprofloxacin)的平均血药浓度达到高峰。Mean peak drug plasma concentration of ciprofloxacin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intravenou

15、s administration.4. 在临床试验中该药显示其对于改善和恢复已改变了的高血压非常有效。In clinical trials the drug was shown to be highly effective in improving and normalizing the alterated hypertension.心(肾)功能不全高血压 低血压肝炎肺结核痉挛关节炎胃肠道溃疡cardiac/renal insufficiencyhypertensionhypotensionhepatitispulmonary tuberculosisspasmarthritisulcer o

16、f gastrointestinal tractII请翻译下列疾病名称和术语肝(肺、胃)癌型糖尿病癫痫肾结石痛风白内障贫血心衰便秘肺水肿Liver/lung/gastric cancerType II diabetesConvulsion/Epilepsy Kidney stoneGoutCataractAnemiaHeart failureConstipationPheumonedema病毒革兰氏阳性菌大肠杆菌化疗拮抗剂妊娠期 过敏反应VirusGram-positive bacteriaE. ColiChemotherapyAntagonistsPregnancyHypersensitiv

17、e reactionAllergic reaction细菌革兰氏阴性菌疾病 放疗激动剂哺乳期 胎盘屏障 胃肠道发作BacteriaGram-negative bacteriaDiseaseRadiotherapyAgonistLactationPlacental barrierG-I trackMal(disease)汉译英1环丙沙星(Ciprofloxacin)适用于治疗下列由敏感微生物引起的感染。Ciprofloxacin is indicated for the treatment in the following infections caused by susceptible(易受感

18、染的) microorganisms.2已证实本品对SARS引起的病症有预防和治疗作用。It has been proved effective in prophylaxis and therapy of SARS.3头孢拉定(Cephfradine)禁用于已知对头孢菌素(cephalosporin)类抗生素过敏的患者。Cephfradine is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to cephalosporin group of antibiotics.45岁以下的儿童不应当使用诺氟沙星(Norfloxacin)

19、治疗。Children under 5 years of age should not be treated with Norfoxacin.5有高血压病史的患者服用本品请遵医嘱。The patients with a history of hypertension should use the drug under the direction of physician.6除非医生认为只有本品的治疗才有效之外,妊娠最初三个月以及哺乳期的妇女慎用本品。During the first 3 months of pregnancy and lactation the drug should not

20、be used unless the physician thinks it is irreplaceably effective in therapy.翻译下列症状名称药物热眩晕胃肠道不适厌食恶心呕吐瘙痒皮疹潮红感冒Drug feverDizzinessIndisposed gastrointestinal tractAnorexiaNauseaVomitPruritusRashFlushcold喉咙痛牙疼腹痛胃痛昏迷休克腹泻痉挛不安口渴疲倦肠梗塞Sore throatToothacheBellyacheStomachacheComaShockdiarrheaSpasm RestlessTh

21、irstTiredileus不良反应副作用并发症过敏反应耐受性耐药性毒性活性舌下含服口服剂量学国际单位adverse reactionside effectscomplicationallergic reaction(hypersensitive reaction)toleranceresistance toxicity activity by the sublingual administrationoral administrationposology iu成年人:静脉注射,每日1020 mg/kg 体重,分2次注射。For adults: The usual dose is 10 to

22、20 mg/kg/day total, given in two equally divided and spaced doses by intravenous injection.医药上的剂量,dose和dosage都是可以的。区别在于dose指一次性服药的剂量,dosage侧重配药时各个成分的剂量。儿童:平均每日剂量是每日2次,每次一片,等时间间隔给药。For children: the average daily dose is 2 tablets, given in 2 equally divided and spaced doses.老年人:建议开始剂量为每日3次,每次半片,饭前服用

23、。For olders: the suggested dose is a half tablet, 3 times daily, taken before a meal.血小板凝血时间凝血酶原时间血清浓度血浆浓度血药浓度肌酸苷清廓率血压血象血钙血细胞计数出血PlateletClotting timePT(prothrombin time)Serum concentrationPlasma concentrationBlood concentration(Drug plasma concentration)Creatinine clearanceBlood pressureHemogramblood calciumBlood countHemorrhage翻译下列专业术语(与血液相关的)肝功能肾功能血清谷-草转氨酶血清谷-丙转氨酶血液尿素氮Hepatic functionrenal functionSGOTSGPTBUN与肝肾功能相关的术语1.有高血压病史的患者慎用本品。The p


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