1、Unit 2 PeopleLesson 3Lesson 3Teaching Focusv1. Text Analysis of STv2. Translation Process:vAnalysis-transfer-restructuring翻译知识与对策:翻译知识与对策: P 58P 58尤金尤金奈达认为翻译主要由以下三个阶段构成,奈达认为翻译主要由以下三个阶段构成,即分析即分析( (analysis) )、转换转换( (transfer) )、重构重构( (restructuring) ),并以下面这个图表示翻译的并以下面这个图表示翻译的过程:过程: 原文原文译文译文分析分析转转 换换重
2、构重构vChinese Parataxis 意合意合 竹节式竹节式vEnglish Hypotaxis 形合形合 葡萄式葡萄式v1. 分析:分析:v一是将英语一是将英语葡萄结构葡萄结构拆解为一系列的简拆解为一系列的简单句。单句。v二是找出译成汉语时必须了解的各简单二是找出译成汉语时必须了解的各简单句之间的语义关系。要找出的语义关系句之间的语义关系。要找出的语义关系首先是时间关系,其次是逻辑关系。首先是时间关系,其次是逻辑关系。v2. 转换:转换:v施动施动 动词动词 受动受动v3. 重构:重构:v英译汉重构的目标是尽可能把句子组成英译汉重构的目标是尽可能把句子组成“竹节式竹节式结构结构”。 v
3、Sentence Translation:v1. I grew up in a small town where the elementary school was a ten-minute walk from my house. v分析和转换:分析和转换:v1. I grew up in a small town.v2. In the small town is the elementary school.v3. The school is a ten-minute walk from my housev重构:重构: 时间顺序时间顺序v 2 3 1v 空间顺序空间顺序 v 从大到小从大到小
4、1,2, 3After-class practicevFinish the sentences LincolnBackground Informationv1. Congress:美国最高立法机关(legislative branch),v由参议院参议院(the Senate)和众议院众议院(the House of Representatives)组成。Warm-upvSight-interpretationvAbraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 April 15, 1865) served as the 16th Preside
5、nt of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. He successfully led the country through its greatest internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union, ending slavery, and rededicating the nation to nationalism, equal rights, liberty and democracy. Reared i
6、n a poor family on the western frontier, he was mostly self-educated and became a country lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, and a one-term member of the United States House of Representatives, but failed in two attempts at a seat in the United States Senate. He was an affectionate (show love for
7、), though often absent, husband, and father of four children.vAs an outspoken(直言不讳的直言不讳的 in public) opponent of the expansion of slavery in the United States, Lincoln won the first Republican nomination and was elected president in 1860. He issued his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, and promoted
8、the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, abolishing slavery. Six days after the surrender of the main Confederate forces, Lincoln was assassinated, the first President to suffer such a fate.vConfederate States the eleven states that separated from the US in 1860-61
9、and caused the American Civil War 美国南部邦联(由1860-1861年脱离美利坚合众国的十一个州组成, 後导致美国南北战争). Chinese Paragraphsv1. Dictionv2. Sentence v3. Organizationv亚伯拉罕亚伯拉罕林肯林肯, 1809年2月12日出生在美国的肯塔基州,他的父亲托马斯和母亲南希是没有受过教育的农民。他是第一个出生在美国西部的总统。他的双亲都属于一个反对奴隶奴隶制度的教会,在他年幼时即受到了这种情绪的影响。林肯的父亲用积蓄两次购买了土地,但是在相关的法律诉讼中失败而被迫放弃所有权,并于1815年移居印
10、地安那州印地安那州。这个经历激励了林肯日后学习土地测量,并且成为律师律师。v林肯九岁时丧母,1830年举家迁入伊利诺伊州。林肯仅受过十八个月的非正规教育,但林肯的继母对林肯视若己出地予以照顾,后林肯通过勤奋的自学,终在1836年成为律师,林肯曾说若无他的继母,便无今日的林肯。v林肯年轻时代的生活并不一帆风顺,曾经十一次被雇主辞退,两次生意失败。林肯的妻子脾气差,不易相处,让林肯颇为苦恼。v在1860年的总统大选过程中,林肯当选的可能性越来越大,南部的分离主义者开始谋求脱离联邦。1860年冬,南部七个产棉州透过公民投票同意宣布成立美利坚联盟国(Confederate States of Amer
11、ica,或称“邦联”),但是时任总统的詹姆斯布坎南和候任总统林肯均拒绝承认邦联。当林肯宣誓就职时,邦联已是既成事实,分离州拒绝以任何条件返回联邦。v1862年9月22日,林肯颁布解放黑奴宣言(Emancipation Proclamation),在废除奴隶制度的道路上向前迈了一大步,直接催生了美国宪法第十三修正案。这一宣言把战争的目标明确地定义在废除奴隶制度。他后来说:“在一生中,我确信,我未做过比签署此宣言更加正确的决定。” 1865年4月14日,林肯在剧院观剧时,被奴隶制度支持者刺杀,次日凌晨不治身亡。v -维基百科Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president
12、of the United States, was born in Kentucky in 1809 (1), and died in Washington in 1865 (2), the day after he had been shot1 by a Southern2 sympathizer3. (3) 时间顺序时间顺序Born-shot-dievSouthern hemisphere:vSouthern sympathizer:SS (surface structure)DS (deep structure)A southern part of the eartha person w
13、ho sympathized with the Southern states.He is classed with Washington in greatness of deeds, but is nearer the hearts of all Americans4 because he sprang from the ranks of the common people, and rose from the log hut of birth to the White House5. 论功绩,他与华盛顿总统不相伯仲。但是他出身论功绩,他与华盛顿总统不相伯仲。但是他出身老百姓,是从出生时居住
14、的原木小屋来到白宫的,老百姓,是从出生时居住的原木小屋来到白宫的,所以美国人民的心跟她更亲近。所以美国人民的心跟她更亲近。vclass v. place sb/sth in a class or group; vclass sb/sth as/withvI class myself as an ordinary working person. Because his family were pioneers in the newly settled West, he had practically no regular education, but he held firmly to his
15、purpose to secure knowledge in every possible way. 深层结构:深层结构:时间顺序时间顺序 People newly settled in the west. His family pioneered to live there.2. Practically means almost, but not completely or exactly. Because his family were pioneers in the newly settled West, he had practically no regular education,
16、but he held firmly to his purpose to secure knowledge in every possible way. 当时西部刚刚有人定居,他家是来到西当时西部刚刚有人定居,他家是来到西部的拓荒者,所以他几乎没有受过正规教部的拓荒者,所以他几乎没有受过正规教育,然而他立志育,然而他立志千方百计千方百计 / 想方设法想方设法求学,求学,锲而不舍锲而不舍 / 坚持不懈。坚持不懈。Stories are told of how he walked miles to secure a book7, and studied by the light of the he
17、arth fire8 at night after a hard day at farm work. 1. “of how .”修饰story还是told?2. If you secure something that you want or need, you obtain it, often after a lot of effort. (FORMAL) 3. 顺序?Stories are told of how he walked miles to secure a book7, and studied by the light of the hearth fire8 at night
18、after a hard day at farm work. 传说他曾步行几英里去买一本书,在农场辛传说他曾步行几英里去买一本书,在农场辛苦劳作一天后,晚上还苦劳作一天后,晚上还就着就着/ / 借着借着壁炉前的壁炉前的火光学习。火光学习。 After a hard struggle as clerk, village postmaster, and surveyor, he succeeded in passing the bar examinations, and became a lawyer in Springfield, Illinois. In 1846, he was electe
19、d to Congress. 他当过办事员,当过乡村邮差,当过测量员;他当过办事员,当过乡村邮差,当过测量员;经过这一段艰苦奋斗后,他成功通过了律师资格考试,经过这一段艰苦奋斗后,他成功通过了律师资格考试,成为了伊利诺斯州斯普林菲尔德市的一名律师。成为了伊利诺斯州斯普林菲尔德市的一名律师。1846年,年,林肯被选入国会林肯被选入国会 / 当选国会议员。当选国会议员。 In 1858, he might have gained his place in the United States Senate had he not taken his stand against slavery in t
20、he famous debates which he entered with Stephen A. Douglas. These debates spread his fame throughout the country and led the way for his election10 to the presidency in 1860. 蜚声全国蜚声全国-先导先导 顺序?顺序?In 1858, he might have gained his place in the US Senate.If he had not taken his stand against slavery in
21、 the famous debatesHe entered several famous debates with Stephen A Douglas.The debates spread his fame throughout the countryThey led the way for 6.He was elected presidency in 1860. In 1858, he might have gained his place in the United States Senate had he not taken his stand against slavery in th
22、e famous debates which he entered with Stephen A. Douglas. These debates spread his fame throughout the country and led the way for his election10 to the presidency in 1860. 要不是他要不是他/假如他没有在同史蒂芬斯假如他没有在同史蒂芬斯A道格拉斯几道格拉斯几场有名的辩论中采取反奴隶制的立场,原本可能在场有名的辩论中采取反奴隶制的立场,原本可能在参议院获得一个席位。但这些辩论却使他名闻全国参议院获得一个席位。但这些辩论却使他
23、名闻全国 / 把他的名声传遍全国,也成了他在把他的名声传遍全国,也成了他在1860年当选总统年当选总统的先导。的先导。 Very shortly after his election the secession (脱离)of certain Southern states led to the Civil War, which in turn induced Lincoln to free the slaves11 on January 1, 1863, by the Emancipation Proclamation. 动作行为包括:动作行为包括:Election 2. Southern s
24、tates succession3. Led to civil war 4. induce to free the slaves5. by the Emancipation ProclamationInduce: (formal) to cause sth His second inaugural speech gave his plan for building up the peace of the nation, but he did not live to accomplish his desire。 他在他在第二个任期第二个任期的就职演说中阐述了实的就职演说中阐述了实现全国和平的计划
25、,但是他没能活到自己现全国和平的计划,但是他没能活到自己愿望实现的时候。愿望实现的时候。 Many comparisons have been made of Washington and Lincoln. Each was in the highest sense a providential man14 raised up for his era, and filled with those eminent qualities that enabled him to do the great work of the hour(era). A providential event is lu
26、cky because it happens at exactly the right time. (FORMAL)Providence is God, or a force which is believed by some people to arrange the things that happen to us. (LITERARY)深层结构:深层结构:3. in the highest sense: 100%程度程度4. eminent: sb is well-known and respected. Quality具体化为“才德” Many comparisons have bee
27、n made of Washington and Lincoln. Each was in the highest sense a providential man14 raised up for his era, and filled with those eminent qualities that enabled him to do the great work of the hour(era). 他们都是他们都是地地道道地地道道 / 不折不扣不折不扣的天降大任的天降大任的人物,为各自时代所造就,具有成就当的人物,为各自时代所造就,具有成就当时辉煌事业的杰出才能与品德。时辉煌事业的杰出才
28、能与品德。Early Life of General Claire Lee Chennault (1893-1958) 克莱尔克莱尔李李陈纳德将军陈纳德将军(1893-1958)(1893-1958)的早年生活的早年生活 v Claire Lee Chennault, commander of the Flying Tigers during World War II, was born in Texas in 1893. v v克莱尔克莱尔李李陈纳德陈纳德, 1893年生于美国得克年生于美国得克萨斯州萨斯州, 是是二战期间飞虎队队长二战期间飞虎队队长。v已知信息已知信息-新信息新信息 Cla
29、ire Lee attended school in Gilbert, a small town in Franklin Parish before settling on Lake John, in Concordia Parish. People live in Parish: 牧区、教区牧区、教区 those who attend church regularly 克莱尔克莱尔李原先在弗兰克林教区一个名为吉李原先在弗兰克林教区一个名为吉尔伯特的小镇上学,后移居孔科尔迪亚教区的尔伯特的小镇上学,后移居孔科尔迪亚教区的约翰湖畔。约翰湖畔。 His youth was spent huntin
30、g and fishing along the Tensas River that separates Tensas Parish from Concordia Parish. 先说地点,再说事件先说地点,再说事件 腾萨斯教区与孔科尔迪亚教区隔腾萨斯河而相望,腾萨斯教区与孔科尔迪亚教区隔腾萨斯河而相望,他常在河畔打猎捕鱼,消磨着青春岁月。他常在河畔打猎捕鱼,消磨着青春岁月。 Frequently, he would spend days alone, on these hunting expeditions, sleeping outside, and eating small game he
31、 had killed. would would :反复发生:反复发生 You use would to talk about something which happened regularly in the past but which no longer happens. expedition:?:? 他往往独自外出打猎,一连几天,在野外露宿,以他往往独自外出打猎,一连几天,在野外露宿,以打到的小野味充饥。打到的小野味充饥。 vex|pedi|tion /ekspdn/ (expeditions)1 N-COUNT oft N to nAn expedition is an organi
32、zed journey that is made for a particular purpose such as exploration.Byrds 1928 expedition to Antarctica.2 N-COUNTYou can refer to a group of people who are going on an expedition as an expedition.Forty-three members of the expedition were killed.3 N-COUNTAn expedition is a short journey or trip th
33、at you make for pleasure.a fishing expedition. Tragedy struck young Claire Lee twice, as a boy. When he was five, his mother died. Then, ten years later, his stepmother, Lottie Barnes, who at one time had been his teacher, also died. He became a loner.克莱尔克莱尔李少年时期曾两次遭受丧亲之痛。李少年时期曾两次遭受丧亲之痛。 他五他五岁丧母。岁丧母
34、。 十年之后,曾当过他的老师的继母洛十年之后,曾当过他的老师的继母洛蒂蒂巴恩斯亦离人世。他孤身一人过日子。巴恩斯亦离人世。他孤身一人过日子。9. Claire Lee attended Louisiana State University at the tender age of fifteen. 克莱尔克莱尔李年方十五就上了路易斯安那州立李年方十五就上了路易斯安那州立大学。大学。Missing his hunting and fishing days of his youth, he managed to get himself expelled every spring so he cou
35、ld go back home, and spend days and weeks camping, hunting, and fishing.他怀念少年时期打猎捕鱼的日子,每年春季,就他怀念少年时期打猎捕鱼的日子,每年春季,就设法让校方开除他,他就可以回家去,一连几天、设法让校方开除他,他就可以回家去,一连几天、几个星期野营、打猎、捕鱼。几个星期野营、打猎、捕鱼。 Eventually he quit LSU, and attended a state teachers college.Quit: (informal) to leave your job, school最后,他离开了路易斯安
36、那州立大学,转最后,他离开了路易斯安那州立大学,转入一所州立师范学院。入一所州立师范学院。Claire Lee first married Nell Thompson from Waterproof, Tensas Parish, in 1911. They eventually had eight children. 1911年,克莱尔年,克莱尔李初婚,娶了腾萨斯教区沃特李初婚,娶了腾萨斯教区沃特普鲁夫镇的内尔普鲁夫镇的内尔汤普森。他们汤普森。他们(夫妇俩夫妇俩)最后共生最后共生了八名子女。了八名子女。When World War I began, Claire Lee attended Officers Training School, but the war ended before he saw any action. Eventually, he was accepted at a flight training school. See action: S
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