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1、研究生英语精读翻译和写作(第三版上)Unit one. TranslationA. 有没有一种 “成功性格”,即几乎必然使人取得成就的某些性格特征的结合?如果有的话,这一成功的秘诀究竟是什么?并且,这种性格是否能培养出来?在盖洛普公司中,我们最近集中深入研究了成功现象,探查了1 500 名杰出人物的态度和性格特征。他们是从美国名人录中随机抽取的。被收入名人录的主要标准不是财富或社会地位,而是一个人当前在某个领域中的成就。我们的研究确认了一些在成就最显著的人身上总是出现的性格特征,其中最重要的五点是:由生活经验得出的判断力、专业知识、自力更生的精神、总的智力水平以及把事情完成的能力。如果你培养这

2、些性格特征,你就很可能会成功。而且,你甚至可能会发现自己的名字有一天也被收进名人录。B. 1. What you said to him can hardly justify such conduct of yours. 2. Do you think he would be immune from religious persecution by reason of his personal relation with the Bishop? 3. Your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist will affect whether

3、 or not your bad dream recurs. 4. The secret to the success of optimists is that they deal with disappointments and failures in a positive way. 5. The reason that a pessimist tends to fail is, in part, that a persons opinion about himself is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. 6. In very young childre

4、n, before traits have had much chance to develop, behaviour is less consistent than it is in most adults. A childs changing behaviour may show his changing concern with different features of his activity. His interest always focuses on the business at hand. The person with strong traits and interest

5、s persists in what he is doing. Only a major situational change can disturb the direction or purpose of his behaviour. WritingSuggested passage: The proverb “Habit is second nature” is so often quoted that it has almost become a clich, yet we all know how true it is. A habit is a form of learned, au

6、tomatic behaviour that provides pleasure and comfort. A bad habit has long-term negative consequences, but it still gives immediate comfort. Once formed, it seems to stick to you, no matter how hard you try to shake it off. For example, we have all heard of stories of determined individuals trying t

7、o give up smoking, but after strenuously resisting all temptations for months, only to find themselves reverting to cigarettes again on the threshold of success.So swearing off a bad habit is only half the battle; staying off requires good planning. To permanently rid yourself of a bad habit, whethe

8、r it is smoking, drinking, gambling or overeating, you have to simultaneously unlearn certain behaviours and replace them with new ones that also provide gratification. If you smoke because cigarettes give you something to do with your hands, learn to play a music instrument instead. With a strong w

9、ill-power and good strategy, you can surely break any bad habit.Unit two. TranslationA. 不论是在青年时夭折还是在老年时死去,都没有是否虚度了年华来得重要。一个人可能在18 年中比另一个在80 年中活得更有意义。对于生活,我们认为并不是要去不顾一切地积累大量的他人想象为有价值的经验,而是应该过好每天的时光,就好像它是唯一的一天。我们的意思是要寻找平和感和力量感去对付生活中的失意和痛苦,同时坚持不懈地努力去发现能增添更多生活乐趣和喜悦并加以维持的方法。B. 1. The politician was armed

10、 with many facts and figures. 2. It struck me that we had really learnt a great deal there. 3. The conditions of workers now, as compared with what they were ten years ago, have been greatly improved. 4. According to the law of the Peoples Republic, parents are obligated to send their children to sc

11、hool. 5. He erred in making his decision before he confirmed the facts. 6. Scientific research continues to open up previously undreamed- of possibilities. Fifty years ago, few people could even imagine things like computers, lasers and holography. Today, a host of newly-emerging technologies such a

12、s artificial intelligence and genetic engineering are opening up all kinds of new paths for technologists. Like it or not, our advancing technology has made us masters of the earth. WritingSuggested passage:It is well known that cancer is a dangerous disease which spares no one, irrespective of age

13、and sex. Its mortality is high. Therefore it is no wonder that the mere mention of it will frighten the strongest man. But we are convinced that cancer, like all other diseases, is conquerable though it is not quite clear what is the agent that causes cancer. Many research units have reported that e

14、tiologically cancer is a group of diseases rather than a single disease entity; and that cancer is caused by external disease agents, including viruses, chemical and physical stimuli. Up to now there is no known cure for cancer. Nevertheless, much research work on cancer is being conducted all over

15、the world.With the discovery of new treatment and drugs, we are sure that cancer will be cured as well as prevented. There is no doubt that humanity will soon be able to rid itself of such a calamity.Unit three. TranslationA. 被认为北美蛇中最凶猛的响尾蛇常常是自然学家们研究和探讨的主题。响尾蛇的名字来源于蜕皮时( 即蛇把旧皮脱下时) 遗留在蛇尾部的一圈圈的硬皮。蛇在被激怒

16、时摆动尾部,一圈圈的硬皮就发出哗啦啦的声响。多数自然学家认为这声音是爬行动物紧张时不自觉的反应,而不是响尾蛇在对可能之敌传出的警告。研究表明,响尾蛇是唯一在进攻前发出信号的毒蛇,而事实上又是唯一尾部有响环的爬行动物。可是牛蛇和狐蛇在紧张时也都快速颤动尾部。因响尾蛇出击前发出声响,是否就可称之为“蛇中君子”呢? 这是个有趣的问题。B. My respected editor:I am greatly delighted that CCTV and your TV GUIDE are inviting us readers to contribute articles on the subject

17、 “Television and Me”. But I regret to tell you that I am a disabled girl. My handwriting is bad youll know when reading my manuscript. This is because Im unable to move my hand, and I can write only with “my mouth”. For many years I grip the pen with my teeth and write the way I do. Over the past ye

18、ars I have “mouth-written” one essay after another, and one poem after another. At this very moment my heart is throbbing with great excitement while answering your call for a report also from me.Yours respectfully, Wang Lia disabled young girl. WritingSuggested passage.A Football Match On the after

19、noon of Oct. 1st, a football match took place between the Beijing Team and the Shanghai Team in the city stadium. When I got there the stand was already packed with spectators. The match started on time and went very exciting. A home player got hold of the ball and kicked it miles over the bar. Towa

20、rds the end of the match, a forward got a chance to give the ball such a thumping kick that it bounced off an opposing player and skidded straight into the back of the net, out of the reach of the goal keeper. The crowd went wild. Cheers and hail, boos and jeers filled the air. I returned home at ab

21、out six oclock. All the way back, my heart was full of stimulating excitement.Unit four . TranslationA. 马斯洛把自我实现的需要定义为“要求成为一个比现状更好的人,一个实现自己有能力去达到一切的人”。在这种水平上生活的人,通常认为工作就是要做的某种事情。其目的就是要使自己成为一个实现个人人生观的完整的人。这是一种比得到受人尊敬的更高水平的需要,因为所涉及的人已感到他或他的工作是有价值并受到尊敬的。这种人觉得他们的工作本身是有趣并使他满意的。能达到自我实现的需要起支配作用的阶段的人是很少的。一种

22、普遍看法是只有史怀泽或爱因斯坦到达了这个阶段,但是马斯洛认为,每个人都能在一定程度上感到这种需要。B. 1. These young worker-technicians have all the qualifications we can hope for. 2. I was more frightened than hurt. 3. They wondered what had become of the girl. 4. The farmers in that area like to intersperse peach trees among the willows. 5. I hav

23、e a vehement hatred of people who are cruel to animals. 6. Even while enjoying the results of technical progress, man must defend the primacy and autonomy of pure knowledge. In addition, pure knowledge is the foundation for practical results that would not have been reached if this knowledge had not

24、 been sought disinterestedly. The first men to study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments carried on because of mere intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we can scarcely conceive of contemporary life. WritingSugges

25、ted passage:Li Siguang, an Outstanding Scientist. Li Siguang was born in Hupei in 1889. When he was a young man, he went to Japan to study. After his return to China, he taught in universities and did geological research. As a patriotic intellectual, he loved his country and his people. He refused t

26、o work for the Kuomintang. In 1947 he went to Britain to escape persecution by the Kuomintang. After liberation, he came back to his motherland to take part in the building of socialism. In 1985, he became a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Integrating theory with practice, Li Siguang applied

27、dialectics in his research work, and set up a new branch of science-geomechanics. He was the first man to declare to the world that China is rich in oil. Li made great contributions to our geological studies and to our oil industry. Armed with Lis theory, Chinese geological workers have since found

28、many big oilfields like Daqing, Shengli and DagangUnit five . TranslationA. 注视21世纪,新的科学上的突破将使遗传工程能改变一切,从机器和农业到计算机和工业。在一些近期前景中,农业上可能栽培出更大的树,增加谷物产量,甚至生产方形含较少水分容易包装的西红柿。可能培育出如大象那样大小的母牛,能多产40% 的牛奶。科学家谈论使用蛋白质取代计算机芯片中的硅,以使在同样的空间能多容纳几十亿倍的信息。B. 1. A copy of the authors article was presented to the editorial

29、 staffs. 2. Just because he is at the bottom of the class, it does not follow that he has no brains; he may just be very lazy. 3. These unusual phenomena are worth noticing. 4. The partners have been at odds with each other over hiring a new manager. 5. This led us to the conclusion that ignorance f

30、ostered superstition. 6. It may come as a surprise to learn that it isnt age that makes you “lose your memory”. The reason could be that you have a “lazy” memory, not an old one. Like your body, your memory improves with exercise. Scientists believe that our brains will work at least 75% more effect

31、ively if both sides are exercised. . WritingSuggested passage:In recent years we have become increasingly conscious of our duty towards the environment. People have begun to realize that just because we are so dependent on natural resources, we must learn to conserve them, so that they will still be

32、 available for future generation. In modern times, man has exploited the earth to an alarming degree with the effect that he is in danger of destroying the very environment that gives him life. An example of over exploitation is the destruction of forest reserves, which play a vital part in the ecol

33、ogy of the earth. Not only are our forests in danger, but as a result of industrialization seas and rivers have become polluted, and this is causing the fish in them to be poisoned and drinking water to be contaminated. Pollution of the atmosphere with gases is not only affecting the quality of the

34、air we breathe, but may also result in raising the temperature of the earth to dangerous levels. In view of the seriousness of this problem, people are starting to take measures. They are now getting to know that it is mans responsibility to conserve nature in order to ensure his own survival and we

35、ll-being. Unit six . TranslationA. 我们必须猛回头来寻求人民的智慧,这日子已经不远了。那一天,我们将不得不找出世上未受过教育的人,即头脑还没有被学问弄糊涂的人,来更新我们的头脑。为了学习,我们将不得不忘掉许多东西。而这只有在我们获得了那种智慧之后,我们才会知道怎样来利用我们已获得的知识。一盎司智慧抵得上百万吨书本,应该让那些学问欠缺而懂得怎样生活,怎样维持健康,保养精力的人有机会教我们怎样利用更多的、能够利用的知识而不至感到知识缺乏。让我们从未受过教育的人的智慧中寻求公正、美丽、宽容和对自然规律的理解吧。B. 1. The reality we are con

36、fronted with is that we enjoy not so much lifes rewards as lifes process. 2. It slowly dawned on me that the love, the joy as well as the sufferings were so precious, for they marked the existence of life. 3. Dont be indifferent to something in life that is too wondrous for description. 4. He is too

37、 preoccupied with personal affairs to live happily. 5. Ideals are of enduring worth, and worthy of pursuance. 6. He sees things in their right perspective. 7. The enemies will never be reconciled to their defeat. 8. Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human beings heart the lure of wonder, the unfai

38、ling childlike appetite of whats next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite (or God), so long are you young. . WritingSuggested

39、passage:What I Have Learned from the Lesson. The authors “truths to live by” is something that he has gleaned from his life experience. Inspired by his deep understanding of the nature of life, Im determined to begin my life anew. Life is full of wonder and beauty. We must enjoy ourselves with aband

40、on and in time. And we should never be too busy for it. See the beauty before it fades, respond with love before it wanes. Besides, look on those appearing commonplace as something that does not easily come by and youll treasure them all the more. Lifes gifts are precious. Owning life and understand

41、ing how to treasure it are all there is to a happy and beautiful life. Just as every coin has two sides, so does life. We sustain more or less losses all our lives while we enjoy love, beauty and everything splendid. We must let go of them and dont let them bother us, for they are after all part of

42、life, which still signifies the existence of life. The most important thing is to make best use of life for our benefit for our health and well-being, and our lofty ideal. Unit seven. TranslationA. 在所有那些有一定自尊又有相当内容的报纸的中间部分都有一些版面,以其独到的眼光和创造性而办得比头版更具色彩。在诸如“微型市场” 这样的红字栏目下,挤满了密密麻麻的醒目小广告,并附有大量的轮廓线条插图。这些广

43、告宣传的奇异商品比天方夜谭中阿拉丁的山洞宝库更加琳琅满目。这些广告代表着一种亚文化,甚至包括它自己的语言和标志。它的叙事语言都用最高级,它唯一的语法规则是惊叹号。所提供的全部商品的共同特征是以某种确实很独特的方式极其诱人地使生活丰富多彩。这些商品总是能够满足制造出来的需求,因为这是一种在广告出现之前几乎毫无例外地并不存在的需求。B. 1. One of the unhealthy trends today is that many people spend too much money just trying to keep up with the Joneses. 2. Since he d

44、oesnt give you a chance to make a choice, you might as well refuse his offer. 3. Imagine what stories the things you have bought will tell and you will be careful about taste next time when you buy things. 4. Anything we put into the market sells well because people have convictions trust in quality

45、 of our companys products. 5. Youd not be better off just acquiescing like this. 6. In old times, the design of furniture got out of touch with real life. Needless ornamentation (decorations) made us forget what furniture was really for. Modern design aims at simplicity and efficiency, getting rid o

46、f all that is inessential, but providing what is pleasing and useful. A piece of fine modern furniture should never be seen in isolation, but as part of a setting. Only then can we judge its shape, colour and utility, and say whether it is in good taste or not. . WritingSuggested passage:On Buying C

47、lothes, Clothes play two major roles: functional (or practical), and decorational (or esthetical). When we buy clothes, there are more factors to take into consideration: size, price and durability. Functional considerations in buying clothes are obvious because we wear different clothes for differe

48、nt seasons and different occasions. So is the dictating factor of size. We rule out any possibility of buying an article unless it fits us perfectly. For most of us, price and durability still greatly influence our buying. But as peoples pockets become more and more bulging nowadays, these two facto

49、rs carry less and less weight when people make their decisions at a fashion shop. Perhaps the most difficult decision to make in buying a piece of clothing is about its style on esthetical grounds; its shape, its colour, the texture of its material, and its workmanship. As what we wear tells stories

50、 about us, showing to others what kind of people we are and what kind of taste we have, we can not afford to be careless about this. We try a coat on and stand before a mirror, turning this way and that, imagining how others would think of us in it. When finally we decide to take it, it is because w

51、e are convinced that we have properly exercised our taste in addition to other practical consideration. Unit eighit. TranslationA. 马丁路德金,诺贝尔和平奖获得者,最为人们尊敬的黑人领袖,于1968年4月4日被暗杀,这消息强烈震撼了包括白人和黑人在内的所有美国人。在田纳西州的孟菲斯,金博士计划领导一次非暴力游行,就在那时他被刺客的子弹杀害。金博士在死前所做的最后一次演讲中说:“现在已不再是暴力或非暴力问题,而是非暴力或灭亡的问题。”金博士的死严肃地提醒人们要重视科尔

52、纳委员会曾发出的警告。当全国哀悼损失了一位毕生致力于用非暴力手段解决种族争端的领袖时,全国许多城市发生了暴乱,其中受害最重的是芝加哥和华盛顿。B. 1. Look to it that you dont violate the regulations. 2. I dont know how to get my ideas across. 3. He would not like to be at the mercy of others, and he was determined to take his own road. 4. They waited for their turn to go

53、 through the entry formalities. 5. Recently in China a campaign for cultivating the civic virtues has been launched, and people throughout the country are required to mind their manners. 6. William Foster was born in 1881 in a small town in Massachusetts. At seven he was selling newspapers to help s

54、upport his family. Three years later, he had to leave school. He worked in many different trades: lumber, agriculture, building, transport, etc. In 1921, he became one of the first members of the Communist Party of the United States. He not only took an active part in the struggle of the American wo

55、rking class for peace, democracy and socialism, but also devoted much of his time to the study of American politics, economy and history. He was chairman of the Party for many years until his illness prevented him from carrying on his work. He died a prominent figure at the age of 80. . WritingRacia

56、l Problems Despite the defeat of Nazis in 1945, racism continues to haunt the world today. Men are denied employment, housing and educational opportunities because of their skin colour;some rich countries still have racial immigration laws to keep out immigrants from poorer and hungrier lands;politi

57、cal leaders are imprisoned for life for demanding that all races should have the same political rights. The most striking instance of racism in the world today is that of the system of Apartheid in South Africa, where white people carry through racial segregation to their own advantage and to the di

58、sadvantage of the black and coloured populations. The result of racial discrimination has been a severe and continuing racial tension in the United States. Since the civil rights demonstrations, ghetto riots and other unrest in the 1960s, racial conflicts have been a persistent social problem to American society. Although there is unmistakable evidence of some initial success in the fight against racial discrimination, racial relations between white and coloured people still leave much to be desired. 研究生英语精读翻译和写作(第三版下)Unit One. TranslationA.


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