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1、1企業經營典範或思維的挑戰與改革交通大學工業工程與管理系2In todays dot com frenzied environment, we must constantly ask if we need new technology, what technology, and when, if our organization is to succeed and grow. Caution is required, however. Our experience has proven time and again that new technology alone is far from s

2、ufficient to yield bottom line results from our IT investments. Dr. E. M. Goldratt 3Business Process Reengineering:The initial DefinitionThe fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical measures of performance (cost, quality, capital,

3、 service, and speed)4企業的五大管理流程企業的五大管理流程 產品開發 生產規劃與執行 採購 客戶訂單管理 財務/管理會計,報表彙整5A Methodology for Process Reengineering Identify customers and stakeholders and determine their critical requirements Map the existing processes Measurement process performance Redesign the existing process 6A Simple Case IT

4、 Implementation Continuous Improvement Process ReengineeringProblem?7Process Reengineering:What it is Challenging old assumptions and rules Rebuilding processes/systems Starting from scratch Thinking out of the box Integrating diverse processes A shift in paradigmsDo we really do what it is when we

5、initiate a BPR project?8PeopleBusiness ProcessTechnologyIntegration FrameworkStrategy Direction And AlignmentA business model is an integrated entity of people, business process, and technologies9Major Issue: We need to deal with people (organization and culture change), to devise strategy direction

6、 and do alignment.We need to break all the rules. We need a Total Solution and do differently. 10Two Fundamental Questions for ERP Implementation What value does you expect the ERP bring? When does the ERP bring value? 11We expect that the ERP will bring benefits, when and only when, the ERP diminis

7、hes an existing limitation.If the ERP does not diminish any limitation whatsoever, there is no possible way in which it can bring benefit.If something is a limitation it means, by definition, that diminishing it brings a benefit. Otherwise it is not a limitation. This is why that the ERP will bring

8、benefits, when and only when, it diminishes an existing limitation.12It is also obvious that the mere fact that we are dealing with the ERP tells us that we have been living with an existing limitation for quite some time. Now ask yourself how could we live with this limitation? It must be that our

9、customs, our habits, our measurements, our rules, recognize and consider the existence of that limitation.Lets assume successful ERP installation occurs; the limitation has been diminished. But what happens if as part of the implementation of the ERP we neglected to address the rules? What happens i

10、f we still operate with the old rules, the rules that assume the existence of the limitation. 13ERP is a necessary condition, but its not sufficient. To get the benefits we must, at the same time that we install the new ERP, also change the rules that recognize the existence of the limitation. Commo

11、n Sense.What is the limitation that the ERP system diminishes?The limitation that we diminish is the need to act without having all the information. Using the ERP we have at our fingertips all the needed information, no matter how big or diverse our operation is. The ERP provides an Enterprise-Wide

12、Information System.The ERP substantially diminishes that limitation. But, what about the rules, the habits, the measurements?14系統限制:買東西的客戶。15做好管理保護產出備較大庫存備較小庫存降低成本 配送衝突圖配送衝突圖因為補貨時間長供應商不可靠預測不準16解決對策:解決對策:再對的時間,對的地點,有對的庫存。17 People within organization dont speak the same language of throughput. The to

13、p executive is not intimately involved in the change process. There is no full time, nonpartisan change agent. The need of some important groups are violated in the change process. There is no exciting vision of what the change process will accomplish.Rules, the Habits, the Measurements Change probl

14、ems 18 Every key influencer and manager in the organization, including the CEO, is taught to speak and practice the language and philosophy of the throughput world. 經營典範或經營典範或管理新思維的管理新思維的教育教育 The top executive of the location is intimately involved in the change process. Strategic Leadership Develop

15、ment The organization has dedicated, effective, nonpartisan change agent. Internal Consultant(reporting to CEO) with system thinking discipline Win-win strategies and tools are used to meet needs. Day-to-day problem management skills enhancement The change vision is believable and is translated into

16、 exciting language for everyone involved. Enterprise wide management solution developmentWe need a new concept and approach to manage change19我們知道管理者每天面對許多問題,影響或做許多決策。我們同樣也知道管理者解每一個問題很少是依解問題的步驟來分析問題,尋找解答,執行解答。他們應用他們豐富的經驗來快速回應每一問題。他們用典範(Paradigms)- 從經驗中所得到的準則與法則。這是不好的嗎?依賴典範不可避免的會阻止(或最少延緩)人們發展與應用新的Kno

17、wledge。管理者應以解問題的步驟來分析問題,尋找解答,執行解答或應以他過去所用且也成功的典範來解問題? 此部分是我們興趣所在,因為他定義管理著是否要(或能夠)改善。我們是否應投入更多時間發展更好(更有競爭)的Solutions或應用他們的典範來得到快速Solution,然後繼續往前走。管理者的典範與思維管理者的典範與思維20成功的做好管理工作。提出更好且有競爭力的Solution。以新的或更好的方法(挑戰典範)來解決問題以管理者所知或經驗(典範)來解決問題。避免錯誤或快速解決問題。因為:管理者假設他們的企業是非常複雜的而且祇有他們看到全局。祇有他們有視野與能力可以面對問題。管理者的衝突管理

18、者的衝突目前狀況:問題重複出現,大家疲於奔命的救火,競爭力下降。21經營企業必須看全面性與整體性。 (The only prudent way to manage a business is never to lose sight of the global picture。) 但是實際上有嗎?22ABC201518簡單例子簡單例子1. 此工廠一天可生產幾個?2. 假如市場需求D產品8個,E產品4個,F產品6個,你如何決定哪一個產品獲利較低?3. A部門一天要生產幾個才是最好?4. 如何訂定B部門的績效?5. 如何訂定A與 C部門的績效?6. A,B 與 C 要如何改善? 23企業經營是複雜或

19、簡單企業經營是複雜或簡單?也許企業經營是複雜的但是Solution可能是簡單的,因為阻礙企業達成其目標-今天明天賺更多的錢-的事祇有一兩個。管理者可以將其重心放在這一兩個障礙上。這一兩個障礙如能解決,企業今天明天可以賺更多的錢。我們如何證明這是對的?24組織是一個鏈組織是一個鏈(Chain)決定組織鏈的強度(目標)是最弱的環(Weakest Link),我們稱為限制(Constraint)。限制可分為:Physical Constraints(產能,供應商,市場)。Policy Constraints。25如何管理如何管理Physical Constraints ?步驟一: 確認系統限制(ID

20、ENTIFY the systems constraint)。 步驟二: 決定如何充分利用系統限制(Decide how to EXPLOIT the systems constraint)。如為企業內部實體限制,如何充分利用的意思不是增加設備投資, 而是如何在現有限制下讓系統發揮最大效益。步驟三: 所有非限制充分配合步驟二所作的決策(SUBORDINATE everything else to the above decision). 。此為重大的典範改變。此為部門目標與公司目標的調和。步驟四: 打破系統限制(ELEVATE the systems constraint)。現在才是做正確投資

21、的時候。步驟五: 如果系統限制在步驟四被打破, 回到步驟一(If in the previous steps a constraint has been broken, GO BACK to step 1)。警告: 不要讓惰性(典範)成為系統限制。26組織的組織的Policy Constraints目標管理到處推行TQM績效衡量Full Absorption Costing效率 - 我們不能讓資源閒置管理者的Mindset?-27Direction of Solutions: 公司建立新的公司建立新的Policy,將部門(或將部門(或個人)目標與公司目標個人)目標與公司目標Alignment。

22、28如何挑戰經營管理典範思維如何挑戰經營管理典範思維-系統思考系統思考問題在那裡?要改變什麼?(What to Change?)Solution在那裡?要改變成什麼?(What to Change to?)29無法有效解決問題無法有效解決問題其實組織會有問題是很正常的。同時大部分的問題一開始多不是很嚴重,祇要有人願意主動負責用心解決,問題皆可被化解或不會惡化。然而我們都不願意主動負責去面對問題,以致到問題不可收拾或老闆介入時才來解決。這時已經太晚了,需花費更多人力與物力來解決問題,同時也造成人們互相推卸責任,互相指責,人際關係惡化。30無法有效解決問題無法有效解決問題成功的做好管理工作。對組織

23、做出貢獻。要主動負責解決問題。不要主動負責解決問題。避免錯誤或負荷過重。目前狀況:大家互相指責抱怨,推卸責任。31無法有效的溝通無法有效的溝通溝通不良會造成人際關係惡化,問題無法有效的解決。其實我們多知道有效溝通的前題是必須獲得充足與正確的資訊,避免因不足與不正確的資訊而產生誤解。而要獲得充足與正確的資訊,我們必須主動的去傾聽對方的聲音同時向對方表達自己的看法。然而往往我們採取主動卻常常給自己帶來傷害,使雙方關係更加惡化。32無法有效的溝通無法有效的溝通 成功的做好管理工作。對組織做出貢獻。要主動去跟對方溝通。不要主動去跟對方溝通。避免受到傷害或關係惡化。目前狀況:不願意說真話,保護自己,.。


25、我們常常爭吵,人際關係不好,溝通不良,問題無法有效解決。34無法有效的管理專案無法有效的管理專案成功地管理專案。確定我們的組織盡力達成對已經開始的專案的承諾。新的專案盡可能晚點開始。新的專案盡可能早點開始。確定我們的組織盡可能地著眼於企業的機會。因為:專案早下就可以准時完成目前狀況: Resources Manager 抱怨專案優序不明確以至Resources需做Multi-Task,無法有效應用,導致大部分專案皆無法准時完成。35成功地管理專案。確定我們的組織盡力達成對已經開始的專案的承諾。新的專案盡可能晚點開始。新的專案盡可能早點開始。確定我們的組織盡可能地著眼於企業的機會。不要主動去跟對

26、方溝通。不要主動負責解決問題。避免受到傷害或關係惡化。避免錯誤或負荷過重。成功的做好管理工作。成功的做好管理工作。要主動去跟對方溝通。要主動負責解決問題。對組織做出貢獻。對組織做出貢獻。36管理者的衝突管理者的衝突A成功的做好管理工作。C確保組織持續成功B滿足我的(部門)績效指標D做任何對我自己部門績效最有利的事D做任何對公司整體績效最有利的事37管理者的核心衝突管理者的核心衝突A成功的做好管理工作。C確保組織持續成功B滿足我的(部門)績效指標D做任何對我自己部門績效最有利的事D做任何對公司整體績效最有利的事假設假設!部門績效部門績效和公司績效和公司績效無法調和無法調和 Direction o

27、f Solution:公司挑戰假設,建立新的公司挑戰假設,建立新的Policy,將部門(或個將部門(或個人)目標與公司目標人)目標與公司目標Alignment。38如何做改變? (How to Cause the Change?)從過去許多寶貴的知識與經驗中 一再告訴我們,不分產業,公司大小,阻礙組織成功的推行任何改革的障礙祇有一個:那就是與人有關的障礙。找出這些障礙並成功的克服是保證企業持續改善獲利的不二法門。Solution:有效的有效的Buy-In,溝通與領導溝通與領導系統思考解問題的第三步:系統思考解問題的第三步:39兩大溝通原則兩大溝通原則 設身處地的傾聽(Seek First to

28、 Understand, Then to Be Understood) 充分表達意思 40溝通技能溝通技能 日常衝突的溝通與化解(Resolving Day-to-Day Conflicts) Buy-In Process 給予建設性的批評 (Giving Constructive Criticism41Strategic Leader A senior leader who has strategic thinking, acting, and influencing abilities. A strategic leader knows how to work effectively wi

29、th others on strategy, act decisively on strategic issues, and help set his organizations long-range objectives. 42The Four Roles of Strategic Leader PathfindingCreating a vision that connects what customers are passionate about getting to what we are passionate about giving.1. Who is important to u

30、s, and what matters most to them (stakeholder needs)?2. What is our purpose, what matters most to us, ands how will we act toward one another(mission and values)?3. Where we are going, and how will we get there(vision and strategy)? 43The Four Roles of Strategic Leader AligningCreating a technically

31、 elegant system.1. How does the whole system work together?2. What are the parts of the system?3. How do we align the parts to achieve vision and strategy? 44The Four Roles of Strategic Leader EmpoweringReleasing the talent, energy, and contribution of people.1. How do we cultivate an environment wh

32、ere people can do their best and are committed?2. What is the nature of the work being done?3. How much responsibility and authority should people have?4. Who does what? How? With what resources and accountability? For what reasons? 45The Four Roles of Strategic Leader ModelingBuilding trust with ot

33、hers.1. Who should follow me?2. Do I take responsibility?3. Do I “walk my talk”?4. Am I trustworthy? 46Knowledge of Strategic Leader Subject Matters Strategic process Analytical and financial aspects Principles and behaviors System Thinking discipline 47The 6 Layers ofResistance to Change對問題沒有共識。對di

34、rection of the solution沒有共識。不同意 solution 可以解問題。認為 solution 將會帶來負面影響。指出許多 obstacles 阻礙 solution被執行。沒有把害怕的事說出來。48Enterprise wide management solution (EWMS)development 始於:贏的EWMS的規劃嚴謹戰術的支持細部行動的展開上述皆得到共識49真真 正正 的的 共共 識識要確保規劃出來的行動計畫能夠被積極的執行,每一位高階執行主管皆須感受到他們的貢獻是重大的; 整個規劃成果是他們努力的果實。50障礙(障礙(Obstacles) EWMS方向

35、祇著重在目前衝突的一邊 。 EWMS方向了無新意,祇是對目前妥協解做潤飾而已。 所建議的戰術是以主要的錯誤假設(典範)為基礎。51克克 服服 障障 礙礙深入瞭解主導組織間運作的所有主要因果關係。揭露主要的錯誤假設。熟識以系統化管理方法所發展的常識解(common sense solution)。52經營管理經營管理Solutions:生產生產(Production)如何在自己公司成功的複製目標(The Goal)一書的個案?主要的關鍵在於轉變成本觀心態(Cost World Mentality)到產出觀心態(Throughput World Mentality)的能力。此心態的轉變是成功實施D

36、rum-Buffer-Rope(生產規劃機制)與Buffer Management(生產控制機制)的必要條件。財務與衡量財務與衡量(Finance and Measurements)目標(The Goal)一書的讀者皆知除非財務方法改變,否則常識無法在工廠常用。以成本會計為基楚的衡量是一大傷害。但是他們可能尚未知傷害的不只是在工廠 - 對市場,銷售,甚至工程也有深遠的影響。因此我們需要一套財務與衡量方法,將部門績效衡量(效率、投資回收期、產品成本)與公司財務衡量(損益平衡表)調合在一起。 此單元將為以下其他單元的基礎。工程、產品開發與專案工程、產品開發與專案專案,跟生產一樣,是為了要完成一特定

37、的任務,應用許多資源於許多工作(Tasks)上。然而專案(特別是多專案同時進行)在本質上卻跟生產有許多不同。我們如何在預定的預算與期望達成的專案內容下準時(或提早完成)是本單元要介紹的內容。配銷與供應鏈配銷與供應鏈(Distribution and Supply Chain)除了主要事業是零售的公司外,大部分的公司皆忽視配銷。這是重大的錯誤。因為每一公司皆是供應鏈的一環(link),而且大部分的人也了解祇要最末端客戶沒有買,供應鏈裡就沒有人賺到錢。供應鏈最大的爭議 大部份的庫存 經常發現是在配銷點。假如一個公司想要成功,高階執行主管必須知道如何對配銷做重大的改善。53行銷行銷(Marketing)行銷不能跟銷售(Sales


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