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1、人教PEP版2021-2022四年级英语上册期末测试卷及答案(含听力材料)听力部分(40分)一、听选单词。将你所听单词的标号填在相应题号后面的横线上。每个单词读两遍。(5分)二、听选句子。将你所听句子的标号填在相应题号后面的横线上。每个句子读两遍。(5分)A. There is a kite near the window.B. I have a pen and two erasers in my pencil box.C. Dad, Im hungry. Whats for dinner?D. Sarah is my good friend. I love her very muc

2、h.E. Put your pencil on your English book.F. Look! My glasses are on the table.G. Is the cat on the fridge?1. _ 2. _3. _4. _5. _三、听选图片。选出与你所听句子或对话相符的图片,将其标号填在相应题号后面的横线上,有幅图片是多余的。每小题读两遍。(10分)四、听选答语。选出与你所听内容相对应的答语,将其标号填入题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(10分)( ) 1. A. Its nice. B. They are red.&#

3、160; C. It has two doors.( ) 2. A. Help yourself. B. The window is big.  C. OK.( ) 3. A. Its on the bed. B. Its my dog. C. Yes, I have a cute dog.( ) 4. A. OK. Here you are.  B. I can use the knife.  C. Dinner is ready.( ) 5. A. I cant find my k

4、eys. B. I have two new keys. C. They are in the door.五、听短文,判断句子正误。正确的在题前括号内打“”,错误的在题前括号内打“×”。短文读两遍。(10分)( ) 1. Lisa is from the USA.( ) 2. In the UK, people like to eat chicken and fries.( ) 3. Now Lisa lives in Zhengzhou.( ) 4. Lisa doesnt like Chinese food.( ) 5. Lisa would lik

5、e to try to use chopstick.笔试部分(60分)一、选出下列每组词语中与其他三个不属于同类的一项,将其标号填入题前括号内。(10分)( ) 1. A. soup  B. chicken  C. book  D. noodles( ) 2. A. driver  B. father   C. brother   D. mother( ) 3. A. English   B. glasses  C. maths  D. Chin

6、ese( ) 4. A. nurse   B. cook   C. farmer   D. spoon( ) 5. A. living room   B. sofa   C. bedroom   D. study二、单项选择。从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。(10分)( ) 1. Are the new pens on the desk? _A. Yes, it is. B. N

7、o, they arent. C. No, it isnt.( ) 2. _ Mike.A. Whos your best friend?  B. Is he a boy?C. Do you have a new friend?( ) 3. How many people are there in your family? _A. My father is a driver. B. Five.  C. I have 2 brothers.( ) 4. Would you like some vegetables for dinner? _A. I like the

8、 cat. B. No, thanks. C. Vegetables are fresh.( ) 5. Go to the _. Take a shower.A. kitchen   B. living room   C. bathroom三、情景交际。根据对话内容,选出合适的句子,将其标号填入对话中相应的位置,使对话完整、顺畅。(20分)AA. What colour is it?B. Excuse me, Im Zhang Peng.C. Here it is!D. You are welcome.E. Whats in

9、 it?Zhang Peng: 1. _ I lost my schoolbag.Miss White: 2. _Zhang Peng: Its blue and black.Miss White: OK. 3. _Zhang Peng: An English book, a Chinese book and two toys.Miss White: 4. _Zhang Peng: Thank you so much!Miss White: 5. _BA. Is your dad in the study

10、, too?B. Wow, its so beautiful!C. Is that your dad?D. Whats his job?E. What would you like to eat?Mike: Welcome to my home. This is our living room.Chen Jie: 1. _John: Where is your mother?Mike: She is in the study. She is a teacher.Chen Jie: 2. _Mike: No. He is my uncl

11、e.Chen Jie: 3. _Mike: He is a doctor.Chen Jie: 4. _Mike: No. My dad is in the kitchen. He is cooking dinner for us.John: Really? Great!Mike: 5. _Chen Jie & John: Some fish and soup, please.四、按要求完成下列各题。(10分)五、阅读理解。根据对话内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出各题的正确答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。(1

12、0分)Its a lovely day today. The animals have a party. They go to a restaurant(饭店). What would they like to eat?Waiter: Can I help you? Heres the menu (菜单) and here are todays specials (特价).Eagle: I like meat. Id like some beef and soup.Panda: Vegetables are my favou

13、rite, so Id like some salad and juice.Waiter: What would you like to eat? Would you like some rice?Beaver: No, thank you. Id like some noodles and fish, please.Waiter: How about you?Rooster: Id like some rice and salad. Thank you.Waiter: OK. Please wait a minute!( ) 1.

14、Where are the animals?A. In the park.   B. At home.  C. In the restaurant.( ) 2. What would Eagle like to eat?A. Beef and soup. B. Rice and salad. C. Noodles.( ) 3. How much is the beef today?A. 10 yuan. B. 20 yuan. C. 16 yuan.( ) 4. Panda would pay _ yuan.A. 18 B. 15 C. 20( ) 5. Woul

15、d Rooster like some noodles?A. Yes.  B. No. C. I dont know. 参考答案第一部分听力一、1-5 IBDGA二、1-5 GEDAC三、1-5 BFEDA四、1-5 BCCAC五、1-5 ××第二部分笔试一、1. C2. A大人辅导延展本题中father(爸爸),brother(兄;弟)和mother(妈妈)属于家庭成员,我们学过的表示家庭成员的词还有哪些呢?一起来回忆一下吧!grandfather (祖父;外祖父)grandmother (祖母;外祖母)aunt (姑母;

16、姨母) sister (姐;妹)baby brother (婴儿小弟弟)cousin (同辈表亲或堂亲)uncle (舅父:叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父)3. B4. D【解析】nurse (护士),cook (厨师),farmer (农民)都是表示职业的名词,spoon (勺)与它们不同类。本学期我们还学了哪些表示职业的词呢?说一说吧!doctor (医生)driver (司机) football player (足球运动员)5. B二、1. B2. A【解析】由答语可知,问句对

17、人进行提问,通常用who引导的特殊疑问句。选项B、C为一般疑问句,答语分别为“Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.”和“Yes, I do. No, I dont.”。3. B【解析】“How many + 可数名词的复数形式 + are there + 其他?”表示“有多少?”;问句意为“你家有几口人?”,B项符合语境。4. B【解析】“Would you like + 表示食物或饮料的词语 + for dinner?”用来询问对方晚餐是否想吃或喝某样东西,其肯定回答常为“Yes, please.”,否定回

18、答常为“No, thanks.”。5. C三、A. 1-5 BAECDB. 1-5 BCDAE【点拨】做补全对话题时,先通读对话,初步了解对话的背景和大意;其次,联系上下文,理清前后句子之间的关系,为设空处选择合适的句子;最后,再通读一遍对话,检查所填选项是否正确。四、1. 略2. That is Amys aunt.3. Would you like a knife and fork?4. 示例 One blackboard, one fan, many desks and chairs.5. 示例 She is beautiful and friendly.五

19、、1. C 2. A3. A【解析】此题询问“今天的牛肉多少钱?”,结合对话中“Heres the menu todays specials.”和图片信息可知,牛肉今天特价10元。4. B【解析】由对话中熊猫说的“Vegetables are my favourite salad and juice.”可知,熊猫点了沙拉(salad)和果汁(juice);根据菜单可知,沙拉12元,果汁特价3元,所以一共需要支付15元。5. B听力材料一、1. candy 2. notebook 3. right 4. people 5. blackboard二、1. Is the cat on th

20、e fridge?2. Put your pencil on your English book.3. Sarah is my good friend. I love her very much.4. There is a kite near the window.5. Dad, Im hungry. Whats for dinner?三、1. Sarah: Sam, I have a new friend.Sam: Really? A boy or girl?Sarah: A girl. Look! Shes Amy. She is frie

21、ndly.2. Wu Yifan: Good morning, everyone! Lets clean the classroom!Chen Jie: Good idea!Mike: Let me clean the desks.Wu Yifan: Let me clean the floor.Amy: Let me help you!Wu Yifan: Thank you.3. My kitchen is big and clean. The chairs are white in it. I have a cute cat. She often sleeps on the chair in the kitchen.4. Chen Jie: John, your schoolbag is so heavy. Put it on the desk. How many books are there in it?John: T


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