1、翻译练习题(一):翻译的标准1. 林肯葛底斯堡演说最后一句: and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. 2. Try to be modest and prudent, guard against complacency. 3. He is physically weak but mentally sound. 4. It was William who defended him agains
2、t a tyrant at the school where they were. 5. Chairman Mao is an activist, a prime mover 6. And the body lay white and still beneath the pines 7. They had barely enough time to catch the train. 8. It is now thought that the more work we give our brain, the more work they are a
3、ble to do. 9. She looked up at him in question. “Trackers,” he said. “Come!” And then a helplessness and a hopelessness swept over him, and his face went blank and his eyes were sad. “Perhaps I should let them take me .” Instantly Juana was on her feet and her hand lay on his
4、 arm. “You have the pearl,” she cried hoarsely. “Do you think they would take you back alive to say they had stolen it?” His hand strayed limply to the place wher5e the pearl was hidden under his clothes. ”They will find it ,” he said weakly. “Come ,” she said. “Come!” And when he
5、did not respond, “Do you think they would let me live? Do you think they would let the little one here live?” Her goading struck into his brain; “We will go into the mountains. Maybe we can lose them in the mountains.” 原译:胡安娜疑惑不解地看着他。 “追踪的人,”他说。“走吧!” 这时,他觉得孤立无援,一筹莫展,茫然若失,两眼露出
6、十分忧郁的神色。“兴许,还不如让他们把我抓走更好些。” 胡安娜马上站起来,用手抓住他的胳膊。“你身上还带着珍珠呢。”她哑着嗓子喊道,“你以为他们能让你活着回去,好让你到处说是他们抢走了珍珠吗?” 他的手哆哆嗦嗦地伸进衣服口袋里去摸珍珠。“他们迟早会把它的拿走的。”他有气无力地说。 “走啊!”她说,“快走啊! 他毫无反应,胡安娜于是接着说:“你以为他们会让我活下去吗?你以为他们会让小不点儿活下去吗?” 这句话刺痛了他的心。他龇牙裂嘴,低声吼叫,两眼露出一股凶光。“走吧,”他说,“我们进山吧,也许在山里就能甩掉他们。” 翻译练
7、习题(二):全译的策略“直译意译” 1There is originality and imagery in his poems. 原译:在他的诗里有独具一格和想象力。 2Every State is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security.原译:每一个国家是需要什么来保卫它的国家安全的最好的判决者。 3His father lives in Wuhan. 4The Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast
8、ocean of material prosperity.原译:黑人依然生活在物质汪洋大海中贫乏的孤岛上。5 The Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.原译:黑人依然在美国社会的角落中饱受痛苦,并发现是自己国土上的流亡者。6Its time for doing sth.7Its the second time that we have been in Moscow.8Wet paint.翻译练习题(三):七大全译方法全译
9、力求完整地传达原作内容,兼顾原作形式,求得风格极似。常规的全译方法共有七种,即对译、增译、减译、转译、换译、分译和合译1我是一名学生。2To see the wind, with a man his eyes, it is impossible.3 And I do not mistrust the future; I do not fear what is ahead. For our problems are large, but our heart is larger. Our challenges are great, but our will is greater. And if o
10、ur flaws are endless, Gods love is truly boundless.原译:而我不是不相信未来;我不害怕即将来临的事情。因为我们的问题是大的,但是我们的心更大。我们的挑战是大的,但是我们的决心更大。如果我们的缺点是没完没了的,上帝的爱是真正的无穷无尽的。4 I must launch out my boat.5You must know the properties of the material before you use it.6The moving parts of a machine are often oiled that friction may
11、be greatly reduced.7You may wonder why the magnets poles point north and south.8When the plants died and decayed, they formed layers of organic materials. 原译:植物腐烂时,它们就形成了一层层的有机物。9Gas and dust clouds, spinning because the galaxy is spinning, collapse due to gravitational attraction and form stars. 10
12、The words “velocity” and “speed” are considered as synonyms unless they are used in technical books. 原译:“速率”和“速度”这两个词,如不是用在技术书中,可以认为是同义词。11Upon gaining two electrons the alpha particle becomes a helium atom.12Aluminum is said to be the thirteenth element in the periodic table.13Our transmitter is se
13、nding out a series of short pulses. 原译:我们的发射机正在发射一系列的短脉冲。14The high-altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird. 15It was found that luciferin is not a single compound. 16Many methods of bleaching had been developed by trial and error and tradition. 17When the machine is in operation, do keep
14、away from it.18Name five different kinds of matter. 19The various types of machine tools overlap a great deal in their fields of application. 20The development of the field-effect transistor can be traced in term of these fabrication methods. 21At low frequencies, the DC resistance of a given conduc
15、tor is essentially the same as its AC resistance.22The chief difficulty to be overcome in aviation is that of renewing supplies of petrol while in the air.23Hydrogen burns in air or oxygen, forming water.24All bodies consist of molecules and molecules of atoms. 25Like charge repel each other, but op
16、posite charges attract. 原译:相同的电荷互相排斥,但相反的电荷却互相吸引。26The frequency, wave length, and speed of sound are closely related. 27The principal functions that may be performed by vacuum tubes are rectification, amplification, oscillation, modulation, and detection. 原译:真空管的五大主要职能是:整流、放大、振荡、调制和检波。28There are f
17、our main ways of joining together sheets of metal: by bolts or by rivets, by soldering and by welding. 29Atomic cells are very small and very light as compared to ordinary dry cells.30Speed and reliability are the chief advantage of the electronic computer.31Electricity is produced if acids react mo
18、re with one metal than the other. 32An object, once in motion, will keep on moving because of its inertia. 33Force is measured in pounds, no matter how it is produced.34Most of the vapor turns to liquid in the condenser and returns to the flask. 原译:大部分蒸汽先在冷凝器中转化为液体,然后再回到烧瓶中去。35White or shining surfa
19、ces reflect heat: dark surfaces absorb it.36The heart can be safety opened and its valves repaired. 37The 12 months of the year were divided into units of 30 or 31 days, except that in non-leap years the month we call February had only 29 days. 38Piston engines are used for relatively slow planes fl
20、ying at 20000 feet or less. 39Pairs of shared electrons must spin in opposite directions. 40Possible changes that occur upon exposure to high temperatures may be categorized into bulk, metallurgical, and surface effects. 41When an electric current is sent through water it splits the water up into it
21、s constituents: oxygen and hydrogen. 42Since the airplanes mass is not given, we can find it by using this formula. 原译:飞机的质量并未给出,但是可用这个公式求出来。43As soon as a positive charge approaches an electron, it combines with the latter. 44The mass of one unit of volume of a material is called its density. 45The
22、 gas distributes itself uniformly throughout a container. 46The volume of the sun is about 1300000 times that of the earth. 47When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low. 48It is clear that solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do. 49The base bleed unit is used to give an inc
23、reased range of fire. 50The problem of the age of the earth is one problem we shall approach. 51Forces are measured in pounds, ounces, tons, grams, kilograms, and other units commonly called units of weight. 52The basic function of the triode is as an amplifier of current. 53The total length of the
24、intestines of a newborn baby equals eight times his body length. 54A research group led by him began to solve the problem in 1960s. 55The capacitor is a square with all sides a half centimeter long. 56In the transmission of electric power a high voltage is necessary. 57The drag reduction unit potent
25、ially increases maximum range by 23%. 58Telephone communication is now widespread and efficient. 59As the temperature increase, the volume of water becomes greater.60Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. 61When found in the earth, gemstones are often dull-looking an
26、d rough. Cut and polished, they sparkle as with an inner fire. 原译:从地里采出来的宝石通常粗糙发暗,经过切削和磨光之后才发光,象内部燃着火似的。62From Florence the river Arno ran down to Pisa, and then it reached the sea. 63It is worthwhile attempting to use an ultra-high-vacuum system for such purposes. 64There exist neither perfect insu
27、lators nor perfect conductors. 65 Since transistors are extremely small in size and require only small amounts of energy, they can make previously large equipment much smaller. 原译:晶体管非常小,而且所需要的能量也少,从而,使以前的大设备也变得小多了。66 Part-time waitress applicants who had worded at a job would receive preference ove
28、r those who had not.原译:应聘业余服务员的人,有工作经验的比没有工作经验的优先录取。67Semiconductor devices have no filament or heaters and therefore require no heating power or warmed uptime. 68Besides teaching the deaf and dumb he was absorbed in the scientific study of sound, and also in the possibilities of transmitting it by
29、means of electricity or light.69The First manned landing on the Moon surface was achieved by American astronauts on July 20, 1969. 70The design calculations will serve as an illustrative application of the theory of semiconductor devices. 71The force to change the motion of a body is proportional to
30、 the mass of the body. 72A body is negatively charged when it has electrons in excess of its normal number. 73The volume of a gas becomes smaller when the pressure upon it is increased. 原译:当作用在气体上的压力增大时,气体的体积就缩小。74Concrete structures generally do not require much maintenance, internally or externall
31、y, if adequate provision is made for good expansion joints and firm foundations. 原译:如果有良好的伸缩缝和坚实的基础,混凝土结构一般不需要大量的室内外维修。75The experiment on the transformation of energy shows that no energy can be created and none destroyed. 76In general, no new substance forms in a physical change.原译:一般来说,物理变化中不形成新的
32、物质。77The craft did not crash because of engine failure. 78You cannot get AIDS by working or attending school with someone who has the disease.79Genetic engineering is not developing fast enough.80This electric motor does not work properly. 81Semiconductor devices have no filament or heaters and ther
33、efore require no heating power or warm-up time. 82Workers can violate the safety rules on no conditions. 83I don't think that he can operate a new electronic computer. 84The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to
34、 take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country. 原译:小国人民只要敢于起来斗争,敢于拿起武器并掌握自己国家的命运,就一定能打败大国的侵略。85It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I intended to China in January. 原译:我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟,这使我非常失望。86Automatics, as their name implies, are m
35、achine tools which machine work pieces automatically. 87The operator should visually check the hole and drill after each operation. 原译:在每一次操作之后,操作者应目视检查孔和钻头。88Boeing-747 was assembled in the new factory at Everett, Washington, 89 The mathematical model provides determination of the parametric pressu
36、re and speed of rotation fluctuation, the static values of the drive being known.原译:在已知静走驱动值的情况下,这个数学模型可以用来判定压力参数和转速波动参数。90 The world is still engaged in a massive armaments race designed to insure continuing equivalent strength among potential adversaries.91In the Aegean, bronze began to supersede
37、copper, particularly for tools and weapons in about 1700BC. 92Fluid sand process has found application in the production of large and steel castings. 93The electrode is uniformly thin. 94A VF carrier system can be operated over any telephone type circuit, wire or radio. 95Ultrasonic waves are reflec
38、ted at discontinuities or boundaries of materials having different elastic and physical properties. 原译:超声波在遇到突变点或弹性和物理性能不同的两种物质的分界面时会反射回来。96Were there no frictions, transmission of motion would be impossible. 97The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by means of a generator.
39、 98Ultraviolet rays contain a larger amount of energy than visible light does. 99 1960s saw the great development of our oil industry with the opening up of the Daqing Oilfield.100Cotton and linen burn quickly and easily, and smell like burning paper. 101The sun affects tremendously both the mind an
40、d body of a man. 102The landscape of the moon was seen to have mountain ranges and craters great and small. 103After more experiments, Galileo succeeded in making a much better telescope. 104Water has a density of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot. 105The lower stretches of rivers show considerable variety
41、. 106Much later Heinrich Hertz demonstrated radio waves in a primitive manner. 原译:隔了相当长一段时间,赫兹用一种简单的方法证明了无线电波的存在。107He spent the First World War in the Russian Army Signal Corps. 108The idea of obtaining potable water from wastewater is a psychologically difficult one for many people to accept. 109W
42、ith catalysts, the higher rate of reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen is at 500. 110The selectivity measurement was then repeated. 111No drawing or model of Mr. Mills contraption survives. 112Throughout the world come into use the same signs and symbols of mathematics. 113There are nine known pla
43、nets in the solar system. 114The wide application of electronic computers affects tremendously the development of science and technology. 原译:电子计算机的广泛应用,对科学技术发展的影响极大。115Television has been successfully sent by laser, too. 116The critical temperature is different for different kinds of steel. 原译:对于不同类
44、型的钢,它们的临界温度是不同的。117Task invisible to the user include: reading the data and map files into memory and organizing them for fast retrieval; reacting to the movements of the trackball,and house-keeping.118For ferocity it has no peer in all the awful annals of human oppression.原译:其残忍程度,在人类压迫的丑恶历史中,是绝无仅有
45、的。119Alloy belongs to a half-way house between mixtures and compounds.原译:合金是介于混合物和化合物之间的中途旅店。120The major contributors in component technology have been in the semi-conductors. 原译:元件技术中的主要贡献者是在半导体元件中。121Particle sizes are small, rarely large enough to be seen by the human eye, and very dirty oil sti
46、ll looks very good to eye. 122Theory of Relativity worked out by Einstein is now above many people's comprehension. 123It is impossible that the man-made satellite never loses its orbit velocity. 124Metals do not melt until heated to a definite temperature. 125Variations outside the ranges given
47、 are not unlikely. 126We are a nation that must work hard to keep powerful.127There are some metals, which possess the power to conduct electricity and ability to be magnetized. 原译:某些金属具有导电的能力和被磁化的能力。128These spikes, called hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA), play a major role in the survival
48、 of the virus. 原译:这两种钉状体,一种被称为血球凝集素,简称HA,另一种被称为神经氨酸酶,简称NA,它们在流感病毒的生存上起着重要的作用。129Early cars were very strange: their engine had only one cylinder, and the tires on the wheels were made of iron or solid rubber. 130Fastened on the crankshaft is an eccentric (off center) disk. 131Produced by electrons a
49、re the x-rays, which allow the doctor to look inside a patient's body. 132Sugar can be dissolved in water.133He found that by heating milk to about 145 for 30 minutes most bacteria were killed。134Through this manifold center, nine wells are connected and controlled. 135An interesting method of p
50、roviding illumination was used in a few mines near the sea. 136All employees must have a complete understanding of and dedication to the aims of the company. 原译:本公司的所有雇员都必须对公司的宗旨有一个彻底的理解和献身。137Automation involves a detailed and continuous knowledge of the functioning of the machine system, so that t
51、he best corrective actions can be applied immediately they become necessary. 138The importance of oceanography as a key to the understanding of our plant is, seldom as well appreciated.原译:海洋学是认识我们的星球的关键,其重要性人们却很少理解。139The election system is such that such a large majority ordinarily cannot be attain
52、ed on a major law unless at least a large part of the three major groups business, agriculture, and labor support it.原译:除非某项重大议案获得商业、农业和劳工三大社会集团中至少是大部分人的支持,否则这项议案通常也不可能获得(国会)的大多数支持。这就是所谓选举制。140But one basic difference of opinion concerns the question of whether or not the city as such is to be prese
53、rved.原译:但是一个根本的意见分岐是:像目前这样的城市是否还要保存下去?141The broader question of how late it is in teens of military balance cannot be definitely answered.原译:更大的问题是:从军事力量对比来看,我们还落后多少年?对于这个问题,我们不能做出明确的答复。142Soon there would be no Poland to guarantee!原译:很快就根本不会有波兰的存在了,还需要什么担保呢?143With a frozen supply of extra embryos
54、,a woman can undergo a second transfer procedure at a later date without to take drugs and go through painful surgery to retrieve new eggs.144The discovery of metals made possible the construction of more intricate and useful devices.原译:使得有可能制造更为复杂和有用的器械是金属的发现。145Cold and drought tolerant,the new va
55、riety is adaptable to north China.146That a moving body has kinetic energy is an important theory. 147Something that weights one kilogram on the earth would weigh only 166 grams on the moon. 原译:在地球上重一公斤的东西到月球上却只有166克重。148China was the big unknown quantity until 1953, when a census was carried out. 149There is no air and water on the moon. Thats why no living things can live there. 150A step-down transformer can reduce a voltage to
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