1、(本剧所有角色和情节纯属虚构)(如与实际事件 或在世 已故人物有任何相似之处)(纯属巧合)(临床心理学家 马里安蒙塔泽米)MARJAN MONTAZEMI, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST(医疗档案:法拉兹卡马力)MEDICAL FILE: FARAZ KAMALI你要出门吗 Are you going out?-你睡得怎么样 -我没睡着-How did you sleep? -I didn't.你是去健身房♥吗 Are you going to the gym?是的 按计划行事Yeah, that's the plan.我必须尽快接近瓦希德
2、时间不多了I must get to Vahid as soon as possible. There's no time.昨天发生的事怎么办 What about what happened yesterday?别担心 我们处理好了一切 没有留下任何杀人的证据Don't worry. We took care of everything. We came out clean.塔玛 我们得离开这里Tamar, we have to get out of here.好吗 别管瓦希德 和摩萨德情报局了 必须离开Okay? No Vahid, no Mossad. We have t
3、o go.-什么 -我们就按原计划来-What? -We just go back to our original plan.好吗 我们逃去温哥华 把这一切抛诸脑后Okay? We run away to Vancouver, put all of this behind us.-米拉德 这样不行 -塔玛 我杀了人-Milad, it doesn't work that way. -Tamar, I killed a man.而且不是随便什么人 是一个朋友And not just anyone, a friend.一个帮我们渡过难关的人Someone who helped us get
4、 by.-你别无选择 -有区别吗 -You had no choice. -What difference does that make?昨天他还活着 现在他死了 我亲手杀了他He was alive, and now he's dead, and I killed him with my own fucking hands!我亲手杀了他With my own hands!你没事的You're okay.我们之后好好谈谈这事 好吗 你先冷静下来We'll talk about it, okay? Just calm down.我们以后再谈 好吗 Let's ta
5、lk about it later, okay?你就待在这里Just stay here.我必须去健身房♥了I have to go to the gym.-好吧 -好-Okay. -Okay.亲爱的My dear请please对她好点Treat her well.别再说了Enough already.我的爱人My love,也许这能帮到你maybe this could help you.也许能帮你It could help you, maybe.你不陪我待在家里 而是找个人来监视我Instead of staying here with me, you're
6、bringing someone to watch over me.一定是她来了 你不想去开门吗 That must be her. Don't you want to answer the door?你邀请她来的 你去开门You invited her. You answer the door.纳希德Nahid卡马力先生 Mr. Kamali?-你是 -我是马里安蒙塔泽米-And you are? -I'm Marjan Montazemi.我是代表退伍军人心理健康研究所来的I'm here on behalf of the Veterans' Mental
7、Health Institute.来给你妻子纳希德治疗For your wife, Nahid.对吗 Correct?-请进 -谢谢-Please, come in. -Thank you.你家真漂亮You have a lovely home.这是纳希德父母的房♥子It was Nahid's parents'.我们不得不搬出以前的公♥寓♥We had to leave our previous apartment.感谢上帝 你们至少能在这里落脚Well, thank God you ended up here
8、, at least.是的Yes.我是个外国人 这让你感到不舒服You're uncomfortable with the fact that I'm a foreigner.英国人在这里不常见We don't meet many British people here.确实是True.伊朗和英国关系不怎么好 对吧 Iran and England is not exactly a love story, is it?我遇到的情况表明两国关系挺好Well, in my case, it was.我在巴黎遇到了我的丈夫哈桑I met my husband, Hassan,
9、 in Paris.我们当时都在巴黎上学I was studying there, and so was he.结婚后 我们搬到了这里After we married, we moved here,我再次坠入爱河and I fell in love again,这次是和伊朗this time with Iran.如果你不介意我问的话 你丈夫是做什么的 What did your husband do, if you don't mind me asking?他是个心理医生 他13年前就去世了He was a psychiatrist. He passed 13 years ago.深表
10、同情My condolences.谢谢Thank you.他是个很特别的人He was a special man.对此我深信不疑I'm sure.即使他去世了 你仍决定留下来 And you decided to stay, even after he passed?伊朗是我的家Iran is my home.你来我家 纳希德不是很高兴You know, Nahid is not very happy that you're here.是的 我看了她的病历Yes, I read her file.她对陌生人进自己家感到担心It's quite natural for
11、her to feel concerned是很正常的about a stranger coming into her house.但我相信我会找到办法取得她的信任But I am convinced that I will find a way to get through to her.事实上 我能不能大胆提个建议 Actually, if I may be bold enough to make a suggestion?你最好还是让我们单独相处It's probably best for you to leave us alone.你妻子会得到很好的照顾 卡马力先生Your wi
12、fe will be in very good hands, Mr. Kamali.你熟悉他所有朋友了吗 Did you go over all his friends?裴曼和瓦希德的这张合影在哪拍的 Peyman and Vahid. Where was it taken?在上城区的一家叫现金的餐馆拍的It's a restaurant uptown. Cash.瓦希德是老板 裴曼通常在那里过夜Vahid is the owner. Peyman usually spends the night there.祝你好运Good luck.嗨 贵宾来了Hello. What a gues
13、t!-我很高兴你能来 -你邀请我 我就来了-I'm so glad you're here. -I was invited, so I came.来 我带你参观一下Come, I'll give you a tour.要不要来杯体饮 Offer you a shake?不用了 谢谢I'm good, thank you.她不仅没有任何犯罪记录Not only is she totally clean,而且是她在战后建立了 退伍军人创伤后应激障碍研究所she actually established the Veterans' Institute for
14、PTSD after the war.网站上说她被授权治疗卫队的高级成员It says she's authorized to treat high-ranking members of the Guard.有她和卫♥生♥部♥长以及她治疗过的 几位阿亚图拉们的合影There are photos of her with the Minister of Health, a few ayatollahs she's treated.-你为什么怀疑她 -她是一个西方人-Why are you suspicious of
15、 her? -She's a Westerner.现在我刚回去工作她就来我家了And now she shows up at my house right after I go back to work.研究所的人怎么说 What did they say at the institute?我应该感恩 因为有像她这样 高水准的专家在为我太太治疗That I should be grateful that a specialist of her caliber is treating her.老大 我不知道该说什么 根据我在这里看到的Don't know what to tell
16、 you, boss. According to what I'm seeing here,他们说得对they're right.你在看什么 What are you looking at?街对面的公园很漂亮The park across the street. It's lovely.纳希德 我很高兴见到你I am very pleased to meet you, Nahid.我是马里安I am Marjan.-幸会 -彼此彼此-Pleasure to meet you. -Likewise.在我们开始之前 我可以用一下洗手间吗 Before we start, w
17、ould it be possible for me to use the loo?在走廊尽头 左手边It's at the end of the hallway on the left.谢谢Thank you.谢谢Thank you.很多年前 我治疗过一个可爱的小女孩Many years ago, I treated a lovely little girl她在一场可怕的车祸中失去了所有亲人who had lost her entire family in a terrible accident.他们当时正开车去拉尔 然后翻车了They were driving to Lar, an
18、d the car flipped over.所有人都死了Everyone was killed.除了她以外All but her.从那一刻起 她就不说话了From that moment on, she stopped speaking.我尽我所能 让她信任我I tried everything I could to get through to her.我读她喜欢的书 我玩I read books that she loved, I played不管我给她做什么治疗 她就是不肯说话She still wouldn't speak, no matter what therapy I
19、tried on her.直到有一天 我们走进我的办公室Until one day, we walked into my office,就在我要坐下的时候 她大声喊and right before I sat down, she yelled out,“马里安 小心”"Marjan, watch out!"我很抱歉吓到了你I'm sorry I startled you.但你要知道 当时其实是But you see, what had happened is我正要坐的椅子坏了the chair I was about to sit on was broken,那孩子
20、注意到了 并提醒了我and the child had noticed it and warned me.从那天起 她的内心被打开了From that day on, something opened up in her.不是立刻 而是Not immediately, but一点一点地Bit by bit她又开始说话了she started talking again.你有什么想和我分享的吗 Is there anything you would like to share with me?说实话吗 Honestly?当然Of course.我不想让你待在这里I have no desire
21、for you to be here.好吧All right.那我为什么在这儿 Then why am I here?因为我丈夫认为让你来照顾我是个好主意Because my husband thought it was a good idea for you to come watch over me.通常都是这样吗 他为你做决定 That's how it usually works? He makes decisions for you?我有一种感觉 事情并不总是这样的I have a feeling it wasn't always that way.我说得对吗 Am
22、I right?自从发生那件事后就一直是这样It's been this way since what happened.所以现在你有机会为自己做决定了So now you have an opportunity to make your own decision.如果你不想让我在这儿 尽管说出来If you don't want me here, just say the word.我是为你而来 不是为了你丈夫I'm here for you, not for your husband.你哪条腿比较弱 Which is your weak leg?这条This one
23、.听着 打拳前你要把比较弱的腿放在前面Look, for your starting position, put your weak leg forward.-好 -然后-Okay. -Then-像这样 -再来一次-Like that? -Again.使劲Harder.-谢谢 -别客气-Thanks. -No problem.你好啊 姑娘Hey there, girl.嘿Hey.姑娘 怎么了 过来What is it, girl? Come here.来吃Come eat.喂 Hello?刚刚那个毒贩的邻居给我打电♥话♥I just got a ca
24、ll from the dealer's neighbor.好像有人去了他的公♥寓♥Seems someone's in his apartment.我就在附近I'm nearby.他邻居姓什么 What's the neighbor's last name?阿莱内贾德Alinejad.谢谢Thank you.过来Come here. Come here.嗨 我是警方调查队的Hello. I'm from Investigations.请问 你是谁 Excuse me, who are you?抱歉 先
25、生 之前在公♥寓♥里的那个人刚下楼Excuse me, sir. The man who was at the apartment just went downstairs.我们开车去兜兜风 好吗 We'll go for a drive, okay?-喂 阿里 -在-Hello, Ali. -Yes.一辆车刚从这里开走A car just left here.记一下车牌号♥码 76-B-765 伊朗90Take down the plate number: 76-B-765. Iran 90.76伊朗90Seventy
26、-six Iran 90.把信息也传给警方Pass it on to the police as well.知道了Got it.至于蒙塔泽米女士Regarding Mrs. Montazemi.我做了更多的调查I did some more digging.可能不是什么大事It might be nothing,但她最近才开始在阿扬德根医院 进行创伤后应激障碍治疗咨♥询♥but she recently started consulting on PTSD treatment at Ayandegan Hospital.我给你发网页链接I'l
27、l send you the link.没问题Sure thing.阿里 做得好Good job, Ali.(马里安蒙塔泽米医生 权威专家)DR. MARJAN MONTAZEMI, THE LEADING EXPERT(专长治疗创伤后应激障碍患者)SPECIALIZING IN TREATMENT OF PTSD PATIENTS不是他的错It's not his fault.他不得不回去工作He had to return to work.他做不了主It's bigger than him.他本可以拒绝的 不是吗 He could have said no, couldn&
28、#39;t have he?拒绝卡西姆默罕马迪 To Qasem Mohammadi?当面拒绝他 Right to his face?他被任命的那天 就在那个飞行员事件之后The day he was appointed, right after what happened with that pilot(马里安蒙塔泽米 临床心理学家 二楼)MARJAN MONTAZEMI, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST, SECOND FLOOR默罕马迪亲自来这里 要求法拉兹回去工作Mohammadi came here himself and demanded Faraz return to
29、 work.他不可能拒绝He couldn't have said no.肯定不能拒绝那个人Certainly not to that man.再跟我说说那个人Talk to me more about that man.今天就先到这里吧I'd like for us to end for today.好的 没问题Okay, of course.你做得很好 你是个坚强的女人 纳希德You've done very well. You're a strong woman, Nahid.重要的是要记住And it's important to remembe
30、r无论我们在这个房♥子里说了什么 只有你知我知that whatever we say to each other in this room stays between us.(临床心理学家 马里安蒙塔泽米)MARJAN MONTAZEMI, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST(牛津大学临床心理学博士)UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD PHD IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY抱歉 走之前我能再用一下洗手间吗 I'm sorry. Could I use the loo again before I leave?当然可以Of course
31、.谢谢Thank you.(实况)你的新朋友差点把沙袋打坏Your new friend nearly broke the punching bag.谢谢你的建议 亲爱的Thanks for the tips, sweetheart.很高兴认识你It was nice meeting you.-玩得开心 -回见-Have fun. -Later.所以你弄伤了我的宝贝水袋 So you're hurting my precious Aqua bags?它们对你做过什么 What did they ever do to you?一个女士需要知道如何保护自己A lady needs to k
32、now how to protect herself.明白了I see.所以如果我现在邀请你去吃饭 我应该非常小心 So if I invite you for a bite right now, I should be very careful?-毫无疑问 -我记住了-Definitely. -I'll make a note of that.你先请After you.(尼亚瓦兰铂金)抱歉先生 现在是女子健身时段 你不能进来Excuse me, sir, it's women's hours. You can't come inside.抱歉 女士 我是来接我
33、妹妹的Sorry, ma'am. I'm here to pick up my sister.她不接电♥话♥She won't answer her phone.她刚刚在上搏击课She had a kickboxing class.那堂课半小时前就结束了That class ended half an hour ago.麻烦你帮我查一下好吗 Could you please check?她叫莱拉安萨里 瓦希德邀请她来的Leyla Ansari. She was Vahid's guest.我不知道那是谁I have n
34、o idea who that is.请在我叫保安之前离开Please leave before I call security.亲爱的Sweetie?这是什么 你知道我们怎么处理这个 What's this? You know what we do with this?搞定There.这看起来不像餐馆This doesn't look like a restaurant.这可比餐馆好多了Well, this is much better than a restaurant.你先请After you.欢迎Welcome.别拘束Make yourself at home.我去拿点
35、吃的来I'll get us something to eat.有印度菜 泰国菜和菲律宾菜I have Indian, Thai, Filipino.我吃什么都行I can do anything.好的Anything.这房♥子都是我自己设计的You know, the house is all my own design.我等会带你看楼上的画I'll show you the paintings upstairs later.(迈赫迪来电)MEHDI(我在瓦希德家 别担心)意下如何 我们要来一杯吗 What do you say? Shall we ha
36、ve a taste?好的Sure.敬你 莱拉To you, Leyla.你一直想开个健身房♥吗 Did you always want to own a gym?不是健身房♥对我来说 只是商业帝国里的一站No, no, no. A gym is just a stop along the way for me.我要进军房♥地♥产♥行业 我看中了市区的一个地方I'm going into real estate. I've got my eye on this spot
37、 downtown.现在还是个垃圾场It's a real dump now但我会把它变成一块宝石 就像你一样but I'm going to make it into a gem, like you.你不饿吗 You're not hungry?-这是你做的吗 -不是 在这里工作的一个女人做的-Did you make this? -No, one of the women who work here did.那你总是在家吃饭吗 从不出门 So do you always eat at home? You never go out?我的家族有餐馆 我总是出门My fa
38、mily owns the restaurant. I always go out.-对 亚萨曼告诉我了 没错 -对 现金-Yeah. Yasaman told me. Yeah. -Yeah. Cash.-是 -你想去吗 -Yeah. -You want to go?来吧 我们去吧 今晚就去Come on. Let's go. We'll go tonight.很多人都会去 会很好玩A lot of people are going. It's gonna be fun.-好 是 听起来很不错 -好的-Okay, yeah. Sounds nice. -All rig
39、ht.你笑起来真美You're really beautiful when you smile.我去去就回 你先吃I'll be right back. You eat.莱拉Leyla!-叫莱拉 -你干吗 -Get Leyla! -What are you doing here?莱拉Leyla! Leyla!-你来干吗 -接莱拉-What are you doing here? -Get Leyla.莱拉Leyla! Leyla!我带她走I'm taking her.-你来这里干吗 -我正问他呢-What are you doing here? -That's
40、what I was asking.你不接我电♥话♥ 我们走吧You're not answering my calls. Let's go.你是喝醉了还是嗑药了 给我滚出去Are you drunk or high or something? Get the hell out of here.-我们走 我要和你谈谈 -谈 -Let's go. I need to talk to you. -Talk?莱拉 走吧Let's go. Leyla!-你站在那里就像 -走吧-You're standing there
41、 like some- -Let's go!奇卡 啊 该死Chica! Shit.-搞什么 -奇卡 来-What is this shit? -Chica, come here.把它抓住 这些是意大利沙发Pick her up! These are Italian couches!它们的价格是你的两倍 混♥蛋♥They cost twice what you're worth, you asshole!还有你 滚出去And you, get the hell out!我上车再解释 走吧I'll explain in the c
42、ar. Come on.-不 -莱拉-No. -Leyla.不 你可以和他一起走 你让他来接你的 对吧 No, you can go with him. You called him to come get you, right?-等等 我没打给他 -他怎么知道你在这里 -Wait a second. I didn't call him. -How did he know you were here?我邀请你过来 盛情款待你 你却给你哥打电♥话♥ I invite you over, and I treat you right, and yo
43、u call your fucking brother?你以为我要对你做些什么 You thought I was going to do something to you?他刚刚问我在哪里He just asked me where I was.走吧Just go.-瓦希德 -快滚-Vahid- -Get the hell out!你知道你刚做了什么吗 Do you realize what you've just done?你怎么回事 What is wrong with you?这是谁的狗 Whose dog is that?巴巴克的It's Babak's.别担
44、心 都搞定了 好吗 Don't worry. It's all sorted, okay?搞定什么了 What's sorted?你把一切都搞砸了 他刚邀请我今晚去见他的朋友们You messed everything up. He invited me to meet his friends tonight.你不用再和那些人混在一起了 好吗 都结束了 快上车You don't have to hang out with those guys anymore, okay? It's over. Get in.打开Open that.把包打开 快点Open
45、 the bag. Go on.-巴巴克的钱 -不 这是我们逃离这里的资本-This is Babak's? -No, it's our ticket out of here.我们现在就去边境 再找个人带我们越境We're going to the border now, and we find someone who can get us across.你应该待在家里的 你到底在想什么 You were supposed to stay at home. What were you thinking?我在救我们 你个笨蛋 我在救我们 我们今天就走I'm sav
46、ing us! You idiot! I'm saving us. We're leaving.听我说一句 这行不通Listen to me for a second. It doesn't work that way.我们正在与一个组织合作 走不走不由我们做主We're working with an organization. We can't decide we're leaving.首先 我不属于任何组织First of all, I don't belong to no organization.其次 我们只是继续做 我们一开始
47、就计划好的事Secondly, we just go back to doing exactly what we were planning in the first place,在你把我们拖下水之前的计划before you dragged us back into this shit.-我要帮我们脱身 -脱不了身了-I'm getting us out. -There is no getting out!如果我们搞砸了 我可能没办法保护你了 明白吗 If we screw this up, I might not be able to protect you. Do you und
48、erstand?我们知道的太多了We know too much.小心Watch out!喂 Yes?法拉兹先生 你查询的那辆车Mr. Faraz, the car you were asking about被看到在城市北部的工业园区行驶was spotted at the industrial park at the northern part of the city.我会把它的位置发到你的手♥机♥上I'll send its location to your phone.谢谢Thank you.加速 他要跑了Speed up, he
49、9;s getting away.快点 开快点Go on, step on it!让开Out of the way!这里左转Take the left here.让开Move!奇卡Chica! Chica.别管它了Leave her.我们得走了 立刻We have to go. Now.这里没人There's nobody over here.走开 闭嘴Shut up!走开 你这杂种狗Get away, you nasty mutt!去死吧 让开Die! Get away!好的 是 谢谢 好Okay. Yeah, thank you. Okay.电♥话&h
50、earts;打得怎么样 How was the call?我说谎了I lied.你今天没出过门You never left the house today.你感觉如何 How are you feeling?糟透了Like shit.塔玛 我只是想让我们摆脱这一切Tamar, I just wanted to get us out of this.我知道I know.但一旦我们陷进来 就出不去了But once we're in this, we can't get out.没那么简单Not like that.我从没想过事情 会发展到这一步 知道吗 Never knew it
51、 would go this far, you know?对不起I'm sorry.对不起 我又让我们陷入这种局面I'm sorry I got us into this again.我不该让你留下来I shouldn't have let you stay.-你希望我不在这里 -不是-You wish I wasn't here? -No.当然不是 我希望你在这里No, I want you here.我需要你陪着我I need you with me.他们杀了奇卡They fucking killed Chica.你知道You know我这一生all my
52、life他们想要什么就拿什么they've just taken whatever they want,一有机会就拿whenever they can.我所在乎的一切Everything I cared about.然后你会意识到And you realize你从来就没有机会that you just never stood a chance.这是你的机会This is your chance.塔玛Tamar我一无所有了I have nothing left.我孑然一身I have no one.只有你了I only have you.好香啊Smells wonderful!我突然不觉
53、得累了Suddenly I don't feel tired anymore.卡马力先生 欢迎回家Welcome home, Mr. Kamali.波斯素食浓汤 我们要庆祝什么吗 Ash Reshteh? Are we celebrating something?没什么特别的Nothing special.-我做这个是为了道歉 -亲爱的 为了什么道歉 -I just made this to apologize. -For what, dear?你是对的You were right.马里安正是我所需要的Marjan was exactly what I needed.亲爱的 你没什么好
54、道歉的Darling, you have nothing to apologize for.我有I do.我对你太严厉了 还老怪你I was too hard on you, blaming you.事实是 有你在身边我很开心The truth is I'm happy I have you.天啊 太好吃了Wow. Incredible!我饿死了 我先去洗手I'm famished. I'll just go wash my hands.谢谢 这太棒了Thank you, this is great. It's great.-喂 -卡马力先生-Hello? -M
55、r. Kamali.-希望我没有打扰你 -完全没有-I hope I'm not interrupting. -Not at all.我打电♥话♥是想知道 你明天是否还想让我来为纳希德治疗I'm calling to see if you would still like me to come and work with Nahid tomorrow.为什么不想呢 Why wouldn't I?你之前担心我是个外国人Well, you were concerned that I'm a foreigner.我的担心在今
56、晚已经消失了Well, my worries went away tonight.我回到家 发现我的妻子很开心 很放松I came home, and I found my wife happy and relaxed.看来你们俩相处得不错And it seems you two made a connection.很高兴听你这么说I'm glad to hear that.不过 你似乎担心我不可信Nevertheless, it seems you were afraid that I can't be trusted.你为什么这么说 Why would you say th
57、at?今天有人闯进了我的诊所My clinic was broken into today.摄像头全拍下来了 闯入者和你长得很像The cameras recorded the intruder, who bears a striking resemblance to you.可能是你吗 Could it possibly be you?对 是我Yes. It was me.我明白了I understand.当然 我不会起诉你Of course, I won't press charges.但不幸的是 在这种情况下But unfortunately, under the circumstances,-我不知道怎么能继续 -请等等-I don't see
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