1、农业资源与环境专业英语农业资源与环境专业英语Self-introductionGoalsGoals(1 1)Literature searchingLiterature searching(2 2)Translation skillsTranslation skills(3 3)Writing of Scientific and Writing of Scientific and Technical papersTechnical papers(4 4)Share Ideas, Experience and Results Share Ideas, Experience and Results
2、 of your researchof your researchDescription of the CourseThe nature of the curriculum: Compulsory courseThe nature of the curriculum: Compulsory courseAntecedence courses: EnglishAntecedence courses: English、Soil scienceSoil science、Plant Plant nutritionnutrition Reference booksReference books:Engl
3、ish Course for Science of English Course for Science of Resources and EnvironmentResources and Environment许宏修主编;环境科学与工程专业英语彭举威主编;英汉科技翻译教程韩其顺主编;英语科技论文写作精要辜嘉铭编著;Duration of course: Duration of course: 36 hours36 hoursTypes of activities: learning-based classes, case Types of activities: learning-based
4、 classes, case study, workshop, translation exercise, watching study, workshop, translation exercise, watching video related to environmental issue.video related to environmental issue.Test mode: attendance(20%); Performance in Test mode: attendance(20%); Performance in class(50%); housework(30%)cla
5、ss(50%); housework(30%) ContentsUnit 1 The Basic Knowledge of English Unit 1 The Basic Knowledge of English for Professional Purposefor Professional PurposeUnit 2 The translation of English for Unit 2 The translation of English for Special PurposeSpecial PurposeUnit 3 Reading Comprehension and Unit
6、3 Reading Comprehension and Translation of English for Agricultural Translation of English for Agricultural Resources and EnvironmentResources and EnvironmentUnit 4 Writing of Scientific and Unit 4 Writing of Scientific and Technical PapersTechnical PapersUnit 1 The Basic Knowledge of English Unit 1
7、 The Basic Knowledge of English for Professional Purposefor Professional Purpose1.1 The characters of Language1.1 The characters of Language1.2 The characters of Grammar1.2 The characters of Grammar1.3 The characters of Words and 1.3 The characters of Words and ExpressionsExpressions1.4 The characte
8、rs of the Structure1.4 The characters of the Structure1.1 The characters of 1.1 The characters of LanguageLanguage1.1.1 Accuracy 1.1.1 Accuracy 准确:表达上不使用模棱两可的词。准确:表达上不使用模棱两可的词。e.g. Water supply and Drainage Engineering offers a e.g. Water supply and Drainage Engineering offers a particular challenge
9、 because particular challenge because almost every process of every process of wastewater treatment that is designed and built by wastewater treatment that is designed and built by engineers is unique. One processengineers is unique. One process rarely duplicate anotherduplicate another exactly.1.1.
10、2 Brevity 1.1.2 Brevity 简洁:避免不必要的润饰和重复,但不简洁:避免不必要的润饰和重复,但不排除长句的使用。排除长句的使用。e.g. Be strict to the examination and approval of the e.g. Be strict to the examination and approval of the new projects in new projects in HuaiHeHuaiHe River basin, and River basin, and carry out the carry out the environment
11、 influence assessment system. The projects environment influence assessment system. The projects which are not in accord with the Tenth-Five-year plan which are not in accord with the Tenth-Five-year plan should not be approved.should not be approved. e.g. Metals expand when heated and contract when
12、 e.g. Metals expand when heated and contract when cooledcooled1.1.3 Clarity 1.1.3 Clarity 清晰:清晰主要是强调逻辑严谨、清晰:清晰主要是强调逻辑严谨、概念清晰、关系分明、句子连贯。概念清晰、关系分明、句子连贯。1.1 The characters of 1.1 The characters of LanguageLanguage?结论科技推理归纳总结分析问题提出问题 逻辑、语法词使用的普遍逻辑、语法词使用的普遍表示原因表示原因语气转折语气转折逻辑顺序逻辑顺序表示限制表示限制表示假设表示假设because,
13、 because of , due to, owing to, as , because, because of , due to, owing to, as , as a result of, caused by, foras a result of, caused by, forbut, however, nevertheless, yet, otherwisebut, however, nevertheless, yet, otherwiseso, thus, therefore, furthermore, moreover, so, thus, therefore, furthermo
14、re, moreover, in addition toin addition toonly, if only, except, besides, unlessonly, if only, except, besides, unlesssuppose, assuming provided, suppose, assuming provided, providingproviding The characters of 1.2 The characters of GrammarGrammar1.2.1 1.2.1 大量使用被动语态大量使用被动语态(1/31/3及物动词)及物动词)
15、一方面是因为科技文体反映的是客观事实及据此作出的科学推论一方面是因为科技文体反映的是客观事实及据此作出的科学推论,语言运用要求体现客观性和普遍性,避免使用人称作主语以免,语言运用要求体现客观性和普遍性,避免使用人称作主语以免主观臆断主观臆断,更少有主观色彩,更少有主观色彩;另一方面是因为科技文体描述的是科研的对象、手段、过程,使另一方面是因为科技文体描述的是科研的对象、手段、过程,使用被动语态用被动语态更能说明需要论证的对象,更能使其位置鲜明、突出更能说明需要论证的对象,更能使其位置鲜明、突出。e.g. During this oxidation process, pollutants e.g
16、. During this oxidation process, pollutants are broken downare broken down into carbon dioxide (CO into carbon dioxide (CO2 2), water ), water (H(H2 2O), nitrates, O), nitrates, sulphatessulphates and biomass (micro- and biomass (micro-organisms). organisms). e.g. By optimizing the oxygen supply wit
17、h so-e.g. By optimizing the oxygen supply with so-called aerators, the process can be called aerators, the process can be significantly significantly acceleratedaccelerated. .1.2.2 1.2.2 名词化结构特别是名词化结构特别是动词的非谓语形式动词的非谓语形式(不定式,动(不定式,动名词,现在分词,过去分词)名词,现在分词,过去分词)使用的频率高使用的频率高 e.g. e.g. The mastery of a for
18、eign language The mastery of a foreign language will be will be of great use to of great use to your study of agricultural your study of agricultural resource and environment resource and environment e.g.e.g. The demands for sophisticated analysis, The demands for sophisticated analysis, coupled wit
19、h some serious limitations on coupled with some serious limitations on computational capability, led to a host of computational capability, led to a host of special techniques for solving a corresponding special techniques for solving a corresponding set of special problems.set of special problems.1
20、.2.3 1.2.3 非人称的语气和客观的态度,常用非人称的语气和客观的态度,常用It+It+及物动词及物动词+ +加不定式结构加不定式结构e.g. It makes no difference to take this medicine e.g. It makes no difference to take this medicine before or after meals.before or after meals.e.g. Although the quantities of water used for e.g. Although the quantities of water u
21、sed for potable reuse are limited, because it is a potable reuse are limited, because it is a hotly debated subject to reuse reclaimed water hotly debated subject to reuse reclaimed water that encompasses important issues related to that encompasses important issues related to advanced wastewater tr
22、eatment, public health, advanced wastewater treatment, public health, and public acceptance.and public acceptance.1.2.4 长句较多,但因专业英语多为说明性的,从句与从句之间、长句较多,但因专业英语多为说明性的,从句与从句之间、主从句之间、短语之间、短语与句子间关系较简单,可借助专业主从句之间、短语之间、短语与句子间关系较简单,可借助专业知识,根据上下文逻辑关系解决知识,根据上下文逻辑关系解决 e.g. Unfortunately, it is universal e.g. Un
23、fortunately, it is universal that that the polluted the polluted rivers can be found near densely populated areas all rivers can be found near densely populated areas all over the world, over the world, supportsupport no fish, no fish, areare high in bacterial high in bacterial content(usually inclu
24、ding pathogenic organismscontent(usually including pathogenic organisms(病原体)(病原体)) ) sincesince, in extreme cases, the polluted rivers , in extreme cases, the polluted rivers whichwhich appear muddily blue-green from chokingappear muddily blue-green from choking(令人窒息的)(令人窒息的) algaealgae(藻类)(藻类) and
25、and stinkstink(发出臭味)(发出臭味) from putrefaction( from putrefaction(腐腐败败) and fermentation) and fermentation(发酵)(发酵). . That That 引出主语从句,引出主语从句,since since 引出原因状语从句,在引出原因状语从句,在sincesince从句中从句中,包含由关系代词,包含由关系代词whichwhich引出的定语从句,修饰引出的定语从句,修饰 the polluted the polluted riversrivers1.2.5 1.2.5 省略句较多:为了简洁,有时省略
26、掉句子中的一省略句较多:为了简洁,有时省略掉句子中的一些成分,如状语从句中的主语和谓语、定语从句中的关些成分,如状语从句中的主语和谓语、定语从句中的关联词联词whichwhich或或whatwhat,从句中的助动词等,但基本不省略,从句中的助动词等,但基本不省略形容词、副词。形容词、副词。e.g. e.g. If not well controlledIf not well controlled, , the inland water the inland water may be more deteriorate.may be more deteriorate.常见的省略句型有:常见的省略句
27、型有: As already discussed; If possible; As As already discussed; If possible; As described above; If so; As explained before; described above; If so; As explained before; When (If) necessary; As indicated in Fig.1; When (If) necessary; As indicated in Fig.1; When needed; As previously mentioned; Wher
28、e When needed; As previously mentioned; Where feasible; When in use; Where possible.feasible; When in use; Where possible.1.2.6 1.2.6 条件语句较多,最常用的是条件语句较多,最常用的是IfIf条件句。条件句。e.g. The huge investment in the infrastructuree.g. The huge investment in the infrastructure( (基础设施基础设施) ) will be erased quickly
29、if proper will be erased quickly if proper maintenance and rehabilitation procedures are maintenance and rehabilitation procedures are enforced and funded.enforced and funded.1.2.7 1.2.7 较多使祈使语气和公式化表达方式较多使祈使语气和公式化表达方式在理论分析和公式推导中常采用在理论分析和公式推导中常采用Assumed that , Assumed that , Suppose that,LetSuppose t
30、hat,Let等祈使语气等祈使语气表达方式。表达方式。e.g. Be careful not to simply assume they are e.g. Be careful not to simply assume they are caused by climate change.caused by climate change.e.g. Suppose that P=0 at x=ye.g. Suppose that P=0 at x=y构词法:构词法:通过学习构词法,可以运用构词规律,分析词的构成,加通过学习构词法,可以运用构词规律,分析词的构成,加强对词汇的理解和记忆。甚至遇到生词
31、也可能通过解析而辩义识词,强对词汇的理解和记忆。甚至遇到生词也可能通过解析而辩义识词,以便迅速扩大和巩固词汇,提高阅读和翻译的能力。以便迅速扩大和巩固词汇,提高阅读和翻译的能力。英语构词主要有以下三种方法:英语构词主要有以下三种方法: 1.1.合成法合成法(compounding)(compounding): 由两个或两个以上由两个或两个以上独立的词独立的词合成一个合成一个新新词词,叫合成法。这种方法不论在普通词汇或是科技词汇的构词中,叫合成法。这种方法不论在普通词汇或是科技词汇的构词中,都占有很大的数量。一般来说,合成词的前者往往都占有很大的数量。一般来说,合成词的前者往往修饰修饰后者。后者
32、。1.3 The characters of Words and 1.3 The characters of Words and Expressions Expressions (1)(1)复合名词的构成方式复合名词的构成方式 名词十名词名词十名词 news-papernews-paper(报纸),(报纸),test-tubetest-tube(试管(试管) ) 形容词十名词形容词十名词 green-house(green-house(温室温室) ),dark-room(dark-room(暗室暗室) ) 动名词十名词动名词十名词freezing-point(freezing-point(冰点
33、冰点) ),working-table(working-table(工作台工作台) ) 动词十名词动词十名词work-shop(work-shop(车间车间) ),grind-stone(grind-stone(磨石,砂轮磨石,砂轮) ) 副词十名词副词十名词out-break(out-break(爆发爆发) ),over-coat(over-coat(大衣大衣) ) 代词代词+ +名词名词he-goat(he-goat(公山羊公山羊) ),she-wolf(she-wolf(母狼母狼) ) 动词十副词动词十副词break-down(break-down(崩溃崩溃) ),get-togethe
34、r(get-together(联欢联欢) ) 名词十介词名词十介词editor-in-chief(editor-in-chief(总编辑总编辑) ),father-in-law(father-in-law(岳父岳父) ) (2)(2)复合形容复合形容词词的构成方式的构成方式 形容词十名词形容词十名词first-hand(first-hand(第一手的第一手的) ),low-temperature(low-temperature(低温的低温的) ) 形容词形容词+ +形容词形容词light-blue(light-blue(浅蓝的浅蓝的) ),red-hot(red-hot(灼热的灼热的) ) 名
35、词名词+ +形容词形容词colourcolour-blind(-blind(色盲的色盲的) ),world-wide(world-wide(全世界规模的全世界规模的) ) 形容词十名词十形容词十名词十eded( (或或-d)small-sized(-d)small-sized(小型的小型的) ),open-minded(open-minded(胸襟开阔胸襟开阔的的) ) 名词十过去分词名词十过去分词man-made(man-made(人造的人造的) ),snow-covered(snow-covered(雪盖着的雪盖着的) ) 名词名词+ +现在分词现在分词man-eating(man-eat
36、ing(吃人的吃人的) ),earth-shaking(earth-shaking(震动世界的震动世界的) ) 副词副词+ +分词分词far-reaching(far-reaching(意义深远的意义深远的) ),well-informed(well-informed(消息灵通的消息灵通的) ) 副词十介词十名词副词十介词十名词up-to-date(up-to-date(最新式的最新式的) ),out-of-date(out-of-date(过时的过时的) ) 数词十名词数词十名词(+(+eded)five-year-planed()five-year-planed(五年计划五年计划) ),f
37、our-cornered(four-cornered(四角的四角的) ) 副词十形容词副词十形容词ever-green(ever-green(常绿的常绿的) ),over-sensitive(over-sensitive(过敏的过敏的) ) 形容词十分词形容词十分词ready-made(ready-made(现成的现成的) ),good-looking(good-looking(好看的好看的) ) 名词名词+ +名词名词+ +eded iron-willed( iron-willed(有钢铁意志的有钢铁意志的) ) (3)(3)复合代复合代词词的构成方式的构成方式 代词宾格或物主代词十代词宾格
38、或物主代词十self(selves) himselfself(selves) himself,ourselvesourselves 某些不定代词某些不定代词(some(some,anyany,nono,every)every)十十(body(body,oneone,thing) thing) everybody everybody,everythingeverything,nobodynobody,no oneno one,nonenone,nothingnothing (4)(4)复合复合动词动词的构成方式的构成方式 副词副词+ +动词动词overcome(overcome(克服克服) ),
39、uphold(uphold(主张主张, , 支持支持) ) 名词名词+ +动词动词sun-bathe(sun-bathe(行日光浴行日光浴) ) (5)(5)复合副复合副词词的构成方式的构成方式 名词名词+ +名词名词sideways(sideways(横着横着) );名词;名词+ +副词副词headfirst(headfirst(头朝下头朝下) ) 形容词十名词形容词十名词meanwhile(meanwhile(同时同时) ); 介词介词+ +名词名词beforehand(beforehand(事先事先) )2派生法派生法(affixation) (affixation) : 在一个单词前或
40、后加上一个词缀在一个单词前或后加上一个词缀( (词词头或词尾头或词尾) ),变成一个新词,这种构词法叫派生法。词缀有前缀,变成一个新词,这种构词法叫派生法。词缀有前缀( (词词头头) )和后缀和后缀( (词尾词尾) )二种。加前缀一般只引起词意变化,而不引起词二种。加前缀一般只引起词意变化,而不引起词类转化。加后缀则往往可使词类转化,有时词意也随之而变化。类转化。加后缀则往往可使词类转化,有时词意也随之而变化。加加前缀前缀(prefix)(prefix)的的单词如:单词如:ununfair(fair(不公正的不公正的) ),disdislike(like(厌恶厌恶) ),a amoral mo
41、ral ( (超道德超道德的的) ),supersuperman(man(超人超人) ),cocooperate(operate(合作,协作合作,协作) ),foreforetell(tell(预言预言) ),bibicycle(cycle(自行车自行车) ),tritricycle(cycle(三轮车三轮车) )等。等。加加后缀后缀(postfix)(postfix)的的单词如:单词如:pigpigletlet( (猪崽猪崽) ),friendfriendshipship( (友谊友谊) ),socialsocialist ist ( (社会主义者社会主义者) ),happihappines
42、sness( (幸福幸福) ),childchildlessless( (无子女无子女的的) ),pointpointeded( (尖锐的尖锐的) )为了描述各种科学现象和物质特性,科技英语中有许多表示数量、为了描述各种科学现象和物质特性,科技英语中有许多表示数量、大小、程度、性质、状态的形容词,除一般形容词外,大多数由动大小、程度、性质、状态的形容词,除一般形容词外,大多数由动词、名词派生而来,如动词后加词、名词派生而来,如动词后加-able-able,- -eded,- -inging,-ire-ire;名词后;名词后加加-al-al,- -icic,- -iousious等。等。 int
43、er-inter-表示表示“在一起在一起, , 交互交互” ” pref.pref.(前缀)(前缀) (1)(1)在在之间;在之间;在之中:之中: international. ernational. intercity. (2) (2)在在中间;在中间;在里面:里面: inter-tropical. inter-tropical. 南北回归之间的南北回归之间的, ,热带地区热带地区 (3)(3)相互的;相互地:相互的;相互地: interrelate. interconnect .interdependenceinterrelate. interconnect .i
44、nterdependence (4) (4)交互的;交互地:交互的;交互地: intermingleintermingleun-un-用于形容词之前用于形容词之前, , 表示表示“不不”pref.pref.(前缀)(前缀) (1) (1)不:不:unhappy, unacceptedunhappy, unaccepted (2) (2)对对相对的;与相对的;与相反的:相反的: unrestunrest (3) (3)表示表示“做相反之动作做相反之动作”:unbindunbind Desiredesirable( Desiredesirable(令人满意的,值得想要的令人满意的,值得想要的)un
45、desirable)undesirable im-im-(1)pref. (1)pref. (用于(用于b, m, pb, m, p之前)之前) = in-= in-表示表示“否定否定, ,与与.相反相反”之义之义 * *impatient, impractical, impossibleimpatient, impractical, impossible(2)(2)表示表示“向向内,在内,在上上”之义之义 * *migrate(immigrate, emigrate)migrate(immigrate, emigrate) * *port-(import , export)port-(imp
46、ort , export)in- in- 或或 ilil- - 或或 im- im- 或或 irir- - 在在 l l之前,之前,in- in- 通常转化为通常转化为 ilil- -, illiterate, illogicalilliterate, illogical 在在 r r 之前,之前, in- in- 通常转化为通常转化为 irir-, irregular, irresistible-, irregular, irresistible 3 3 转化法(转化法(conversionconversion):):把把一个词一个词从一种词类转化成另从一种词类转化成另一种词类;基本一种词类
47、;基本不改变不改变词形,只是在使用时改变其词类。词形,只是在使用时改变其词类。Try to do it. Let me have a try. Try to do it. Let me have a try. Black/ to blacken ; hot / to heat ; full / to Black/ to blacken ; hot / to heat ; full / to fillfillCorrect(Correct(正确的正确的) Correct) Correct(纠正)(纠正)Sample(Sample(样品样品)sample)sample(取样)(取样)1.3 The
48、 characters of Words and 1.3 The characters of Words and ExpressionsExpressions 1 1.3.1 .3.1 专业(专业(specialspecial)词汇,半专业()词汇,半专业(semi-specialsemi-special)词)词汇汇 专业词汇:专业词汇:词义专一,且词形越长词义就越专一,出现频词义专一,且词形越长词义就越专一,出现频 率不高率不高e.g. e.g. Pilot-scalePilot-scale( (小规模试验小规模试验) );chemical-physicalchemical-physical
49、( (物理物理化学化学) );activated sludgeactivated sludge( (活性污泥活性污泥) );water consumptionwater consumption( (用水量用水量) );wastewater flowwastewater flow( (污水量污水量) )半专业词汇:半专业词汇:在不同的领域有不同的含义在不同的领域有不同的含义e.g. foundatione.g. foundation( (基金,基础,地基基金,基础,地基) );frame(frame(框架,屋架,框架,屋架,画面等画面等) );operationoperation( (操作,运行
50、,作业,手术,运算操作,运行,作业,手术,运算) );loadload( (负荷,加载,装填等负荷,加载,装填等) ).2 前后缀出现的频率高:前后缀出现的频率高:据有关统计,现代专业科技英语中,据有关统计,现代专业科技英语中,有有50%50%以上的词汇源于希腊语、拉丁语等外来语,而这些外来语以上的词汇源于希腊语、拉丁语等外来语,而这些外来语词汇构成的一个显著特征就是广泛使用词缀(前缀词汇构成的一个显著特征就是广泛使用词缀(前缀prefixprefix和后缀和后缀suffixsuffix) hydrolyhydrolysis(sis(水解作用水解作用) ),biodegradb
51、iodegradableable(生物可降解的),(生物可降解的),absorpabsorptiontion(吸收)(吸收) 表示行为、性质、状态等抽象概念:表示行为、性质、状态等抽象概念: -ance -ence, -oty, -ment, -ness, -ance -ence, -oty, -ment, -ness, -sion, -tion, -th, -ur -sion, -tion, -th, -ure e 表示某种性质和特征:表示某种性质和特征: -able-able,-ible-ible -ant, -ent, -al, -ic, -ant, -ent, -al, -ic, -i
52、cal, -ive, -ousical, -ive, -ous1.3.3 1.3.3 专业英语较多使用了词性的转化专业英语较多使用了词性的转化常见的词性转换类型有:名词转动词、形容词转动词、动词转名词常见的词性转换类型有:名词转动词、形容词转动词、动词转名词、形容词转名词、形容词转名词Standard(n.)standardized(v.); former(adj.)the Standard(n.)standardized(v.); former(adj.)the former(n.); wide(adj.)widen(v.)former(n.); wide(adj.)widen(v.)1.3.4 1.3.4 广泛使用缩写(广泛使用缩写(AbbreviationAbbreviation)词)词COD chemical oxygen demand COD chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量化学需氧量BOD biochemical oxygen demand BOD biochemical oxygen demand 生化需氧量生化需氧量TOC total organic c
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