1、2010北京高考英语试卷(单选)21(1分) at my classmates'faces,I read the same excitement in their eyes()ALookingBLookCTo lookDLooked22(1分)In the spoken English of some areas in the US,the"r"sounds at the end of the words ()Aare droppedBdrop Care being droppedDhave dropped23(1分)Good morningI've got
2、 an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel DepartmentAh,good morningYou be MrsPeters()AmightBmustCwouldDcan24(1分)I'm not finished with my dinner yetBut our friends for us()Awill waitBwaitChave waitedDare waiting25(1分)I'm calling to enquire about the position in yesterday's China Da
3、ily()AadvertisedBto be advertised CadvertisingDhaving advertised26(1分)I'm sorry,but I don't quite follow youDid you say you wanted to return on September 20?Sorry,I myself clearWe want to return on October 20()Ahadn't madeBwouldn't make Cdon't makeDhaven't made27(1分)Children
4、who are not active or diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly()AwhatBwhoseCwhichDthat28(1分)It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they_ for me()Ahad doneBdidCwould doDwere doing29(1分)Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden?They are everyone's enjoymen
5、t()AinBatCforDto30(1分) they decide which college to go to,students should research the admission procedures()AAsBWhileCUntilDOnce31(1分)I want to be liked and loved for I am inside()AwhoBwhereCwhatDhow32(1分)Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel,David Copperfield,was_ it was rather cl
6、osely modeled on his own life()AwhatBthatCwhyDwhether33(1分) some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others()AWhetherBWhatCThatDHow34(1分)The weather has been very hot and dryYesIf it had rained even a drop,things would be much better now!And my vegetables ()Awouldn't dieBdidn
7、39;t die Chadn't diedDwouldn't have died35(1分)First impressions are the most lastingAfter all,you never get _ second chance to make _ first impression()Aa; theBthe; theCa; aDthe; a2011北京高考英语试卷(单选)21(1分)Experiments of this kind _in both the USand Europe well before the Second World War()Ahave
8、 conductedBhave been conducted Chad conductedDhad been conducted22(1分)_ Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness()AWhichBWhatCThatDWhom23(1分)Tom _ in the library every night over the last three months()AworksBworkedChas been workingDhad been working24(1分)I don't really like Jams
9、Why did you invite him?Don't worryHe _ comeHe said he wasn't certain what his plans were()Amust notBneed notCwould notDmight not25(1分)It's important for the figures _regularly()Ato be undatedBto have been updated Cto update Dto have updated26(1分)Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was
10、to the others,_,of course,made all the others upset()AwhoBwhichCwhatDthat27(1分)That must have been a long tripYeah,it _ us a whole week yet there()AtakesBhad takenCtookDwas taking28(1分)Where are the children?The dinner's going to be completely ruinedI wish they _ always late()Aweren'tBhadn
11、39;t been Cwouldn't heDwouldn't have been29(1分)_ volleyball is her main focus,she's also great at basketball()ASinceBOnceCUnlessDWhile30(1分)May be if I _ science,and not literature thenI would be able to give your more help()AstudiedBwould studyChad studiedDwas studying31(1分)The shocking
12、 news made me realize _ terrible problems we would face()AwhatBhowCthatDwhy32(1分)Bob has gone to CaliforniaOh,can you tell me when he _?()Ahad leftBleftCis leavingDwould leave33(1分)Sit downEmmaYou will only make yourself more worried,_ on your feet()Ato keepBkeepingChaving keptDto have kept34(1分)The
13、 employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase _()AthemBthoseCitDthat35(1分)With new technology,pictures of underwater valleys can be taken _ color()AbyBforCwithDin2012年北京市高考英语试卷(单选)21(1分)Look at those clouds!Don't worry it rains,we
14、'll still have a great time()AEven ifBAs thoughCIn caseDIf only22(1分)By the time you have finished this book,your meal _cold()AgetsBhas gotCwill getDis getting23(1分)One learns a language by making mistakes and _ them()AcorrectsBcorrectCto correctDcorrecting24(1分)Jerry did not regret giving the c
15、omment but felt _ he could have expressed it differently()AwhyBhowCthatDwhether25(1分)George said that he would come to school to see me the next day,but he _()Awouldn'tBdidn'tChasn'tDhadn't26(1分)When deeply absorbed in work,_ he often was,he would forget all about eating or sleeping(
16、)AthatBwhichCwhereDwhen27(1分)_ with care,one tin will last for six weeks()AUseBUsingCUsedDTo use28(1分)Many people have donated that type of blood; however,the blood bank needs _()AsomeBlessCmuchDmore29(1分)Have you heard about that fire in the market?Yes,fortunately no one _()Ahurt Bwas hurt Chas hur
17、tDhad been hurt30(1分)Our friendship _ quickly over the weeks that followed()Ahad developedBwas developing Cwould developDdeveloped31(1分)_ at the door before you enter my room,please()AKnockBKnockingCKnockedDTo knock32.Birds 'singing is sometimes a warning to other birds _ away.A. to stay B. stay
18、ing C. stayed D. stay33(1分)We _ the difficulty together,but why didn't you tell me?()Ashould faceBmight face Ccould have facedDmust have faced34(1分)Do you think this shirt is too tight _ the shoulders?()AatBonCtoDacross35(1分)Don't handle the vase as if it _ made of steel()AisBwereChas beenDh
19、ad been2013年北京市高考英语试卷(单选)21(1分)Volunteering gives you a chance lives,including your own()AchangeBchangingCchangedDto change22(1分)Don't turn off the computer before closing all programs you could have problems()AorBandCbutDso23(1分)Shakespeare's play Hamlet into at least ten different films ov
20、er the past years()Ahad been madeBwas made Chas been madeDwould be made24(1分) the course very difficult,she decided to move to a lower level()AFindBFindingCTo findDFound25(1分)Do you think Mom and Dad late?No,Swiss Air is usually on time()AwereBwill beCwould beDhave been26(1分)I have an appointment Dr
21、Smith,but I need to change it()AtoBoffCwithDfrom27(1分)Many countries are now setting up national parks animals and plants can be protected()AwhenBwhichCwhoseDwhere28(1分)Hurry up!Mark and Carl us()AexpectBare expecting Chave expectedDwill expect29(1分)When we saw the road with snow,we decided to spend
22、 the holiday at home()AblockBto blockCblockingDblocked30(1分)I took my driving license with me on holiday, I wanted to hire a car()Ain caseBeven ifCever sinceDif only31(1分) makes the book so extraordinary is the creative imagination of the writer()AThatBWhatCWhoDWhich32(1分)So what is the procedure?Al
23、l the applicants before a final decision is made by the authority()AinterviewBare interviewing Care interviewedDare being interviewed33(1分)Experts believe people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary()AwhyBwhereCthatDwhat34(1分)If we a table earlier,we couldn't be standing her
24、e in a queue()Ahave bookedBbookedCbookDhad booked35(1分)You needn't take an umbrellaIt isn't going to rainWell,I don't knowIt do()AmightBneedCwouldDshould2014年北京市高考英语试卷(单选)21(1分)Some animals carry seeds from one place to another,_ plants can spread to new places()AsoBorCforDbut22(1分)Hi,le
25、t's go skatingSorry,I'm busy right nowI _ in an application form for a new job()AfillBhave filledCam fillingDwill fill23(1分)Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _ half an hour()AbyBinCforDuntil24(1分) carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab()AObs
26、erveBTo observeCObservedDObserving25(1分)Last night,there were millions of people _ the opening ceremony live on TV()AwatchBto watchCwatchedDwatching26(1分)I borrow the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week,_ my classmates recommended to me()AwhoBwhichCwhenDWhere27(1分)_ I have a word with yo
27、u?It won't take long()ACanBMustCShallDShould28(1分)There are still many problems _ before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon()AsolvingBsolvedCbeing solvedDto be solved29(1分)_ the forest park is far away,a lot of tourists visit it every year()AAsBWhenCEven thoughDIn case30(1分)The best moment
28、 for the football star was_ he scored the winning goal()AwhereBwhenChowDwhy31(1分)What time is it?I have no ideaBut just a minute,I _ it for you()AcheckBcheckedCwill checkDwould check32(1分)I found the lecture hard to follow because it _ when I arrived()AstartedBwas startingCwould startDhad started33(
29、1分)Some people believe _ has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future()AwhateverBwheneverCwhereverDhowever34(1分)We _ back in the hotel now if you didn't lose the map()AareBwereCwill beDwould be35(1分)The film star wears sunglassesTherefore,he can go shopping without _.
30、()ArecognizingBbeing recognized Chaving recognizedDhaving been recognized2015年北京市高考英语试卷(单选)21(1分)_ the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early()ACatchingBCaughtCTo catchDCatch22(1分)Did you enjoy the party?YesWe _ well by our hosts()Awere treatedBwould be treated CtreatedDhad
31、treated23(1分)The park was full of people_ themselves in the sunshine()Ahaving enjoyedBenjoyed CenjoyingDto enjoy24(1分)Opposite is StPaul's Church,_ you can hear some lovely music()AwhichBthatCwhenDwhere25(1分)He is a shy man,_ he is not afraid of anything or anyone()AsoBbutCorDas26(1分)In the last
32、 few years,China_ great achievements in environmental protection()Ahas madeBhad madeCwas makingDis making27(1分)Did you have difficulty finding Ann's house?Not reallyShe_ us clear directions and we were able to find it easily()Awas to giveBhad givenCwas givingDwould give28(1分)You won't find p
33、aper cutting difficult _ you keep practicing it()Aeven thoughBas long asCas ifDever since29(1分)Can't you stay a little longer?It's getting lateI really _ go now,My daughter is home alone()AmayBcanCmustDdare30(1分)DrJackson is not in his office at the momentAll rightI_ him later()Awill callBha
34、ve called CcallDwill be calling31(1分)If _ for the job,you'll be informed soon()Ato acceptBacceptCacceptingDaccepted32(1分)_ the damage is done,it will take many years for the farmland to recover()AUntilBUnlessCOnceDAlthough33(1分)I truly believe _ beauty comes from within()AthatBwhereCwhatDwhy34(1
35、分)If I _ it with my own eyes,I wouldn't have believed it()Adidn't seeBweren't seeing CWouldn't seeDhadn't seen35(1分)_ we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel()AWhereBHowCWhyDWhen2016年北京市高考英语试卷(单选)21(1分)Jack in the lab when the power cut occurred()AworksBhas workedC
36、was workingDwould work22(1分)I live next door to a couple children often make a lot of noise()AwhoseBwhyCwhereDwhich23(1分)Excuse me,which movie are you waiting for?The new Star WarsWe here for more than two hours()AwaitedBwait Cwould be waitingDhave been waiting24(1分)Your support is important to our
37、work you can do helps()AHoweverBWhoeverCWhateverDWherever25(1分)I half of the English novel,and I'll try to finish it at the weekend()AreadBhave readCam readingDwill read26(1分) it easier to get in touch with us,you'd better keep this card at hand()AMadeBMakeCMakingDTo make27(1分)My grandfather
38、 still plays tennis now and then, he's in his nineties()Aas long asBas ifCeven thoughDin case28(1分)_ over a week ago,the books are expected to arrive any time now()AOrderingBTo order CHaving orderedDOrdered29(1分)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is _ one can be entirely free from dust(
39、)AwhatBthatCwhetherDwhy30(1分)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts_ success in the end()ArewardedBwere rewarded Cwill rewardDwill be rewarded31(1分)I love the weekend,because I_ get up early on Saturdays and Sundays()Aneedn'tBmustn'tCwouldn'tDshouldn't
40、32(1分)Newlybuilt wooden cottages line the street,_ the old town into a dreamland()AturnBturningCto turnDturned33(1分)I really enjoy listening to music _ it helps me relax and takes my mind away from other cares of the day()AbecauseBbeforeCunlessDuntil34(1分)Why didn't you tell me about your troubl
41、e last week?If you _ me,I could have helped()AtoldBhad toldCwere to tellDwould tell35(1分)I am not afraid of tomorrow,_ I have seen yesterday and I love today()AsoBandCforDbut2017年北京市高考英语试卷(单选)21. Samuel, the tallest boy in our class, _ easily reach the books on the top shelf.A. must B. should C. can
42、 D. need22. Peter, please send us postcards _ well know where you have visited.No problem.A. but B. or C. for D. so23. Every year, _ makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.A. whatever B. whoever C. whomever D. whichever24. _ that company to see how they think of our prod
43、uct yesterday?Yes. They are happy with it.A. Did you call B. Have you called C. Will you call D. Were you calling25. _ birds use their feathers for flight, some of their feathers are for other purposes.A. Once B. If C. Although D. Because26. Jane moved aimlessly down the tree-lined street, not knowing _she was heading.A. why B. where C. how D. when27. Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online
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