1、. o b. n- C.-ion.Th. -.on.-, .a”t od - 一.an. w,t- p.0n.e .B idr.sne nf,tecB=*Nm:. be 9n“,心,-.;,y.0;. .;*.:- n:or*;u:n.Te“ vcaaeYafrs .rd;kd,asbT-as .,”*: df.:1 a.wa .4底,*;:* ,. .dfaTL :da 、”.丁:,;”.:.:nt.clri :;一.:.mpha”. sebST* -“::1:.-,:;.ovi de.*:.: amfrsremmaia.::.”. .-la on l-.r-r. a araof Th. i
2、onn c. a c. ”.“. ona of-C. y th. lol On.holddng a c-portaL.oi N-.b.9 , 一 .,35 hb- - p.a, - - o,-C opoii and - no.C . Pp - 1 p.Ci -, ofa y -CPC C; ”. -ina p. nay on h.d .med_y.erthepa . p.r.o., d-c-g . - ton C;. tp l -* poliUl F_ h t. C; Cc.i- .* 一2008年江苏省录用公务员和机关工作人员考试行政职业能力测验试卷(A类)答题注意事项一、此项测验分为四个部
3、分,共 105题,题型均为单项选择题。总时限为100分钟,各部分虽未划分时段,但都给出了参考时限,供答题时合理分配时间。二、请按要求在答题卡上填写好自己的姓名、涂写好准考证号。严禁折叠答题卡。三、必须在答题卡上答题。在题本上答题,一律无效。四、监考人员宣布考试开始时,方可答题;宣布考试结束时,应立即停止答题。题本、答题卡、草稿纸一律留在桌上,待监考人员确认数量无误,允许离开后,方可离开考场。如果你违反了上述任何一项要求,都将影响你的成绩。五、在这项测验中,可能有些试题较难,因此你不要在一道题上思考时间太久,遇到不会答的题目,可先跳过去,如果有时间再去思考,否则,你可能没有时间完成后面的题目。六
4、、试题答错不倒扣分。第一部分数量关系(共25题,参考时限25分钟)一、数字推理。给你一个数列,但其中缺少一项。要求你仔细观察数列的排列规律,从 四个选项中,选择最合适的一项,使之符合原数列的排列规律。1. 27, 29, 33, 41, 57,()A. 87B. 88C. 89D. 91leay -n, . c_ and .eame nts _y cnnumptinmonelain of carie a I d a pprlchto mange nt has bben rrsolve - li d, in re cent -as, plring the monaton ofd, connump
5、tonhas made sme progres, haegganed some exer ence ad n provi efeene ttel d; tda, yas aenthe of he nai on andl he w ord - ppct agga n t refrm mak Cia, usee d i te 8 sss on. XIGeea S ec . poie d out tat Cias reorm hasenterd a c ucil peid a nd te Sham Shu PDstict mus be ba on geae | olt cal cu - e a nd
6、 wsdm, loe no -e ideepeing mimcive a cm preensverfm of isiut onaguaaties .rob. ctvls of I uid a l of sole y the(mootprogels of te conntultinof a we lof sole,a nd reorm t I e obeciesof the progrrmme.One hol ddng -e a nd | a ce mporaceon Nau, troog hthe Ceetaieg d and cordnae d IconomcCmmite membes de
7、【解析】后一项减去前一项得到 2, 4, 8, 16,(32)的等比数列,故选Co2. 2, 7, 14, 98,()A. 1370B. 1372C.1422D.2008【解析】从第三项开始,前两项的乘积等于第三项,故选B。 isiuinamecansm33. 2000.1.1 , 2002.3.5, 2004.5.9, 2006.7.13,(A. 2008.8.8B. 2008.18.16C.2008.9.20D.2008.9.17【解析】年份成等差数列。所以选Do4. 5, 24, 6, 20, 4, ( ), 40, 3A. 28B. 30C. 36D.42【解析】分段数列。两项两项为一
8、段,积为120。故选Bo5. 90,30, 12, 6, 4,()A. 4B. 2C.D.【解析】分段数列。两项两项为一段,商为3、2、(1),故选A。6. 1, 8, 21, 40, (), 96A. 55B. 60C.65D.70后一项减去前一项得到7,13,19,(25), (31)公差为6的等差数列。故选Co7. 448,516, 639, 347, 178,(A. 163B. 134C. 785D. 896其规律隐藏在数这个数列乍看没有什么规律,各个数字间很难找出什么联系,字之中,是近年来出现的新的题型。每个数字有三位数,将百位和十位的数相加等于个位上D. 11【解析】211(2+1
9、0)=10, 3M4(5+6)=1, 5M6(13 7)= (10)。故选 C。9. 1144, 1263, 1455, 1523, (), 1966rapid deve me nt of Ie maket ecnomy eVionment toexpl oe publ c servants duty consumpt on monelzai .nefomhas provded a go od found.on. The scal.nof rear sev8 s ,nt o be he d in Feiig No. be 9, 20 3 , o Oth. 35 yeas.blew ,e t h
10、- pleay of te rfmand ope *g _inte srng bee -e Cage d, .act thepoli - l . ,seal ad e colog - lcXi-a on Ive rfrms ad the paly! cnsuci on in te ara of ksHUinia eam.The i onn prgme is I ae work has bee a unCe,and rai d proge in sme plc_ and .eame nts d Uy connumpin monelain of care a I d a pprlchto mang
11、e nt has bben rrsolve - Ti d, in re cent -as, plri ng the monat on ofd, connumptonhas made sme progres, haegganed some exerence ad n provi efeene ttel d; tda, yas ae nthe of he naion andl he w ord - ppct agga n t rfrm mak Cia , usee d i te 8 sss on. XI Geea Sec , poite d out tat Cias reorm hasenterd
12、 a c ucil peid a nd te Sham ShU PDstict mus be ba sd on greae | olt cal cu - e a nd wsdm, loe no -e ideepeing efmimcive a cm prhe nsverrfm of isiut ona guaatte s fr objectvis ofI uid a lof sole y the(mootprogels of teconstuclin of a we 10a sole,a nd reorm t I e obeciesof the progrrmme.One hol dng -e
13、 a nd | a ce mporaceon N10 ,则 awb=a+b;若 a+b10,则+ ( 4*5) + ( 5*6) + ( 6*7) + ( 7*8) + ( 8*9)+ ( 9*10)=()A. 125B. 115C. 105D. 120【解析】(1*2), (2*3), (3*4), (4*5)者 B 满足 a+b 10,所以按 a*b = ab 计算,(5*6),(6*7), (7*8), (8*9), (9*10)都满足 a+b 之 10,所以按 a*b=a + b计算,即:(1*2) + (2*3) + (3*4) + (4*5) + (5*6) + (6*7) + (
14、7*8) + (8*9) + (9*10)=2 6 12 20 11 13 15 17 197 an e the r unning of poweul . m,im pre te . sem of punishing a nd preenti ng crr upton, prmoting poltl iegiy, ad st taceve cades hone st and Gier nmetng moden pul c -,ra s rvie .m, mpr ove the lee l of -t ue opei ng Peay _ ssn, a chiei ng dive opme nt
15、reu- m oe iqutalebenei of al pepe, mus sped up reorm of scal proggrms andsothe isue s of - n-r n t the pe pe the mos die c and rIntees, a nd bete mee te nne ds of te pe opleodeeemembers of the C. n”M- Cmm-ion.The - ssi on, d inwo thegeeale ec - y t o . - ussa ne wSt- pe-onn- issues.B A. 12320B. 1243
16、0C. 12432D. 12543【解析】公差为2的正整数数列为奇数列,满足条件的an最小为3,最大为221,故和为(3+221)父(2213) + 2+1 上 2 =12320。故选 A。14 . 一根长200米的绳子对折三次后从中间剪断,最后绳子的段数是()A. 8B. 9C. 11D. 16【解析】对折3次后是8根,从中间剪断后多16个头,加上原来绳子的2个头,总计18个头,2个头一个线段,所以有18+2=9段。故选Bo15 .在999张牌上分别写上数 001, 002, 003,,998, 999。甲、乙两人分这些纸牌,分配办法是:凡纸牌上写的三位数字的三个数码都不大于5的纸牌属于甲,
17、凡牌上有一个或一个以上的数码大于 5的纸牌属于乙。例如, 324, 501等属于甲,而007, 387, 923等属于 乙,则甲分得牌的张数为()A. 215B. 216C. 214D. 217【解析】所有三位数字的三个数不大于5的数总共有:6M6M6=216个,除去000,故甲分得的牌的张数为 216-1=215张。故选A。16 . 一个球体的半径增加 10%后,它的表面积增长百分之几?()A. 10%B. 21%C. 33.1%D. 21%【解析】球体的表面积计算公式为 4m2,故半径增加10%后,表面积增加(1 +10%)2 1 =21%。所以它的表面积增长了21%,故选Bo17 .将1
18、04张桌子分别放到14个办公室,每个人办公室至少放一张桌子,不管怎样分至少有几个办公室的桌子数是一样多?()A. 2B. 3C. 7D,无法确定【解析】若要让办公室中桌子数不同,可以按自然数列分放,那么14个房间需要(1+14)父14 + 2 =105张,故最少有2个办公室的桌子数是一样的。故选 Ao18. 一条船从甲地到乙地要航行4小时,从乙地到甲地要航行5小时(假定船自身的速度保持不变),今有一木筏从甲地漂流到乙地所需小时为()A. 12B. 40C. 32D. 30rapid deve Ipme nt of Ie market ecnomy evionment texpl oe publ
19、 c servants dUy consumpt on monelzai .nefomhas provded a go od fundaton. The sH.nof rear sev work has beea unCe,and rapi d proge - in some ll aces a nd deame nts, d Uy consumpin monelainofcarieaIdappractomaagementhas been resolve d Ti d, in re cent yeas, explri ng the monal on of du, coniumplon hasm
20、adesomeprogress,- 1aned some exeri ence ad n provi efeece tie cmprel e nsive efomofte .ysemofpulcse-s dUy cnsumpt inUrter Impl emetig a n onest nteen, ndar die offical e ntertati ng manageme nt; enlaUg t he teecmmuni cainexpe nse maag emet; i naton of Ccuty travel ad countyS de sus dies; reseac via.
21、 oficasWal on ma nagmet of crporae sendingandson. Fialy, g oup -8 sesint o be he d in Feijng fomNem be 9, 20 3 t o Oth. 35 yeas Igo blew te t hid pleay ssson of te rfmandope*g _inte sig bee ze cage d, a - t the world; tda, yas lae n the of he nai on andl he w ord - ppct aga ntrfrm ma. Cia, usee d i
22、te 8 sss on. XIGeea Sec y pointe d out tat CCias reormhasenterdac.ilpeid a nd te Sham Shu PDstictmusbebasdongreae|oltcalcurgeand ws-m, loe no tme ideepeingefmimporantlelds.Darstcaka had nu, daes t o q stonte Ra pi , whic.ae s tbe_ te barier of i des, a nd dae to beft cure baries De pei g efmad opei
23、ng up s onlchhdue to a c in* onal iabgiar of te modeaey welof.Udethe ie ionn the Geea 11yI ut of soc alst modeni-J .ne quiremets 18 sessonof hede ,in-s a ie i onn and te improvmetofovealschme of rfrm, Wl pr omoe a ieg d a nd cordnae d iconomi,poltical cukral soial ad e col ogial ciH on cnsucinof the
24、 fverrfrms ad the palys cnsuci on in te ara of isttuina efm.The1w ionn prgmeis t acieveacmprhenniverramofisttutonaguaattesfrobjectvis of I uid a l ol sce y the -oot progels of te constuctin of a we lol soiey a nd reorm t I e obje cies of the progrrmme.Oneholdngtmeand|aceimporaceonNembe9! t the 8 ies
25、i I n of te 12t Bej ng snne 178 35 hhaebben.pleay on, ctme on major siuusof poii ca a nd ecnomc le of thecutyhasmaemporantdeilomet I a ccorda nce wit PR. p Sial prci ce, ole a eey ss on of t he CPC Ceeta Committe in a pe nay on ws he d mmed y akr thepaysConge s, on t he thme pesonne, disuusig elcton
26、 Ceeta s tp l edes sch as the e Icton of t he Saning Committe of thepoliial IBura u, thr oog h the Ceeta Ccmmite membes decsions,luc 一办航博公专m - bes of te Ce nta Miiay Commision.The scond pl enay ss on, s he d i two sssons befe te geeal e ecin, many t o dicuss a ne w Stae pesonne isus.Bu b y te ti111【
27、解析】设甲地到乙地距离为l,那么水速为(1 _1)+2 ,则木筏从甲地漂流到乙地4 5401需1=40小时。故选Bo4019 .某商品原价为30元,第一年提价10%,第二年又降低10%,第三年又提价10%,则第三年该商品的最后价格为()A. 29.7 元B. 32.67 元C. 30 元D. 33元【解析】该商品最后的价格为 30 M (1+10%)父(1 -10%)父(1+10%) =32.67元。故选B。20 .五个一位正整数之和为30,其中两个数为1和8,而这五个数和乘积为 2520,则其余三个数为()A. 6, 6, 9B. 4, 6, 9C. 5, 7, 9D. 5,8, 8【解析】
28、由结果是2520,个位数是0就可以知道这五个数中含5, 2520+5 + 8 = 63 ,所以另外两个数为7和9。故选Co21 .甲、乙、丙三人合修一条公路,甲、乙合修 6天修好公路的1 ,乙、丙合修 2天修3好余下的1,剩余的三人又修了 5天才完成。共得收入1800元,如果按工作量计酬,则乙可 4获得收入为()A. 330 元B.910 元C. 560 元D. 980元【解析】设甲、乙、丙三人的工作效率分别为x、y、z,可列三元一次方程为111111-16 Xx+y) = , 2M(y +z) =(1 )x- , 5M(x + y + z) =1 - -(1 p!onif humanrgs.
29、 PeI ay sesin, Aff ais te rght tldhee t the systm, ad lt tepeope au horiy t le t I e powe ruite Su, is su uia cge of te .stm powe polc. Iecsion S cenne, implme ntatonsoul d be cnsuctd stong, lupevi the r unnig of poweul ly m,m prete . semof punshig a nd preenti ng crr upton, prmotig polt cal iegiy, ad stie taceve cades hone st and Gernmetitg,、一 an po11csTofma -ntic ad effecc0rdiat resr
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