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1、November 2004JC Tianjin TrainingModule 4.3Integral (internal) recirculationfrom pump discharge to seal内部循环从泵的出口到密封内部循环从泵的出口到密封 - No external piping 没有外部冲洗 - Changing flow rate required dismantling of pump 改变流量需要拆泵 - For clean pumpages only 只能是适用干净的介质API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Points to Note for AP

2、I Plan 02: API 02 冲洗方案应注意的事项:冲洗方案应注意的事项:-The injection tapping is used for venting prior to startup. -在开车前在开车前,注入口用来进行放空,注入口用来进行放空-API plan 02 is often used together with plan 62, especially on high temperature bellows seals.冲洗方案冲洗方案02经常与经常与62一起用,特别是用在高温一起用,特别是用在高温波纹管密封波纹管密封API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案

3、冲洗方案No flushing to the mechanical seal (dead-ended)机械密封里没有冲洗机械密封里没有冲洗Points to Note for API Plan 11: API 冲洗方案冲洗方案11 应注意的事项应注意的事项- Use an orifice to restrict the flow rate if the discharge pressure is 3 bar higher than seal chamber pressure.如出口压力高于密封腔压如出口压力高于密封腔压力力3bar,需要用一个孔板限制流量需要用一个孔板限制流量- Use on

4、clean and low abrasives duties用在干净,含磨蚀性颗粒少的用在干净,含磨蚀性颗粒少的工况工况API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Seal Flushing By-Pass from Discharge单密封通过出口进行冲洗单密封通过出口进行冲洗Recirculation from seal chamber through a flow control orifice and back to pump suction从密封从密封腔里出腔里出,通过一个孔板返回到泵的入口通过一个孔板返回到泵的入口Points to Note for API Plan

5、 13:API 冲洗方案冲洗方案 13 应注意的事项应注意的事项- Use an orifice to restrict the flow rate if the seal chamber pressure is 3 bar higher than suction pressure.如果密封腔压力高于入口压力如果密封腔压力高于入口压力3bar,需要用一个孔限制流量需要用一个孔限制流量- handle abrasives duty better than API plan 11处理含有磨粒的工况处理含有磨粒的工况13方案好于方案好于11方案方案- higher seal chamber pres

6、sure to suppress vaporisation较高的密封腔压力可抑制它的汽化较高的密封腔压力可抑制它的汽化API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案+=Points to Note for API Plan 14: API 冲洗冲洗方案方案 14 应注意的事项:应注意的事项:-Flow back to suction side will evacuate vapours that may collect in seal chamber. 可以将密封腔中聚集的气可以将密封腔中聚集的气体回送到泵进口体回送到泵进口-Recommended for light hydroc

7、arbon service. 推荐使用在轻烃工况推荐使用在轻烃工况API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Recirculation from pump discharge through a flow control orifice and cooler to sealCooling Water Outlet冷冷水出口水出口Cooling Water Inlet冷水冷水入口入口API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Recirculation from a pumping ring in the seal chamber through cooler an

8、d back to seal 冲洗液通过密封冲洗液通过密封腔中的泵效环从密封腔中流出经过换热器,再返回到密封中,形成自封闭腔中的泵效环从密封腔中流出经过换热器,再返回到密封中,形成自封闭循环。循环。Throat bushingSuction入口入口Discharge出出口口18 - 24Vent at highest point of the piping排排起在管线起在管线的最高点的最高点Cooling Water Outlet冷冷水出口水出口Cooling Water Inlet冷冷水入口水入口mechanical seal with pumping ringHeat exchanger换

9、热器换热器API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Points to note for API Plan 23: API 23方案的注意点方案的注意点nThermosyphon design热虹吸设计 * heat exchanger 换热器* 18 to 24“ above pump centre line. *在泵中心线以上 18 to 24 * Prevent overheating in standby and startup. 在泵启动和备用时,要防止过热。nInstall close fitting neck bushing at the bottom of se

10、al chamber to isolate the heat from the impeller end. 在密封腔底部安装喉部衬套用来隔离从叶轮端传出的热量nUsed on high temperature applications to minimise heat load on the cooler by cooling only small amount of liquid that is recirculated.用于高温工况,通过冷却密封腔的小部分的循环流体来使冷却器的热负荷降至最低.nFor high temperature boiler feed pump applicatio

11、ns用于高温锅炉给水泵上nOther applications其他应用 n * high temperature liquid close to bubble point. n* 接近沸点的高温液体.API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Recirculation from pump discharge through a cyclone separator delivering clean fluid to the seal and fluid with solids back to pump suction line冲洗液从泵出口流出,通过一旋液分离器,使干净流体进入冲

12、洗液从泵出口流出,通过一旋液分离器,使干净流体进入密封腔,带有颗粒的流体返回到泵入口处形成封闭循环密封腔,带有颗粒的流体返回到泵入口处形成封闭循环Clean overflowUnderflowInletAPI Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Points to Note for API Plan 32:对于对于API plan 32 须注意须注意:- Chose a proper source of seal flush to eliminate the potential for vaporisation of the injected fluid and to avoid

13、 contamination of the fluid being pumped with the injected flush.选择合适的密封选择合适的密封冲洗源,冲洗源, 以消除冲洗流体的汽化以消除冲洗流体的汽化,同时要避免泵送介质被冲洗流,同时要避免泵送介质被冲洗流体污染。体污染。- Install a labyrinth bushing at the bottom of the stuffing box to control the flushing and pressure if necessary.- 如有必要的话,在密封腔底部安如有必要的话,在密封腔底部安装迷宫密封来控制冲洗和压

14、力。装迷宫密封来控制冲洗和压力。API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Single Seal Flushing from External Source单密封通过外部来源进行冲洗单密封通过外部来源进行冲洗Throat BushingRecirculation from pump discharge through a cyclone separator delivering clean fluid through a cooler and then to seal and fluid with solids back to pump suction lineCooling

15、Water OutletCooling Water InletAPI Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Needle valveExternal reservoir providing a dead-ended blanket of fluid to the quench connection of the gland. Points to Note for API Plan 51: 对于对于API plan 51 须注意须注意: - Dead ended blanket on atmospheric side of seal to prevent freezing of mo

16、isture. Seal face will not stick together when the pump started. 在密封的大气侧,一端封闭的情况可防止在密封的大气侧,一端封闭的情况可防止潮气的冻结,这样在泵启动时,密封面就潮气的冻结,这样在泵启动时,密封面就不会粘接在一起。不会粘接在一起。 Pump operating below 0 C 应用于泵在应用于泵在 0C以下操作以下操作- API 610 8th Edition has eliminated this piping plan.API 610 第八版已经取第八版已经取消这个冲洗方案消这个冲洗方案-API Piping

17、Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案s A fluid used as a lubricant or buffer between dual mechanical seals. 这种液体作为缓冲剂或润滑剂用在两套机械密封之间这种液体作为缓冲剂或润滑剂用在两套机械密封之间s The buffer fluid is always at a pressure lower than the pump process pressure being sealed. 缓冲液的压力通常低于被密封的介质的压力缓冲液的压力通常低于被密封的介质的压力s A

18、fluid which is introduced between dual mechanical seals to completely isolate the pump process liquid from the environment. 双双机械密封里的隔离液使泵送的工艺液体与大气完全分离机械密封里的隔离液使泵送的工艺液体与大气完全分离s Pressure of the barrier fluid is always higher than the pump process pressure being sealed. 隔离液压力总是高于泵的运作压力隔离液压力总是高于泵的运作压力Th

19、e purpose of fluid circulationis to remove heat from mechanical seal液体循环的目的是为了将来自机封的热量带走液体循环的目的是为了将来自机封的热量带走API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Pumping ringPumpn On applications below ambient temperature, circulation of barrier fluid may not be desirable. 这种情况适用这种情况适用于比室温低的工况,隔离液的循于比室温低的工况,隔离液的循环不能满足要求。环不能

20、满足要求。 The atmosphere will heat the reservoir and consequently add heat to the seal area.外部对储罐进行加热外部对储罐进行加热,从而,对密封区域进行加热。,从而,对密封区域进行加热。T2T1n Fluid circulation by temperature difference between the seal and reservoir. 流体依靠密封腔和流体依靠密封腔和储罐的温差进行循环储罐的温差进行循环 n Higher temperature liquid at seal has lower den

21、sity rises to the reservoir.密封中的高温流体密封中的高温流体密度较小,依靠热虹吸现象密度较小,依靠热虹吸现象上升到储罐中上升到储罐中 n Lower temperature liquid at reservoir has higher density falls to the seal to provide cooling.储罐中的低储罐中的低温流体密度较大,下降到密温流体密度较大,下降到密封腔中对密封进行冷却封腔中对密封进行冷却API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Points to Note for API Plan 52:nTypicall

22、y used with an Arrangement 2 unpressurised dual seal.通常用于不带压双封通常用于不带压双封 nDuring normal operation, circulation is maintained by an internal pumping ring. 在正在正常操作情况下,通过腔内的泵效环维持循环常操作情况下,通过腔内的泵效环维持循环 n The reservoir is usually continuously vented to a vapour recovery system and is maintained at a pressu

23、re less than the pressure in the seal chamber.储罐通常与回收系统相连通,罐内储罐通常与回收系统相连通,罐内压力通常低于密封腔压力压力通常低于密封腔压力Pressure Gauge 压力计Level Gauge 液位计Fill valveOrificeDrainLevel Switch (H) 液位开关Level Switch (L)Pressure Switch 压力开关(Normally Open)Vent valve 排气阀 External reservoir providing buffer fluid for the outer seal

24、 of an unpressurised dual seal arrangement.外部储罐对不带压双封的外密封提供缓冲液外部储罐对不带压双封的外密封提供缓冲液API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Pressure Gauge 压力表Level Gauge 液位计Level Switch (L)液位开关Vent Valve 排气阀(Normally Close) 常关OrificePressure Switch 压力操纵开关 External Pressure 外部压力外部压力 SourceOne-way Block Valve(Normally Open)单向截止阀Po

25、ints to Note for API Plan 53:nTypically used with an Arrangement 3 pressurised dual seal.通常用于带压双封通常用于带压双封 nDuring normal operation, circulation is maintained by an internal pumping ring.在正常在正常操作情况下,通过腔内的泵效环维持循环操作情况下,通过腔内的泵效环维持循环n The reservoir pressure is greater than the process pressure being seal

26、ed.罐内压力通常高罐内压力通常高于被密封介质压力于被密封介质压力 External reservoir providing pressurised barrier fluid for the outer seal of an pressurised dual seal arrangement. 外部储罐对带压双封的外密封提供隔离液外部储罐对带压双封的外密封提供隔离液DrainAPI Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Points to Note for API Plan 54:nTypically used with an Arrangement 3 pressurised

27、dual seal.通常用于带压双封通常用于带压双封nDuring normal operation, circulation is maintained by an external pump or pressure system.在正常操作情况下,通过外在正常操作情况下,通过外部的泵或压力系统维持循环部的泵或压力系统维持循环n The circulating barrier fluid pressure is greater than the process pressure being sealed. 循环隔离液的压力高于被密封介质的循环隔离液的压力高于被密封介质的压力压力 Extern

28、al barrier fluid system providing pressurised barrier fluid for the outer seal of an pressurised dual seal arrangement外部隔离液系统为带压双封提供带压隔离液外部隔离液系统为带压双封提供带压隔离液 API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案 VOC : Volatile Organic CompoundVHAP : Volatile Hazardous Air PolutantsAPI Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案封液的选择Tapped co

29、nnections for the purchasers use在接口处攻螺纹,以方便用户使用在接口处攻螺纹,以方便用户使用Point to Note for API Plan 61:对对于于API plan 61 须注意须注意:nTypically this plan is used when the purchaser is to provide fluid (such as steam, gas, or water ) to an auxiliary sealing device.n通常在买方能给密封辅助系统通常在买方能给密封辅助系统提供流体(如蒸汽、气体或水提供流体(如蒸汽、气体或水)的情况下,才采用该方案)的情况下,才采用该方案API Piping Plans API 冲洗方案冲洗方案Points to Note for API Plan 62:n对于对于API plan 62 须注意须注意:nThe quench may be required to prevent solids from accumu


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