1、1 GOING TO WORK ON TIMEA. John, its time to get up!B. O.K.O.K. Ill get up in a little while, just let me sleep for 15 minutes more. Im very tired.A. No, John. You cant. Last night you told me to make sure you got up on time this morning dont you remember?B. What are you talking about?A. You told me
2、that you had an early morning appointment with a potentially large account. You told me you wanted to get up early, have a complete breakfast, including coffee, so that you could be very alert when you walked in the office. Now you get up!B. Alright. Im getting up.A. Now get in the shower and Ill go
3、 iron you shirt for you. By the time you get out for the shower your breakfast will be ready and you will be all set.B. Thanks, honey.2 LET S HAVE A BBQA. What a beautiful summer s afternoon, huh?B. It sure is. We were out sailing and waterskiing all day since early morning. All my museles are sore
4、and I m kind of tired. Maybe I ll take a nap.A. Boy, You must really be hungry!B. Come to think of it, I sure am. I m famished. I haven t eaten since breakfast early this morning.A. Well, what do you say we have a barbeque? You can take a nap. I ll put some coals on the grill and start the fire. We
5、have some chicken legs, wings and breasts in the refrigerator. I ll make a batch of BBQ sauce up and when the fire is ready I ll throw the chicken on the grill. This way, it ll give you a chance to relax and freshen up. Hopefully, by the time you are done with that, the chicken will be well along an
6、d you can either make a salad or go and pick up some beer at the 7-11.B. Good idea!3 AT THE BEACHA. What a great day for beach! The sun is hot, the lake is calm, and the sky is blue. I B. Oh, stop being poetic and help me lay out the blanket. Here! You take this end. First put your stuff down over t
7、here and dont get any sand in the radio.A. We might have to move the blanket in a few hours when the shade from the tree covers our blanket.B. Why dont you just lay down and catch some of these rays with me?A. I m really hot. I think I ll take a dip first so I can cool off. I m goint to come back an
8、d drag you in the water.B. You better not. I ll probably be asleep by that time.A. Before you go to sleep, make sure you hide my wallet, car keys, and my watch for me. They re just sitting next to you on the blanket. On second thought, why dont you just put them in my shoes for me right now.B. Yes,
9、Sir! Right away!A. Thanks a lot. See you in a bit.4 TALKING TO FRIENDS AT SCHOOLA. Have you decided what classes you will take next semester?B. No, I m not sure yet. I was thinking about taking some art classes.A. Are you majoring in art?B. Bo, my major is history, but I am very interested in art.A.
10、 What kind of art are you interested in?B. Oh, anything. Right now I dont know that much about it, so I will take some basic classes. What is your major?A. I am majoring in mathematics.B. That sounds very difficult, is it?A. Yes, it is. I have to study very hard. I have no time for having fun.B. I d
11、ont think I would like that. I was never very good at mathematics.A. Well, class will start soon, so I must go now. See you later.B. Bye-bye.5 MAKING A DATE ON THE TELEPHONEAndy: Hello, is Sophie there?Sophie: Yes, this is Sophie Speaking.Andy: Hi, Sophie. This is Andy. I havent seen you for a while
12、.Sophie: Yes, I have been very busy at work. I have been putting in a lot of overtime. One of the other employees is on vacation, so I have a lot of extrawork. Andy: Well, it sounds like you could use a rest. Are you busy tonight?Sophie: No, not really. What do you have in mind?Andy: Nothing much. I
13、 was thinking we could go see a movie, and then we might have dinner. Would you like that?Sophie: Yes, I would. I need some time to get ready. What time is it now?Andy: I t s five o clock.Sophie: I can be ready by six-thirty. Is that O.K.?Andy: Yeah, sounds good. I will see you then.6 TALKING ABOUT
14、TRAVELLisa: Jim, where have you been these last few months?Jim: I ve been travelling.Lisa: Really? I didnt know you had left. Where did you go?Jim: Well, I spent two months in Europe, and three months in Asia.Lisa: Which countries did you visit?Jim: I went to England, Germany, and Denmark while I wa
15、s in Europe, When I was in Asia I visited India, Thailand, and Japan.Lisa: What was your favorite country in Europe?Jim: I think Denmark was my favorite. The people were very friendly.Lisa: And what about Asia?Jim: Well India was very interesting, but it is very dirty country, and the food is not so
16、 good. Japan was very clean, the good was nice, and the people are great. I would say I enjoyed Thailand the most. It was very relaxing place.Lisa: I really envy you. I want to travel, but I dont think I could handle Asia. I would probably just go to Europe.7 MAKING RESERVATIONSCustomer: Hi, I would
17、 like to make a reservation.Ticket Seller: Fine, where are you going?Customer: I want to go new York, with a stopover in Denver, leaving from Los Angeles.Ticket Seller: When will you be leaving?Customer: On the fifteenth of March.Ticket Seller: And how long would you like to stay in Denver?Customer:
18、 I am not sure. I have some business there, and then I will see some friends, so I can t say exactly.Ticket seller: No problem. We can give you an open ticket. Just make a reservation one day before you want to go to New York. Will you be returning to Los Angeles?Customer: Yes, but I will not going
19、backing to Denver.Ticket Seller: Will you travel first class or economy class?Customer: Economy class please.Ticket Seller: O.K. You have a confirmed reservation on flight number 236 departing on march 15th at 12:50p.m. for Denver, continuing on to New York with a return trip to Los Angeles. Thank y
20、ou and have a nice flight. Customer: Thank you, good-bye.8 HOW TO CARRY ON A CONVERSATIONEliot: So what is your name, anyway?Marlene: Marlene. I didnt catch your name either. What was it?Eliot: My name is Eliot.Marlene: Eliot.Eliot: Where are you from, Marlene?Marlene: Canada, Toronto.Eliot: Toronto
21、?Marlene: Have you ever been to Toronto?Eliot: No, I have never been to Canada.Marlene: What a shame!Eliot: What part of Canada is Toronto in?Marlene: Southern Ontario.Eliot: Southern Ontario? Is that central Canada/Marlene: Well, it s eastern, central eastern, closer to the east than it is to the m
22、iddle. I d like to know, first of all, what your impression of Canada are. Most people, when we say Canada we think of snow and cold, and Eskimos, things like.Eliot: I was going to say my impression of Canada is that it must be very cold. Marlene: Well, not always. See, we are in southern Ontario. A
23、nd so that s the same latitude as many of the states in the United States. Not exactly California, butEliot: I had some friends who took a trip to Vancouver, and they came back with some pictures, and may stories; and they said it was really nice. And they also said the people were some of the most
24、friendly they had ever met. So, my impression of Canada is very favorable.Marlene: O.K. good. I dont know too much about California. I ve never been there, but would you recommend it as a place to live?Eliot: I would. My idea of California is that it is the best place in America, but that is because
25、 I live in California. I think somebody from New York would say New York is the best place in America.Marlene: arent you afraid of earthquakes?Eliot: I m afraid of earthquakes, but I ve been in many earthquakes. There was very large earthquake in 1970, in southern California.Marlene: And what happen
26、ed?Eliot: Well, I was asleep at about six o clock in the morning on a bunk bed. A bunk bed is two bets, one on the bottom, one on the top, and I was sleeping on the top.Marlene: And you fell off?Eliot: Yeah.Marlene: Really! It was that strong?Eliot: It was very strong. The bed was going to and fro,
27、shaking quite a bit, and I fell out of the bed. I did not get hurt. And I ran out to the front of the house. And I could see the lights swinging back and forth. And you could actually see the ground moving in waves, just like you couldMarlene: Weren t you scared?Eliot: Yes, I was very scared. Howeve
28、r, my sister slept through the whole earthquake.Marlene: She thought it was a nightmare?Eliot: She didnt . We asked her the next day, or later that day and said, Didnt you feel the earthquake? She said, What earthquake?Marlene: Not too long ago there was an earthquake here in Taiwan that just lasted
29、 for a few seconds, but scared me.Eliot: yeah, well I was talking to a student about earthquakes at that time. Marlene: At the very time? What a coincidence!Eliot: A very, very funny coincidence. He said, You know we have many earthquakes in Taiwan. And right after he said that the building started
30、to move.Marlene: He did it on demand.Eliot: Right. I thought it was a good trick. So how long will you stay in Taiwan? Marlene: I will probably stay until the summer. Until it gets too hot for confort. Eliot: Too hot for comfort?Marlene: Yeah, apparently it gets quite warm here and very humid.Eliot:
31、 Yes, that would be like Thailand. Have you . What are summers like in Canada? In your part of Canada?Marlene: Summers can usually get very warm. However, there is not as much rain. It s usually quite dry. The hottest months are July and August.Eliot: That s the same as California July, August and O
32、ctober are quite hot. Marlene: October?Eliot: Yeah, October is very hot.Marlene: But not September?Eliot: Oh, excuse me, September as well, September as well. But October is a very bad month for forest fires, big fires in the mountains in California every year.Marlene: What month was that? In .Eliot
33、: That would be October, the late part of September, early October. Marlene: So you dont get any snow, unfortunately? Do you?Eliot: In the mountains, yes.Marlene: Yes! Have you ever been skiing?Eliot: I love skiing. I love skiing. I ve done most of my skiing in Colorado. Yeah, that s my favorite win
34、ter hobby.Marlene: Your favorite winter sport?Eliot: Do you ski?Marlene: Well, I only ski cross- country I ve never tried downhill. I m a bit frightened.Eliot: I tried cross country when I was very young. My father took me into the mountains in California. And at that time I really disliked it. I ha
35、ted it. Marlene: Why?Eliot: I think because I did not know how to ski cross- country or downhill.Marlene: Oh, I see. How old were you at the time?Eliot: I must have been twelve or thirteen years old, and I got very, very tired and very cold, so I didnt like it. But since then I ve learned to downhil
36、l ski, and I like it quite a bit.Marlene: What about water skiing?Eliot: I ve never tried water-skiing, which would be the logical thing to get into in California, but I never did, and I dont surf. I dont surf. I come from California. I lived in Hawaii for a year.Marlene: What were you doing in Hawa
37、ii?Eliot: I was a computer technician in Hawaii. I stayed there on year.Marlene: How do you get to travel around so much?Eliot: Well, travelling is , My idea is that people do what they want to do, what s important to them.Marlene: But they have to make a living ,too?Eliot: Right.Marlene: I t s not
38、like you can just take up and leave.Eliot: But that s what I did. It was important to me to come out to Asia to learn some languages, to learn about different cultures.Marlene: Was this job in Hawaii arranged before you left the United States?Eliot: Well, Hawaii is part of the United States. States.
39、Marlene: I meant the mainland United Sates.Eliot: No, I just sold my car, and saved maybe two thousand U.S. Dollars, and went out there to look for work.Marlene: And how long did it take you so find a job?Eliot: Oh, it took me three months to find a job. It s not easy to find work in Hawaii.Marlene:
40、 And you could survive on two thousand dollars?Eliot: Well, I stayed on the big island, the island of Hawaii. And there rent is quite cheap, and I was with a friend. And we just . We didnt spend too much; we could walk to the beach. But the problem was when I did find a job I had to fly from one isl
41、and to another island for the interview. Then I had to fly back to my island. Then they called me another week later. I had to fly again to another island for an interview.Marlene: Thats was expensive?Eliot: That was very expensive. And by the time I got the job I had no money, so it was very lucky.
42、Marlene: Putting all your eggs in one basket sort of thing?Eliot: yes, exactly.Marlene: So you worked there for a year?Eliot: I worked there for well, about ten and half months.Marlene: What does your family think of you travelling, of you never being home? Eliot: At first they were very worried, wh
43、en I came to Asia the first time. Marlene: How old were you then?Eliot: I was twenty-two, and when I came to Asia the first time they were quiteworried, and I kind of disappeared into China without telling them I was going into China.Marlene: Right.Eliot: And then I got a visa from China, and I trie
44、d to call them to tell them, but I could not get in touch with them. So, I left for China, and I stayed in China for about one month, and I got very, very sick. And I had to flyMarlene: And you still hadnt contacted your parents?Eliot: Well, I went back to Hong Kong, and I called them and told them
45、I had been in China, and that I was sick, and I was coming home.Marlene: And they were relieved, I hope?Eliot: Yeah, they were happy to hear from me.Marlene: Tell me about your family. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Eliot: I have four brothers and sisters. I am the oldest. I am twenty-fi
46、ve. And I have a brother who is nineteen, a sister who is twenty-three, another brother who is ten, and another sister who is nine years old.Marlene: Wow, there s a big difference!Eliot: Very big difference. Yeah. I think I am sixteen years older than my younger sister.Marlene: You could have raised
47、 them.Eliot: Yeah, well, I did actually. I got a lot of practice feeding babies and changing their clothes and Marlene: Does anyone else have this urge to travel like you do?Eliot: Oh, no. I m the only one.Marlene: Isn t that strange?Eliot: Yeah, my sister would like to, but she is not serious about
48、 it, and my parents would like to come just so they can see me.Marlene: But they dont like to travel?Eliot: No. my father s brother, my uncle, when he got out of high school (he is sixty years old right now, so this is forty years ago, he immediately joined the Navy, the American Navy, and signed up
49、 for overseas service. So he started going around the world. When he got out of the Navy, he signed on to a merchant ship.Marlene: He s a real glutton for punishment!Eliot: Well, maybe. But then he started working as an engineer for overseas companies. Since he was twenty years old he s never spent
50、more than one year in America. He s never beenMarlene: I take it he s not married.Eliot: No. he is married, and his wife always goes with him.Marlene: That sound like a wonderful life.Eliot: Yeah, right now they re living in Korea. And last year he was in the Philippines putting in a nuclear power p
51、lant.Marlene: So, he has various jobs?Eliot: Well, companies send him to different countries to do different jobs, but he got me interested in travelling when I was very young. He would bringme pictures and postcards of Thailand, of China, of Europe, Africa. 9 WAITING FOR THE BUSCost an arm and a le
52、gDoris: I really hate waiting. We ve been waiting for the bus for over an hour. The public transportation in this town is really bad. Do you think we should take a taxi?Janet: I can t afford it. Taxis cost an arm and a leg. I dont understand why the buses can t meet their schedules. I mean, we have
53、to be at work on time. If you are in a hurry, and you have t take a bus. FORGET IT.Doris: I feel like I m always waiting for something. My car broke down last month, so I took it to the garage to be repaired. That was too weeks ago. And who knows when it will be finished. Waiting, waiting, waiting,
54、always waiting.Janet: I think life is just one big waiting game. When you are in school, you wait for school to be over one day. When you finished school and start working you are always waiting for the coffee break or the five-o clock bell. Doris: Not to mention weekends. I m always waiting for the
55、 weekends. Then you wait for Mondays. Monday is the worst day of the week for me. On Monday the waiting starts all over again.Janet: Right! And when you come home from work you wait for your favorite T.V . Show to come on, or your husband is waiting for dinner.Doris: I m still waiting for my wedding
56、 day! After that I suppose I ll be waiting for my children to grow up. And then it will be waiting for retirement. Janet: Well, it s too early to be worry about that. Oh! The bus is coming!Doris: Hey, that s one less thing we have to wait for.10 AT THE DENTIST SPay up frontEmma: Hello, I have an app
57、ointment with the dentist. My name is Emma. Receptionist: What time is your appointment?Emma: At six o clock. I m a bit early, I think. I m here for a root canal. I m a little bit afraid. Is it painful? Des he put me to sleep? I dont know anything about it.Receptionist: A root canal? No, it s not pa
58、inful, and he won t put you to sleep, but you will have to come three times a week. Then you will need to have the tooth capped. That will take another two visits.Emma: Is it expensive?Receptionist: yes, it s expensive, unfortunately. About seven hundred dollars.Emma: My word. That s a lot more than I thought it would be. Do I have to pay it all up front?Receptionist: No, you
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