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1、.江苏省扬州中学2004-2005学年第二学期期中考试 高 一 英 语 试 卷 2005.4.30第一卷一听力部分(共20题,每小题1.5分,计30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How long has Barbara been waiting? A. Fifteen minutes. B. Fifty minutes. C. Thirty minutes.2. What sho

2、uld the man do first to go to the Wooster Street? A. Walk two blocks. B. Walk to the corner. C. Make a left turn.3. What does John mean? A. Hes afraid to do some of the exercises himself.B. The physics class is only halfway over.C. The students arent in good physical condition.4. Where does this con

3、versation probably take place? A. At a tailors. B. At a hairdressers. C. At a butchers.5. How much more did the man have to pay if he bought 6 ball-point before Christmas? A. $ 0.6. B. $ 3. C.$ 4.8.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面各段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅

4、读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第67小题。6. Why is the man surprised? A. The articles he wants to read have all been checked out.B. No one has read the articles about anthropology(人类学).C. Reserved materials can be taken out of the library.7. What can be concluded about the articles

5、for anthropology 311? A. They are out of print. B. They are no longer in short supply.C. They are in short supply.听第7段材料,回答第810题。8. What does Jim study? A. American literature. B. American economy. C. American history.9. For what purpose does Kathy have to go to Washington next week? A. To give a le

6、cture. B. To meet her publisher. C. To pay a visit.10. What does Jim want Kathy to do? A. To review an article for him. B. To deliver a message for him.C. To go to his class to talk about the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe.听第8段材料,回答第1113题。11. How does the woman feel about the interview with Columbia Univ

7、ersity? A. Disappointed. B. Nervous. C. Satisfied.12. What course is Michigan famous for? A. Medicine. B. Law. C. History.13. What does the mans father want him to be? A. An English teacher. B. A historian. C. A doctor.听第9段材料,回答第1417题。14. What was the woman doing at lunch time? A. Giving a lecture.

8、B. Listening to a lecture.C. Having a talk with her professor.15. How do the students show that they really enjoy Professor Pauls lectures? A. They never mind his lecture running overtime.B. They all keep silent when he gives a lecture.C. They try hard to get the best seats in his lecture.16. How do

9、es Professor Paul feel about visitors at his lectures? A. They make him feel good. B. They bore him to tears.C. They make him mentally upset.17. Which of the following best describes Professor Pauls relationship with his students? A. Exciting. B. Impersonal. C. Cooperative.听第10段材料,回答第1820题。18. What

10、is the real name of the author of Alice in Wonderland? A. Lewis Carrol. B. Charles Carrol. C. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.19. How old was the author when Through the Looking-glass was published? A. Twenty-nine. B. Thirty-nine. C. Thirty-three.20. What did the author write the two books for at first? A.

11、 For his work. B. For children of today.C. Only for a child named Alice.二选择填空(共15题,计15分)21. Only in this way _ get ready for the coming mid-term examinations. A. can we B. we can C. we shall be able to D. can we be able to22. I _ him not to go there, that is, my advice was that he _ there, but he wo

12、uldnt listen to me. A. suggested; didnt go B. hoped; not go C. wished; did go D. advised; not go23. Franklin didnt _ the inspiring speech by the famous leader, but he _ it. A. know of; know B. know; knew of C. know; knew to D. know of; knew with24. Ill let you know _ I receive Brians e-mail message.

13、 A. for the moment B. at the moment C. the moment D. by the moment25. -Im taking my TOEFL examination next week. - _! A. Come on B. Congratulations C. Good luck D. Cheers26. She _ have gone to Shanghai for a visit. She has been discussing the papers with me for a whole day. A. mustnt B. neednt C. sh

14、ouldnt D. cant27. It is said that Tom hasnt passed the driving test, but, _, he is a little too young. A. above all B. after all C. at all D. for all28. Mr Smith doesnt believe that his daughter can work out the problem that easily, _? A. does he B. can she C. doesnt he D. cant she29. If we work tog

15、ether, we might _ a very good story in one night. A. put up with B. come up with C. keep up with D. catch up with30. There is no doubt _ people will live a longer life in the future. A. whether B. if C. that D. what31. The boy promised _ in the exam any more. A. not to cheat B. not cheating C. to no

16、t cheat D. not to have cheated32. The population of the city _ not large, but more than one third of the population here _ highly-educated citizens. A. is, is B. are, are C. are, is D. is, are33. Dont let yourself be taken _ by the beggars. A. on B. in C. up D. off34. Missing the 8:00 train means _

17、for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. to be waiting D. having been waiting35. -Would you mind if I have some time off? -_ -Monday and Tuesday next week. A. Whats the time? B. When exactly? C. Certainly not. D. I dont mind.三完型填空(共20题,每小题1.5分,计30分)James sat outside the office waiting for the inte

18、rview. He felt so 36 that he didnt know what to do with 37 . The person who had gone in 38 him had been in there for nearly an hour. And she looked so confident when she went in. 39 James. He felt 40 that she had already got the 41 . The problem was that he wanted this job 42 . It meant 43 to him. H

19、e had 44 it such a lot before the day of the interview. He had imagined himself 45 brilliantly at the interview and 46 the job immediately. But now here he was feeling 47 . He couldnt 48 all those things he had 49 to say. At that moment, he almost decided to get up and 50 . But no- he had to do this

20、. He had spent so much time considering it that he couldnt 51 like that. His hands were hot and sticky and his mouth felt dry. At last the door of the office opened. The woman who had gone in an hour earlier came out looking very 52 with herself. She smiled sympathetically (同情地) at James. At that mo

21、ment James 53 her. The managing director then appeared at the office door. “Would you like to come in now, Mr. Davis? Im sorry to have kept waiting.” James suddenly 54 that he had gone home after all. He got up, legs 55 and forehead sweating and wondered whether he looked as terrible as he felt.36.A

22、. healthyB. nervous C. carelessD. confident37 A. the managing director B. the womanC. himself D. the others38.A. byB. with C. before D. after39.A. Not likeB. So did C. Do as D. Do like40.A. doubtfulB. sure C. angry D. astonishing41.A. rewardB. first C. prize D. job42.A. hopelesslyB. naturally C. eas

23、ily D. so much43.A. everythingB. happiness C. difficulty D. nothing44.A. looked forB. learned of C. thought aboutD. talked about45.A. explainingB. performing C. answering D. writing46.A. offeredB. asked for C. being asked forD. being offered47.A. crazyB. excited C. probable D. terrible48.A. depend o

24、nB. afford C. believe in D. remember49.A. keptB. being taught C. planned D. been supplied50.A. leaveB. go in C. prepare D. practise51.A. take backB. put off C. give up D. put down52.A. uglyB. pleased C. sad D. pretty53.A. noticedB. loved C. missed D. hated54.A. thoughtB. hoped C. wished D. regretted

25、55.A. shakingB. bending C. walking D. stopping四阅读理解(共20题,每小题2分,计40分)AAt three a.m., Jack Mills was sitting at the controls of the mail train. The train was made up of 13 cars. At the end of the train, 71 mailmen sat sorting the mail. Inside the second car, there were only five mailmen and 128 bags f

26、ull of five-pound notes. This train had run more than 100 years without being robbed. At three minutes past three, Mills and his helper, David Whitby, saw a yellow warning light. They slowed the train, and then stopped. Whitby went to the telephone beside the track. It was out of order. Then he saw

27、a man moving between the second and the third cars. Before Whitby could give a warning, he was knocked down by two men. Mills cars with all the mailmen had been disconnected by the robbers. At the bridge, the bags of money were unloaded from the train and thrown into waiting trucks. One of the robbe

28、rs who obviously knew the schedules(时刻表) of all the trains kept looking at his watch. At 3:45 he said, “That will have to be enough.” The robbers drove away with more than 2,500,000 pounds.56. The robbery took place _. A. before 3:03 B. in the early morning C. after three oclock in the afternoon D.

29、after 3:45 57. The robbers _ before the train stopped. A. were all in the train B. forced Mills to stop the train C. were waiting for the train to stop D. ordered Mills to go on driving58. Why didnt the other mailmen help the mailmen in the second car when the robbery happened?A. Because they were b

30、usy sorting the mail.B. Because they didnt want to help the mailmen in the second car.C. Because the last eleven cars were separated from the front cars.D. Because they knew nothing about the robbery.59. One of the robbers kept looking at his watch because _.A. he wanted to know the exact timeB. he

31、enjoyed looking at his watchC. he didnt know when another train would comeD. they had to leave before another train came60. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The train was out of order.B. The telephone was put out of order by the robbers.C. Whitby had an assistant driver.D. The robbers carried t

32、he money away by truck.BOnline CommunicationIn an age when technology moves faster than most can keep up with, a small group of people still remain in the time of old-fashioned letter. Frankly speaking, I was once certain that traditional letters could never be replaced by other means of communicati

33、on.But a story about online communication changed my mind.An old man, who suffered a lot from Parkinsons disease, was not able to talk clearly and could hardly write his name. Living totally alone, he managed to keep in touch with nearly all the members of his family. How did he achieve this? He cli

34、cked out words on his computer keyboard.I, therefore, managed to get an E-mail box as soon as the opportunity came. My life changed. E-mail, and all online communication, is something truly different. It has capabilities that few other products can match.E-mail is convenient. It takes less time with

35、 its fast speed and 24-hour connection. The slow postal service is no match. If you wouldnt want to have a face-to-face talk with your manager, you might talk with him through E-mail even if you are in the same office.Naming all the good things about online communication is not easy. But wait. E-mai

36、l can be inconvenient. It can waste time and energy. Just think what may happen when you take a short vacation and return to find your e-mail box filled with 200 unread messages. You could easily spend half a day clearing junk ads.Then, online communication will keep us staying at our computer while

37、 it connects us to distant strangers. Once we throw ourselves into the machine, we may forget the human touches we once held so dear. Im sure there is and always will be a place for the old-fashioned letter, phone call, and face-to-face meeting even in the world of modern communication.As I listen t

38、o the sound of the modem(调制解调器), I was excited at stepping out to the outside world but, at the same time, I sensed a loss of control over something valuable in my personal life.61. What is the most probable meaning of the underlined word “junk” in paragraph7?A. old and useless B. New and usefulC. S

39、hort but valuable D. Long but clear62. What caused the writer to become interested in E-mail and online communication?A. The sound of the modem. B. His own illness.C. The changing of his life. D. A sick old mans experience.63. What does the writer think of online communication? A. It should replace

40、old-fashioned letters completely. B. It is perfect and always does good to you. C. It is extremely useful and convenient, but it may be inconvenient or even harmful.D. It does more harm than good.64. According to the writer, traditional means of communication will never disappear because _. A. they

41、are convenient and popular though they are slow B. they help to keep the friendly relationship between people C. most people cannot keep up with the development of technology D. modern means of communication does too much harm65. How did the sick old man keep in touch with his family members?A. With

42、 the help of his computer. B. By writing letters with his pen.C. By making telephone calls. D. By visiting them regularly.CDeath Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, covering a wide area with its alkali(强碱) sand. Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and B

43、adwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United states.Long ago the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”- the land of fire. Death Valleys present name dates back to 1849, when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpl

44、easantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story. Today Death Valley has been declared a National Monument and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the change created by human settlement has hardly ruined the special beauty

45、of this place.Here nature created a lot of surprising scenes, almost like the sights on the moon, ever-changing as the frequent wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors. One of the most astonishing and variable(变化的) parts of Death Valley is the Devils Golf Course, where it seems ha

46、rd for one to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures stand on a frightening ground, as evening shadows move and lengthen.66. _ is the lowest place in the desert. A. Tomesha B. Death Valley C. Nevada D. Badwater67. The present name of the valley comes from _. A. an Indian name B. the deat

47、h o the miners C. the local people D. a National Movement68. From the passage we can learn that _. A. no one had ever known the desert before the miners B. its still not easy to travel across the desert C. people can find gas stations, cafes and hotels in the desert D. people have changed the natura

48、l sight of the desert69. Devil Golf Course is famous for _. A. the frequent wind B. the colors of the sand C. dream-like sights D. the sand sculptures70. From the passage we can see that the writer _ Death Valley. A. appreciates B. is fearful of C. dislikes D. is tired ofDMen usually want to have th

49、eir own way. They want to think and act as they like. No one, however, can have his own way all the time. A man cannot live in society without considering the interests(利益) of others as well as his own interests. “Society” means a group of people with the same laws and the same way of life. People i

50、n society may make their own decisions, but these decisions ought not to be unjust (不公平的) or harmful to others. One mans decisions may so easily harm another person. For example, a motorist may be in a hurry to get to a friends house. He sets out, driving at full speed like a competitor in a motor r

51、ace. There are other vehicles and also pedestrians(行人) on the road. Suddenly there is a crash. There are screams and confusion. One careless motorist has struck another car. The collision (碰撞) has injured two of the passengers and killed the third. Too many road accidents happen through the thoughtl

52、essness of selfish drivers.We have governments, the police and the law courts to prevent or to punish such criminal acts. But in addition, all men ought to observe certain rules of conduct. Every man ought to behave with consideration for other men. He ought not to steal, cheat, or destroy the prope

53、rty(财产)of others. There is no place of this sort of behavior in a civilized society.71. A man cannot have his own way all the time because _. A. he may have no interest in other people B. he has to share the same interest with the people in the same society C. his decisions are always unjust D. his decisions always harm other people72. According to the passage, people in a civilized society should usually _.A. be honest to each other B. be cautious in doing everythingC. behave in a responsible way D. punish criminal acts73. T


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