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1、ENGLISH TESTOctober 2021150 MINPART ILISTENING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In Sectio ns A, B and C you will hear everyth ng ONCE ONLY. Liste n carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your An swer Sheet.SECTION A TALKQuestio ns 1 to 5 refer to the ta

2、lk in this sect ion .At the end of the talk you will be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the talk.1. The rules for the first private library in the US were drawn up by.A. the legislatureB. the libraria nC. Joh n HarvardD. the faculty members2. The earlie

3、st public library was also called a subscription library because books.A. could be lent to every oneB. could be lent by book storesC. were lent to stude nts and the facultyD. were lent on a membership basis3. Which of the following is NOT stated as one of the purposes of free public libraries?A. To

4、provide readers with comfortable readi ng rooms.B. To provide adults with opport un ities of further educati on.C. To serve the community' s cultural and recreational needs.D. To supply tech ni cal literature on specialized subjects.4. The major difference between modem private and public librar

5、ies lies in.A. readership B. content C. service D. fun cti on5. The main purpose of the talk is.A. to in troduce categories of books in US librariesB. to dem on strate the importa nce of US librariesC. to explain the roles of different US librariesD. to define the circulation system of US librariesS

6、ECTION B INTERVIEWQuestio ns 6 to 10 are based on an in terview. At the end of the in terview you will be given 15 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the 第1页共12页in terview.6. Nancy became a taxi driver because.A. she owned a carB. she drove wellC. she liked drivers

7、' uni formsD. it was her childhood dream7. Accord ing to her, what was the most difficult about beco ming a taxi driver?A. The right sense of directi on.B. The sense of judgme nt.C. The skill of man euveri ng.D. The size of vehicles.8. What does Nancy like best about her job?A. Seeing in terest

8、ing buildi ngs in the city.B. Being able to enjoy the world of n ature.C. Driving in un settled weather.D. Taking long drives outside the city.9. It can be in ferred from the in terview that Nancy in a(n)mother.A. un cari ngB. strict C. affect ion ateD. permissive10. The people Nancy meets areA. rat

9、her difficult to pleaseB. rude to wome n driversC. talkative and gen erous with tipsD. differe nt in pers on alitySECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuesti on 11 is based on the follow ing n ews. At the end of the n ews item, you will be give n 15 sec onds to an swer the questi on. Now liste n to the n ews.11.

10、 The primary purpose of the US an ti-smok ing legislati on is.A. to tighte n con trol on tobacco advertis ingB. to impose pen alties on tobacco compa niesC. to start a n ati onal an ti-smok ing campaig nD. to en sure the health of America n childre nQuestio ns 12 and 13 are based on the follow ing n

11、 ews. At the end of the n ews item, you will be give n 30 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now liste n to the n ews.12. The French Preside nt ' s visit to Japan aims atA. making more in vestme nts in Japa nB. stimulat ing Japa nese bus in esses in FranceC. help ing boost the Japa nese economy

12、D. la unching a film festival in Japa n13. This is Jacques Chirac' svisit to Japan.A. sec ondB. fourtee nth C. fortieth D. forty-firstQuestio ns 14 and 15 are based on the follow ing n ews. At the end of the n ews item, you will be give n 30 sec onds to an swer the questi ons. Now liste n to the

13、 n ews.第2页共12页14. Afgha n people are sufferi ng from starvati on becauseA. melt ing snow begi ns to block the mountain pathsB. the Taliba n have destroyed existi ng food stocksC. the Taliban are hindering food deliveriesD. an emerge ncy air-lift of food was can celled15. people in Afghanistan are fa

14、cing starvation.A. 160,000.B.16,000 C. 1,000,000 D. 100,000SECTION D NOTE-TAKING AND GAP-FILLINGFill each of gaps with ONE word. You may refer to your notes. Make sure the word you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable.On Public Speak ingWhen people are asked to give a speech in

15、public for the first time, they usually feel terrified no matter how well they speak in in formal situatio ns. In fact, public speak ing is the same as any other form of (1)that people are usually en gaged in.Public speaking is a way for a speaker to (2) his thoughts with the audienee.Moreover, the

16、speaker is free to decide on the (3)of his speech. Two key points toachieve success in public speaking: (4) of the subject matter.goodpreparation of the speech. To facilitate their understanding, inform your audienee beforeha nd of the (5)of your speech, and end it with a summary. Other key pointsto

17、 bear in mind: be aware of your audie nee through eye con tact. vary the speed of (6) use the microph one skillfully to (7)yourself in speech. be brief inspeech; always try to make your message (8) _ Example: the best remembered in augural speeches of the US preside nts are the (9) on es. Therefore,

18、 brevity is esse ntial to the (10)of a speech.PART II PROOFREADING AND ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN)The following passage contains 20 errors. Each line contains a maximum of one error. I n each case, only one word is in volved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the followi ng way.For a

19、wrong word,underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blankprovided at the end of the line.For a miss ing word, mark the positi on of the miss ing word with a A sig n and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unn ecessary word, cr

20、oss out the unn ecessary word with a slash / and putthe word in the bla nk provided at the end of the line.If the line is correct, place a V in the blank provided at the end of the line.ExampleWhen A art museum wants a new exhibit, It never buys things in finished form and bangs them on the wall. Wh

21、en a n atural history museum wants an exhibiti on, it must ofte n build it.(1) an(2) never/(4) exhibitYou are expected to write your final an swer on the An swer Sheet.第3页共12页The n eed for surgical operati on, especially an emerge ncy operati on, almost always comes as a severe shock to the patie nt

22、 and his family. Despite of moder n adva nces, most people still1have a irrati onal fear of hospitals and an esthetics. Patie nts do2not ofte n believe them really n eed surgery cutt ing into a3part of the body as oppos ing to treatme nt with drugs. In the4early years of this cen tury there had litt

23、le specializati on in5surgery. A good surge on was possible of perform ing almost6every operati on which had bee n devised up to that time. Today7the situati on is differe nt. Operatio ns are now carried out that8were not even dreamed fifty years ago. The heart can be safely9opened and it ' s va

24、lves repaired. Clogged blood vessels can be10clea ned out, and broke n ones men ded and replaced. A lung, the11whole stomach, or eve nly part of the brain can be removed and12still permit the patie nt live a comfortable and satisfactory life.13However, not each surge on wants to or is qualified to c

25、arry out14every type of moder n operatio n.The scope of surgery has in creased remarkably in this cen tury. Its safety has in creased too. Deaths from mostoperati ons are about 20% of they were in 1910 and surgery has15bee n exte nded in many directi ons, for example, to certa in type16of birth defe

26、cts in new born babies, and at the other end of thescale to life-saved operati ons for the patie nts who are in17eighties. The hospital stay after surgery has bee n shorte ned to18as much as a week for most major operati ons. Most patie nts are19out of bed on the day after an operati on and be back

27、at work in20two or three weeks.PART IIIREADING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers markedA , B ,Cor D . Read the passagescarefully and choose the best an swer to each of the questi ons. Be sure to write

28、dow n your choice in the nu mbered space on the an swer sheet.Passage 1In terviewSo what have they taught you at college about in terviews? Some courses go t o town on it, others do very little. You may get conflicting advice. Only one thing is certa in: the key to success is preparati on.There foll

29、ow some useful suggesti ons from a teacher training course coord in ator, a head of department and a head teacher. As they appear to be in complete harmony with one another despite never having met, we may take their advice seriously.Oxford Brookes Uni versity"approach to the bus in ess of appl

30、icati on andin terview focuses on research and rehearsal. Training course coord in ator Brenda St evens speaks of the value of gett ing stude nts “ todec on struct the advertiseme nt, see what they can offer to that school, and that situation, and then write the letter, do their CVs and criticize ea

31、ch other' s. Fin ally, they roleplayainthiirvterviewee.This is sterling stuff, and Brookes students spend a couple of weeks on it.“ The betterprepared stude nts won' t be throw n by n erves on the day, says Ms St eve ns.“ They ' llhave their strategies and questions worked out.ys, a trif

32、fihisconsartingly,第4页共12页“ thd)etter the student, the worse the interviewee. She believes the most capable students are less able to put themselves forward. Even if this were tree, says Ms Steve ns, you must still make your own case.“ Bewareof infernality, she advises. One aspirant teacher, now a he

33、ad of departme nt at a smart sec on dary school, failed his first job in terview because he took his jacket off while wait ing for his appo in tme nt. It was hot and every one in the staffroom was in shirtsleeves but at the end of the day they criticized h is casual attitude, which they had deduced

34、from the fact that he took his jacket off in the staffroom, even though he put it back on for the in terview.In cide ntally, men really do have to wear a suit to the in terview and wome n really cannot wear jea ns, even if men n ever wear the suit aga in and wome n teach most days in jea ns. Pan els

35、 resp ond in sta ntly to these in dicators. But beware: it will not please them any better if you are too smart.Find out about the people who will talk to you. In the early meet ings they are likely to be heads of departme nts or heads of year. Ofte n they may be concerned with pastoral matters. It

36、makes sense to know their priorities and let them hear the things about you that they want to hear.During prelim inary meeti ngs you may be see n in groups with two or three other applica nts and you must dem on strate that you know your stuff without putt ing your compa nions dow n. The in terviewe

37、rs will be watch ing how you work with a team. But remember the warning about i nformality: however frien dly and co-operative the other participants are, do not give way to the idea that you are there just to be frien ds.TheRoutine questions can be rehearsed, but “ don 'gd on too long, "ad

38、vises the departme nt head. They may well ask:“ What have bee n your worst/best mome nts w hen teaching? , or want you to“ talk about some good teaching you have done.experts agree you should recognize your weaknesses and offer a strategy for over coming them."I know I ' vewiorkton classroo

39、m management I would hopefor some help, perhaps. No one expects a new teacher to know it all, but they hopefor an objective appraisal of capabilities.Be warned aga inst in expert questi oning. You may be asked questi ons in such a way that it seems impossible to present your best features. Some ques

40、tions may be pla in silly, asked perhaps by people on the panel who are from outside the situatio n. Do not be throw n, have ways of circu mn avigati ng it, and n ever, ever le t them see that you think they have said someth ing foolish.You will almost certai nly be asked how you see the future and

41、it is import ant to have a good answer prepared. Some people are put off by being asked what they expect to be doing in five or ten years time. On your preliminary visit, says thedepartme nt head, be sure to give them a bit of an in terview of your own, to see the direct ion the departme nt is going

42、 and what you could con tribute to it.The head teacher offers his thoughts in a nine-point plan. Iron the applicationform! Then it sta nds out from every one else' s, which have bee n folded and battered inthe post. It gives an in itial impressi on which may get your applicatio n to the top of t

43、he pile.En sure that your applicati on is tailored to the particular school. Make the headfeel you are writi ng directly to him or her. Put yourself at ease before you meet the in terviewi ng pan el: if you are n ervous, you will talk too quickly. Before you en ter the room remember that the people

44、are huma n beings too; take away the mystique of their roles. Liste n. There is a dan ger of not heari ng accurately what is being said. Make eye con tact with the speakers, and with every one in the room. Allow your warmth and huma nity to be see n. A sense of humour is very importa nt.Have a portf

45、olio of your work that can link theory to practice. Many schools wa nt you to show work. For a primary appointment, give examples from the range of the 第5页共12页curriculum, not just art. (For this reas on, tak ing pictures on your teach ing practice is importa nt.) Prepare yourself in case you are ask

46、ed to give a talk. Have prompt cards ready, and don ' t waffle.Your speech must be clear and articulate, with correct grammar. This is importa nt: they want to hear you and they want to hear how well you can communicate wit h childre n. Believe in yourself and have con fide nee.Some of the peopl

47、e asking the questions don ' know much about what you do. B e ready to help them.Thus armed, you should have no difficulty at all. Good luck and keep your jacket on!1. Ms. Brenda Steve ns suggests that before appl ying job applica nts should.A. go through each other' s CVsB. rehearse their a

48、n swers to questi onsC. un dersta nd thoroughly the situati onsD. go to tow n to atte nd training course2. Is it wise to admit some of your weak nesses relati ng to work?A. Yes, but you should have ideas for improveme nt in the future.B. Yes, because it is n atural to be weak in certa in aspects.C.

49、No, admitt ing weak nesses may put you at a disadva ntage.D. No, it will on ly prompt the in terviewees to reject you.3. The best way to deal with odd questi ons from the in terviewers is to.A. rema in smili ng and kin dly point out the in accuraciesB. keep calm and try to be tactful in your an swer

50、sC. say fran kly what you thi nk about the issues raisedD. suggest someth ing else to get over your n ervous ness4. The suggesti ons offered by the head teacher are.A. origi nal B. ambiguous C. practical D. con troversialPassage 2The University in Transformation, edited by Australian futurists Sohai

51、l Inayatullah and Jennifer Gidley, presents some 20 highly varied outlooks on tomorrow ' s uni versities by writers represe nting both Wester n and non-Wester n perspectives. Their essays raise a broad range of issues, questi oning n early every key assumpti on we have about higher educati on to

52、day.The most widely discussed alter native to the traditi onal campus is the Internet University a voluntarycommunityto scholars/teachers physically scatteredthroughout a country or around the world but all lin ked in cyberspace. A computerized uni versity could have many adva ntages, such as easy s

53、cheduli ng, efficie nt delivery of lectures to thousands or even millions of students at once, and ready access for stude nts everywhere to the resources of all the worldries. ' s great libraYet the Internet Un iversity poses dan gers, too. For example, a line of fran chised courseware, produced

54、 by a few superstar teachers, marketed un der the brand n ame of a famous in stituti on, and heavily advertised, might even tually come to domin ate the global educatio n market, warns sociology professor Peter Man icas of the Un iversity of Hawaii at Manoa. Besides enforcing a rigidly sta ndardized

55、 curriculum, such a“ collegeeducati on in a box could un dersell the offeri ngs of many traditi onal brick and morta in stituti ons, effectively drivi ng them out of bus in ess and throw ing thousa nds of career第6页共12页academics out of work, note Australian communications professors David Rooney and

56、Greg Hearn.On the other hand, while global connectivity seems highly likely to play some significant role in future higher education, that does not mean greater uniformity in course content or other dangers will necessarily follow. Counter-movements are also at work.Many in academia, including schol

57、ars contributing to this volume, are questioning the fundamental mission of university education. What if, for instance, instead of receiving primarily technical training and building their individual careers, university students and professors could focus their learning and research efforts on exis

58、ting problems in their local communities and the world? Feminist scholar Ivana Milojevic dares to dream what a university might become“if we believed that childcare workersand teachers in early childhood education should be one of the highest (rather than lowest) paid professionals?Co-editor Jennifer Gidley shows how tomorrow 'usniversity faculty, instead of giving lectures and conducting independent research, may take on three new roles. Some would act as brokers, assembling c


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