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1、全国英语等级考试四级(PETS4)历年真题(四)材料题(江南博哥)根据以下材料,回答1-1题In the past decade, new scientific developments in communications have changed the waymany people gather information about politics. The most important of these new21is theInternet. Recentresearch suggests the use of the Internet for political informatio

2、n increases the22of participation.While a (n)23relationship between Intemet news and political participation has been found, a theoretical link as to why the Internet is24from other media forms is largely.25This research is an attempt to26the black-box linking the Intemet and political participation

3、by building on two theoretical27The first, surge and decline theory, comes out of politicalscience and the second, media systems dependencytheory,28from communications. Both ex-planations focus on individual costs and benefits of political participation. The media can29thecosts by providing sufficie

4、nt information to make30decisions .about voting. Previous re-search31that the Internet benefits the public through the cost side of the equation. One of themedias greatest32is information and the public33on media to provide them with the in-formation they need.34the Internet is capable of providing

5、information35, and from a multitude of sources, one would expect it to36political action through lowering the cost of in-formation.Besides lowering participation costs, the media can37increase the benefits of participation. Intense media38of an event such as an election can39excitement that increase

6、s theperceived benefitof participating. The Intemet may encourage a unique participation benefit40increased mObilization efforts.1单选题A.technologiesB.materialsC.conceptsD.devices正确答案:A参考解析:Atechnology技术;material资料;concept概念;device装置。根据文章第一句“通讯交流方面新的科学发展”可推断出,这句话的意思是“网络是一项新的重要的技术”,而不是装置、资料或者概念之类的。故选A。












18、,generateexcitement意为“引起兴奋”,符合文意,故选A。20单选题A.forB.viaC.atD.from正确答案:B参考解析:Bfor为了,因为;via通过;at在;from来自。四个选项都是介词,但用法不尽相同。for表示“为了目的”,via表示“通过什么方式”,at表示“方式、状态、连续的行动”,from表示“由而来”。根据句意“网络可能会经由增加动员努力来鼓励产生效益独特的政治参与”可知只有via符合要求,故选B。材料题根据以下材料,回答21-21题Paul Johnsons A History Of The American People is what we ha

19、ve come to expect from this pro-ductive writer-clear, colorful narrative, vivid character sketches, marvelous research, sweeping,confident statements, and an insistent conservative viewpoint which tempts him into seriousomissions. He will notconceal his opinions, he tells us. Good. Then we can judge

20、 his history free ofpretences to Objectivity-his or ours.Almost at start, we notice something interesting: Johnson passes quickly over a defming mo-ment in American history-the Columbus story-important because it is the first lesson every Amer-ican schoolchild learns. How you treat that story-what y

21、ou choose to tell of it-signals your viewof the longer American experience, reaching to our time.In school textbooks, Columbus has always been presented as a hero. Only recently has a newset of facts-always available but ignored-begun to get into public attention: that Columbus, onlanding, and despe

22、rate for gold, encountered native Americans who were peaceful and generous( by his own admission) and tortured them,kidnapped them, enslaved them, murdered them. John-son, who goes into much detail about other matters (like Ronald Reagans jokes) is silent on this.Among his numerous references there

23、is none to Bartolome de las Casas, an eyewitness, who de-scribed in detail the horrifying evils committed by Columbus and his fellowmen against the Indians,which resulted in the native population of Hispaniola being wiped out-genocide is an appropriateterm-by the year 1550.I suggest this is not an i

24、nnocent omission. Johnson wants us to look positively on the history ofthe United States. Yes, he says, there were severe wrongs committed in the dispossession of anativepeople and in the institution of slavery. But has the US, he asks at the start of his book,made up for its organic sins? His whole

25、 book suggests that it has, and that in doing so it has be-come (he says at the end) a human achievement without parallel., the first, best hope for the hu-man race.Since Johnson has decided that the US is the first, best hope for the human race, he hasshaped its history accordingly. If we prefer to

26、 see that history as a complex and unfinishedstruggle ofAmericans for justice, against militarism, for economic, racial and sexual equality,we are badly served by a flattering admiration of those in power, pretending to be a history ofthe people.21单选题The first paragraph shows that the authors opinio

27、n of the book A History of The American People isA.critical.B.Objective.C.defensive.D.admiring.正确答案:B参考解析:B该题为细节题。根据第一段最后一句“Thenwecanjudgehishistoryfreeofpretencestoobjectivity-hisorours.”可知,如此,我们便可判断他的抑或是我们的历史描述脱离了伪装,而变得非常客观。由此可以看出美国人民的历史一书的作者保罗约翰逊对待历史的观点是客观的,故选B。22单选题The way people have been treat

28、ing Columbus story indica.tes their view ofA.theAmericanschooleducation.B.greatheroesinAmericanhistory.C.thedevelopmentofAmericanhistory.D.theAmericansocietyatpresent.正确答案:C参考解析:C该题为细节题。根据第二段最后一句“Howyoutreatthatstorywhatyouchoosetotellofit-signalsyourviewofthelongerAmericanexperience,reachingtoourti

29、me.”可知,你会怎样对待那段历史你选择讲述什么表明了你对美国迄今为止所经历的漫长历史的观点态度,即人们对待美国历史发展的态度,故.选C。23单选题The word“genocide”(Line 8,Paragraph 3)most prObably meansA.killingofpeopleofaparticularrace.B.driving-outofnativeinhabitants.C.extinctionofawholegeneration.D.assimilationofethnicgroups.正确答案:A参考解析:A该题为猜测词义题。根据第三段的最后一句“Amonghisn

30、umerousreferencesthereis.whichresultedinthenativepopulationofHispaniolabeingwipedout-genocideisallappropriateterm”可知,当时哥伦布犯下的可怕罪行以及哥伦布的随从针对印第安人从而将伊斯帕尼奥拉岛的土著居民全部消灭,即整个种族的灭绝,故选A。24单选题The book makes no reference to Bartolome de las Casas prObably because Paul JohnsonA.isawriterfondofomissions.B.isnttem


32、选D。25单选题The author would agree with the statement that the USA.hascompensatedthenativesfortheirearliersufferings.B.hasnevercommittedseriousevilstothenativesinhistory.C.hasnotundonethewrongscommittedinhistory.D.hasbecomethebesthopeforthehumanrace.正确答案:C参考解析:C该题为推断题。根据第四段最后一句“Hiswholebooksuggeststhati


34、成就第一个人类最美好的希望”。然而本文作者却认为,如果我们更喜欢把历史看做是美国人为了争取正义公平对抗军国主义,争取经济、种族和性别平等而进行的复杂而又未尽的奋斗,那么很不幸,我们被当权者所控制的政府阿谀欺骗着,而它又偏偏假装这是在创造“人民的历史”。由此可推断出作者认为美国还没有弥补他们所犯下的历史错误,故选C。材料题根据以下材料,回答26-26题In the 21 st century theres no doubt that frightening new infectious diseases will appear. Today new viruses are coming out

35、of nature and discovering the human species. Just since 1994, at least 30 new viruses have appeared.Viruses are moving into the human species because there are more of us all the time. From avirus point of view, we look like a free lunch thats getting bigger. In nature viral diseases tend tObreak ou

36、t when populations increase rapidly and become densely packed. Then many deaths occurand the population drops. This is natures population-control mechanism. There is-no reason tothink the human race is free from the laws of nature.Giving these laws an extra push will be the rise of megacities-huge d

37、ensely packed cities inless developed nations. A United Nations study predicts that by the year 2015, there will be 26 ex-tremely big cities on the planet. By then, some megacities could have 30 million or more people.That is approximately the total population of California. Imagine all the people i

38、n California crowd-ed together tightly into one vast city. Then remove most doctors and medical care, take away basicsanitation and hygiene, and you have a biological time bomb. Now make eight or ten suchbombs and plant them around the world.Also consider the biological weapons the world will be cap

39、able of producing in the future. The 20th century saw the creation of great and terrible weapons based on the principles of nuclearphysics. The 21 st century will see great and terrible weapons based on the knowledge of DNA andthe genetic code. As biotechnology becomes more sophisticated and powerfu

40、l, biologists will learnhow to mix genes of different micrObes to create unnatural strains that can be turned into deadly, ef-fective weapons.Biological weapons are a disgrace to biology. Most biologists havent wanted to talk or eventhink about them. The physicists lost their innocence when the firs

41、t nuclear bomb went off in 1945.The biologists will lose their innocence when the first biological weapon spreads through the humanspecies.Yet the 20th century survived despite the existence of the nuclear bomb. There was great eco-nomic and scientific progress and much human happiness. The same can

42、 be true in the nextcentury. We may not completely win the 21st century microbe war, but I am confident that wewont lose it.26单选题Infectious diseases are more likely to Occur whereA.differenthumanracesaremixedinliving.B.manypeopleliveincrowdedcommunities.C.populationdropsduetonaturescontrolmechanism.

43、D.newvirusesappearforthefirsttime.正确答案:B参考解析:B该题为细节题。根据第二段第一句“Virusesalemovingintothehumanspeciesbecausetherearetnoreofusallthetime.”可知,病毒向人类移居是因为我们的人数一直都太多。由此可推断出传染病容易发生的地方可能是有很多人居住的拥挤社区,故选B。27单选题It can be seen from the text that the author views extremely large cities as a(n)A.possiblecontrolmecha


45、地区发展起来的大型丽又人口密集的城市。由此可推断出大城市更容易使得病毒产生,也就是作者认为在大城市中会有对于人类健康而言的潜在的病毒威胁,故选C。28单选题The author implies in the text thatA.weaponsnowfallintoquitedifferentcategories.B.biologicalwarmaybreakoutanytime.C.mostscientistsareagainstnuclearweapons.D.scienceisliabletobeused。tocreategreatevils.正确答案:D参考解析:D该题为推断题。根据第


47、to the solution of the prOblems in the future,the author appears to beA.somewhatdoubtful.B.muchskeptical.C.moderatelyoptimistic.D.extremelydesperate.正确答案:C参考解析:C该题为观点态度题。根据最后一段的最后一句“Wemaynotcompletelywinthe21stcenturymicrobewar,butIamconfidentthatwewontloseit.”可知,作者认为我们也许不会完全赢得2l世纪的细菌战争,但他坚信我们并不会失败。

48、可见作者对解决问题的态度是适度乐观的,故选C。30单选题What does the text mainly discuss?A.Threatsfromthenewmicrobesinthenextcentury.B.Hownewvirusesaffectthehumansociety.C.Whatmegacitiesmaybringtohumanspecies.D.Thedisastrouseffectofnuclearandbiologicalweapons.正确答案:A参考解析:A该题为主旨题。全文主要论述二十一世纪我们会遇到细菌入侵的问题。第一段阐述21世纪会有新型病毒出现;第二段阐述病

49、毒侵袭人类的原因;第三段阐述为什么大城市是新型病毒青睐的对象;第四、五段阐述生化武器会在未来出现;最后一段作者展望未来,并且相信人类会战胜生化武器。选项A“下个世纪有来自新型细菌的威胁”符合文意。选项B“新型细菌怎样影响人类社会”和选项C“大城市会给人类带来什么”在文中没有提到;选项D“核武器和生化武器的灾难性影响”在文中倒数第二、三段提到过,但这只是文章内容的一部分并不能作为全文的主旨,故选A。材料题根据以下材料,回答31-31题Given the fact that each person is only one of approximately 90 million voters in

50、this country,does it make sense to believe that one persons participation, one vote, will have any impact on amajor election? Simply to raise the question What if everyone felt the same way? does not remove the lingering impression that a single person is made to feel insignificant by the enormousnu

51、mber of people who do go to the polls, especially in a national election.Supporters of the ruling elite theory insist that even though voters are given a choice amongcandidates, their choice is restricted to a narrow range of similarminded individuals approved bythe ruling elite. Elections do not ex

52、press what most people want or need, nor do they provideguidance for politicians ( even if they want it) on what policies to enact. In this view, elections areprimarily just rituals that perform a symbolic function for society.Still, since most people continue to show faces at the polls at one time

53、or another, what arguments can be made in favor of voting? One argument is that voting does have significance, if not inindividual impact, then in group pressure. Because citizens collectively have the power to give orwithhold votes, they directly control the term in office of elected officials. Eve

54、n if the choice is be-tween Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Tweedledee knows that one must be accountable and this isfixed by law, and that minimally he or she must strive to avoid displeasing the constituents to losethe job.But perhaps political effectiveness and impact in voting are not the only consid

55、eration anyway.People do not vote only to influence policy. Millions go to the effort to register and vote for a varie-ty of other reasons as well. Some people may participate just to avoid feeling guilty about notvoting. They may have been taught that is their patriotic duty to vote and that they have no right tocomplain about the outcome if they stay at home. Still others may vote to derive satisfaction fromfeeling that they a


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