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1、考研英语一级词汇1. Chairman of the committee was elected by ballot.(投票表决)2. He was accused of betraying his country during the war.(背叛)3. Wind and ice were blamed the collision.(责备,把归咎于)4. United Nation troops are responsible for enforcing a cease-fire in the area.(联合国部队负责在这个地区实施停火)5. When the coalition was

2、 formed, the Communists were left out in the cold.(各党形成联盟时,共产党人被排斥在外)6. Well, you want 400 and I say 300, so lets compromise at 350.(折衷)7. By convention the leader is always a man.(惯例,习俗,大会)8. We should have finished harvesting, but a storm intervened.(干涉)9. propaganda (宣传); propose(推荐,建议);protest(抗

3、议)10. He was arrested because he violated the law.(违背,违犯)11. All charges against him were withdraw.(收回,撤销) 考研英语二级词汇1. In order to improve our standard of living, we have to accelerate production.(加快,促进)2. His distrust of reporters was particularly acute on this story.(敏锐的)3. He sought for an adequat

4、e solution for the problem.(充分的,恰当的)4. agenda (议事日程) affection(慈爱,感情) advocate(提倡者)5. He eventually gravitated from amateur tennis to the professional circuit.(业余的)6. The court considers a financial penalty to be an appropriate way of punishing him.(法庭认为经济处罚是惩罚他的恰当方式) 7. Their bombs are always place

5、d in strategic positions to cause as much chaos as possible.(混乱,紊乱)8. The condemn man made an obscene gesture at the jury.(谴责,判刑)9. To allow these changes would be a significant departure from tradition. (离开,启程)10. My sister and I have diverse ideas on how to raise children.(多种多样的,不同的)11. His friend

6、 is a man of noble mind.(高尚的)12. My fingers were numb with cold.(麻木的)13. Employees are compelled to join the companys pension plan after a years service.(养老金,年金)14. What is most essential is that we must advocate plain living and hard work, which is our intrinsic political quality.(朴素的,平凡的)15. I am

7、too busy for recreation。(娱乐,消遣)16. He got the money dishonestly, by forcing his brothers signature on a check.(签名,签字)17. He was breaking up under the strain.(过渡疲劳,紧张)18. If you wanted me to go why didnt you say so in plain English instead of making vague hints? (不明确的,含糊的)19. He presented a valid arg

8、ument against abortion.(合理的,有根据的)20. He managed to stay in power for over five years, withstanding all the criticism and the pressure on him to leave.(抵抗,经受住) 考研英语三级词汇1. Ability to get along with people is an asset in business.(有价值的人)2. The assistants will receive auxiliary rates of pay。(辅助的,补助的)3.

9、What he said had not much bearing on the problem.(关系,影响)4. The racing cars passed in a blur.(模糊)5. Bill boasted that he was always the winner in tennis match. (自夸)6. Getting that job did a lot to boost his ego. (提高)7. She found the coarse humor of her co-workers offensive.(粗鲁的)8. Hes not competent t

10、o look after young children.(有能力的,胜任的)9. The river has been contaminated by chemicals from the factory. (污染)10. He counseled against travelling in such dangerous place. (劝告)11. The governments effort to curb inflation was to no avail.(控制)12. The role of the extended family has been decaying for some

11、 time。(腐朽,衰退)13. It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident.(深思熟虑的,故意的)14. Take this medicine and it will ease the pain.(减轻)15. My plans are fairly elastic.(弹性的)16. elaborate (详尽的,精心的);eliminate (消除);emit(发射)。17. Can you enlighten me as to the new procedure?(启发,启蒙,教导)18. His r

12、eply is equivalent to a refusal.(等价的;他的回答等于是拒绝)19. A monument was erected in front of town hall.(树立,建立)20. The idea that the world is eternal is now seldom advanced.(永久的)21. A schools job is to cultivate students critical faculties.(才能)22. The prospect of famine hangs over many areas of the world.(饥

13、荒)23. Many refugees left the country after the invasion by hostile force.(敌对的,敌方的,敌意的)24. Even when she became rich and famous, she never forgot her humble background .(谦卑的,低下的)25. It was some kind of plastic made to imitate iron.(模仿)26. Taking care of my parents is my indispensable duty.(必需的)27. It

14、 is difficult to grasp the concept of infinite space.(无限的)28. If you joke with him, he will think you are insulting him on purpose.(侮辱,凌辱)29. They have always regarded a man of integrity and fairness as a reliable friend.(正直诚实)30. The lease on his apartment expires in a years time.(租约)31. lest(唯恐,免得

15、);liable(有责任的);liberal(慷慨的,大方的)32. Its just possible to completely liberate women from the kitchen.(解放)33. Can you lodge us for the night?(投宿,住宿)34. merit(优点,价值);morality(道德,美德);mutual(相互的)35. He remained neutral during the debate.(中立的)36. oblige(强迫,责成);obstacle(妨碍,障碍,干扰)37. He stared at her with th

16、at peculiar expression on his face.(古怪的)38. They believed the death penalty should be abolished.(处罚,惩罚)39. Science can penetrate many of natures mysteries. (穿过,渗入,看穿) 40. perceive(察觉,理解);perspective(远景,前途);petroleum(石油)41. Luckily her disease was discovered in an early phase.(阶段,时期)42. The incident

17、of cholera in the camps has reached plague proportion.(营中霍乱流行,已酿成瘟疫之灾)43. pledge(誓约,保证);poll(民意测验);portrait(肖像,画像)44. Scientific instruments have to be made with great precision.(精确)45. Police say two men have appeared in a preliminary court hearing.(警方说已经有两人出席了法院预备听证会)46. prescribe(指示,规定,处方);presum

18、ably(推测,大概)47. Good will prevail over evil.(取胜,占优势)48. profile(轮廓,外形,人物简介);prominent(突出的,杰出的)49. prompt(敏捷的,迅速的);proportion(比例);prospect(前景)50. prosperous(繁荣的);provided(倘若);publicity(宣传,宣扬)51. I would like quote two extracts from the book.(引用)52. radical(基本的,重要的); rational(理性的); realm(国土,领域)53. We r

19、eckon on your support. (认为,指望,估计)54. Even young boys are now being recruited to the army.(招募新兵)55. refine(精炼,改进);region(区域,范围);regulate(管制,调节)56. You should be able to reinforce your argument with facts.(增援,加强)57. I was reluctant to do over the stitching in the dress.(不愿的,勉强的)58. remarkable(值得注意的,显著

20、的);remedy(药品,治疗措施)59. render(使得,提出);resent(怨恨);resistance(抵抗,反抗)60. The company resolved to take further action against the thieves.(决心) 61. resort(求助,手段);respective(各自的);restore(恢复)62. resume(重新开始);retain(保持);retreat(撤退);reveal(展示)63. He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the p

21、ublisher.(修订,校订,修正,修改)64. rival(竞争者,对手);rotate(旋转);rumor(传闻,谣言)65. Would you sanction flogging as a punishment for crimes of violence(同意,批准)66. scandal(丑闻);scarce(缺乏的,稀少的);scarcely(几乎不)67. The room was a mess of clothes and paper which had been scattered all over the floor.(那屋子乱糟糟的,报纸和衣服放得满地都是)68. s

22、cript(手稿,手迹);senate(参议院);sensible(明智的)69. shed(散发);sheer(纯粹的);shiver(战栗);sin(罪恶)70. She was a lady of singular beauty.(非凡的,卓越的)71. At the meeting he gave a sketch of recent happenings.(梗概,大意)72. slogan(口号);slope(倾斜);smash(粉碎);soak(浸泡,浸透)73. soar(猛增);sole(唯一的);solitary(单独的);spoil(损坏)74. The space shu

23、ttle program entails the use of sophisticated technology.(航天飞机计划需要使用尖端技术)75. It is specified that you may use a dictionary in the examination.(指定)76. He has a collection of rare insect specimens.(标本,样本)77. The goalkeeper made a spectacular dive to save the goal.(引人注目的)78. speculate(推测,推断);spite(恶意);

24、stale(变质的,不新鲜的)79. The least noise would startle the timid child.(惊吓)80. The shoes are brand new and the leather is still very stiff.(硬的)81. Success will stimulate a person into further efforts.(激励)82. sting(刺,剧痛);stir(搅拌);stoop(弯腰);strap(皮带)83. The acrobats striking performance gained the audiences

25、 recognition.(杂技演员们引人入胜的表演得到了观众的认可)84. stuff(原料,材料);submerge(沉没);subsequent(后来的)85. substantial(本质的);subtract(减去);succession(连续,系列)86. summit(最高级会议,峰顶);superficial(表面的,肤浅的)87. He surrendered to despair and finally killed himself.(投降,放弃)88. Beware of doing anything to arouse suspicion.(猜疑,怀疑)89. He s

26、ustained an injury to his spine when he fell off his horse.(维持)90. swell(膨胀,增大);synthetic(合成的,人造的)91. The birds in the park are quite tame and will take food from your hand.(驯服的,温顺的)92.temptation(诱惑,引诱);territory(领域,范围);therapy(治疗)93. These plants thrive only in acid soil.(兴旺,繁荣)94. timber(木材,木料);to

27、ken(标志,象征);toll(过路费,事故伤亡人数)95. trace(痕迹,踪迹);tragedy(悲剧);trash(垃圾,废物)96. The discovery caused a tremendous commotion in the scientific world.(那项发现在科学界引起很大的轰动)97. The winning candidates triumph at the polls was overwhelming.(胜利)98. undo(松开,解开);upright(正直的,诚实的);utilize(利用)99. The child vanished while o

28、n her way home.(消失,消散)100. vary(改变);variable(易变的);veil(面纱);verify(证实)101. vessel(容器);veteran(老手,老兵);vibrate(震动,摇摆)102. You can be more vigorous if you take exercise.(精力旺盛)103. Our deputy manager is the virtual head of the business.(实际上的)104. Take whatsoever measures you consider best.(任何)105. He ear

29、ns 8000 a year whereas she gets at least 20000.(然而) 考研英语四级词汇1. Articulate speech is essential for a teacher. (善于表达的,口齿清晰的)2. The body assimilates the ingredients it needs from the food. (吸收,消化)3. They vigorously agitated for womens right to abortion. (鼓动,搅动)4. They have installed wireless apparatus

30、on board. (设备,装置)5. You can use these tapes as aural material. (听觉的)6. The newspapers biased the readers against the new government.(使有)偏见,偏心,偏袒)7. I am totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle. (迷惑住)8. He became increasingly bizarre in speech. (奇形怪状的,怪诞的)9. We brace ourselves for a

31、bumpy landing. (使防备,使受锻炼)10. Police arrested the demonstrators for committing a breach of the peace. (破坏,违反)11. Nowhere do 1980 census statistics dramatize more the American search for spacious living than in the Far West. (人口普查)12. The views of party leaders coalesced to form a coherent policy. (党的

32、领导人的各种观点已统一成一致的政策)13. She collaborated with her sister on a biography of their father. (合作)14. The general commended the soldier for his bravely. (表扬,称赞)15. The couple separated because they were not compatible. (和睦相处)16. You must comply with the game rules. (照做,遵照)17. The new secretary has written

33、a remarkably concise report only in a few pages but with all the details. (简明的,简洁的)18. He is accused of conspiracy to murder. (阴谋,密谋)19. Many can bear adversity , but few contempt. (轻蔑、藐视)20. The couple contrived to bring up their children on a small income. (设法做到)21. It is a pleasure for him to ded

34、icate his energy and even his life to research work. (奉献,把用在)22. The people were deprived of the right of speech in that country. (夺去)23. Honest students despised cheating. (轻视、蔑视)24. He was told that if he worked too hard, his health would deteriorate. (使恶化,使变坏)25. Parents often faced the dilemma b

35、etween doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness. ((进退两难的)窘境、困境)26. I should make a few discreet enquires about the firm before you sign anything. (谨慎的,慎重的)27. The wind dispersed the clouds. (分散,驱散,解散)28

36、. Her sons letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety. (使消散,使消失)29. His motive for becoming friendly to me sounds highly dubious to me. (有问题的,靠不住的)30. The ability to think discriminates humans from other animals. (区别)31. If you go to the palace in tennis shoes, they will think you are eccentric. (古

37、怪的,异乎寻常的)32. These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war. (雄辩的)33. Even the most eminent doctors could not cure him. (卓越的,显赫的)34. The city enveloped in snow looked so mysterious. (笼罩,信封)35. Our last project was more costly than we had envisaged. (想象)36. The government is deliberately

38、escalating the war for political reasons. (使逐步上升)37. The children were evacuated to the country when the city was being bombed. (疏散,撤出)38. The doctor gave me explicit instructions on when and how to take the medicine. (详述的,明确的)39. Children under 16 are exempt from prescription charges. (免除)40. Our t

39、rade agreement with China will expire next year. (期满)41. The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated.(捏造)42. We had a fabulous vacation last summer. (极好的)43. The price of vegetables fluctuates according to the season. (波动)44. The feudal barons were cruel to the people. (封建)45. They d

40、id not feel the least bit frustrated even when they were confronted with formidable difficulties. (可怕的)46. The idea of setting up this corporation was formulated over coffee.47. People who cant have a baby of their own sometimes foster a child.48. He is a fraud who has no medical qualifications at a

41、ll. (骗子)49. He is furious at being kept in the dark. (他因为被蒙在鼓里而大发雷霆)50. Each of us has sadness which cannot be dealt with in a flash: the frustration of unemployment; the unhappiness of rebellious children; friction between family members. (摩擦)51. We had a gorgeous time. (令人愉快的)52. Gracious hosts al

42、ways try to make their gusts comfortable. (亲切的)53. She kept telling us about her operation, in the most graphic detail. 54. I was grieved to hear that he had been captured. (悲伤)55. He groped his pocket for his ticket. (探索)56. He was handicapped by illiteracy(他因不识字而吃亏).57. Her fathers character and f

43、ate were a heritage from which she drew lessons and comfort. (遗产,继承物)58. The university hierarchy thought it was best to ignore the situation. (大学的领导层认为对于这一情况最好不予理睬)59. Educators try to put pupils of similar abilities into classes because they believe that this homogeneous grouping is advisable. (同类

44、的)60. I was deeply impressed by the hostesss hospitality and enjoyed the dinner party very much.(好客,款待)61. The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm. (聚集在一起)62. Dont be cheated by his hypocrisy. (伪善,虚伪)63. Job creation has become an imperative for the government. (需要)64. Primary and seco

45、ndary school will impart to you only some rudiments of knowledge. (告知,给予,传授)65. The members of Parliament were indignant that the government had not consulted them. (愤慨的)66. He no longer indulged himself in smoking. (沉溺,纵容自己)67. The medicine inhibits the spread of disease. (阻止,妨碍)68. The science tea

46、chers explanations were so intelligible that students had no problems doing their assignments. (可理解的)69. He has been an invalid all his life.(有病的,伤残的)70. They irrigate their crops with water from the river.(灌溉)71. The slowness of the traffic irritated the passengers in a hurry.(恼怒)72. Rubber is used

47、 to insulate electric wires. (橡胶用来与电线绝缘)73. The new responsibilities drew out his latent talents. (潜在的)74. Im not sure that his business is strictly legitimate.(合法的)75. The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence.(语言的) 76. My throat needs lubricating.(润滑,加润滑油)77. This, together w

48、ith its multiracial society, informal lifestyle and agreeable climate, lures foreigners to its shores.(吸引)78. Youd better take good care of her, because she has a malignant tumor in the head.(恶性的,致命的)79. A rapid maneuver by the driver prevented an accident.(熟练的)80. She does not manifest much desire

49、to marry him.(表明,显示)81. The postal service is a government monopoly.(垄断,专卖)82. He is my mortal enemy.(致命的)83. He was notorious as a gambler and rake. (臭名昭著)84. The path grew more obscure in the fading light.(暗的,朦胧的)85. He has many obsessions.(困扰)86. He plans to phase out the equipment as it becomes

50、obsolete.(过时的)87. The broken-down car obstructed the traffic.(阻塞,堵塞)88. At last, he opted for a cheap radio.(选择,挑选)89. The orthodox Thanksgiving dinner includes turkey.(传统的)90. He leapt out and down in sheer outrage.(义愤,愤慨)91. An overwhelming majority of the hydraulics engineers and experts were aga

51、inst the idea. (大多数水利工程师和专家都反对这个主意)92. The book gives a panorama of life in Beijing 500years ago.(全景,概括)93. The accident left her paralyzed in both legs. (瘫痪,丧失作用)94. You are pathetic! Cant you even boil an egg? (差劲的,可悲的)95. His patriotic action raised our admiration.(爱国的)96. He was lucky to found a

52、 millionaire patron.(资助人,赞助人)97. Two pedestrians were injured when the car skidded.(步行者,行人)98. Thousands of people perished in the earthquake.(丧生,毁灭)99. The smell of her perfume permeated the room.(弥漫,遍布,散布)100. Because of the perpetual noise of traffic I couldnt get to sleep last night. (由于不断的交通噪音,

53、我昨晚没能睡着)101. Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted.(迫害)102. You need to persevere, otherwise you will end in failure.(坚持不懈的)103. These conditions preclude our taking part in the negotiations.(阻止)104. You have to pay a premium for express delivery.(保险金,额外费用)105. The chairman of the board w

54、ill preside over todays meeting.(主持)106. He enjoys the prestige of having such a famous man as a brother. (他的兄弟声名显赫,因此他也享有名声)107. John left early under the pretext of illness.(借口,托词)108. I am afraid I am not weather prophet.(预言者)109. It might be more prudent to get a second opinion before going ahea

55、d.(审慎的,小心谨慎的)110. The bread had a queer smell. Dont eat it.(奇怪的)111. Nothing could quench her longing to return home again.(熄灭,扑灭)112. She was radiant with joy at her wedding.(容光焕发的)113. The news that her children were safe reassured her.(使放心)114. They have a reciprocal loathing for each other.(相互的)

56、115. I found it difficult to reconcile my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children.(使和好,和解)116. The original draft of the statement strongly reproached the United States for possessing large numbers of nuclear weapon and consuming too much of the earths natural resources.(责备,指责)117. He had a powerful intellect and resolute will.(坚决的,果断的)118. We can only retrieve the situation by reducing our expenses.(挽回)119. In retrospect, it is easy to see why


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