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1、Unit 1Section AFocus on GrammarKey to Exercises I. 1. extending his arms and shouting2. explaining why she didnt want the children to play together3. followed by the foreign guests4. believing deeply that she can be a good businesswoman5. with each new phone added to the systemII.1. Seen in this lig

2、ht, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose.2. They stood there for half an hour, watching the stars in the sky. 3. Covered with confusion, she hurriedly left the room.4. I just stood there, feeling excited and not believing I had won the first prize. 5. He smoked heavily, thinking

3、of the job which he felt difficult for him to obtain.Key to ExercisesI.1.His house,for which he paid 10, 000 ten years ago,is now worth £50, 0002. This machine,which I have looked after for twenty years,is still working perfectly3. Mary, whose father is ill seriously, has to do a part-time job

4、to support her family during her study.4. There are many cars made in Shanghai, some of which are very expensive.5. These books will give you all the information you need, which you can get at any bookshop.6. She gave me a piece of cake,which she had baked herself this morning.II.1. The 8:15 train,w

5、hich is usually very punctual,was late today 2. Those old houses, which we have been driving through, will be pulled down. 3. His house,whose windows were all broken,was a disappointing sight 4. He has three daughters, one of whom is a teacher at college. 5. These coats,which you can buy in the supe

6、rmarket,will cost you a lot of moneyKey to ExercisesIII. 1. expectation2. uncomfortable3. identify4. variety 5. signal 6. issue7. respond8. anticipate 9. moderate 10. tough IV. 1. adjustments 2. signal3. Responding4. sum up 5. tend to 6. avoids 7. anticipated8. interval9. unfortunately10. stuff 11.

7、in terms of 12. longing for 13. As a result 14. access15. deal withV. 1.of2. to 3.with4.with 5.about 6.to7. out 8.to9.with 10. aboutVI.1. means that many young people cant afford to buy a house2. Ive been meaning to ask you3. I meant to have finished4. main means of transport 5. will mean traveling

8、all over the worldVII. 1. We aim to use peaceful means to bring about change. 2. Dieting also means being careful about which foods you buy. 3. Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children. 4. I meant to have attended the party last night, but I was busy with my term paper. 5. Clou

9、dy water from the taps usually means problems with your storage tank. VIII. 1.I do not know what to do now because of lack of money.2. “Will you find out how to get there?” I said to Tom.3. You must remember when to have your lessons.4.I do not know whether to go or stay when he asks me to stay with

10、 him.5. She doesnt know which book to buy.IX.1. The older I get, the happier I am.2. The sooner you start, the more quickly youll finish.3. The more you argue with him, the less notice he takes.4. The sooner this is done, the better (it is).5. The higher the temperature (is), the faster the liquid e

11、vaporates.X. 1. We should learn to deal with the problems that we meet in our life.2. I have understood that realizing the goal means facing challenge bravely.3. Only 40% of 5-year-old children have access to pre-school education. 4. He said that he would not like to accept this job at the cost of h

12、is spare time.5. The sound of the radio upstairs interfered with my work.6. The bell rings at 20-minute intervals, which means it is 11:20 now.7. The book has been well reviewed, but in terms of actual sales it hasnt been very successful.8. Obviously, Im disappointed at the way things have turned ou

13、t. Section BKey to ExercisesI. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8. B 9.D 10. BII. 1. capable of2. appreciate3. have attended4. involve5. lack6. schedule7. moreover8. rather than9.dreamed of10. risks11. due to12. in hopes of13. in the end14. figure out15. barriersIII.1. appreciated2. vital3. Rather than4.

14、 due to5. Moreover6. endure7. go all out8. restrictIV.1. former 2.kids 3. nevertheless 4. disliked 5. involve6. faith 7. inspiring8. potential 9. intelligent 10. talentsUnit 2Section AFocus on GrammarKey to Exercises I.1. Much as I admire him as a singer, I do not like him as a man.2. Child as she i

15、s, she knows how to make her parents happy.3. Old and worn as his clothes were, they looked clean and of good quality.4. Dislike him as we may, we must acknowledge his talent for playing basketball.5. Difficult as the work was, it was finished two days ahead of time.II.1、尽管我同情你的困境,但我却无力帮你。2、虽然这个概念很简

16、单,但当时的科学界却不知道这一点。3、尽管被敌人包围了,但我们还是设法突出了重围。4、无论怎么努力,你都不可能说服他戒烟。5、虽然我很傻,但也不是他说什么我都相信。6、因为他很努力,所以他成功地通过了所有的考试。Key to Exercises I.1. It must have been very late2. It couldnt / cant have been written by Tom3. may / might have arrived last week4. You should not / ought not to have crossed the road5. I need

17、nt have arrived here so earlyII. 1. must2. neednt3. couldnt4. might5. shouldKey to ExercisesIII.1. delivery2. counsel3. grant4. trunk5. journalist6. catalog7. roar8. fancy9. panel10. garbageIV.1. audience2. labored3. interview4. boost5. complaints6. demanding7. burst out8. appearances9. fancy10. hel

18、d down11. exclusive12. rotating13. shift14. in part15. provide forV.1. 1) succeeded2) succession3) successive4) success5) successively6) successful7) successfully2. 1) producing2) producers3) productive4) productively5) products6) production7) productivityVI.1. write on both sides of the paper2. Bot

19、h (of the) leaders expressed hope3. both (of them) came up with the same results4. need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish5. Why not buy both of themVII. 1. She can neither speak nor write Japanese. How can she survive in Japan alone?2. Both of them are keen to reach an agreement on these

20、tough issues.3. I talked to the women. Neither of them was / were native speakers of English.4. After a days hard work, we were both too tired to prepare dinner.5. According to the police, most of the troublemakers were not supporters of either team.VIII.1. He went on fighting in the front even thou

21、gh he was badly wounded.2. The couple decided to part even though they still loved each other deeply.3. I can still remember the time we spent together even though it was so long ago.4. I will go there early tomorrow morning even though I have to walk.5. I like my younger sister even though she can

22、be annoying at times.IX.1. More and more workers found it necessary that they could use those new machines skillfully.2. My father thinks it an honor that he is able to help those who are in trouble.3. He thinks it no good that we discuss the same problem over and over again.4. We believe it right t

23、hat the unions should have greater power.5. I remember I made it quite clear to you that I was not coming.X.1. When I know all the facts, Ill be in a position to advise you. 2. We rotate the night shift so that no one has to do it all the time. 3. Once again, she became the first to come up with a n

24、ew idea for boosting sales.4. With her fathers help, she made it in films when she was still a teenager.5. The children start showing off as soon as anyone comes into the house. 6. Even though you do not agree with her, shes worth listening to. After all, she is very experienced.7. We want to encour

25、age the students to participate fully in the running of the college. 8. He has been granted his freedom on condition that he leaves the country.Section BKey to ExercisesI1. C2. B3. A4. D5. B6. B7. D8. C9. A10. CII.1. Local2. pressures3. after all4. instruments5. adults6. poverty7. miserable8. Now th

26、at9. spot10. contest11. keyboard12. versions13. too much III1. in2. around3. From, on4. back, under5. over6. for7. up8. downIV.1. loan2. contest3. streamed down4. too to5. in advance6. Growing up7. now that8. pressureUnit 3Section AFocus on GrammarKey to ExercisesI.1. 硬币的一面有名人头像的情况相当普遍。2. 主席一连谈了三个小时

27、关于公司发展的问题。3. 她的成功取决于她更加努力工作和朋友们的帮助。4. 我听说他被选为球队的教练。5. 考试没通过意味着至少要再等上一年。II.1. Living away from home 2. I dont regret telling her what I thought3. Its no use arguing with him4. he was not used to being treated like that 5. she couldnt help thinking about that matterKey to ExercisesI.1. The man standin

28、g over there is the owner of the store.2. His nephew, lost at sea when he was fifteen, had been his only relative.3. The village is made up of 490 families belonging to five nationalities.4. Mail or gifts posted by companies to customers is another way of advertising.5. As a boy growing up in Shenya

29、ng, China, I practiced the piano six hours a day. 6. Some of them, born and brought up in rural villages, had never seen a train.II.1. studying at the art school2. praised by the teacher in charge of the class3. looking so much like each other4. dressed in white5. the questions being discussed6. put

30、 on by the teachersKey to ExercisesIII.1. bound2. ease3. adopt4. survive5. transfer6. eventually7. slip8. image9. kindness10. stressIV.1. terror2. made off with3. occupation4. praying5. circumstances6. departure7. starve8. lives with9. scared10. fatigues11. clinical12. arrived in13. mess14. gone to

31、heaven15. confusionV.1. in search of2. flee3. pay you back4. have no more use for5. take care of6. veterans7. upsetting him8. all skin and bone(s)VI.1. We felt bound to tell her2. on a plane bound for New York3. They are bound to meet with / encounter4. She is not legally bound to pay the debts5. it

32、 is not bound by the agreementVII.1. Youve done so much work you are bound to pass the exam.2. They are the journalists who feel bound to protect their sources of information. 3. All the flights bound for Shanghai have been cancelled because of the weather.4. By signing this contract you agree to be

33、 bound by its items.5. Coming out of deep sleep the crew find they are bound for home, but remember nothing.VIII.1. anything but this dictionary2. anything but a success / successful3. The problem is anything but easy4. anything but satisfactory5. anything but interestingIX.1. Now that he has become

34、 the president, many people once again have hope for genuine changes in the system.2. Now that youre settled, why dont you take up some serious study?3. Now that the kids have left home, weve got a lot of extra space.4. Now that you are grown up, you should not rely on your parents.5. Now that he is

35、 well again, he can go on with his English study.X.1. Office workers fled in panic as the fire broke out.2. I saw the little boy slip into the kitchen and make off with a loaf of bread.3. Eventually, the judge permitted the Browns to adopt the homeless orphan.4. As is known to all, relaxation techni

36、ques like yoga can ease the harmful effect of stress on the body.5. All passengers were transferred out of one bus and into another.6. Though we suffered from serious natural disasters, we are sure to overcome all difficulties.7. There are concerns that those veterans may not survive the winter.8. I

37、t still upsets Mark when he thinks about the accident.Section BKey to ExercisesI.1. C2. A3. D4. B5. C6. D7. B8. A9. C10. DII.1. concerned2. magic3. hug4. prior5. reservation6. romantic7. as long as8. household9. giant10. lap11. glow12. couldnt help13. cherish14. right away15. wrappedIII.1. on2. off3

38、. over4. to5. up6. in7. with8. for9. about10. atIV.1. sleepless2. couch3. desperately4. bittersweet5. wrapped6. fabric7. pillow8. raid9. joyful10. disappointmentUnit 4Section AFocus on Grammar Key to ExercisesI.1. Nobody having any more to say, the meeting was closed.2. She stood back and looked at

39、him, her face smiling brightly.3. All the money spent, Jack started looking for work.4. There being nothing else to do, we left.5. The manager sat quietly in the office, his eyes closed.II.1. Task completed2. her hair flying in the wind3. Hands tied behind his back4. newspaper spread before him5. St

40、omachs crying for foodKey to ExercisesI.1. I found a strange girl seated / sitting in the corner2. considers your property his property3. consider the criminal not society the victim4. elected him the general manager of their company5. He wants to have them examined tomorrow6. but found her outII.1.

41、 He wanted this report typed by this afternoon.2. Declaring himself opposed to using the unusual animal technique to clone humans, President Clinton ordered that funds not be used for such an experiment.3. If you see a product consistently advertised, it certainly represents good value.4. Recently I

42、 heard a well-known television personality declare himself against advertising because it persuades rather than informs.5. The workers are anxious, because they might find themselves out of a job.6. Will your employer hold you responsible for it if any of this equipment is damaged?Key to ExercisesII

43、I.1. glare2. proposal3. insult4. episode5. professional6. reserved7. survival8. surgery9. awkwardly10. bundleIV.1. proposal2. responsible3. episode4. storms5. insult6. deserve7. toss8. reserved9. scared10. Statistics11. survival12. surgery13. long-term14. Grasp15. graduateV.1. on2. in3. in4. to5. of

44、f6. to7. out8. asideVI.1. How dare you say such a thing2. I dare say you are British3. If you dare (to) enquire into Nature4. because he dared me to jump over the river5. How dare you criticize himVII.1. Stand up to him and he wont dare to / dare not hurt you.2. They dare not play joke on him in cas

45、e he becomes angry. 3. I dare you to ride your bike through the gate with no hands. 4. I dare not wake up the family, and fill the place with confusion.5. The government doesnt dare to / dare not increase taxes before the election.VIII.1. The Chairman, who spoke first, sat on my right.2. My wife, wh

46、o is out at the moment, will phone you when she gets back.3. Pierre, who was crossing a road one day in 1906, was run over and killed.4. Nothing in the world is hard for John, who is always willing to take risks. 5. He has to be careful not to offend the manager, who can fire him at any moment.IX.1.

47、 every time we wash our hands2. Every time I see my grandfather3. Every time I listen to your advice4. every time anything went wrong5. Every time that man says “To tell the truth”X.1. The thief turned on his heel and ran when he saw the police in the distance.2. It was your idea, so if anything goe

48、s wrong I shall hold you personally responsible. 3. Some think that for the majority of men, love is but an episode in his life.4. I hate to see his weak personality that makes him simply turn the other cheek.5. Alice is too rude; its time you put her in her place.6. He once cornered me at a party a

49、nd bored me to death about his difficult childhood.7. When hes in this strange mood, I just cant get to him.8. How could you set aside all the objections and cling to your own course?Section BKey to ExercisesI.1.A2. C3. D4. B5. C 6. A7. D8. A9. C10. BII.1. reality2. silence3. evil4. just the same5.

50、monster6. imagination7. used to8. surrounded9. all the while10. grave11. whole-heartedly12. shelter13. make-believeIII.1. incomprehensible2. just the same3. grownups4. shows up5. goes away6. turned around7. drop you off8. half-heartedlyIV.1. imaginary2. awesome3. engraved4. interrupted5. evil6. iron

51、ic7. sheltered8. surroundedUnit 5Section AFocus on Grammar Key to ExercisesI. 1. Rich as he is, Mr. Johnson is by no means a happy man.2. Werent it for his wifes money, he would never be a director.3. So rude were you to her that I dont think shell be coming back!4. Scattered like stars in the deep

52、mountains are numerous reservoirs and ponds.5. No sooner had he arrived at the airport than he went away again.II.1. Only the teachers of our department are allowed to use this room.2. “Do you know whether our manager will come to the party?” “Look, here he comes.”3. Hardly had he arrived home when

53、she started complaining to him.4. He was at his table, and by his side sat his faithful dog.5. Not only are you funny, but you are actually clever as well.Key to ExercisesI.1. the only one to survive the air crash2. his determination to catch the killer of the murder3. the right attitude to take4. t

54、he order to start the attack5. the first person to be awarded this prizeII.1. Excuse me. Would you please give me some paper to write on?2. We are invited to a party to be held in our club next Friday.3. Besides these necessities, he also had a gun with which to defend himself.4. Her refusal to accept his offer of help is really disappointing to him.5. The company declared that the decision was made with the object of cutting costs.Section BKey to ExercisesIII.1. process2. impress 3. reputation 4. volunteer 5. screen 6


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