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1、此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除求职面试的自我评价Mature , dynamic and honest 思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。Excellent ability of systematical management有极强的系统管理能力。Ability to work independent1y, mature and resourcefu1能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。A stable personality and high sense

2、of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。Bright , aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。Ambitious attitude essential有雄心壮志。Initiative,independent and good communication skill积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。Willing to work under press

3、ure with leardership quality愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。Mature , self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。Energetic , fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。With a pleasant mature attitude.精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除开朗成熟。Strong determination to su

4、cceed有获得成功的坚定决心。Strong leadership skills有极强的领导艺术。Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。The ability to initiate and operate independently.有创业能力,并能独立地从业。Strong leadership skill while posses

5、sing a great team spirit.有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。Be highly organized and effecient工作很有条理,办事效率高。Willing to learn and progress肯学习进取。Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。Positive active mind essential有积极、灵活的头脑。Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。善于同各种人员打交道。Have positive work attitude and be

6、willing and able to work diligently without supervision 。有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。Young,bright ,energetic with strong career-ambition.年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。Good people management and communication skills. Team player.精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除有良好的人员管理和交际能力。能在集体中发挥带头作用。Able to work under high pressu

7、re and time limitation.能够在高压力下和时间限制下进行工作。Be elegant and with nice personality.举止优雅、个人性格好。With good managerial skills and organizational capabilities.有良好的管理艺术和组织能力。The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health.主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、学习能力优、事业心强和身体棒。Havin

8、g good and extensive social connections.具有良好而广泛的社会关系。Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.思想活跃、有首创和革新精神尤佳。With good analytical capability.有较强的分析能力职场“韦小宝”讨老板欢心的绝招Every boss wants employees who do their jobs well. But even among highly competent employees, there are distinctions. Here are 1

9、0 tips for making sure you're on the boss' A-list:每个老板都想要可以将工作做好的员工。但是即便员工们都很能干, 不同人之间还是有差异。下边是十点建议,教你如何保证自己是一直是老板的“爱将 ”。1. Communicate, communicate, communicate.交流、交流、交流Especially at the beginning of your relationship. That is, when either you or the boss is new to the job - err on the side

10、 of giving your boss too much information and asking too many questions。尤其是在建立关系的初期, 即:当你或者老板新上岗的时候。 为老板提供信息和向老板提出问题都要宁滥勿缺。"There's no such thing as a dumb question," says Marianne Adoradio, a Silicon Valley recruiter and career counselor. "Look at it as information gathering.&quo

11、t;精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除来自硅谷的招聘人员、执业顾问 Marianne Adoradio 说:“问老板的问题没有笨问题。把提问题作为一项信息收集活动来做。 ”Don't keep up the constant stream of communication unless your boss likes it, though. It's best to ask directly whether you're giving the boss enough information or too much。不过除非老板喜欢,否则别交流起来没个完,

12、最好直接问老板信息是否给足了、问题是否太多。2. Acknowledge what the boss says. 对老板的话有反馈。Bosses appreciate "responsive listening," says John Farner, principal of Russell Employee Management Consulting. When your boss asks you to do something or suggests ways for you to improve your work, let her know you heard。R

13、ussell 员工管理顾问机构负责人 John Farner说老板们喜欢 “有响应的倾听 ”。当你的老板让你做某件事,或者提议你改进工作时,那么让他知道你收到了信息。3. Collaborate.协作。When your boss has a new idea, respond to it in a constructive way instead of throwing up roadblocks。当你的老板有了一个新想法,那么用建设性的方式做出回应而不要抛出拦路石。"Be willing to brainstorm ways to get something done,"

14、; says Michael Beasley, principal of Career-Crossings and a leadership and career development coach。 Career-Crossings 培训公司负责人、领导及职业发展教练 Michael Beasley 说 “要愿意一起去探讨出如何完成某个任务的方法”。4. Build relationships.建立关系。You'll make your boss look good if you establish a good rapport with your department's

15、customers, whether they're inside the company or outside. Bring back what you learn - about ways to offer better customer service, for example - to your boss. This is also helpful for your own career development。如果你和自己部门的顾客 (不论是企业内部还是外部的 )建立了紧密的联系,这就会让你的老板脸上有光。把你所学的 (例如:如何能提供更好的客户服务 )告诉给你的老板。 这对

16、你自己的事业发展也有帮助。"Everybody wins in the long run," Adoradio says。Adoradio 说: “从长远来看大家都会获益。”5. Understand how you fit in.了解老板对员工的期待。Is your boss detail-oriented, or someone who keeps his head in the clouds?你的老板关注细节吗?还是一位“空想家 ”?"The boss's personality is just incredibly important,"

17、 says Norm Meshriy, a career counselor and principal of Career Insights。“老板的性格无比重要。 ” Career Insights负责人、职业顾问 Norm Meshriy 如是说。 Equally important is understanding what your boss wants in an employee. It may be, for example, that a boss who is detail-oriented will expect his employees to be as well.

18、But a boss who has no time for details may actually appreciate an employee who精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除does。同等重要的是了解老板对员工有什么期待。 例如,一位关注细节的老板可能会期待自己的员工也一样关注细节。 不过没功夫花在细节上的老板也许就只关心员工完成了什么工作。6. Learn the boss' pet peeves. 了解老板讨厌的事情。If your manager has said repeatedly that she hates being interrupte

19、d first thing in the morning, don't run to her office to give her a project update when you first get in。如果你的经理已经反复说过她讨厌在早晨一上班就被打扰, 那么刚上班的时候千万不要拿着计划冲进她的办公室。7. Anticipate the boss's needs. 预测到老板的需求。Once you have worked with your boss for a while, you should be able to guess what information h

20、e will want before approving your purchase order, for example。例如,你和老板一起工作了一段时期后, 你就应该能猜出他需要什么信息来批准你的采购订单。If you provide it ahead of time, "that's a gold star," Farner adds。如果你提前提供,按Farner 的话说这就是 “优异 ”。8. Think one level up.在更高的层次上考虑问题。You still need to do your own job, of course. But w

21、hen managers consider who deserves a promotion, they look for people who understand the issues that their bosses face。当然你还是要完成自己的工作。 但是当经理考虑谁该获得提拔时, 他们就会考虑那些懂得领导面临着什么问题的员工。9. Open yourself to new ways of doing things.接纳新的工作方法。When your boss comes to you with a new idea, don't simply dismiss it.

22、If you don't think it will work, offer to discuss it further in "a mature, responsible, adult-like way," Beasley says。当你的老板带着一个新点子来找你, 不要轻易否定这个想法。 如果你认为这想法不会奏效,以 “成熟、负责任的、成年人的方式 ”提议进一步讨论, Beasley 建议。10. Be engaged in your work.积极投入工作。Arguing with your boss over every request is not a g

23、ood strategy, but neither is simply shrugging your shoulders and agreeing with everything your boss says. "The manager would like to see an engaged individual," Beasley says. That means both showing enthusiasm for your work and speaking up when you see room for improvement。在工作中对每个要求都和老板争吵并

24、不是一个良策, 但是光耸耸肩去同意老板的每句话也不行。 Beasley说: “经理希望在工作中看到有主人翁精神的个体。 ”这意味着对工作即要有热情,也要在发现有改进空间的时候直言。精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除Four Steps to a Better Job Interview实现更完美面试的4 个步骤Here's a question I often hear: What are some things I can do to prepare for a job interview?我经常听到有人这样问:我需要为面试做些什么准备呢?Answer: There

25、really aren't too many things in life more awkward than a job interview. You're dressed in formal business clothing, sitting across from a stranger. This stranger has the right to ask you anything from the most elaborate to the most mundane questions. And you have to spend an hour talking ab

26、out nothing but yourself. Actually it sounds pretty similar to a blind date!答案:生活中确实没有多少比面试更让人为难的事情了。你要穿正规的职业装、坐在一个陌生人面前。而这位陌生人有权利问你任何问题,从最细节的问题到最平凡的问题。并且,你要用一个小时的时间来谈谈你自己。实际上面试的感觉就跟相亲差不多。Just like a blind date, there are something you need to avoid and something you need to do if you want to make i

27、t to the next level.和相亲一样,如果你想进入下一阶段的话,在面试中有些事能做、有些事是要避免的。1. Don't try to outwit or outguess the interviewer.不要试图欺瞒面试官或者和面试官斗智斗勇Most candidates go into a job interview thinking it's a contest where the goal is to defeat the interviewer in some type of battle of wits.很多参加面试的求职者都认为面试是一种竞争,而最终目

28、的就是用某种巧智赢过面试官。"Aha, Brad has asked me this question. Clearly, that is some type of trick question. I just don't know what the trick is yet. Here's how I would normally answer the question, but instead I should say what he probably wants to hear."“啊,布拉德问过我这个问题。很明显,这个问题有点诡异。我只是还不知道是哪

29、里诡异。通常情况下我会这样回答这个问题,但是在这里我要说出的则是他想听到的答案。”That thinking is when good interviews go bad. Sit back, relax, and pretendit is a conversation with a friend.精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除这样的想法会搞砸一次不错的面试。面试时,你只需要坐直了,放松,然后将这次面试当成一次和朋友的对话。2. Read the job description.阅读工作要求I call the job description the "cheat

30、 sheet" for the interview. Chances are the items listed on the job description will come up in the interview. For instance, if the job description says, "looking for creative problem-solvers" one of the questions you will receive is, "Give me an example of when you creatively sol

31、ved a problem."我称工作要求为面试的“备忘录 ”。在工作要求中列出的每一项都会在面试中谈到。比如说,如果在工作要求中声明“要求有创意的问题解决者”,那么在面试中你可能会被问到的问题之一就会是 “举个实例说明你曾经是如何有创意地解决了一个难题吧。”3. Have reasons for everything you've done.你做的每一件事情都有理由Most companies conduct behavioral interviews. It means they are more interested in the hows and the whys a

32、s opposed to the whats. They want to know what makes you tick. An interviewer is not simply going to say, "Oh, I see that you worked as a sales rep in your last job. Cool."很多公司倡导行为面试。这就是说他们对你是怎样完成任务比较感兴趣,而不是你做了些什么。他们想要知道的你做一件事情的原因。一位面试官不会只单单和你说这样的话:“我看到你上份工作是销售代表。非常好。”That interviewer may

33、spend about 10 minutes asking questions about the job: "What did you like about the job? What were your accomplishments? What were your biggest mistakes?"面试官可能会用10 分钟的时间来提问关于工作的问题“你对上份工作中意的是什么?有哪些成就?你曾犯过的最大的错误是什么?”And on and on. Be sure you have answers.还有其他很多很多类似的问题,要确保你到时候都有答案回答这些问题。4. A

34、sk questions.提问精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除There is nothing more damaging than not having a single question at the end of an interview. It shows that you have no curiosity or interest in the organization. Almost every interviewer will leave about five minutes at the end of the interview to answer quest

35、ions. Make sure you have a couple. Two or three questions is appropriate, and they can be either personal questions - "What do you like about working here?" - or they can be business questions - "How has the Internet affected your business?"没有什么比在面试临近尾声的时候你没有什么问题要问面试官更糟糕了。因为这意味着你

36、对该公司没有什么好奇心或兴趣。基本所有的面试官都会在最后留大概五分钟的时间来回答你的提问。 要确保你准备好了几个相关的问题。 两个或三个问题比较合适, 你的提问可以是像 “您是否喜欢在这里工作? ”这样的私人问题,也可以是像 “网络是怎样影响贵公司的业务的? ”这样比较专业的问题。There you have it. Four quick ways that you can make sure you ace theinterview and have the job offers rolling in. Good luck!现在你已经掌握了在面试中能够让你成功的四个快捷方法,工作机会近在眼前

37、,祝你好运。如何回答面试刁钻问题?Job Interview Answer: Why Were You Fired?工作面试回答:为什么你会被解雇?Best Answers to Why You Were Fired回答你为什么会被解雇的最佳答案Fired from your job? Don't know what to say in an interview? Career expert and author, Joyce Lain Kennedy, shares her twelve best job interview answers to the question "

38、;Why were you fired?"被解雇了吗?不知道在面试中应该怎么说?职场专家Joyce Lain Kennedy分享了她关于该问题的12 个最佳答案。Joyce Lain Kennedy's sample answers to the interview question "Why were you fired?"Joyce Lain Kennedy关于面试问题 “你为什么会被解雇”的参考答案1.Being cut loose was a blessing in disguise. Now I have an opportunity to ex

39、plore jobs that better suit my qualifications and interests. My research suggests that such an opportunity may be the one on your table. Would you like精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除to hear more about my skills in working with new technology?被开除对我来说是因祸得福。现在我有机会去寻找最符合我条件和兴趣的工作了。我的调查告诉我这样的机会现在正摆在我的面前。您愿意听听我

40、在工作方面的新技能吗?2.My competencies were not the right match for my previous employer's needs but it looks like they'd be a good fit in your organization. In addition to marketing and advertising, would skills in promotion be valued here?虽然我的能力不符合前任雇主的要求,但是看起来很符合贵公司的利益。除了营销和广告技能,推广技能也是贵公司看重的吗?3.Alt

41、hough circumstances caused me to leave my first job, I was verysuccessful in school and got along well with both students and faculty. PerhapsI didn't fully understand my boss's expectations or why he released me soquickly before I had a chance to prove myself.虽然因为环境原因,我离开了前一个工作岗位,但是我在学校里很成功

42、,不管是和学生还是教员都相处得很成功。也许我没有完全理解我上司的期望,也许是因为在我还没来的及有机会证明自己之前他很快就将我解雇了。4.The job wasn't working out so my boss and I agreed that it was time for me to move on to a position that would show a better return for both of us. So here I am, ready to work.因为工作没有什么成效,所以我上司和我都认为我该是时候去找另外一份对我们彼此都有利的工作了,这就是我现在这

43、里的原因,我已经准备好就职了。5.After thinking about why I left, I realize I should have done some things differently. That job was a learning experience and I think I'm wiser now. I'd like the chance to prove that to you.在考虑到我为什么离开的原因后,我认识到我要做一些不同的事情。那份工作是一个学习 的机会,而且现在我认为自己已经学聪明了。如果可以的话,我希望有机会向您证明。6.A new

44、 manager came in and cleaned house in order to bring in members of his old team. That was his right but it cleared my head to envisionbetter opportunities elsewhere.有个新经理来到了我们的公司,为了能够带进更多他那边的老职员,他就大量裁员了。那是他的权利,同时也让我们明白我应该去别的地方找到更好的发展。更多信息请访问:7.Certain personal problems, which I now have solved, unfo

45、rtunately upset my work life. These problems no longer exist and I'm up and running strong to exceed expectations in my new job.当然是私人问题,也是我现在已经解决了的,但是很不幸扰乱了我的工作。但是这些问题现在已经不存在了,我已经重新站起来了,并且我会不断变强,超越新工作对我的期望。精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除8.I wanted my career to move in a different direction, and I gues

46、s my mental separation set up the conditions that led to my departure. But by contrast, the opportunity we're discussing seems to be made for me and I hope to eventually grow into a position of responsibility.我想改变我的职业方向,这样导致的身心分离造成了我离开了我之前的工作。但相反的是,我们现在正在谈论的机会看起来就像是为我量身定做的,我希望能够在新工作上认真负责地做到更好。9.

47、I usually hit it off very well with my bosses, but this case was theexception that proved my rule of good relationships. We just didn't get on well.I'm not sure why.我和我的老板们一直都很投缘,而上次的上司却是我被证实的良好关系规则之外的特例,我们就是相处不好,我也不知道为什么。10.My job was offshored to India. That's too bad because people fa

48、miliarwith my work say it is superior and fairly priced.我因工作原因要外调到印度。这太糟糕了, 因为熟悉我工作的人都说我的工作非常好,工资也也很合理。11.I outlasted several downsizings but the last one included me. Sign of the times, I guess.虽然我坚持到了最后,还是逃不过被裁的命运。我想,这是时代特征吧。12.I was desperate for work and took the wrong job without looking around

49、 the corner. I won't make that mistake again. I'd prefer an environment that is congenial, structured and team-oriented, where my best talents can shine and make a substantial contribution.曾经因为没有考虑周详, 我对自己的工作很绝望。 我不会再犯那样的错误了。 我要选择一个和谐,有组织, 有团队合作的环境, 这样我的才能够发挥我的长处, 我可以做出很大的贡献。Kennedy also say

50、s, "Practice in advance what you'll say. Then keep it brief, keep it honest and keep it moving." That way, you'll get past the sticky issue of getting fired and can move on to your skills and why you're qualified for the job.Kennedy还建议说: “提前练习你的答案。保持简洁,诚实,让面试能够进行下去”。这样,你才可以顺利度过

51、被解雇的最艰难的问题,才能够找到适合你才能的合适工作不可不看:五家著名公司面试考题集锦IBM代表性考题1. Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?精品文档此文档收集于网络,如有侵权,请联系网站删除2. What are your short & long term career objectives? What do you think is the most ideal job for you?3. Why do you want to join IBM? What do you think you can

52、contribute toIBM?Hongkong Bank代表性考题1. Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of yourrole whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered。2. Please state how you have benefite

53、d from your work experience。3. How much is your present monthly salary including allowances?更多信息请访问: 4. Do you need to compensate your present employer if you resign? If so,please give details。5. Other than academic success, what has been your greatest achievement up to date? What do you see as your

54、 personal strength, why?6. Please state why the position you have applied for is appropriate for you;why you have selected Hongkong Bank and what your career objectives are。P&G代表性考题1. Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high demanding goal and saw it through completion?2. Summari

55、ze a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the resultsyou wanted。3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out relevantinformation,define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results。4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure theagreement of others。5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people toaccomplish an import


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