1、美国德州农机大学公园游憩与旅游学系Texas A&M UniversityDepartment of Park, Recreation and Tourism SciencesRPTS 426 - Tourism Impacts旅游影响教学计划主讲人: Tazim JamalAbout the CourseThis course concentrates on the study of tourism impacts, both positive and negative, ranging in scope from the local to the global. The cours
2、e content covers two key aspects: (a identifying tourism-related impacts and understanding the characteristics of these impacts, (b managing tourism impacts to ensure the sustainability of tourism-related'resources' (both natural and cultural and the well-being of tourism destinations and co
3、mmunities. Since the course adopts asustainability-oriented approach to the planning and management of tourism destinations, attractions and events, students are required to understand the basic principles of sustainable tourism development, and recognize the critical role of ecology and economics i
4、n the tourism system. In addition, a sustainability-oriented approach to tourism management requires a close understanding of the interdependence among various types of tourism-related impacts. In other words, tourism relationships with the natural environment constitute the framework from which eco
5、nomic, social, cultural and political impacts will be examined.Prerequisites : RPTS 202 or approval of instructor.About the InstructorTazim Jamal (Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences works on projects related to community, heritage and environmentalsustainability, as well as tourism
6、planning and impact management. I amcurrently involved in (1studying multi-stakeholder processes involving the private sector, policy makers and the 'public'(especially community interest groups and residents in addressing natural resource andsustainability issues; (2 nature-based tourism as
7、 an alternative form of economic diversification for Texas landowners, and (3 methods and processes for destination management, planning and heritage tourism development.If you would like to know more about Dr. Jamal, please go to her main web page at: /faculty/jamal.htmIf you have
8、any question, please contact:InstructorDr. Tazim B. JamalDept. of Recreation, Park andTourism SciencesRoom 256C Francis HallTel: (979 845-6454Email: Office Hours: Tuesday 10-11,Thursday 12.30-1.30, and byappt.COURSE SYLLABUS This course is web-supported. Students should be able to loca
9、te pertinent course related information (e.g., syllabus, biweekly course schedule, assignments, case-studies through this class homepage.Class Time and LocationTime: TR 11:10 am - 12:25 p.m.Location: Francis Hall Room 206 Classes commence September 2. Mid-term exam tentatively scheduled for Week 7 N
10、o class on Thursday, November 27 (Thanksgiving break. Thursday, December 9 is redefined day, i.e., your last class is on December 9. Final term project report is due on December 11, by 5 pm. Course DescriptionThis course concentrates on the study of tourism impacts, both positive and negative, rangi
11、ng in scope from the local to the global. The course content covers two key aspects: (a identifying tourism-related impacts and understanding the characteristics of these impacts, (b managing tourism impacts to ensure the sustainability of tourism-related 'resources' (both natural and cultur
12、al and the well-being of tourism destinations and communities. Since the course adopts asustainability-oriented approach to the planning and management of tourism destinations, attractions and events, students are required to understand the basic principles of sustainable tourism development, and re
13、cognize the critical role of ecology and economics in the tourism system. In addition, a sustainability-oriented approach to tourism management requires a close understanding of the interdependence among various types of tourism-related impacts. In other words, tourism relationships with the natural
14、 environment constitute the framework from which economic, social, cultural and political impacts will be examined.In the first half of the courses, students will become familiar with a range of environmental, economic, socio-cultural and political issues and impacts at the local community level, re
15、gional level as well as national and international level. In the second half of the course, an overview of tools and techniques such as strategic planning and monitoring, carrying capacity, environmental and destination management systems, etc. will be provided. Of these, community-based tourism pla
16、nning as well as a stakeholder-focused approach to impact management will be stressed. The interrelations among impact types as well as specific impacts will be explored with the help of a text book as well readings and case studiesthat encompass an international scope and perspective. Videos and gu
17、est lecturers will be brought in where appropriate.This course should enable you to: be able to identify key tourism-related ecological, economic, social and cultural impacts within a global and political context, recognizing both positive and negative impacts; understand the interdisciplinary, inte
18、rrelated and international nature of tourism impacts; be able to critique the notion of "sustainable (tourism development", and apply appropriate sustainability principles to planning and managing tourism destinations, attractions, events; identify the critical linkages between environment
19、 (natural and economics, pertaining to tourism development, marketing, tourist motivations and impacts; further develop critical thinking and analytical skills with respect to the study of tourism impacts. You will therefore be asked to evaluate case studies and examples based on tourism destination
20、s, events and facilities. These will include natural attractions (e.g. national parks, local and indigenous communities, emergingeconomies (e.g. India, China as well as urban, heritage or cultural settings.PrerequisitesRPTS 202 or permission of the instructor.Course ReadingsA number of readings and
21、case studies will be assigned. Readings will be made available throughout the semester (no course package.BooksHall, Michael C. and Page, Stephen J. 2002 (2nd edition. The Geography of Tourism and Recreation: Environment, Place and Space. Routledge: London and NY.Gunn, Clare A. and Var, Turgut. 2002
22、 (4th edition. Tourism Planning. Routledge: London and NY.Supplementary Readings (RecommendedHolden, A. 2000. Environment and Tourism. Routledge: London and NY. Page, S.J., Brunt P., Busby G. and Connell, J. 2001. Tourism: A Modern Synthesis . London: Thomson Learning.This is a recommended text-book
23、 for those of you who do not have RPTS 202 or equivalent as a pre-requisite. Section 5 in the book focuses on impacts. However, you are required to understand the other basic components and characteristics of the tourism system, much of which you will find covered in this book. Note, too, that this
24、book is supported by a dedicated website that provides additional information and guidelines for each chapter. See www.thomsonlearning.co.uk for more information on this book. There should be copies available in the bookstore.Course requirements and gradingThe value of this course depends on the inv
25、olvement of all participants in the class, and in the papers/projects assigned. Learning in this course is action-oriented and experience based, hence students will be called upon to critique and offer thought books, papers on various readings and case studies, which are to be discussed in the class
26、. Group discussions and assignments (written and/or oral; in-class and/or take-home will be used to facilitate participative learning.The term project is a group effort which will focus on developing a detailed analysis of tourism-related impacts in a community, region or country, pertaining to a sp
27、ecific tourism-related activity or type (e.g., local Texan festival in a community. Each group is expected to work together and turn in one major report per group, along with 'peer' evaluations of the group's performance. Emphasis should be placed on social, cultural and environmental im
28、pacts in the report, including a section on managing these impacts using various tools and techniques learned in class. An oral presentation of the term project is also required. Groups of 4 students (approx. will be formed within the first two weeks of classes.Grades will be assigned on the followi
29、ng basis:Assignments: 40% (4 10% eachMid-term exam: 20%Term project - report: 30%Term project - oral presentation: 5%Peer Evaluation: 5%Class attendance and participation: See belowExams will include short questions and/or essay questions, as well as case analysis. Take-home assignments should be su
30、bmitted typed anddouble-spaced, ensuring proper spelling and grammar. The final term project report should be no longer than 25 pages typed and double-spaced, plus appendices/tables/detailed bibliography. Double-sided reports are encouraged (save paper! .Participation and attendanceEach student is e
31、xpected to be present on each class day and be fully prepared to participate by having completed the readings or other tasks assigned. Missed classes may be penalized unless a formal letter is provided, signed by a relevant authority (e.g., medical doctor's note if illness related. A listserv (i
32、.e., a mailing list will be set up to enable class members to discuss cases, projects, etc. It is required that you join this list.Academic ConductIn addition to professionalism in conducting and presenting scholarly work, ethical conduct is expected at all times. Plagiarism is a grave academic offe
33、nse. As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of passing off as one's own the ideas, words, writings, etc., which belong to another. If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M University Student Rules, under the section "Scholastic D
34、ishonesty."RPTS 426 Fall 2003: Weekly ScheduleWEEKTuesday Thursday NOTEWeek 1 Video: "60 minutes"/ Texas Bring to class on Sept. Introduction Sept. 2-4 4 the written responses TourismGet Resource Book: to the six questions "Developing Tourism in Your Lecture: Tourism and Tourism
35、provided in class onCommunity" at no cost at the RPTS Texas CooperativeExtension. (Ask for Kathryn Nachlinger and say the password: Marcos sent me hereSystem, Characteristics of Sept 2. Tourism Destinations,To discuss: Nature of Impacts.Kolache festivalTourism (definitions , facts (Caldwell and
36、 bonusassignment and figures;Read article on PragueWeek 2Sept. 9-11Tourism system & planning overviewTourism Impacts(cont.Bonus Assignment 1 (Kolache festival, Caldwell.Sustainable Tourism Read: Chapter 2, Hall & PageWeek 3 Sept. 16-18Motivations and Marketing Hawaii -managing marketing Assi
37、gnment 1impactsRead: Chapter 3, Hall & PageGuest Speaker: Hawai'iWeek 4 Sept. 23-25 Assignment 1 - First part in Impact : Neocolonialism class: Role Play of theSierra Club vs. HTA conflictRead: Nicholson-Lord articleWeek 5 Environmental Impacts Sept. 30 -Video: Trekking on Tradition Oct . 2C
38、ase Study 1: Nepal (related to Assignment 2Managing Environmental ImpactsEnvironmental Management Systems (EMSReading: Tourism inProtected Areas (Nepalese HimalayaAssignment 2Here you can find some Sweatshops and Cruise Ships impacts websites The honoluluadvertiser andKiribati LineAssignment 1 due.W
39、eek 6 Oct. 7-9Social and Cultural ImpactsGlobalizationVideo: Cannibal ToursReadings : class handouts onPapua New Guinea ProfileImpact: EthnocentrismMiss World Nigeria and Harry Potter film impacts.Assignment 2 dueWeek 7 Oct. 14-16Managing Social and Cultural Mid-Term Exam Impacts In-class examLimits
40、 of Acceptable ChangeChaper 4, Hall and Page text book.Week 8 Oct. 21-23Tourism PlanningManaging Impacts -tourism Community-basedplanning, indicators, other wildlife management:CAMPFIRE websitetools and techniques. Indigenous TourismWeek 9Oct. 28-30 Managing Impacts -Community-based tourism, local i
41、nvolvementGunn (Chapters 1, 2, 3. Developing Tourism in Your Community handbook (p. 1-23.Video: Rural tourism and community developmentPlanning for Sustainability -Strategic PlanningCommunity-based ST principlesGuest Lecture - Dracula CastleWeek 10 Nov. 4-6Strategic PlanningTIA & SPTourism Asses
42、sment: Palacios,TexasStrategic Planning (cont. Assignment 3Cost-BenefitTerm ProjectHall and Page (p. 149-157 Group presentation: Hawai'i Term Project DiscussionWeek 11 Nov. 11-13Managing resources, sites and attractionsWorkbook (pages 24-76.Tourism Monitoring and IndicatorsAssignment 4 Campfire
43、Case StudyGunn (Chapters 3,4 and 5 Hall and Page (p. 157Group presentation: Nepal Term Project DiscussionAssignment 3 dueStrategic Planning ExamplesWeek 12 Nov. 18-20Assignment 4Group presentation: Nepal Term Project DiscussionWeek 13 Nov. 25-27No official class - meet with Thanksgiving - no class y
44、our groups to work on term projects and/or Assignment 4. Instructor office hours: 11-2 pm todayAssignment 4due Nov 26 at 1pmWeek 14 Dec. 2-4Group Presentation - Sturgis Term projects-individual Term Project Reportgroup meetings (bring a Outline (Word File - detailed outline of your Download final re
45、port to discuss with the instructor and your groupWeek 15 Dec. 9Group Presentation - Disney Final date for turning inand Mexico.Peer evaluations (5% to be completed in class today.Term Project due by Decyour term project - Dec 11 11, 5 pmBonus Assignment 1: Field Trip / Tourism ImpactsAssessmentThe
46、Kolache Festival, Saturday, September 13, 2003, Caldwell, TexasThis informal “field trip” is an opportunity to apply some of the concepts you are beginning to receive in class and through readings to a concrete situation. The goal of this assignment is enable you to become familiar with tourism in y
47、our local area and wider region, and facilitate your understanding of tourism impacts, both positive and negative, on tourism destinations, communities and organizations involved in tourism. ObjectivesThis assignment has the following specific objectives: Become familiar with tourism in your local c
48、ommunity and region a sustainability approach requires a communitiy-based and bioregional orientation to managing tourism. Visit a tourism destination, or examine a tourism-related attraction, business, or event (e.g. a festival in Texasthis should involve travel outside your home location (e.g. to
49、Caldwell to see the kolache festival on Septermber. Develop on-site experience with identifying of tourismimpactsobserve visitor flows, parking, traffic, access, signage, types of visitors and where they may be coming from, why they are visiting this event/place. Also note visitor facilities and ser
50、vices, service quality, quality of food services and hospitality of the destination/community/event providers and participants, interactions between visitors and local people and others in the tourism locale, cultural, natural and other (potential tourism features. Develop basic tourism assessment s
51、kills Identify management issues, impacts and options for addressing them. 1. You need final approval from your instructor about destination or other choice selected.2. If for some reason (e.g. inclement weather, you are not able to conduct your study on September 13, see the instructor to schedule
52、an alternative date time-line for completing Assignment 1.Action Steps for doing Assignment 1 (due September 18 in class1 Visit a tourism destination, attraction, event, facility, or business. Select and visit one of the above listed options during the semester. Because this is an informal “do yours
53、elf” field trip, you have the choice of selecting the option that best fits you. A visit to Caldwell on Septermber 13 is highly recommended since this close by and make for an interesting study of community-based tourism effects. Contact your instructor to discuss alternatives if you are unable to a
54、ttend Caldwell's event.2 Tourism impacts list and assessmentUsing the Tourism Impacts Assessment Sheet (TIAS format enclosed, list and briefly describe the tourism impacts you have identified during your trip. As you will notice in the examples provided in the sample TIAS enclosed, you need to r
55、ecord each impact and a related set of information about the impact. There is no minimum number of impacts/observations that you should present, but you should record at least one example for each impact categories (social, economic, environmental, and cultural. Remember:You should assess both posit
56、ive and negative impacts.Also recall that there are political impacts that you may be able to identify as well.As discussed in class, a tourist experience begins prior to the arrival on the destination the same happens with impacts generated by the visitor.3 Short ReportYou are required to write a s
57、hort report containing the description of your trip, your impressions of the place/event/attraction, an analysis of the impacts you have identified, and an evaluation of the Assignment (e.g. how did it help your understanding of tourism and its effects. Report Content:A. A brief description of your
58、trip (when, where, how long, general impressions about the destination/event/business visited, tourism pictureB. Your evaluation of the impacts identified and a brief discussion of your observations with respect to tourism in your study site. Use the following questions to guide your analysis and di
59、scussion:a What are the impacts that you have perceived? What are the impacts you as a tourist/visitor generated? Is there any impacttype that is of major concern (e.g. had a high frequency ofoccurrences, was significant in your experience? You do notneed to list all the impacts in your report since you wil
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