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1、Good is good, but better carries it.精益求精,善益求善。中考英语试题目1)2008年山东省泰安市中考英语试题2008年山东省泰安市中考英语试题(满分120分,考试时间l 2 0分钟)    第l卷(三部分  共8 0分)  第一部分  听力(共25小题,每小题l分,共25分)(一)听对话,选择相应的图画。     (二)听句子,选择适当的应答语。6.  A. At 4: 30.    

2、60;      B. In half an hour.           C. For half an hour.7.  A. It is my pleasure.           B. You are welcome.         &#

3、160; C. Thanks a lot.8.  A. Certainly, here you are.        B. Here we are.             C. Here are you.9.  A. I'm glad you all enjoy it.B.  Come here next time.C.  I didn't coo

4、k so well.10.  A.It doesn't matter.B.  You'd better go to see the doctor at once.C.  I don't think so.(三)听五段对话和五个问题,选择正确答案。11.  A. In the morning.           B. At noon.         &

5、#160;  C. In the evening.12.  A. In a schoolbag.            B. On the bed.            C. On the desk.13.  A. Europe.         

6、  B. Summer.            C. Holidays.14.  A.She goes to town by train.B.  She drives to town.C.  She walks to town.15.  A. Doing his homework.B.  Listening to the CD.C.  Watching a TV play.(四)听一段长对话,选择正确答案。16. W

7、hat's the relationship (关系) between the two speakers?A. Old friends.           B. Strangers.        C. Old neighbours.17.  How is the weather?A. Fine.         &#

8、160; B. Foggy.            G. Cloudy.18.  Where is the man from?A. New York.            B. Orlando.           C. Titusville.19. Why did

9、the woman change her seat?A. She likes the seat near the window.B.  The man next to her was smoking and she felt unpleasant.C.  She saw one of her friends.20.  What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman has no kids.B.  The man's wife died.C.  The man is an engi

10、neer.(五)听短文,回答下面五个问题,选择正确答案。21.  How old is Jack's grandpa now?A. 60 years old.            B. 63 years old.           C. 57 years old.22.  What does Jack's mother do?A. Maybe sh

11、e is a bus driver.B.  Maybe she is a doctor.C.  Maybe she is a painter.23. What is Jack's mother's hobby?A. Collecting matchboxes.        B. Painting.            C. Planting flowers.24. 

12、What does Jack usually do before he goes to school?A. Waters flowers.           B. Feeds his cat and fish.     C. Plays with the cat.25.  How many people are there in the family?A. Three.      &#

13、160;    B. Four.            C. Five.  第二部分  语言知识运用(共两节,共25分)第一节  语法和词汇(共15小题,每小题l分,共15分)    从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。26.  Channel 5,  CCTV is _ special programme.   It'

14、s about _ 2008 Olympic Games.A. the; /            B. a; a            C. the; the            D. a; the27. What would you do if it_tomorr

15、ow?We have to carry it on, since we've got everything ready.A. rain            B. rains            C. will rain           D. is raining2

16、8.  Are you on business here, Kate? No, _.  It's my holiday today.A. with pleasure         B. my pleasure       C. for pleasure      D. much pleasure29. Look! What a nice garden! Yes. &#

17、160; It_every day.A. is cleaned                B. has been cleanedC. is being cleaned            D. was cleaned30.  After  the  education  reform 

18、;  ( 改革)   in  Shandong  Province,   the  pupils   have _time to relax and_homework to do.A. less; more           B. more; less         C. fewer; more 

19、0;    D. much; many31. _do you prefer to study?I prefer to study in a group.A. How            B. Why            C. When         &#

20、160;  D. Where32.  Since the villagers' houses have been damaged in the earthquake, the soldiers are helping them_tents (帐篷).A. put on            B. put off           C. put up 

21、;           D. put down33. This wine tastes a little bit strange.It is.  It's made_apples.A. of            B. from            C. by

22、            D. in34.  More and more kids become unhappy_they have too many activities to do.A. but             B. or           C.

23、because           D. so35.  How much time do you_surfing the Internet every week? Less than an hour.A.cost            B. pay           C. ta

24、ke           D. spend36.  Many young people prefer the songs_have great lyrics.A. which           B. who           C. where   

25、0;       D. whom37.  Would you please help me with the questions?Sorry.   You_ go and ask Mary.   She_know the answer.A. must; can            B. can; may      &

26、#160;     C. need; can           D. must; may38. Loud noise may cause hearing_for a short time or even for ever.A. results           B. questions      

27、;      C. accidents            D. problems39.Look, it's raining_.That's great.   It's too hot these days.A. greatly           B. heavily  

28、         C. quickly           D. hardly40.  How was your weekend, Mary? I had a busy_.   I did a lot of things.A. it           B. this  

29、;          C. one            D. that第二节  完形填空(共l0小题,每小题l分,共l0分)    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41-,50各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。I have only seen my father cry once. It was at the Alton train st

30、ation, back when the trains still ran.   I was on my way to Philadelphia to      41     the train that would take me to Boston and college.  I was eager (热切的) to go.  College, with its     42 and the promise of the

31、better future had become more interesting.  It     43    me to see tears in my father's eyes as he shook my hand and said goodbye.For eighteen years, we had never had a(n) 44 to gay goodbye like this. He was taller than me, 45 I was not short. I was going

32、somewhere, and he was seeing me off. He 46 me, but he had not needed to say before, and now his tears were     47    it.The tears in my father's eyes told me that we would have less and less to do with each other.   I had taken my   

33、60;  48     from his,  and now I was learning it.   The train     49    and I boarded (登上) it.  My father looked smaller from the train.  We     50  goodbye to each other through the window.

34、  I was wearing the heavy winter coat that my father had bought for me to keep me from catching a cold in New England.41.  A. return            B. catch            C. design &

35、#160;         D. watch42.  A. habits            B. license           C. courses           D. adverti

36、sements43.  A. shocked           B. supposed         C. helped       D. encouraged44.  A. time           B. luck &#

37、160;         C. chance            D. interest45.  A. because         B. though           C. so  

38、0;        D. and46.  A. taught            B. beat           C. forgot           D. loved47; A. saying

39、0;           B. knowing           C. creating            D. describing48.  A. money         

40、60;  B. time           C. present           D. life49.  A. continued           B. broke         

41、;  C. arrived            D. left50.  A. reached            B. waved            C. talked      &

42、#160;    D. cheered第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题,每小题l5分。共30分)    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A .A friend's grandfather went to America from Eastern countries. After he was processed(移民入境检查) at Ellis Island, he went into cafeteria ( 自助餐厅) in lower Manhattan to get som

43、ething to eat. He sat down at an empty table and waited for a waiter to take his order. Of course no waiter came at all. At last, a woman held a plate full of food and sat down opposite him. When she saw the old man without any food, she told him how a cafeteria worked."Start out at that end,&q

44、uot; she said.  "Just go along the line and pick out what you want.  At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay.  After you pay for    t the food, you can bring it here and eat it. "         

45、0;     "I soon knew how everything works in America," the grandfather told a friend. "Life is like a cafeteria here. You can get anything you want only if you are willing to pay the money. You can even get success, but you'll never get it if you. wait for

46、someone to bring to you.  You have to get up and get it by yourself. "51.  Maybe the old man came from_.A. Poland           B. India            C. Canada    

47、60;      D. Egypt. (埃及)52.  Who came when he sat down at an empty table?A. A waiter.           B. A man.           C. A woman.        D

48、. No person.53.  From the text,   we know if you want to get success in America,   you shouldA. get help from your friends            B. know how a cafeteria worksC. get up again if you fail     

49、       D. try to get it by yourself54.  At last, the grandfather_.A. got the food himself           B. was very angry with the waiterC. ate the woman's food         &

50、#160;   D. had nothing to eat55.  Which is the best title for the passage?A. From Eastern countries to America  B. Life is Like a Cafeteria in AmericaC. How to Eat in a Cafeteria            D. Eating in AmericaBKoala bea

51、rAppearance:  A little short and  fat animal, looking like a toy bear.Place:  Australia.Food:  Eucalyptus   leaves   ( 桉树叶) 2. 5 ounds of leaves per day for an adult koala, and 1  pound of leaves and some mother' s milk per day for a baby koala.Habit;

52、Sleep all day and eat at night.Interesting things:  A baby koala is very small when it is born. It has no hair, and it can't see either. It lives in its mother ' s pouch (育儿袋) for 57 months.   Kangaroo Appearance:  Short front legs, long and strong back legs.

53、60; Looking like a big mouse.Flace:  Australia.Food; Grass.Interesting things: It is the national symbol ( 象征) of Australia. There are more kangaroos than people in this country. 56.  If someone sees a newly born koala bear, he will be surprised because it's veryA. weak  

54、;          B. small            C. short             D. black57.  A baby koala can't live without_.A. its father   &#

55、160;       B. grass            C. its mother            D. people58.  The kangaroo is the national symbol of_.A. Canada      

56、      B. Australia            C. America           D. Britain59. There are more_than people in Australia.A. kangaroos         

57、;  B. koala bears        C. monkeys           D. elephants60. We can guess that koala bears and kangaroos are_animals in Australia.A. beautiful            

58、B. playful           C. endangered           D. popularCChina had decided to take action to stop the use of plastic bags. Supermarkets, shops and outlets (经销店) in China will not be allowed to hand out

59、 free plastic carriers and all plastic carriers must be clearly marketed with prices from June 1."People use too many plastic bags every year and fail to deal with them properly, wasting valuable oil and littering oil country," China's government said in a statement.While providing con

60、venience for consumers (消费者) ,the plastic bags have also caused serious pollution and waste of energy and resources."We should encourage people to return to carrying cloth bags, and using baskets for their vegetables. " the statement said.In addition, the production, sale and use of bags l

61、ess than 0. 025 mm thick is banned from the same date. The firms that break the rules will face fines or confiscation (没收) of goods and profits (利润).China also said it would consider increasing taxes (税) to discourage the production and sale of plastic bags and encourage the recycling industry.Rubbi

62、sh collectors have to separate plastic for reprocessing and cut the number of plastic bags that are burnt or buried (掩埋).The move brings China into line with a growing international trend (趋势) to cut back on the use of plastic bags. From Ireland to Uganda and South Africa, governments have experimen

63、ted with heavy taxes, with the aim of getting rid of plastic bags.61. China decided to take action to stop the use of plastic bags because_.A. they are not free any moreB.  they can't provide convenience for consumersC.  they have polluted the environment and wasted valuable oilD. 

64、; the firms have increased the cost62. The underlined word "banned" in the fifth paragraph probably means_.A计划    B禁止    C打破    D消费63.  According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. The company that won't obey the rule

65、s will face fines.B.  Taxes will be increased to discourage the production and sale of plastic bags.C.  Rubbish collectors will burn or bury all plastic bags.D.  Plastic should be separated for reprocessing.64.  From the passage, we can infer (推断) that_.A. China will be among the

66、 strongest natio'ns in the worldB.  people all carry cloth bags or baskets for their vegetablesC.  more energy and natural resources will be savedD.  supermarkets and shops will get more profits65.  What's the main idea of the passage?A. Plastic Bags are Free  &

67、#160;        B. Recycling industryC. How to Protect the Environment       D. Free Plastic Shopping Bags to be BannedDFrench doctors and American scientists have reported doing an operation in which the doctor was outside the operating

68、room. This kind of operation is known as robotic operation.Doctor Marescaux did the operation in an office in New York City last month, while a sixty-eight-year-old woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France.A doctor in Strasbourg got the patient ready. He placed medical tools and a small

69、 video camera in her stomach area. Doctor Marescaux in New York watched the patient on a video screen. Then he used the computer to send messages to the robot machine. The robot moved the tools that cut the woman's gallbladder (胆囊) away. The woman got well soon after the operation and left the h

70、ospital two days later.Experts say the main problem with such a robotic operation is based on highspeed telecommunications between the doctor and the robot. Technology must be able to send a doctor's order to a robot to move the tools quickly.Experts also say a successful robotic operation will

71、improve an operation. For example, the robot can make much smaller movements than a person can. A robot machine can turn tools in ways that a doctor's hand cannot.Doctors say such a robotic operation will make possible safer and better operations in the future. They say it will improve doctor tr

72、aining. It will also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in dangerous places far away. And it could mean that people could have operations done by top doctors without having to travel to the city where doctors work.66.  "Robotic operation" means "_".A. a specia

73、l kind of robot invented by doctorsB.  an operation done far awayC.  an operation done with the help of a robotD.  something done to mend a robot67. We use the robot in the operation because_.A.  it can send messages at a high speedB.  even a top doctor can't do the oper

74、ation himselfC.  it can make the operation safer and betterD.  operations can be done without any doctors68.  If we  want  to use  the robot in  the operation,   we must solve the problem ofA. top doctors        

75、60;      B. smaller movementsC. doctor training           D. high-speed telecommunications69.  If the smaller movement can't be done by doctors in the operation,  we may use _to solve it.A. more tools  

76、;              B. a robot machineC. a video camera            D. telecommunications70.  Which of the following is NOT true?A. Robotic operation is good for doctor training.B.&

77、#160; Robotic operation has been used in the USA.C.  Experts speak highly of robotic operation.D.  The robot is used to watch the patient clearly.第卷(非选择题  共40分) 第四部分  书面表达(共三节)第一节  词汇运用(共两题,共15分)(一)单词拼写(共5小题,每小题l分,共5分)       根据句意和首字母或汉语提示,将单词的正确

78、形式写在题中相应的横线上。71.O_cover more than 70 percent of the earth's surface.72. Could you please speak more s_, Tom? I can't catch what you say.73._(数以百万计的) of people around the world cannot get clean water.74.  A scientist says that beautiful music can make cows  _(生产)  more milk.75.

79、  Paris has some fantastic sights, _(包括) the Eiffel Tower and Notre Cathedral.(二)综合填空(共l0小题,每小题l分,共10分)    根据短文意思,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、完整(其中有两个多余选项)。 useful,  visit,  travel,  knowledge, two,  with,  popular,  come,  but,  advantage,

80、other, inTravel is useful to us in at least three ways.First, by (76)_we can enjoy the beautiful scenery (风景) of different places.  We can see (77)_our own eyes many which can be read about in books, and (78)_some famous cities and scenic spots.(79)_,  we will meet people with different in

81、terests and see strange and different things when we travel.  We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of (80)_people, taste different foods and local favors (偏爱) if we like. (81)        _this way, we can understand how different other people live. Third

82、, travel will not only help us gain (获得)  (82)       _of geography and history and other knowledge, (83)_will also help us keep healthy and make us less narrow-minded (才智有限的).With all these (84)_of travel,  it is no wonder that travel has now become more (85)_

83、than ever in China.第二节  任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)    阅读下面的短文,并完成短文后的任务。The aim of students who come to school is to study. But to study requires a right way, or you waste either the time or the money. The following are the ways of studying.The best time for reading is morning, becau

84、se in the morning, the air is fresh and the mind is clear.  For that reason, we can get good result.(89)In studying we must have patience. If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. We should not read the next one till we have learned the first one.(90) When we are studying, we mu

85、st put our hearts into the book, or we can get nothing from the book while we are reading.We must always ask "whys". If it is not well understood, write it down and ask our teachers or our parents, or friends. In any possible way, we must know it completely and what we've learned can b

86、e used well and made better.Though there are many ways for studying, yet the above mentioned will be quite enough if we can keep them in heart and do so.任务l:根据短文内容回答下列问题。 86. What's the main idea of the passage? 87.  How many ways for studying are mentioned in the passage? 88. Why must we always ask "whys"


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