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1、讲义目录前言第一部分词 汇第二部分阅读判断第三部分概括大意与完成句子第四部分阅读理解第五部分补全短文第六部分完形填空参考资料教材词汇扩充参考资料教材词汇练习参考资料五组补充词汇及答案参考资料职称英语高频词汇第一部分词 汇 授课内容:如何最大限度地利用所给信息判断划线词词义如何准备教材的10组词汇教材词汇测试的几种改变形式考查目标: 利用上下文猜测某些词汇和短语的意义选项判断设计:1.同义词设计;2.近义词辨析设计; 3.反义词辨析设计主要考查:动词、名词、形容词、副词、动词词组、介词词组、连词解题方法:共5种方法1. 借助划线词为单义词迅速确定答案(1) What were the

2、effects of the Decision she made?A. reasonsB. resultsC. causesD. Bases答疑编号2315010101:针对该题提问 正确答案B(2) About a quarter of the workers in the United States are employed in factories.A. thirdB. fourthC. tenthD. fifteenth答疑编号2315010102:针对该题提问 正确答案B(3) In a Bullfight, it is the movement, not the

3、 color of objects that arouses the Bull.A. confusesB. excitesC. scaresD. Diverts答疑编号2315010103:针对该题提问 正确答案B(4) Passenger ships and planes are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radio telephones.A. highwaysB. railroadsC. sailboatsD. aircraft答疑编号2315010104:针对该题提问 正确答案D(5) It is

4、 useless to argue with him once he has made up his mind.A. settledB. solvedC. saidD. Decided答疑编号2315010105:针对该题提问 正确答案D(6) Such a Database was extremely costly to set up. (2010)A. transferB. DestroyC. establishD. update答疑编号2315010106:针对该题提问 正确答案C(7) Everyone was glad to see Mary Back.A. so

5、rryB. sadC. angryD. happy答疑编号2315010107:针对该题提问 正确答案D方法2.借助搭配结构 (1) In judging our work you should take into consideration the fact that we have Been very Busy recently.A. thoughtB. mindC. accountD. memory答疑编号2315010108:针对该题提问 正确答案C(2) I expect that she will Be able to cater for your partic

6、ular needs.A. meetB. reachC. provideD. fill答疑编号2315010109:针对该题提问 正确答案A(3) A limited number of Books on this subject are in the library.A. littleB. smallC. tinyD. low答疑编号2315010110:针对该题提问 正确答案B(4) Experts gradually agree that Diet has an important bearing on ones health.A. resultB. factorC.

7、 causeD. influence答疑编号2315010111:针对该题提问 正确答案D(5) We packed up the things we had accumulated over the last three years and left.A. lateB. recentC. pastD. final答疑编号2315010112:针对该题提问 正确答案C(6) The Boss put great stress on the workers so that they could work harder.A. angerB. controlC. pressure

8、D. nerve答疑编号2315010113:针对该题提问 正确答案C(7) Good team-work has played an important role in the clubs success.A. effectB. placeC. gameD. part答疑编号2315010114:针对该题提问 正确答案D(8) Our arrangements were thrown into complete turmoil.(2010A)A. doubtB. reliefC. failureD. confusion答疑编号2315010115:针对该题提问 

9、正确答案D方法3. 借助推理、语法、转折、因果、让步、条件、释义、语意环境、句意表述、常识(1) The curious looks from the strangers around her made her feel uneasy.A. DifferentB. proudC. uncomfortableD. unconscious答疑编号2315010201:针对该题提问 正确答案C(2) The president proposed that we should Bring the meeting to a close.A. stagedB. saidC. suggestedD

10、. announced答疑编号2315010202:针对该题提问 正确答案C(3) The Dentist has Decided to extract her Bad tooth.A. take outB. repairC. pullD. Dig答疑编号2315010203:针对该题提问 正确答案A(4) This kind of animals are on the verge of extinction, Because so many are Being killed for their fur.A. Drying upB. Dying outC. Being ex

11、ported D. Being transplanted答疑编号2315010204:针对该题提问 正确答案B(5) Jim has gained so much weight that a lot of his clothes Dont fit him any more.A. put offB. put DownC. put onD. put up答疑编号2315010205:针对该题提问 正确答案C(6) It is hard for the young people to imagine what severe conditions their parents onc

12、e lived under.A. sincereB. hardC. strictD. tight答疑编号2315010206:针对该题提问 正确答案B(7) I rarely wear a raincoat Because I spend most of my time in a car.A. normallyB. seldomC. continuouslyD. usually答疑编号2315010207:针对该题提问 正确答案B(8) While I sympathize, I cant really Do very much to help.A. WhenB. ButC

13、. AlthoughD. Where答疑编号2315010208:针对该题提问 正确答案C(9) A will is a Document written to ensure that the wishes of the Deceasedare realized.A. fulfilledB. affiliatedC. advocatedD. received答疑编号2315010209:针对该题提问 正确答案A(10) It is postulated that population trends have an effect on economic fluctuation

14、s.A. challengedB. assumedC. DeductedD. Decreed答疑编号2315010210:针对该题提问 正确答案B(11) The company recommended that a new petrol station Be Built here.A. orderedB. insistedC. suggestedD. Demanded答疑编号2315010211:针对该题提问 正确答案C(12) Rose stood there until she finally lost sight of the train.A. couldnt se

15、eB. lookC. loseD. cant see答疑编号2315010212:针对该题提问 正确答案A(13) If he were miser, he would have a great sum of money.A. fat-witted (迟钝的)B. light-headed (轻率的)C. tight-fisted D. loose-tongued (随口乱说的)答疑编号2315010213:针对该题提问 正确答案C(14) Immigrants who adapt most quickly usually have a background similar

16、 to the new cultural environment and they also plan to remain permanently in the new country.A. comfortably B. definitelyC. everlastingly D. probably老师手写内容:temporarily adv. 临时地,临时答疑编号2315010301:针对该题提问 正确答案C(15) He is a good science teacher, but he often gives tedious lectures.A. greatB. tiresom

17、eC. lazy D. tireless老师手写内容:tire vt. 使疲倦;使厌烦boring adj. 无聊的;令人厌烦的uninteresting adj. 无趣味的,乏味的;令人厌倦的答疑编号2315010302:针对该题提问 正确答案B(16) Mary had sold her bike, taken a driving test and bought a car.A. examinationB. quizC. exercise D. check答疑编号2315010303:针对该题提问 正确答案A(17) Grandfather would stay up

18、till some hours for reading; he hardly seems to need any sleep now.A. sit upB. sit inC. sit onD. sit through老师手写内容:hardly adv. 几乎不,简直不;刚刚rarely adv. 很少地;难得;罕有地barely adv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不seldom adv. 很少,不常答疑编号2315010304:针对该题提问 正确答案A(18) The blip of the trees in the water was very clear.A. mirrorB. sigh

19、tC. reflectionD. shadow老师手写内容:see v. 看;看见sight n. 视力;景象;眼界答疑编号2315010305:针对该题提问 正确答案C(19) I cant put up with my neighbors noise any longer, it's driving me mad. (2010A)A. tolerateB. generateC. reduceD. measure老师手写内容:stand vt. 忍受bear vt. 忍受答疑编号2315010306:针对该题提问 正确答案A(20) He was rather v

20、ague about the reasons why he never finished school.A. brightB. unclearC. general D. bad老师手写内容:clear adj. 清楚的unclear adj. 不清楚的答疑编号2315010307:针对该题提问 正确答案B(21) I want to provide my boys with a decent education.A. specialB. privateC. generalD. good答疑编号2315010308:针对该题提问 正确答案D(22) The two banks

21、 have announced plans to merge next year.A. closeB. sellC. breakD. combine老师手写内容:merge v. 合并;融合mix v. 混合blend v. 混合combine v. 联合,结合connect v. 连接;联系join v. 结合;连接答疑编号2315010309:针对该题提问 正确答案D(23) He was kept in appalling conditions in prison.A. necessaryB. terribleC. critical D. normal老师手写内容:keepin

22、 prison 使得在监狱里,把关在监狱里dreadful adj. 可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的terrible adj. 可怕的;很糟的;令人讨厌的答疑编号2315010310:针对该题提问 正确答案B(24) She gave up her job and started writing poetry.A. LostB. createdC. abandoned D. took老师手写内容:lose v. 丢失give up 放弃abandon vt. 遗弃;放弃desert v. 遗弃;放弃throw away 扔掉,丢弃答疑编号2315010311:针对该题提问 正确

23、答案C(25) In the process, the light energy converts to heat energy.A. changesB. dropsC. reducesD. leaves答疑编号2315010312:针对该题提问 正确答案A(26) The police took the fingerprints and identified the body.A. discoveredB. touchedC. recognizedD. missed老师手写内容:identity n. 身份答疑编号2315010313:针对该题提问 正确答案C(27) I

24、t was a fascinating painting, with clever use of color and light.A. familiarB. wonderfulC. large D. new老师手写内容:very great 非常好答疑编号2315010314:针对该题提问 正确答案B(28) We propose that we discuss this at the next meeting.A. suggest B. requestC. demandD. order老师手写内容:require v. 要求,命令recommend v. 推荐,建议答疑编号2315

25、010401:针对该题提问 正确答案A(29) I was shocked when I saw the size of the telephone bill.A. excitedB. angryC. lost D. surprised老师手写内容:size n. 尺寸;规模;大小;多少shock v/n 震动;震惊shocked adj. 震惊的;震撼的答疑编号2315010402:针对该题提问 正确答案D(30) We are happy to report that the business is booming this year.A. failingB. risk

26、yC. open D. successful答疑编号2315010403:针对该题提问 正确答案D(31) He has spent years cultivating a knowledge of art.A. sharingB. usingC. denyingD. developing答疑编号2315010404:针对该题提问 正确答案D(32) If we leave now, we would miss the traffic.A. directB. stopC. mix D. avoid老师手写内容:miss you v. 想念,思念miss the train/

27、the bus/the lecture v. 错过escape v. 逃脱,逃跑;逃避答疑编号2315010405:针对该题提问 正确答案D(33) The thief was finally captured two miles away from the village.A. caughtB. killedC. jailedD. found老师手写内容:prison n. 监狱catch v. 抓住;逮捕答疑编号2315010406:针对该题提问 正确答案A方法4.利用构词特点 (1) The two girls look alike.A. beautiful B. s

28、imilarC. prettyD. attraction老师手写内容:like v 喜欢like prep. 像,像一样same adj. 相同的identical adj. 相同的uniformed adj. 一致的;相同的答疑编号2315010407:针对该题提问 正确答案B(2) I wasnt qualified for the job really, but I got it anyhow.A. somehowB. anywayC. anywhere D. somewhere老师手写内容:be qualified for 对很胜任,对很合格anyhow adv. 总之;不管

29、怎样;无论如何anyway adv. 无论如何;不管怎样答疑编号2315010408:针对该题提问 正确答案B(3) From my standpoint, this thing is just ridiculous.A. fieldB. point of viewC. knowledgeD. information老师手写内容:funny adj. 好笑的;滑稽的silly adj. 愚蠢的see v. 看,看见sight v. 看见;观看答疑编号2315010409:针对该题提问 正确答案B(4) John talked over the new job offer w

30、ith his wife.A. discussedB. mentionedC. accepted D. rejected老师手写内容:refuse v. 拒绝答疑编号2315010410:针对该题提问 正确答案A(5) A deadly disease has affected these animals.A. contagiousB. seriousC. fatal D. worrying老师手写内容:fate n. 命运答疑编号2315010411:针对该题提问 正确答案C(6)The childs abnormal behavior puzzled the docto

31、r.A. badB. frighteningC. repeated D. unusual老师手写内容:abnormal adj. 反常的unusual adj. 不寻常的;与众不同的;不平常的confuse vt. 使混乱;使困惑答疑编号2315010501:针对该题提问 正确答案D(7)There are only five minutes left, but the outcome of the match is still unknown.A. end B. judgmentC. estimationD. result老师手写内容:come out 出来答疑编号23150105

32、02:针对该题提问 正确答案D(8)I cant afford a new car, so Im looking for a good second-hand one.A. timelyB. originalC. usedD. ancient老师手写内容:first-hand 一手的second-hand 二手的答疑编号2315010503:针对该题提问 正确答案C(9) John had fixed a perimeter fence round his garden -this was obligatory in those days.A. commonB. unnec

33、essaryC. compulsoryD. rare老师手写内容:obligation n. 义务;职责duty n. 责任responsibility n. 责任,职责;义务答疑编号2315010504:针对该题提问 正确答案C(10) Limestone that can be highly polished is termed marble.A. improved byB. similar toC. known as D. substituted for老师手写内容:term n. 术语;条款 vt. 把叫做被称作,被叫做,被认为是:be termedbe calledbe k

34、nown asbe referred to as答疑编号2315010505:针对该题提问 正确答案C(11) At first, the incident seemed to be insignificant.A. significant B. importantC. unimportant D. critical老师手写内容:important adj. 重要的,重大的答疑编号2315010506:针对该题提问 正确答案C(12) Two events have highlighted the tensions in recent years.A. distorted

35、B. extendedC. emphasizedD. illustrated老师手写内容:light + highstress vt. 强调答疑编号2315010507:针对该题提问 正确答案C(13) Your dog needs at least 20 minutes of vigorous exercise every day. (2010A)A. energetic B. freeC. physicalD. regularenergy n. 能量答疑编号2315010508:针对该题提问 正确答案A(14) We have seen a marked shift i

36、n our approach to the social issues.A. quickB. regularC. greatD. clear老师手写内容:mark n. 标志;分数;标记n. + ed =adj.change n. 变化way method means n. 方法答疑编号2315010509:针对该题提问 正确答案D(15)I enjoyed the playit had a clever plot and very funny dialogues.A. boringB. originalC. humorousD. Long老师手写内容:fun n. 乐趣;玩笑;有趣

37、的人或事funny adj. 有趣的rediculous adj. 可笑的interesting adj. 有趣的tiresome adj. 烦人的,无聊的;令人讨厌的答疑编号2315010510:针对该题提问 正确答案C方法5. 利用备选项设置的特点(1)The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.A. destroyedB. brokeC. smashedD. changed老师手写内容:break v. 打破;弄坏modify v. 修改;更改答疑编号2315010601:针

38、对该题提问 正确答案D(2) The expedition reached the summit at 10:30 that morning.A. bottom of the mountainB. foot of the mountainC. top of the mountain D. starting point老师手写内容:peak n. 山峰;最高点;顶点top n. 顶部,顶端答疑编号2315010602:针对该题提问 正确答案C(3) In order to improve our standard of living, we have to accelerat

39、e production.A. step upB. decreaseC. stop D. control老师手写内容:increase v. 增加decrease v. 减少speed up 加速答疑编号2315010603:针对该题提问 正确答案A(4) The earthquake has caused serious damage to this city.A. destructionB. hurtC. injury D. wound答疑编号2315010604:针对该题提问 正确答案A(5) When he got out of the managers offic

40、e, from his facial expression we knew that his proposal must have been turned down.A. refusedB. acceptedC. adoptedD. denied老师手写内容:admit v. 承认propose v. 建议答疑编号2315010605:针对该题提问 正确答案A(6) We are optimistic that the company will succeed.A. positiveB. dismayedC. frustratedD. incredible老师手写内容:negativ

41、e adj. 消极的;否定的positive adj. 积极的;肯定的optimistic adj. 乐观的;乐观主义的pessimistic adj. 悲观的,厌世的;悲观主义的答疑编号2315010606:针对该题提问 正确答案A(7) The man worked very hard. As an end, he became ill.A. reasonB. causeC. resultD. fact答疑编号2315010607:针对该题提问 正确答案C(8) It reduces the Post Office time if people address lett

42、ers properly.A. earnsB. winsC. gainsD. saves老师手写内容:No pains, no gains. 一分付出一份收获。付出才有收获。save land 节省土地save time 节省时间save money 节省钱答疑编号2315010608:针对该题提问 正确答案D(9) It can be concluded that science education has reached a new phase of development.A. gradeB. classC. standard D. stage老师手写内容:阶段:phase s

43、tep period答疑编号2315010609:针对该题提问 正确答案D(10) The efforts of the natural disasters cannot be easily subsumed under a few headings.A. outlinedB. includedC. summarizedD. discussed老师手写内容:sum 总计,和 = total答疑编号2315010610:针对该题提问 正确答案B(11) A vile smell hung in the air.A. burntB. unpleasantC. sweetD. f

44、ruity老师手写内容:burn v. 燃烧;烧毁burnt adj. 烧焦的;烧伤的答疑编号2315010611:针对该题提问 正确答案B(12) We have been through some tough times together. (2010)A. longB. shortC. happy D. difficult老师手写内容:艰难的;困难的;可怕的:hard severe appalling terrible答疑编号2315010612:针对该题提问 正确答案D(13) Many cities restricted smoking in public pla

45、ces.A. limitedB. allowedC. stop D. kept答疑编号2315010613:针对该题提问 正确答案A总结:五种方法:单义词;固定搭配;推理判断;构词;备选项的设置。做题顺序:教材上的题,单义词,构词,备选项的设置,推理判断,固定搭配。如何准备教材10组词汇教材10组词及同义词扩充教材10组词及同义词练习教材词汇测试的几种改变形式教材10组词汇题出现在试卷上时通常会有较大的改动1. 测试题与教材词题干一致,答案选项未变,仅干扰选项有变(1) 试题: Gambling is lawful in Nevada.A. popularB. boomingC. l

46、egalD. profitable答疑编号2315010701:针对该题提问 正确答案C答案解析lawful:合法的。legal:合法的。popular:受欢迎的。booming:兴旺的,繁荣的。profitable:赚钱的,有利可图的。教材: Gambling is lawful in Nevada.A. legalB. irresistibleC. enjoyableD. profitable答疑编号2315010702:针对该题提问 正确答案A答案解析lawful:合法的。legal:合法的。irresistible:不可抵抗的。enjoyable:快乐的。profitable:赚钱的,有利可图的。(2) 试题: The chairman proposed that we stop the meeting.A.statedB.announcedC.demandedD.suggested答疑编号2315010703:针对该题提问 正确答案D答案解析propose:建议。suggest:建议,提议。state:陈述。announce:宣布,述说。demand:要求。教材:


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