1、英语:2014?I.fade (v.衰退)真题例句 As the brain? fade§ werefer? to these? occu?rencs "senio?r momerts." ?“?亥。【2014完形】2、damagi ng (a.破坏性) wellb? eing (n.幸福)真题例句While ? seen? ngly innoc ? ent this loss of menta ? l focus? can poten? tiall ? y have a damag? i ng impa? t on our profe ? ssior? al s
2、ocia? l and perso? nal wellb? eing.?害但种精?、宗福破坏性?。【2014完形】3、turn out ( 证明) worko? ut (n.锻炼) funct? ion (n.功)真题例句 It turne?d out that the brain? needs exerc? i se inmu? h the same way our musc? es do and the right ? menta l work? uts can signi? f icar? tly improve our basic? cogni ?ti ve funct ? i ons
3、. 证明??功。【,2014,完形】4、proce? ss(n.过)真题例句 Think? i ng is esse? tiall ? y a proce ss of maki? g conne ction?s in the brain ?.?系过。2014完型】5、excel? (v.擅长)真题例句To a certa ? i n exten? t ,our abili ? ty to excel ? in makin? g the conne? ction ?s that drive ? intel ? l igerVce is inher ?ited.擅长 ? 系? 种 ?系 ?发展。【
4、2014完形】6 、 however(conj. 而 ),accor ? ding to(prep. 根据)真题例句Howev er,becau? se these? conne ction?s are made throu? gh effor ?t and pract ?ice,scien? tists? belie? ve that intel ? l iger? oe can expan? d and fluct ? uate accor ? ding to mental effor ? t.而? 系? 根 据前展 ?。【2014完形】7 .furth ? er (ad.更进 步) sh
5、arp? ness (n.敏锐)真题例句Now a new Web- basea company has taken? it a step furth ?er and devel ?qoed the first ? ”brain? train? i ng" desig? ned to actua? l ly help peop? eimpr? ve and regai ?ntheir? mental sharp? ness.?更进 步 发第?“? ” 真 ?精敏锐?度。【2014完形】8 .allow? (vt.容许允许)真题例句 The Web-based ? progr? am
6、allow? s you to syste ? matic? ally impro ? ve your memory and atten? tion skill ? s.?系??。【2014完形】9 .keep track ? of (追踪)真题例句 The progr?amkeep? track? of your progr? ess and provi? des detai? led feedb ?ack on your perfo ?rmanceand impro? vement.?进展进 追踪?详细反馈。【2014完形】10 .const? antly? (ad.不断) build ?
7、 on( 进 ? 步发展)effec? tive (a.效)真题例句Most impoi? tantl? y it const? antly? modif? ies and enhan ces the games you play to build ? on the stren ? gths you are devel? oping? much like an effec ?tive exerc ?ise routi ? ne requi? res you to incre ? ase resis ? tance and vary your muscl ? e use.? 效 ?锻炼?、 锻炼
8、? 不断 ??进 进 而进步?形 种?优势。【2014完形】11 .sign on (登 失 (?救济金)真题例句"Those first ? few days shoul ? dbe spent? looki? rg for work not looki ?ng to sign on " he claim? ed. "? 而不 进 ?失登? ”声。【2014阅读】20131 .grant? (vt. 予 准许) ,exter ? nal (.外部)真题例句At first ? glanc? ethis might? seemlike a stren? gth t
9、hat grant?s the abili ?ty to make judgm? ents which? are unbia? sed by exter ? nal facto ? rs.? 种优势?不外?【2013完形】2、pictu? re (n. 局)真题例句But Dr. Uri Simon ? sohn specu? l ate that an inabi ? l ity to consi ? der thebig pictu ? re was leadi? ng decis? i on-make? s to be biase? d by the daily ? samp! es o
10、f infor ?mtio? n they were worki ? rg with.但乌 ? 不 局? 而?带偏见。【2013完形】3 .be soft on ( 软弱)for examp? l e (例如) fearf ? ul(a.担心 害怕 )真题例句 For exampe he thtor ? i sed that a judge? fearf? ul of appe? ri ng too soft on crime? migh? be more likel ? y to send smeo? e to priso? n if he had alrea ? dy sente? nce
11、d five or six other ? defendants? only to force ? d community servi ? ce on that day. 例如? 害 怕?过心?软 ? 如?进 性??性更。4 .test (v.检验)真题例句 To test this idea he turne? d to the unive? rsity? -admis sions? process.检验 ?O 而?过。【2013完形】5 .other?wse (ad. 反 其反)真题例句Dr. Simon ?sohn suspe? cted the truth ? was other? w
12、ise.?4即此。【2013完形】6 .condu? ct (vt. 进 执)真题例句He studi ?ed the resul? ts of 9323 MBAinter ? view? conducted by 31 admis ?sons offic ? ers.? 323?31? 进 ? MBA ? 结。【2013第11页共10页完形】7 .rate (vt. 评估评价)真题例句?1?58.take.真题例句The inter ? view? rs had rate appliinto consi ? derat? Wo【i on (把 内)?cants? on a scale ? o
13、f one to five.2013完形】This scale? took numer ous facto? rs into consi? derat? i on. 评分9.undo (v.真题例句【,2013,完形】消除消)This might ? sound smal? but to undo the effec ? ts of such a decre ? asea candi? date would ? need 30 more GMAT point ? s than would ? other? wise have been neces ? 分2013完形】sary.许 GMT10.
14、indic ?tment?不但消除?30分?。【(n.指控)真题例句 This top-down conce ? ption? of the fashi ? on busin? ess could? n' t be more out of date or at odds with the fever? i sh world? descr? ibed in Over? resse d Eliza? beth?而 ? 过?完全不同。Cline?' s three?-year indic?tme?t of "fast fashi? on.“ 种?EizO? beth Cli
15、ne ? 过度2012?1 .maint? ain (vt. 持)真题例句 The court? cann? t main? ain its legit ? i macy as guard? an of the rule of?性。law when justi ? ces behave like polit ? i ciar? s持其 ?2 .weak§ n (vt.肖ij弱)真题例句 Yet in sever ? al insta ? nces,justi ? ces acted? in ways that weake ? ned thecourt?' s reput? a
16、tion? for being ?害?、 声3 .accep? tas (接)真题例句That kind of activindep? ende?nt and impa? tial. 而 ?誉。? tiy makes? it less likel ? y that the court?ions will be accep ? ted as impar? tial judgm ? ents. 种? ' s decis? 不4 .bind (vt.约束)真题例句Part of the probl?s code. 题 ? 种度?5 .subje? ct .(a. )? em is that
17、the justi ? ces are not bound ? by an ethic?不 apply? (v.用)锥约束 ?。【2012完形】真题例句At the very least? the court? of condu? ct that appli ? es to the rest of the feder?其 ? 部6.raise ? (vt. )? 准?。line in(n. 线)shou? d makeitsel ? f subje? ct to the code?al judic ? i ary.?2012完形】raise? the quest? i on of wheth?
18、er there? is?:?/、 2012完形】真题例句This and other? simil? ar cases? still ? a line betwe ? en the court ? and polit ? ics.?间?线。【7 .envis? i on as (把 设想 )真题例句The frame ? rs of theCo ? nstit ? ution? envis? i oned law as havin ?g autho? rityapart? from polit ? i cs.? 设想 ?外 权。【2012完形】8 .upset? (vt. 气) .culti
19、 ? vate (vt. 培养)真题例句They gave justi ? ces permanent posit?ions so they would? be free to upset ? those in power? and have no need to culti ? vate polit ? i cal suppo? rt.? 性? 此不 ?担心 ?权 不培 ?封寺。【2012完形】9 .tie(vt. 系)真题例句 Our legal ? syste ? mwas desig? ned to set law apart ? from polit ? i cs preci?351
20、y becau? se they are so close ? l y tied.?度 ?分? 系?±紧密。【2012完形】10 .conce? pt (n.观)真题例句Cons? i tuti ? onal law is polit ? i cal beca? se it resul? ts from choic? es roote ?din funda? nenta? l socia? l concepts like liber ? ty and property.?性? 根? 如 ? 观?选择。【,2012,完形】ll.shape? (vt.形),dismi? ss (vt.
21、驳回)真题例句When the court ? deals? with socia ? l polic ? y decis? i ons,the law it shape ?sis inesc? apab? y polit ? i calwhich? is why decis?ions split ? alon。ideol? ogica? l lines? are so easil ? ydism? ssde as unjus? t.? 形? 不? 带 ? 想 我不同而 ?分 ? 容 ?不?而驳回?原。【,2012,完形】12 .addre?ss (vt. ) acco? ntabl?e (a
22、.?)真题例句The justi ? ces must addre? ss doubt?s about? the court ? ' s legit ? i macy by makii? g thems elves? accoQntabl ? e to the code of cond? ct.? 准 ?性 题 ?。,2012,完形】13 .reneg?e on (违背)真题例句 The company prove?ked justi ?fied outra? ge in Vermont last week when it anno? nced it was reneg? i ng o
23、n a longs? tand? ng comr?tment? to abide? by the state?'s stric ?t nucld? ar regul? ation? s.?背 长 ??特()合 ?。【2012阅读】201014 affec ? t (vt. )真题例句It hope? they would? learn? howshop-floor ? light ?i ng affec? ted workers' prodiPctivi ?ty.(?委)?阎明如??效?。【2010完形】15 end up(终 ) act(二.)真题例句Inste ? ad,
24、the studi ? es ended? up givin ? g their ? name to the "Hawth ? orneeffec? t," theeX? tremel y influ ? entia? l ideathat thevery actof being?expe? i mer0ed uponchan? ed subje? cts ' behav ior.不过终?霍桑效”?明 ?接验前?。【2010完形】16 perpl ? ex (vt. 困惑 费解 )真题例句 The idea arose? becau se of the perpl?
25、 exing? behav i orof? thew? nen in the plant?.?费解 ?想。【2010完形】4.accou? nt(n. 叙 )真题例句Acco? ding toacco? nts of the experiment? s,their ? hourl? youtpU? t rose whenlight ? i ngw?as incre? ased, but明?5.matte? r(v.关系)also when it?增。【so long as(was dimmed.根据验 ?不2010完形】)真题例句 It did not matte ? r whatw as d
26、onei?n the exper ? i mer?t; so long as somet ?hng was chan? ed, prodU?ctivi ?ty rose.验内容 关紧发 效?。【2010完形】6. aware? ness(n.识)真题例句An awar? rnes? hat they were being? expe? i mer?t ed upon seemedto be enoug ?h toalt ? er worke? rs' behav? i orb? itsel ? f.?接 验? 识 ?。【2010完形】7 , be subje ? cted to( 遭)
27、真题例句 After? seve? a decad? es, the same data were subje ? cted to econo ? netri ?canaly? sis.? 同 ?据 用?济分 ?。【2010完形】8 . contr ? ary to( 反 ),evide ? nce(n.证据)真题例句 Cont? ary to the deion ? s on recor? c| no syste ? natic? evidence was found ? t hatl? evels? of produ? ctivi ? ty were relat ? ed to chang
28、? es in light ? i ng. 验 ? 反? 系 证据明? 明? 关?。【2010完形】9 . misle ? ad Cvt.误 )for examp? le(例如)真题例句It turns? out that the pecu? i ar way of cond? cting? the expe? i mei?t s mayhave led tomis? l ead? ng inter ? preta? tions? of what happe ned. For example light ? i ng was alway? s chan? ed on aSund a/.结 明
29、进 验特? 发 ?误 ?解。例如:总? 明。【2010完形】10 .duly (ad.) conti ? nue (vi.继续)真题例句 Whenwork start ? edaga i n on Monday, outpu? t duly rose compared with thepr?o/iou? s Satur? day and conti ? nued toris ? e for the next coupl ? e of days.? 而接?持续 ?。11 .tend to do sth.(发 ?)hit(v. 达 )真题例句 Workers tende?d to be dilig
30、 ? ent for the first ? few days of the week in any case,befor ? e hitti ? ng a plate ? au and then slack ? ening? off.? 达 ? 接?松懈。【2010完形】12 , about ? -facen.( 想、)真题例句 Curb? on busin? ess-metho? d claim? s would? be a drama? tic about? - face.? 权 ?性?。【2010阅读】2009 1.consi? der(v. 细想 )真题例句Consi?der the
31、 fruit ? -fly exper ?ime?tsdescr? i bed by Car Zimme? r in the Scien?ce Times.想 发?关?验 ?。【2009阅读】13 tend(v.倾向趋 )真题例句Fruit ? flies ? who were taugh? t to be smart? er than the averO? ge fruit ? fly tende? d to live short ? er lives ? .?更 明? 较短。【2009完形】14 dim ( a. 阴暗 昏暗 ),advan? tage(n.优势)真题例句 This sug
32、g? sts that dimmer bulbs? burn longe? r, that there? is an advan ?tage in not being? too brigh? t.明较 暗明 间更 长不明 ? 种优势?。【2009完形】15 turn out( 结 ? 终)真题例句Intel ? l igen? ce, it turns? out, is a high-price ?doptio?n 结种 ? 选择?。【2009完形】16 gradu? al (a.逐渐 逐步 )真题例句 It takes ? moxe upkee? p, burns? more fuel an
33、d is slow off the start ? i ng line becau ? se it depen ? ds on learn ? i nga gradu?al proce ? ssinste? ad of insti ? nct.更?养 更? 步明?- 渐进 6.limit ? ed (a.真题例句Is there?【7.perfo ? rm(v.做过而不 ?。【2009完形】)? an adapt ? i ve value? to limit ? ed intel ? l igen ce?2009完形】)真题例句 Resea rch on anim? l intel ? l i
34、ger? ce also makes us wonde rwhat expe? i ment?sanima l s would? perfo? rmon humans if they had the chanc ?e? 验?如?做?验。【2009完形】17 for insta ? nce(例如)真题例句Every? cat withan owne? , forinsta? nce,is runni? ng a smal?-scale?study? i n opera? nt cond? tioni? ng.例如:? 进 ? 性 ?。【2009完形】18 funda? nent夕 l (a.根)
35、abov? all(?)真题例句Above? all, they would? hope to study? a funda? rente? l ques? i on: Are human ?sactua? 11y aware? of the world ? they live in? 根? 题:真?解 ?【2009完形】19 , so far(迄今止)真题例句So far the resul ? ts are incon ? clusi? ve.?。【2009完形】20 , rut(n. 辙)真题例句But don't bothe ? r tryin ? g to kill off
36、old habit ? s; once those? ruts of proce? dure are worn into the brain? , they're there? to stay.但 不 费 钝?旧惯; 惯? 进 ?。【2009阅读】200821 be prepa ? red to(准备)真题例句But Greg? ry Coch? an is prep夕 red to say it anyway.但?准 备如??观点。【2008完形】22 rare ( a. 稀罕 珍 ),indep ? endeZtly of()真题例句Heis that rare bird, a s
37、cien? tist who works? indep? enden tly of any insti?tutio?n.种特 ?:?。【2008完形】23 previ ? ousiy? (ad. 先 )真题例句】He helpe?d popul? arize? the ides. that some disea ? ses not previ ? ousiy?thoug? ht to have a bacte ?rial cause ? were actua? l ly infec ? tion's which? arou§ ed much contr? over§
38、 y when it was first ? suggested.种观点?细? 观点?争议。【2008完形】4.sugge? st(vt. )? shin,a paper? which真题例句Toget? herw? t hanet her two scien ? t ists? , he is publi ? not only sugge ? sts that one group ? ofhumianity? is more intel ?liger?t than the other ? sbut expla ? i ns thepr? oces? that has broug ? ht t
39、his about ?.同其 ?发不指2008完形】5.in quest ? i on(?其更 ?明而解 ?种 ?过。【?谈 )真题例句 The group? in ques? i on are a parti ?cular? peop? eorigi ? nated? from centr ?a Europ? e.? 特?民。【2008 完形】24 score? (vt.?赛分) mean (a.均 )dispr? oport?ionat? ely (ad.不 不 例?不匀 ),caree ? r(n. 涯),affir ? m(vt.证 )真题例句This group gene? ally
40、 do well in IQ tests ? , scori ? ng 12-15 point? s above ? the mean value? of 100 and have contr? ibute? ddispr? oport? i ona? ely to the intel ? lectu?a and cultu ? ral life of the West, as the caree ? rs of their ? elite ? s, inclu ? ding sever ?a world? - renow ned scien?tists ? , affir ?m? 验? 分较
41、 ? 均分 100分 ?21分;但慢精英 ? 其? 证民? 不 ?例?贡献。【2008完形】25 howev? er (ad. 而)真题例句Thes? facts? , however, have previ?ously? been thought unrel?ated.但 ?间 ?系。【2008完形】26 put down to(归),value ? (vt. 视 珍惜 )真题例句 The forme? r has been put down to socia? l effec? ts, such as a stron? gtradi ?ti on of valui? ng educatio
42、n. 归 ? 如 视?。【2008完形】27 subje ? ct (vt. 遭)parad? oxica? l (a. 而非?)真题例句 His argum? ent is that the unusu ? al histo ? ry of these ? peop?e has subje ?cted them to uniqu ? e evolu? tiona? ry press? ures that have resul ? ted in this parad ? oxica?l state ? of affai ? rs. 点 ? 非同?寻? 遭? 特 进而? 种?。【2008完形】2
43、8 .conse? quenc e(n.)真题例句 The latte ? r was seen a conse? quence of genet? ic isola ?tion. 视? 结。【2008完形】11.link ( vt. 结 系 )真题例句 Dr. Cochr? an suggQ sts that the intel? l iger? ce and disea ? ses are intim?2tely? linke?d. 指?紧密 ?系。【2008完形】2007l.inhab? itant? (n.居民),hopef? Uly (ad.?)真题例句The rough? l y
44、20 milli ? on inhab? itant? s ,of these ? natio? ns looke? d hopef ?Uly to the futur?e.?约 居民?克荫待。【2007完形】2. share? (vt.共同拥 种 、特?),open (a.、?、用 拥)right? (n.权)真题例句Born in the crisi ? s of the old regim ? e and Iberi ? an Colon ialis ? m manyof the leaders of indep? enden ce share? dthe ideal? of repre
45、? sente? tive gove? men? caree ?rs open to talen ? t freed? om of comme rce and trade ? the right ? to priva ? te prope? rty, and a belie ? f in the indiv? i dua? as the basis? ofsocie?ty.许?旧权 ?义?:议??选择、?、?权 ?。【2007完形】3. gener ? ally (ad. 遍 )common (a.、 仰、 想 共同 )真题例句Gener ally there ? was a belie ?
46、f that the new natio ? ns shoul? d be sover ?egn and indep? ende?it state? s large? enough to be econ? mcal? ly viabl? eand integ? rated ? by a common set of laws. 遍?特济 共 固把?合 ?。【2007完形】4. freed ? om(n.) however (ad. 而 但),amon(? ( prep.)真题例句 On the issue ? of freed ? om of relig ? i on and the posit
47、 ? i on of the Churc ?h however, there ? was less agree ? n®nt amon? the leade? rship?.但?题 间 ? 分 ?。【2007完形】5. allow ? ( vt.接)真题例句 Rom?n Cath? licis? mhad been the state ? relig ? i on and the only one allow ?ed by the Span? sh crow?.过??。【2007完形】6. exclu ? sion(n.排除)真题例While? most leade? rs soug
48、h t to main? an Catho l icis? mas the offic ? i al relig ?ion of the new state ? s, some sough? t to end the exclu ? sion of other ? faith ? s.?维续 ? 部分 ?终结种排?其仰 ?状。【2007完形】7. cry (n. 号)真题例句 The defen ?se of the Churc ? h becam ea rally ? i ng cry for the conse ? rvati ?e force? s.? 势 ? 号 ?。【2007 完形】
49、)? and had promi ? sed in retur ? n to? 回报8. promi ? se(v.证 答 ),in retur ? n( 回报 真题例句Boliv ? ar had recei ? ved aid from Haiti aboli? sh slave? ry in the areas ? he liber ? ated.?解 ?除 ?。【2007完形】9. remai ? ning (a.剩余 其余)真题例句By 1854 slave? ry had been aboli? shed every? wier? exce? t Spain?'s rema
50、i?nng colon? ies. 185? 除?余 民?外 其?除 ?。【2007完形】10. slow. (a.),produ? ce (vt.带)真题例Early ? promises to end India? ntribu ? te and taxes? on peop? eof mixed? origi?ncame much slow§ r beca?se the new natio? ns still ? neede? d the reven? ue such polic ? i esprodu? ced.?消印第2007完形】11.be unpre ? pare? f
51、or( 准备 )真题例句Egali? taria? n senti? nent§ were often ? tempe red by fears ? that the massof the popu? ation? was unpre? pare? for self-rule? 民做?准备?12.mania? (n. 衷 )真题例句Socc? r-mad paren? t s are more likelgtime? , at the annua ? l peak of socce ? r mani? .and democracy.担心?解。【2007完形】? y to conce
52、? i ve child ? ren in sprin ?更?2007阅读】20061.copyvi.( 功),indee? d (ad.真题例句 Indee? d, homel? essn? ss has reach ? ed such propo ? rtion? s that local ? gover?men? can't possi? bly cope. 归2 .raise ? ( vt.真题例句To ? must supp? rt job housi? ng.准 ?设更3 . range ? vi.(:O)towar? d (prep.向朝)2006完形】help home? ess peop? e towar? d indep? endence, the feder? al gove? nmenttrain ? ing progr? amsraise? the minin? umwage, and fund more low-cost?支持 培 、?2006完形】?围内真题例句Estim? ates range ? anywhere from 600 000 to 3 milli? on.估30 0 间。【4.incre ? ase ( v.增2006完形】)真题例句Altho ? ugh the figur ? e may vary, analy ?
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