1、新世纪大学英语综合教程 3 课后答案Unit One FriendshipChecking Your Vocabulary1)1. correspond2. build3. sensible4. brilliant5. grasp6. appoint7. hardware8. gaze2)1. cast your eyes / an eye over2. torn down3. making a fortune4. turned up5. lost track of6. pass on7. checking up on8. was under arrestChecking Your Compr
2、ehension1)1. The story took place in New York.2. He was on night duty, patrolling the avenues and trying to prevent any possible crimes on his beat.3. He came from the western part of the United States, which was still wild and under-developed at that time.4. He was waiting by appointment for Jimmy
3、Wells, the best friend of his youth.5. Twenty years before, Jimmy and Bob had made an appointment that they would meet again in the same restaurant exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what their conditions might be or from what distance they might have to come.6. He was arrested
4、by a policeman in plain clothes, because he was wanted by the Chicago police.7. He was Jimmy Wells, Bob's friend of youth.8. Yes, they did meet that night, but in a very special way. Jimmy approached Bob as a patrolman, talking to Bob as if they did not know each other before.2)1. He loved New Y
5、ork so much that he preferred to live nowhere else.2. It was a luxurious watch, handsome and with small diamonds set on its lids.Judging by the watch, one might think that he had made a fortune in the West.3. Each of them was eager to know what exactly the other looked like.4. You are not Jimmy at a
6、ll, because it is not possible for a man to change the shape of his nose so thoroughly within a matter of twenty years.5. The Chicago police informed us that you might have come to New York and they wan ted us to stop and arrest you It is wise of you not to resist.6. He could not control his emotion
7、s when he found out the truth. His hand was trembling with fear and shock.Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in actionWorking with Words and Expressions(1)1. bound2. appropriate3. possessing4. permanent5. appointed6. parted7. had corresponded8. gazed9. notion10. keen11. preserve12. grasped13. figu
8、red14. grounded15. sensible16. attribute17. united18. pursue19. commitments20. regulating(2)1. distinguish between2. checked up on3. torn down4. make a fortune5. all of a sudden6. lost track of7. Casting an eye over8. broke up9. take pleasure in10. described as11. turned up12. in so far as13. is und
9、er arrest14. pass on15. as toIncreasing Your Word Power(1)1.posal9.refusal 10.removal11.survival12.withdrawal(2) 1. refusal 2. arrivals 3. removal 4. dismissal 5. survival 6. proposal 7. disposal 8. approval(3) 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5
10、. dGRAMMAR REVIEW(1)1. whichever tent you are not using now2. whoever comes / come first3. whichever / whatever condition our captain thought was the best4. Wherever / No matter where I go5. whatever wishes their child / children expresses / express6. However disappointed / No matter how disappointe
11、d you may feel about the surroundings / environment / situation7. Whoever breaks it8. whenever he concentrates on a problem(2)1. It is not luck but hard work tha led him to today' s success.2. Prof. Moen argues that it is energy that makes the world go round.3. It was not until he had proved he
12、was honest that he won the family' s trust.4. It was clearly the headmaster himself who that opened the door for me.5. NONECLOZE1) classical2) notion3) utility4) ground5) occurs6) goodness7) as to8) possesses9) preserve10) bound11) mirror12) virtuous13) commitment14) moral excellenceTRANSLATION(
13、1)1. The friendship grounded on common / shared interest does not break up easily. / It is noteasy for the friendship grounded on common / shared interest to break up.2. Children must learn to distinguish between violence and bravery / courage in computer games.3. There spring up so many new things
14、every day in the world that it is no longer sensible toexpect a person to know / keep track of everything.4. Laws do not regulate such things as betrayal to friends; that is why there is what we call / iscalled "the court of morality".5. Today ' csulture is described as “ fas-ftood cul
15、ture Wh. atever they may be / are doing, people just pursue the greatest / maximum satisfaction within the shortest time.6. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If you want something, go andearn / work for it.(2)As is commonly acknowledged / It is commonly recognised that huma
16、ns are social animals. Bonded together in a community, we naturally expect to have friends. As to what friendship is, people have different notions / ideas. Some make friends for mutual utility. Once the ground for such friendship disappears, the friendship also breaks up. However, a lot more people
17、 long for "soul pals" those who possess virtues and with whom we can go through trials and tribulations together. Such friendships keep us away from greed and violence and encourage us to have the courage of our convictions. Such is what we call "true and perfect friendship".THEM
18、E-RELATED WRITING1. Bob and I became brother-like friends in our childhood. We played, dined and discussed our ambitions together. Once grown up, he started for the West to make his fortune while I became a policeman in New York. Before his departure, we had dinner together and we agreed that we wou
19、ld meet at the same place exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we might have to come.s aliveThen came the day we were supposed to meet. I was on my beat then. Walking up to the appointed place which had been turned into a hardware
20、 store, I saw a man standing there with an unlighted cigar in his mouth. Before I could speak, he told me that he was waiting for a friend by the name of Jimmy Wells. When he struck a match to light his cigar, I saw a pale face with keen eyes and a scar. I recognized him immediately. It was Bob, and
21、 it was also the face of the man wanted by the Chicago Police. For a moment I felt like telling him to escape right away. After all, we had been friends for so many years and he had traveled all the way to see me! But then my sense of duty told me the right thing to do. I said good-bye to him and co
22、ntinued my patrol, his last words still ringing in my ear:“ I ' ll wait for half an hour. Jimmy will keep his promise if hesent for a plain clothes man and had Bob arrested.2. An Important Friend in My LifeLi Qiang, one of my classmates, is fun to be with. He is always wearing a broad smile as i
23、f life is forever "sunshine and butterflies". One day, I revealed to him my worries and anxieties: I, an ordinary-looking girl, was 177 centimeters tall, even taller than any of the boys in my class. I thought no boy would like to date me. Besides, I was very poor at my academic courses. H
24、e suggested that I should learn to be myself and then he introduced me to a fashion show team of the university. Encouraged, I decided to change myself. After a 3-month training program on weekends, I could perform beautifully as a model, and surprisingly, I could concentrate on the required academi
25、c courses as well. The applauses I won at each fashion show and the scholarship I earned proved that being myself was terrific. Since then, my life has changed a lot. Thus, Li Qiang became an important friend of mine.Last semester, we began to help young people who suffer pressures from physical def
26、ects, academic failures or financial problems. We set up a Confidence Club. Those who come to us for help find our work definitely beneficial. Our friendship has led me into a sparkling, rewarding life.Unit Two LoveChecking Your Vocabulary1)1. engaged2. grief3. manipulate4. agonizing5. maximum6. fas
27、cinate7. silverware8. grace2)1. moist.2. fit into3. In the course of4. glory5. overjoyed6. clip7. in vain8. yieldChecking Your Comprehension1)1. He was dying in bed of a serious disease.2. They were long and large. His fingers were long and square, laced with fine veins all the way to the tips. His
28、nails squared off the ends of his fingers, with clearly defined white edges. He had always taken great care to keep them neat. They were not tough hands; nor soft, either.3. She could feel pure and honest expressions of his love.4. He took very good care of them.5. Her husband held her hands in the
29、most frightening moments of his illnesses and in the deepest, darkest moment of his life.6. She discovered an opened pack of emery boards.7. At the sight of the emery boards, she could not control her grief any longer and broke into tears.8. He was her youngest son, who resembled her husband very mu
30、ch.9. She felt the clasp was as reassuring as his father's.2)1. Holding one of my hands tightly, he expressed his pure love for me as well as his wish to be together with me forever.2. I tried to bear in mind what his hands were like because I knew he would soon leave us forever.3. When death wa
31、s drawing near, he clasped my hands to seek comfort and support from me and to express his pure and deep love for me.4. Since my husband had been using them before he died, I like to use them now so that I could find myself mentally closer to him.5. Even though he had died, my husband's way of e
32、xpressing love through his handclasp had been passed down to our son, which was a lasting comfort to me. Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in actionWorking with Words and Expressions(1)1. curled2. minimum3. clip4. yielded5. Given6 awaiting7. fascinated8. affection9. interact10. haste11. harden12.
33、 rief13. defies14. glance15. presence16. lasting17. via18. acquire19. manipulate20. restraints(2)1. let loose on2. fit into3. hold on4. state of affairs5. in the course of6. in vain7. build on8. In short9. grow used to10. blame on11. reached for12. give and takeIncreasing Your Word Power(1)1. overco
34、at2. overhead3. overjoyed4. overslept5. overweight6. overdue7. overtime8. overworking(2)1. crush2. attributes3. fancy4. bubbled5. grasp6. drizzling7. labeling8. yield(3)1. We are short of hands.2. I still have some money in hand.3. Give me a hand with this box, please.4. I often keep a dictionary at
35、 hand.5. The football fans were out of hand.6. Hand out the pencils to everyone in the class.7. This ring was handed down to me by my grandmother.8. Time ' s up. Please hand in your test papers.9. Please hand on the magazine to your roommates.10. I 'm afraid I can 't help you. I 'm a
36、 green hand.GRAMMAR REVIEW (1)1. Sitting on the stairs was / On the stairs was sitting2. Over the wall came / flew3. Round the corner was4. Then finally came5. Under the table was lying6. At / On the top of (On top of) the hill stood(2)1. The beaver chews down trees to get food and material to build
37、 its home with.2. Do your parents think Tom is a nice boy to go out with? (Cross out "him")3. The goals for which he has fought all his life seem unimportant to him now.4. NONE.5. The essay starts by asking a question, to which the author then gives a positive answer.CLOZE(1) haste(2) stat
38、e of affairs(3) distinguished(4) meeting of minds(5) blossom(6) inner charm(7) intimacy(8) emotion(9) acquiring(10) ideals(11) admiration(12) lasting(13) affection(14) forge(15) honor(16) overwhelmingTRANSLATION(1)1. In either friendship or love / In both friendship and love, you should never expect
39、 to take / receive the maximum while you give the minimum.2. I built all my hopes on his promise(s), only to find that he was not a man of sincerity at all.3. We took Mother to all the best hospitals we could find, but all our efforts were in vain; she failed to survive the disease.4. Valentine '
40、; s Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14, a perfect day to express love to the object of your / one ' s affection.5. In the information era, communications with far-away friends via can be almost / virtually simultaneous.6. Love takes time, for it is not forged until you have grown
41、 used to the other 'cosmpany and learned to appreciate the other.(2)After dinner, we all sat around the hearth. Aunt Susan was still in the grief of losing Uncle Robert.In her soft voice she told us about their past years. Uncle Robert joined the army shortly after they were engaged. Given the c
42、ritical situation a t the time when lots of army men didn't return alive,you can imagine how much overjoyed Aunt Susan was to see Uncle Robert come back safe and sound from the European battlefield. Then they got married and brought up five children. For all those years, their affection for each
43、 other grew stronger in the course of overcoming difficulties and hardships in life. I was fascinated by Aunt Susan's story, which was totally different from myideal of love. They practiced giving and sharing in their daily life instead of pursuing passion and romance. Amazingly, such love laste
44、d through their whole life.THEME-RELATED WRITING1. Male-female relations are indispensable to adults all through their lives. But different generations handle them differently. Our parents'generation lived in an era of constraints, restraints, respect, admiration, and plenty of romance. They kep
45、t a distance from people of the opposite gender in order to preserve the holiness of love and relationships.My generation, on the other hand, began with countless crushes for the opposite sex just because of their superficial charm. Harmless as it was, the love was as brief as soap bubbles. As we gr
46、ew up, we came to the stage of developing real relationships, believing that love demanded a lot of give and not so much of take.By comparison, the younger generation is more open-minded and less restricted in handling the matter of love and relationships. They jump on the bandwagon of love with so
47、much haste that it is difficult for them to distinguish between physical attraction and mental compatibilities. In short, the younger generation focuses more on physical beauty, closeness and passion, and they tend to seek what they want from the relationships. The other two generations give priorit
48、y to inner charm, intimacy, emotion and sharing in dealing with relationships.2. What Do Girl Students Look for in Love and Life?In order to know about girl students' opinion about love and life, a survey with girl studentswas conducted in 2005 in two universities Chongqing University of Technol
49、ogy and Business and East China Normal University. The survey sought answers to two questions: What do you look for first in a boyfriend? What's the most important thing for a happy life?About one third of the students chose personality as the top factor in choosing a boyfriend, followed by 27 p
50、ercent focusing on abilities. Next came common interests and goals, favoured by 17 percent, with only 14 percent of students claiming appearance to be uppermost in their minds. Fewer still, 11 percent, rated economic status as the first consideration.As to their views about a happy life, nearly seve
51、nty percent of the girls attached the greatest importance to marriage and family. “ Career was given top priority by just under 20 percent, while even fewer, around 9 percent, believed that money was the key to a happy life.Based on the survey, we may conclude that nowadays, girl students generally
52、hold a rational attitude towards love and life. Admittedly, the improved material conditions of life explain why girls take economic status and money rather lightly. But contrary to the popular view that girls are more concerned about self-development in the workplace and social status, they still r
53、egard upon marriage and family life as central to a happy life.Unit Three HappinessChecking Your Vocabulary1)1. purchase2. temporary3. inform5. rewarding6. scale7. cultivate8. conscience2)1. a fact of life2. wear out3. suggests4. other than5. has something to do with6. working out7. attractive8. tak
54、e npainsChecking Your Comprehension1)ve1. We feel happy, but only for a short time. Over time, we get bored with the thing we2. Material happiness is derived from our purchasing power while spiritual happiness means something else altogether, like good friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children,
55、 a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and a satisfying job. Such things bring us contentment that lasts and has meaning.3. His philosophy is: No matter how much money you make, you always want more. So, one should break free from this cycle and find time to do what he wants.4. The
56、 author lists seven "scales" by which we can measure wealth: friends, health, strength, family, knowledge, skill and character.5. They are not taxed.6. They are good friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and a job you truly
57、enjoy. All these things can bring us lasting and meaningful happiness.7. Take a look at the world around you and think about what it is that you enjoy and what makes you truly happy.2)1. If you excel in the skill you practice daily, you will get a sense of achievement and pride, which will bring you lasting happiness.2. If money or anything else has brought you some happiness in life, you have to give it up whenyou die. But it is not true of knowledge, because the
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