



1、标准第5题 Unit 11 .Taxes are an obligation which may fall on everyday.译文: 纳税是每个人的义务。2 .We applauded the authority ' s decision not to close the hospital.译文:当局决定不关闭这家医院,对此我们拍手称赞。3 .The doctor ' s instructions must fulfilled exactly; the sick man' snds deipe译文:必须严格遵照医嘱,病人的生命看就靠它了。4 .Do these o

2、pinion polls really mirror what people are thinking?译文:民意测验真的能反映人们的想法吗?1.1 prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words and phrases.译文:我更倾向于把记忆看做是灵活使用单词和词组的手段。1.2 n her office memos she tended to devalue the work done by her staff.译文:在她的办公室备忘录中,她经常贬低下属的工作。7 .The

3、 history of railroad transport has partly been a history of striving or greater efficiency and profit.译文:铁路运输史在某种程度上是人们努力追求更高效率和更大收益的历史。8 .He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it entailed.译文:他上任新职,却对这个职位的职责要求一无所知。9 .He is supposedly one of the greatest experts in that fie

4、ld.译文:他可能是那个领域最杰出的专家之一。10 .Absolute secrecy is essential. Consequently the fewer who are aware of the project the better.Unit 211 By the age of 20, Mozart had written some ten operas and was well prepared for the demanding audiences that awaited him inVienna.译文:20岁时,莫扎特已经创作了约十部歌剧,并为期待他演出的维也纳观众做好了充分的

5、准备。2 .After only three years in the American market, our USsales there have overtaken those inJapan.译文:进入美国市场仅仅三年后,我们在美国市场的销售额就已经超过了日本。3 .Earthquakes pose such serious danger to the country thatJapan has become a world leader in earthquake prediction, earthquake-proof construction techniques, and di

6、saster preparedness by both civil defense forces and the general public.译文:地震对日本构成了极大的威胁,因此日本在地震预测、防震建筑技术以及民防队伍和公众应对灾难 的能力方面都处于世界领先地位。4 .American artists often took their cues from European literary salons and art schools, and cultured Americans traveled toEurope to become educated.译文:美国艺术家经常从欧洲的文化沙

7、龙和艺术院校得到启示,而有修养的美国人也去欧洲接受教育。5 .A series of body explosions has undermined all hopes for a peaceful solution in theMiddle East.译文:一系列人体爆炸事件破坏了和平解决中东问题的所有希望。6 .When he realized the police had spotted him, the man made for the exit as quickly as possible.译文:当意识到警察已经认出他时,他赶紧向出口跑去。7 .Many of the scientis

8、ts and engineers are judged in terms of how profitable their achievements are.译文:人们根据其成就赢利的多少来评判大部分的科学家好工程师。8 .A person who moves to a house on a busy street may initially be distracted every time a noisy vehicle drives by but after a month he will become used to it.译文:对刚搬到闹市区的人来说,起初可能会因为过往车辆的嘈杂声感到心

9、烦意乱,但一个月之后就习惯 了。9 .These publishers all depended on the favor of the British crown for their existence, and so they only published materials that did not offend royalty.译文:出版公司能否生存下去完全依赖于英国君主的支持,因此他们只出版那些不冒犯王室的出版物。、10 .They will seek to persuade others that they are moral in the accepted sense of th

10、e term in order to mask their motives to gain the awards.译文:他们试图说服别人相信他们是符合道德规范的,以此掩饰他们想要获奖的动机。Unit 311 Priests thought angrily that the soldiers violated the church by using it as astable.译文:牧师们很生气,认为士兵们把教堂当做马厩是对教堂的冒犯。12 We derive knowledge not only from books, but also from practice.译文:我们不仅从书本,而且从

11、实践中获取知识。13 Yesterday I was caught in the rain, so now my nose is all blocked up and I can hardly breathe.译文:我昨天淋了雨,所以现在鼻塞,几乎无法呼吸。14 The default system in this lap-top computer is Windows XP.译文:这台便携式电脑的默认系统是Windows XP.15 He further rationalized his activities by convincing himself that he was actuall

12、y promoting environmental protection.译文:他相信自己实际上促进了环境保护,并进一步以此为自己的行动辩解。16 The saxophonist quoted a Kenny Jin melody Going Home in his solo.译文:这位萨克斯管演奏者 独奏了肯尼 基的曲子回家。17 Through an exciting bid for building the bridge, we won the exclusive contract in the end.译文:通过令人兴奋的建桥竞标,我们最终拿下了独家合同。18 She immediat

13、ely called an office at the Naval Intelligence Service, who in turn contacted the FBI.译文:她独立给海军情报处的一名军官打电话,这名军官又与联邦调查局取得了联系。9 .After he reported the truth, he received many anonymous letters and phone calls.译文:对真相进行了报道后,他收到许多匿名信和匿名电话。10 . Do they charge for the use of the telephone?Yeah! Half yuan p

14、er minute!译文:一使用这部电话要收费吗?一是的,每分钟五角。Unit 410.1 is well-known that photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.译文:众所周知,摄影纸对光很敏感。2 .The first part of Law School Admission Test evaluates skills in reading comprehension, in figure classification and in the evaluation of written material.译文:法学院入学考试的第一

15、部分考查阅读理解、数字分类及书面教材评价能力。3 .Because they are not sufficiently literate and job-prepared, some young people c an ' t hold a job for long.译文:因为他们读写能力不够,对工作准备充分,有些年轻人在一个工作岗位上待的时间并不长。4 .The boss managed to steer the discussion away from the subject of money and into the topic of environmental protecti

16、on.译文:老板设法让大家不在讨论钱,转而谈论环境保护的话题。5 .Sam ' familiarity with pop music is so astonishing that he can sing a large number of pop songs.译文:萨姆对流行音乐的熟悉让人诧异,他竟然能唱大量的流行歌曲。6 .His car broke down on the way and consequently he was late for the meeting with his clients.译文:他的车半路上抛锚了,因此与客户的约会迟到了。7 .One reward o

17、f doing this social work is that I can learn to be independent, tolerant and get to meet people from different parts of the country.译文:做这项社会工作的好处之一就是我能学会独立、同忍并且能遇到来自全国各地的人们。8 .Mary has got all the right qualifications for the job but is temperamentally unsuitable for it.译文:玛丽具备从事该工作的一切合格的条件,唯独性情不合适。

18、9 .As college students, we should have a command of the fundamentals of not only social sciences but also natural sciences.译文:作为大学生,我们不仅应该掌握社会科学的基本原则,还应该掌握自然科学的基本原则。10 .The personnel manager said that he couldn evaluate MIke ' s atyilwithout actually seeing him at work.译文:认识经理说不亲眼见证迈克的工作,就评估不了他的

19、能力。Unit 51.I have to question the morality of forcing the injured to pay for the damage to the equipment.译文:迫使伤者为损坏的设备赔钱,我不禁质疑这一做法的道德性。2.Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth.译文:什么也阻止不了他们对真理的追求。3.1 think the way she' s been treated downright disgrace.译文:我认为她被对待的方式完全是种耻辱。4.He advocated

20、taking a more long-term view.译文:他主张以更长远的观点看待问题。5.This writer, as well as his contemporaries was interested in the same subjects.译文:这名作家和他同时代的人都对同一主题感兴趣。6.She says he ' ll come back, but shdeceiving herself.译文:她说他会回来,但这只是咋自欺欺人罢了。7.Some people think that uncontrolled economic growth and environmen

21、tal stability are mutually exclusive.译文:有些人认为无节制的经济增长和环境稳定是相互排斥的。8 .He got ten years in prison for withholding evidence and obstructing the course of justice.译文:他因隐瞒证据、阻碍司法程序而被判十年监禁。9 .Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were captured.译文:两名士兵被杀,其他人被俘。10 .A guilty conscience prevented her fr

22、om sleeping at night.译文:内疚使她夜不能寐。Unit 61 .There were joyous celebrations all over the country, with parades and the ringing of church bells to honor the great achievement.译文:举国上下一片欢腾,人们举行游行并敲响了教堂的钟声,来庆祝这一伟大的成就。2 .Your self-esteem is your good opinion of yourself or your respect for yourself.your goo

23、d opinion of yourself or your respect for yourself.译文:自尊是你对自己的好评价或你对自己的尊敬。1.1 t is a primitive instinct to flee a place of danger.译文:逃离危险的地方时一种原始的本能。4 .Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book.译文:后来,他的一些调查结果引起了人们对他的书的广泛关注。5 .She identified herself with the compaign again

24、st drug abuse.译文:她认同这场反对滥用毒品的战争。6 .The issue has caused great tension between the two countries and could lead to a military confrontation.译文:该事件造成了两国关系紧张并可能导致军事对抗。7 .Your statement is in conflict with the rest of evidence.译文:你的陈述和接下来的证据不一致。8 .Most of the students have already felt the pressure of s

25、oaring inflation.译文:大多数学生已经感受到不断加剧的通货膨胀的压力。9 .Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept farther and farther inland.译文:由于海水逐渐向内陆侵入,许多国家不得不丢弃。10 .After he won the amateur championship, he turned himself to a professional boxer.赢得了业余比赛的冠军后,他转为职业拳击手。第六题Unit 1I.This period is usually

26、referred to as the postwar period.译文:这段时期通常被称为战后时期。2.It would be a setback at best if we were denied the use of their software.译文:如果不允许我们是有他们的软件,这充其量不过是个挫折。3.We make people mentally old by retiring them, and we may even by the same token make them physically old.译文:退休不但使人精神变老,甚至同样也使他们的身体衰老。4.I know

27、that the public at large aren ' t interested in this issje.译文:我知道公众一般对这个问题并不感兴趣。5.My sister was always held up to me as a model child.译文:姐姐常常被拿来作我的榜样。Unit 21 .This work has brought out the best in him even though he is not as good usually.译文:这份工作使他表现出了他最好的一面,尽管他平时表现并没有那么好。2 .He likes all winter

28、sports with the exception of skiing is too dangerous.译文:他喜欢出了滑雪之外所有的冬季运动,因为他认为滑雪太危险了。3 .During the last 20 years, computing power has doubled about every 18 months thanks to the creation of faster microprocessors, the incorporation of multiple microprocessor designs, and the development of new stora

29、ge technologies.译文:在过去的20年里,由于速度更快的微处理器的发明、多项微处理器设计的融合以及新储存技术的发展,计算能力每18个月就会提高一倍。4 .Don ' t let yourself betaken in by those advertisements, which offer false information and mislead you.译文:不要让自己被那些广告所蒙蔽,它们提供的是虚假信息并且会误导你。5 .During the years following World War II, the United States and the forme

30、r Soviet Union engaged in efforts to construct intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of traveling thousands of miles armed with multiple nuclear warheads.译文:二战后的这些年里,美国和前苏联都致力于研制洲际弹道导弹,这种导弹配有数枚核弹头,能够穿 行数千里。Unit 3Whether you go on with your study or not is up to you.译文:是否继续求学取决于你自己。2 .Yesterday

31、 the heavy fog resulted in a car crash on the highway.译文:昨天饿大雾导致高速公路发生了车祸。3 .He was charged with driving a car while under the influence of alcohol.译文:他被指控酒后驾车。4.It was unlikely for him to tell her the truth that her son died in the war, because her husband just went out of this world last month.译文:

32、他不可能把她儿子阵亡的真相高速她,因为上个月她丈夫刚刚去世。5.Who are in charge of handing out these leaflets?译文:谁负责散发这些传单?Unit 41.Our trip was a disaster. As for the hotel, it was very dirty, wet, and cold. In addition, it was miles away from the city center.译文:我们的旅行简直就是灾难。至于旅馆,肮脏、潮湿又还冷。除此之外,它距离市中心还有数英里之 远。2 .All of the partici

33、pants are trained to focus their minds on details.译文:要训练所有的参加者都专注于细节。3 .Students of psychology will benefit greatly from the study of literature as provides insights into human behavior.译文:学习文学将使学心理学的学生受益匪浅,因为文学能洞察人的行为。4 .When I was a college student, I never failed to write to my parents every week.译文:当我还是大学生时,每星期我都不会不


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