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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上The Temptation of a Respectable Woman Mrs.Baroda was a little annoyed to learn that her husband expected his friend, Gouvernail, up to spend a week or two on the plantation. Gouvernail's quiet personality puzzled Mrs.Baroda. After a few days with him, she could understand him no bet

2、ter than at first. She left her husband and his guest, for the most part, alone together, only to find that Gouvernail hardly noticed her absence. Then she imposed her company upon him, accompanying him in his idle walks to the mill to press her attempt to penetrate the silence in which he had uncon

3、sciously covered himself. But it hardly worked. "When is he going your friend?" she one day asked her husband. "For my part, I find him a terrible nuisance." "Not for a week yet, dear. I can't understand; he gives you no trouble." "No. I should like him better

4、if he did if he were more like others, and I had to plan somewhat for his comfort and enjoyment." Gaston pulled the sleeve of his wife's dress, gathered his arms around her waist and looked merrily into her troubled eyes. "You are full of surprises," he said to her. "Even I c

5、an never count upon how you are going to act under given conditions. Here you are," he went on, "taking poor Gouvernail seriously and making a fuss about him, the last thing he would desire or expect." "Fuss!" she hotly replied. "Nonsense! How can you say such a thing!

6、Fuss, indeed! But, you know, you said he was clever." "So he is. But the poor fellow is run down by too much work now. That's why I asked him here to take a rest." "You used to say he was a man of wit," she said, still annoyed. "I expected him to be interesting, at

7、least. I'm going to the city in the morning to have my spring dresses fitted. Let me know when Mr.Gouvernail is gone; until that time I shall be at my aunt's house." That night she went and sat alone upon a bench that stood beneath an oak tree at the edge of the walk. She had never know

8、n her thoughts to be so confused; like the bats now above her, her thoughts quickly flew this way and that. She could gather nothing from them but the feeling of a distinct necessity to leave her home in the next morning. Mrs.Baroda heard footsteps coming from the direction of the barn; she knew it

9、was Gouvernail. She hoped to remain unnoticed, but her white gown revealed her to him. He seated himself upon the bench beside her, without a suspicion that she might object to his presence. "Your husband told me to bring this to you, Mrs.Baroda," he said, handing her a length of sheer whi

10、te fabric with which she sometimes covered her head and shoulders. She accepted it from him and let it lie in her lap. He made some routine observations upon the unhealthy effect of the night breeze at that season. Then as his gaze reached out into the darkness, he began to talk. Gouvernail was in n

11、o sense a shy man. His periods of silence were not his basic nature, but the result of moods. When he was sitting there beside Mrs.Baroda, his silence melted for the time. He talked freely and intimately in a low, hesitating voice that was not unpleasant to hear. He talked of the old college days wh

12、en he and Gaston had been best friends, of the days of keen ambitions and large intentions. Now, all there was left with him was a desire to be permitted to exist, with now and then a little breath of genuine life, such as he was breathing now. Her mind only vaguely grasped what he was saying. His w

13、ords became a meaningless succession of verbs, nouns, adverbs, and adjectives; she only drank in the tones of his voice. She wanted to reach out her hand in the darkness and touch him which she might have done if she had not been a respectable woman. The stronger the desire grew to bring herself nea

14、r him, the further, in fact, did she move away from him. As soon as she could do so without an appearance of being rude, she pretended to yawn, rose, and left him there alone. Mrs.Baroda was greatly tempted that night to tell her husband who was also her friend of this foolishness that had seized he

15、r. But she did not yield to the temptation. Besides being an upright and respectable woman she was also a very sensible one. When Gaston arose the next morning, his wife had already departed, without even saying farewell. A porter had carried her trunk to the station and she had taken an early morni

16、ng train to the city. She did not return until Gouvernail was gone from under her roof. There was some talk of having him back during the summer that followed. That is, Gaston greatly desired it; but this desire yielded to his honorable wife's vigorous opposition. However, before the year ended,

17、 she proposed, wholly from herself, to have Gouvernail visit them again. Her husband was surprised and delighted with the suggestion coming from her. "I am glad, my dear, to know that you have finally overcome your dislike for him; truly he did not deserve it." "Oh," she told him

18、, laughingly, after pressing a long, tender kiss upon his lips, "I have overcome everything! You will see. This time I shall be very nice to him." 一个正派女人受到的诱惑 得知丈夫请了他的朋友古韦内尔来种植园小住一两周,巴罗达太太有点不快。 古韦内尔生性沉默,这令巴罗达太太颇为不解。 在一起待了几天,她仍感到对他很陌生。 她只得大部分时间让丈夫陪着客人, 但发现自己不在场几乎并未引起古韦内尔的注意。 而后她执意要陪他散步到磨坊去,

19、 试图打破他这种并非有意的沉默, 但仍不奏效。 "你的朋友,他什么时候走?" 有一天她问丈夫,"我觉得他太讨厌了。" "还不到一周呢,亲爱的。 我真不明白,他并没给你添麻烦呀。" "是没有。他要是真能添点麻烦,我倒喜欢他一些了。真希望他能像别人一样,那样我倒可以做点什么使他过得舒心。" 加斯顿拉了拉妻子的衣袖,双手搂着她的腰,快乐地望着她那充满困惑的眼睛。 "你可真让人吃惊," 他说,"我都说不准你什么时候会怎么做。 瞧你对古韦内尔顶真的样子,对他那么大惊小怪,这可是他最不希望的。&q

20、uot; "大惊小怪!" 她急急回道,"瞎说,你怎么这么说! 大惊小怪,真是!但你可说过他挺聪明的。" "他是聪明。但工作太多,这可怜的家伙累垮了, 所以我才请他来这儿休息一阵。" "你常说他是个风趣的人,"太太仍在生气,"我以为他至少该风趣点。 明早我进城去试春装。 古韦内尔走了你告诉我。他走之前我就住姑妈家。" 那晚她独自一人坐在路边橡树下的长凳上, 思绪从未这么乱过,就像头顶飞着的蝙蝠一样,忽东忽西。 她理不出丝毫头绪,只感到有一点很明确:她必须第二天一早就离开这里。 巴罗达太太听到从谷仓

21、那边传来了脚步声,她知道那是古韦内尔。 她不想让他看见自己,但她的白色长袍泄露了踪迹。 他在她身旁的长凳上坐下,丝毫不曾想到她可能会反对他坐在那儿。 "您丈夫要我把这个带给您,巴罗达太太,"说着,他递上一块白色纱巾,这是她有时用来做披肩的。 她接了过来,放在腿上。 他照例说了些诸如这个季节的夜风对身体不好之类的话。 后来,望着茫茫夜色,他开始谈了起来。 古韦内尔可不是个腼腆的人。 他的沉默寡言决非天性,而是情绪使然。 坐在巴罗达太太身边,他的沉默暂时消失了。 他以低沉迟缓的嗓音亲切而无拘束地娓娓而谈, 谈他在大学里与加斯顿是好朋友,谈那时曾雄心勃勃,志向高远。 而现在他只求

22、能生存,只是偶尔才体验到一丝真正的生活的气息,就像此刻。 巴罗达太太只是模模糊糊地感到他在说些什么。 他的话变成了一串毫无意义的动词、名词、副词和形容词;她陶醉在他的声音里。 她想在夜色里伸出手去触摸他-要不是个正派女子,她真会这么做。 她越想靠近他,结果却越往后退。 为使自己不显得失礼,她借机假装打了个哈欠,起身离开了他。 那晚,巴罗达太太很想把自己的一时荒唐告诉丈夫-也是她的朋友,但还是忍住了。 她是个正派体面的女人,也是个非常明智的女人。 第二天早晨加斯顿起床时,妻子已经走了,也没有跟他道别。 脚夫把她的箱子送到火车站,她搭早班车进的城。 直到古韦内尔离开后她才回去。 那年夏天,他们有时

23、会谈到再请古韦内尔来种植园一事。 也就是说,加斯顿很希望这样,但经不住他那品行高洁的妻子的强烈反对。 然而,快到年底时,妻子主动提出邀请古韦内尔再来。 听到妻子的建议,丈夫真是又惊又喜。 "我真高兴,亲爱的,你终于不再讨厌他了。说真的,他不应该使你觉得讨厌。" "噢,"她笑着,在他唇上印了长长的温柔的一吻,"我一切都已经克服了! 你会看到的,这次我会对他很好。 Charlie Chaplin He was born in a poor area of south London. He wore his mother's old red

24、stockings cut down for ankle socks. His mother was temporarily declared mad. Dickens might have created Charlie Chaplin's childhood. But only Charle Chaplin could have created the great comic character of " the Tramp ", the little man in rags who gave his creator permanent fame. Other

25、countries France, Italy, Spain, even Japan and Korea have provided more applause (and profit) where Chaplin is concerned than the land of his birth. Chaplin quit Britain for good in 1913 when he journeyed to America with a group of performers to do his comedy act on the stage where talent scouts rec

26、ruited him to work for Mack Sennett, the king of Hollywood comedy films. Sad to say, many English people in the 1920's and 1930's thought Chaplin's Tramp a bit, well, " crude ". Certainly middle-class audiences did; the working-class audiences were more likely to clap for a cha

27、racter who revolted against authority, using his wicked little cane to trip it up, or aiming the heel of his boot for a well-placed kick at its broad rear. All the same, Chaplin's comic beggar didn't seem all that English or even working class. English tramps didn't sport tiny moustaches

28、, huge pants or tail coats: European leaders and Italian waiters wore things like that. Then again, the Tramp's quick eye for a pretty girl had a coarse way about it that was considered, well, not quite nice by English audiences that's how foreigners behaved, wasn't it? But for over half

29、 of his screen career, Chaplin had no screen voice to confirm his British nationality. Indeed, it was a headache for Chaplin when he could no longer resist the talking movies and had to find "the right voice" for his Tramp. He postponed that day as long as possible: in Modern Times in 1936

30、, the first film in which he was heard as a singing waiter, he made up a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality. He later said he imagined the Tramp to be a college-educated gentleman who'd come down in the world. But if he'd been able to speak with an educated accent in t

31、hose early short comedy movies, it's doubtful if he would have achieved world fame. And the English would have been sure to find it "odd". No one was certain whether Chaplin did it on purpose but this helped to bring about his huge success. He was an immensely talented man, determined

32、to a degree unusual even in the ranks of Hollywood stars. His huge fame gave him the freedom and, more importantly, the money to be his own master. He already had the urge to explore and extend a talent he discovered in himself as he went along. "It can't be me. Is that possible? How extrao

33、rdinary," is how he greeted the first sight of himself as the Tramp on the screen. But that shock roused his imagination. Chaplin didn't have his jokes written into a script in advance; he was the kind of comic who used his physical senses to invent his art as he went along. Lifeless object

34、s especially helped Chaplin make "contact" with himself as an artist. He turned them into other kinds of objects. Thus, a broken alarm clock in the movie The Pawnbroker became a "sick" patient undergoing surgery; boots were boiled in his film The Gold Rush and their soles eaten w

35、ith salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish (the nails being removed like fish bones). This physical transformation, plus the skill with which he executed it again and again, are surely the secrets of Chaplin's great comedy. He also had a deep need to be loved and a corresponding fear of being b

36、etrayed. The two were hard to combine and sometimes as in his early marriages the collision between them resulted in disaster. Yet even this painfully-bought self-knowledge found its way into his comic creations. The Tramp never loses his faith in the flower girl who'll be waiting to walk into t

37、he sunset with him; while the other side of Chaplin makes Monsieur Verdoux, the French wife killer, into a symbol of hatred for women. It's a relief to know that life eventually gave Charlie Chaplin the stable happiness it had earlier denied him. In Oona O'Neill Chaplin, he found a partner w

38、hose stability and affection spanned the 37 years age difference between them that had seemed so threatening that when the official who was marrying them in 1942, turned to the beautiful girl of 17 who'd given notice of their wedding date and said, "And where is the young man?" Chaplin

39、, then 54, had cautiously waited outside. As Oona herself was the child of a large family with its own problems, she was well-prepared for the battle that Chaplin's life became as unfounded rumors of Marxist sympathies surrounded them both and, later on, she was the center of rest in the quarrel

40、s that Chaplin sometimes sparked in their own large family of talented children. Chaplin died on Christmas Day 1977. A few months later, a couple of almost comic body-thieves stole his body from the family burial chamber and held it for money: the police recovered it with more efficiency than Mack S

41、ennett's clumsy Keystone Cops would have done. But one can't help feeling Chaplin would have regarded this strange incident as a fitting memorial his way of having the last laugh on a world to which he had given so many. 查理·卓别林他出生在伦敦南部的一个贫困地区, 他所穿的短袜是从妈妈的红色长袜上剪下来的。 他妈妈一度被诊断为精神失常。 狄更斯或许会

42、创作出查理·卓别林的童年故事, 但只有查理·卓别林才能塑造出了不起的喜剧角色"流浪者",这个使其创作者声名永驻的衣衫褴褛的小人物。     就卓别林而言,其他国家,如法国、意大利、西班牙,甚至日本和朝鲜,比他的出生地给予了他更多的掌声(和更多的收益)。 卓别林在1913年永久地离开了英国,与一些演员一起启程到美国进行舞台喜剧表演。 在那里,他被星探招募到好莱坞喜剧片之王麦克·塞纳特的旗下工作。     3不幸的是,20世纪二三十年代的很多英国人认为卓别林的"流浪者"

43、多少有点"粗俗"。 中产阶级当然这样认为;劳动阶级倒更有可能为这样一个反抗权势的角色拍手喝彩: 他以顽皮的小拐杖使绊子,或把皮靴后跟对准权势者宽大的臀部一踢。 尽管如此,卓别林的喜剧乞丐形象并不那么像英国人,甚至也不像劳动阶级的人。 英国流浪者并不留小胡子,也不穿肥大的裤子或燕尾服: 欧洲的领导人和意大利的侍者才那样穿戴。 另外,流浪汉瞟着漂亮女孩的眼神也有些粗俗,被英国观众认为不太正派只有外国人才那样,不是吗? 而在卓别林大半的银幕生涯中,银幕上的他是不出声的,也就无法证明他是英国人。     4事实上,当卓别林再也无法抵制有声电影,不得不为

44、他的流浪者找"合适的声音"时,那确实令他头痛。 他尽可能地推迟那一天的到来: 1936的摩登时代是第一部他在影片里发声唱歌的电影,他扮演一名侍者,操着编造的胡言乱语,听起来不像任何国家的语言。 后来他说,他想像中的流浪汉是一位受过大学教育,但已经家道败落的绅士。 但假如他在早期那些短小喜剧电影中能操一口受过教育的人的口音,那么他是否会闻名世界就值得怀疑了, 而英国人也肯定会觉得这很"古怪"。 虽然没有人知道卓别林这么干是不是有意的,但是这促使他获得了巨大的成功。     5他是一个有巨大才能的人,他的决心之大甚至在好莱坞明星

45、中也是十分少见的。 他的巨大名声为他带来了自由,更重要的是带来了财富,他因此得以成为自己的主人。 随着事业的发展,他感到了一种冲动要去发掘并扩展自己身上所显露的天才。 当他第一次在银幕上看到自己扮演的流浪汉时,他说:"这不可能是我。那可能吗?瞧这角色多么与众不同啊!" 而这种吃惊唤起了他的想像。 卓别林并没有把他的笑料事先写成文字。 他是那种边表演边根据身体感觉去创造艺术的喜剧演员。 没有生命的物体特别有助于卓别林发挥自己艺术家的天赋。 他会将这些物体发挥成其他东西。 因此,在当铺老板中,一个坏闹钟变成了正在接受手术的"病人";在淘金记中,靴子被煮熟,靴

46、底蘸着盐和胡椒被吃掉,就像上好的鱼片(鞋钉就像鱼骨那样被剔除)。 这种对具体事物的发挥转化,以及他一次又一次做出这种转化的技巧,正是卓别林伟大喜剧的奥秘。     他也深切地渴望被爱,同时相应地害怕遭到背叛。 这两者很难结合在一起,有时这种冲突导致了灾难,就像他早期的几次婚姻那样。 然而即使是这种以沉重代价换来的自知之明也在他的喜剧创作中得到了表现。 流浪汉始终没有失去对卖花女的信心,相信她正等待着与自己共同走进夕阳之中; 而卓别林的另一面使他的凡尔杜先生,一个杀了妻子的法国人,成为了仇恨女人的象征。     令人宽慰的是,生活最终把

47、他先前没能获得的稳定的幸福给了卓别林。 他找到了沃娜·奥尼尔·卓别林这个伴侣。她的稳定和深情跨越了他们之间37岁的年龄差距。他们的年龄差别太大,以致当1942年他们要结婚时,新娘公布了他们的结婚日期后,为他们办理手续的官员问这位漂亮的17岁姑娘: "那年轻人在哪儿?" 当时已经54岁的卓别林一直小心翼翼地在外面等候着。 由于沃娜本人出生在一个被各种麻烦困扰的大家庭,她对卓别林生活中将面临的挑战也做好了充分准备,因为当时有毫无根据的流言说他俩是马克思主义的同情者。 后来在他们自己的有那么多天才孩子的大家庭中,卓别林有时会引发争吵,而她则成了安宁的中心。 &

48、#160;   卓别林死于1977年圣诞节。 几个月后,几个近乎可笑的盗尸者从他的家庭墓室盗走了他的尸体以借此诈钱。警方追回了他的尸体,其效率比麦克·塞纳特拍摄的启斯东喜剧片中的笨拙警察要高得多。 但是人们不禁会感到,卓别林一定会把这一奇怪的事件看作是对他的十分恰当的纪念他以这种方式给这个自己曾带来这么多笑声的世界留下最后的笑声。Longing for a New Welfare System A welfare client is supposed to cheat. Everybody expects it. Faced with sharing a dinn

49、er of raw pet food with the cat, many people in wheelchairs I know bleed the system for a few extra dollars. They tell the government that they are getting two hundred dollars less than their real pension so they can get a little extra welfare money. Or, they tell the caseworker that the landlord ra

50、ised the rent by a hundred dollars. I have opted to live a life of complete honesty. So instead, I go out and drum up some business and draw cartoons. I even tell welfare how much I make! Oh, I'm tempted to get paid under the table. But even if I yielded to that temptation, big magazines are not

51、 going to get involved in some sticky situation. They keep my records, and that information goes right into the government's computer. Very high- profile. As a welfare client I'm expected to bow before the caseworker. Deep down, caseworkers know that they are being made fools of by many of t

52、heir clients, and they feel they are entitled to have clients bow to them as compensation. I'm not being bitter. Most caseworkers begin as college-educated liberals with high ideals. But after a few years in a system that practically requires people to lie, they become like the one I shall call

53、"Suzanne", a detective in shorts. Not long after Christmas last year, Suzanne came to inspect my apartment and saw some new posters pasted on the wall. "Where'd you get the money for those?" she wanted to know. "Friends and family." "Well, you'd better have

54、 a receipt for it, by God. You have to report any donations or gifts." This was my cue to beg. Instead, I talked back. "I got a cigarette from somebody on the street the other day. Do I have to report that?" "Well I'm sorry, but I don't make the rules, Mr. Callahan."

55、 Suzanne tries to lecture me about repairs to my wheelchair, which is always breaking down because welfare won't spend the money maintaining it properly. "You know, Mr. Callahan, I've heard that you put a lot more miles on that wheelchair than average." Of course I do. I'm an a

56、ctive worker, not a vegetable. I live near downtown, so I can get around in a wheelchair. I wonder what she'd think if she suddenly broke her hip and had to crawl to work. Government cuts in welfare have resulted in hunger and suffering for a lot of people, not just me. But people with spinal co

57、rd injuries felt the cuts in a unique way: The government stopped taking care of our chairs. Each time mine broke down, lost a screw, needed a new roller bearing, the brake wouldn't work, etc., and I called Suzanne, I had to endure a little lecture. Finally, she'd say, "Well, if I can f

58、ind time today, I'll call the medical worker." She was supposed to notify the medical worker, who would certify that there was a problem. Then the medical worker called the wheelchair repair companies to get the cheapest bid. Then the medical worker alerted the main welfare office at the st

59、ate capital. They considered the matter for days while I lay in bed, unable to move. Finally, if I was lucky, they called back and approved the repair. When welfare learned I was making money on my cartoons, Suzanne started "visiting" every fortnight instead of every two months. She looked

60、 into every corner in search of unreported appliances, or maids, or a roast pig in the oven, or a new helicopter parked out back. She never found anything, but there was always a thick pile of forms to fill out at the end of each visit, accounting for every penny. There is no provision in the law fo

61、r a gradual shift away from welfare. I am an independent businessman, slowly building up my market. It's impossible to jump off welfare and suddenly be making two thousand dollars a month. But I would love to be able to pay for some of my living and not have to go through an embarrassing situation every t


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