1、2019版高考英语一轮复习一、背表达词汇写作有米下锅1 make vt .(made, made)2 March n.3 mark n.vt .4 market n.5 master vt .6 match n.v.7 matter n.vi .8 means n.9 meanwhile adv.10 measure n.v.11 medal n.12 member n.13 mend v.14 memory n.15 message n.16 luck n.lucky adj .luckily adv.17 major adj .majority n.18 manage v.manager
2、n.management n.19 marriage n.married adj .marry v.20 mean v.adj .分餐化素养积累第十四周讲义制造,做;使得三月 标记标明 ( 方位 ) ,做记号市场,集市 精通,掌握 比赛 相配 事情,问题 重要 手段,方法 与此同时,在此期间 计量单位;措施 测量;衡量;判定 奖牌 成员,会员 修理,修补 记忆;记忆力;回忆 消息,音信 运气;幸运 幸运的;有好运的 幸运地 较大的;主要的;重要的 多数;大多数 管理;设法完成 经理;管理人 经营;管理 结婚,婚姻 已婚的(使 )成婚,结婚意思,意味着,打算 小气的meaning n.意思,含义
3、meaningful adj .有意义的meaningless adj.无意义的二、记阅读词汇读文不再生涩1mention n.提及;记载vt .提到;写到;说到2merely adv.仅仅;只不过3metal n.金属4microscope n.显微镜5microwave n.微波炉6mid-autumn n.中秋7millionaire n.百万富翁8mine n.矿藏,矿山vt .开采 ( 矿物 )pron.我的9mineral n.矿物质,矿物10minibus n.小型公共汽车11miniskirtn.超短裙12minimum adj.最小的13ministern.部长;牧师14mi
4、nistry n.部门15minority n.少数;少数民族16minus prep.& adj .减去;负的17mirror n.镜子18missilen.导弹19mist n.薄雾;水汽20monument n.纪念碑;历史遗迹三、背常用短语读写高人一截1major in English主修英语2make out弄懂;辨认出make up构成,组成;编造;打扮make up for弥补make sure查明;确保3may as well (do)还是做的好,倒不如做4 by all means尽一切办法;务必;( 表示答应) 当然可以by means of借助;依靠by no means
5、决不;并没有5 to make matters worse更糟糕的是6 take effective measures/steps/action采取措施7 get married to与结婚8 win a gold medal获得金牌9 in memory of纪念;怀念10 not to mention更不用提环境污染1 Nowadays, with the development of economy, many cities are faced with serious environmental problems, which does great harm to people s h
6、ealth.现在,随着经济的发展,许多城市面临着严重的环境问题,这对人们的健康十分有害。2 There is no denying the fact thatair pollution is an extremely seriousproblem : the government should take strong measures to deal with it.无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:政府应该采取有力措施来解决它。3 Rubbish and waste water are being poured into the river;as a consequence,water
7、 resources have become badly polluted.垃圾和废水正涌入河流,结果,水资源被严重污染。4 People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment.人们已经意识到雾霾引起的危害和保护环境的重要性。5 It is well-known that the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due to global warmin
8、g.众所周知,由于全球变暖,全球水资源短缺问题正变得日益严重。五、练语基小题巩固今日所学 . 根据提示填空1 She moved to London after the break-up of hermarriage ( 婚姻) 2 The flight will be announced soon. Meanwhile (与此同时), please remain seated.3 She was the first athlete to win the gold medal (奖牌 ) in the 29th OlympicGames.4 I am the manager of the pr
9、oject, but I can t manage all this work on my own. The everyday management is done by my assistant.(manage)5 Now that you have such a good chance, you may_as_well_make_full_use_of (不妨充分利用) it.6 When you get back, our classmates and I are all willing to help you to make_up_for_the_missing_lessons ( 补
10、习错过的功课) at the weekend. . 补全句子1该是我们采取措施来阻止全球变暖的时候了。It is high time for us to take_measures/steps/action_to_prevent the earth from getting warm.2如果我有幸当选,我将尽最大努力为同学们和俱乐部的利益服务。If_I_am_lucky_enough_to_be_elected,_I will make every effort to servefor thebenefits of students and our club.3精通这项技术可能会让我们更加有效
11、地利用互联网。Mastering the technology makes_it_possible_for_us_to_use the Internet more effectively.一、背表达词汇写作有米下锅1 method n方法,办法2 middle n & adj .中间;当中;中级的3 midnight n.午夜4mild adj .温和的,暖和的5 mile n.英里6milk n.牛奶vt .挤奶7 millionnum.百万n.百万个( 人或物)8 mind n.思想,想法9 minute n.分钟;一会儿,时刻10 miss vt .失去,错过,怀念11 mobile a
12、dj .活动的,可移动的12 model n.模型,原形;范例;模范13 modern adj .现代的14 modest adj .谦虚的;谦逊的15 moment n.片刻,瞬间16 medical adj .医学的;医疗的medicine n.药物;医学;医术17 meet n & vt. (met, met)遇见,见到;会;集会meeting n.会;集会;会见;汇合点18 mental adj .精神的;智力的mentally adv.精神上;智力上19 mess n.杂乱;不整洁messy adj .不整洁的20 merciful adj.仁慈的;宽大的mercy n.仁慈;宽恕二
13、、记阅读词汇读文不再生涩1 mop n & v.拖把;拖地2 moral adj .& n.道德的;寓意;道德3 mosquito n.蚊子第十四周周三考纲词汇背诵序目me- na-4 motherlandnC5 motivationn.6 motor n C7 motorcyclenC8 motto n C ( pl .mottos/mottoes)9 mood n.10 mourn v.11 mouse n C ( pl .mice)12 moustache n C13 multiply vt .& vi .14 murder vt .15 muscle n.16 museum n C17
14、 mustard n.18 moreover adv.19 mutton n.20 nail n.三、背常用短语读写高人一截1 at the mercy of2 be in a mess3 in the middle of4 bear/keep sth. in mind make up one s mind5 at midnight6 in a moment7 find sth. missing/lost/gone8 meet with9 take medicine10 in modern society祖国 动机;动力;积极性 发动机;马达 摩托车座右铭;箴言;格言 情绪;心情;语气 悼念;
15、哀悼 老鼠 小胡子;髭;八字须使相乘;增加 谋杀肌肉 博物馆 芥末,芥子粉 再者,而且 羊肉 指甲;钉,钉子受支配 又脏又乱 在的当中 记住 做出决定 在午夜 立刻,马上 发现某物丢失了 会见,遭受 服药;吃药 在现代社会环境保护措施1 On one hand, we d better launch a campaign to raise people s awareness of environmental protection.2 On the other hand, do what we can to influence people around us to go to work or
16、 school on foot or by bike.另一方面,尽我们所能影响周围的人步行或骑自行车去上班或上学。3 I believe if everyone is devoted to protecting the wetlands, the wetlands can be well preserved and we can enjoy a more harmonious environment.我认为如果每个人都致力于保护湿地,湿地能得到很好的保护,我们就能够享受更加和谐的环境。4 Firstly, we should raise people s awareness of the im
17、portance of going green. Secondly, using public transportation or riding bicycles instead of using cars can make a great difference to the environment protection.首先, 我们应当提高人们绿色出行重要性的意识;其次, 乘坐公共交通或骑自行车而不开车,这对环境保护有重大意义。5 Last but not least, it is a good idea to classify our rubbish and recycle it in o
18、ur daily life.最后但同样重要的是,在日常生活中将垃圾分类并循环利用是个好主意。五、练语基小题巩固今日所学 . 根据提示填空1 It s time for you to explore a new learning method (方法 ) which is betterand more suitable for you.2 It goes without saying that modern ( 现代的 ) technology brings us convenience and comfort in life.3 Although he has become wealthy,
19、Mr Wood remains what he used to be, modest( 谦虚 ) and friendly.4 You make a terrible mess when you re cooking. How can you find anything when the kitchen is so messy. (mess)5 After graduation from college, they made_up_their_minds ( 下定决心) to go andsettle in the countryside.6 The manager had_mercy_on
20、( 同情 ) the children dressed in rags and gave them some food. . 补全句子1如果你错过了这次机会,可能需要很多年你才能再获得一次。If_you_miss_this_chance,_it may be years before you get another one.2你应该记住的最重要的事情是:失败是成功之母。The most important thing you_should_keep_in_mind is that failure is the motherof success.3这有助于使我的身心都更加强壮。It has he
21、lped me become stronger, both第十四周周五一、背表达词汇写作有米下锅1 Monday n2 money n.3 monitor n.4 month n.5 more (much 或 many的比较级)adj .& adv.n.6 most (much 或 many的最高级)adj .& adv.n.7 movie n.8 mistake n.vt .(mistook, mistaken) mistaken adj .9 misunderstand v (misunderstood,misunderstanding n.10 mix v.mixture n.11 mo
22、untain n.mountainous adj .12 move vt .moved adj .moving adj .mentally_and_physically.考纲词汇背诵序目mo- of-星期一 钱;钱币 ( 班级内的) 班长;监督员;显示屏;监视器月,月份另外的;附加的;较多 的;再;另外;而且;更更多的量;另外的一些最多 大部分,大多数 电影错误 弄错 错误的 misunderstood) 误会;不理解误会;误解 混合;掺和;调制混合;混合物 山多山的;巨大的;山一般的 移动;搬动;感动感动的 动人的;令人感动的 名字,姓名,名称13 name n.vt .14 native
23、adj .15 near adj .adv.prep.16 nearby adj .17 nearly adv.18 neat adj .19 necklace n.20 need v.n.1 nationwide adj .2 navy n.3 neck n.4 negative adj .5 nest n.6 neutral adj .7 noodle n.8 nowhere adv.9 nursery n.10 nursing home11 nut n.12 nutrition n.13 object n.vi .14 observe v.15 obtain vt .16 occasio
24、n n.17 occasional adj .18 occur vi .19 ocean n.Oceania n.命名,名叫 本土的,本国的 近的 附近,邻近 在附近,靠近 附近的 将近,几乎 整洁的;灵巧的 项链需要 需求全国范围内的,全国性的 海军 颈,脖子 消极的,负面的 巢,窝 中立的 面条 任何地方都不 托儿所 养老院 坚果,坚果仁 营养 物,物体;目标 反对;不赞成 观察,监视;遵守 获得;得到 时刻,场合 偶然的,偶尔的 发生 海洋 大洋洲 近海的20 offshore adj .1 by mistake2 name after3 be native to4 in need5 g
25、o to a movie6 make the most of7 in need of help8 make/earn money9 what s more10 mix up错误地 以的名字命名 原产于 在困难中;在困境中 去看电影 充分利用 需要帮助 挣钱;赚钱 此外,况且 混淆,弄混历史与地理( 一 ) 气候1 (2014 天津高考书面表达 ) Firstly, I d like to tell you something about the weather in my city, which is often windy and very cold in winter.首先,我想给你们介绍一下我市的天气,通常多风而且冬天非常寒冷。2 (2014 天津高考书面表达 ) However, I think that you will quickly adjust to them although the weather and the food are different from yours.可是,我认为你会很快适应,尽管天气与食物都与你们的不同。3 As is known to us, Qingdao is a very beautiful city, which isneither too hot
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