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1、英语中常见的专有名词Bearish行情下跌的Bullish行情上涨的State prisoner 政治犯Stowaway偷渡者,逃票的乘客Plainclothesman便衣警察Police dog 警犬Police post 派出所Neglige nt homicide 过 失杀人 Impostor江湖骗子ICJ Intern ati onal Court of Justice 国际法院Espi on age间谍间谍活动Lifer职业军人Mine地雷水雷Panzer装甲车坦克Off limits 军事禁区Q-boat伪装成商船或渔船的武 装船只Riot corps防暴部队Standing ar

2、my 常规军Sniper狙击手Bermuda Triangle百慕大三角 洲Brain drain 脑力人才外流 Brawn drain 劳力外流Break- dancing 霹雳舞 French wi ndows 落地窗 Funeral home 殡仪馆Taillight车尾灯Visiti ng team 客 队Runner-up 亚军Black referee 黑哨Foul play犯规动作Standing broad jump 立定跳远 Un derachiever差 等 生Hothouse对儿童进行学前教育 Whiz kid神童优等生Newsbreak重要新闻Needle trade

3、成衣业Moonlight作动词,干第二职业Beat ge nerati on 垮掉的一代Tea-cerem ony 茶道Badger game 美人计Scene stealer抢镜头的人Hooligan阿飞,足球流氓Repeated offender 惯犯Double age nt双重间谍Mr. Big黑社会老大Love child私生子Han d-to-ha nd fighti ng 肉搏Box news花边新闻Scree n agers整天看电视玩电脑的孩子June-December wedding双方年龄悬殊的婚姻 King ' s Englisi标准英语Leap day/yea

4、r 闰日 2.29/年 366Maid of Orleans 圣女贞德Narrow squeak (口)九死一生的脱险Ninja turtle 忍者神龟Poet laureate桂冠诗人Pony tail马尾辫Protesta nt 新教徒Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖Rat race激烈的竞争Red-light district 红灯区Reader ' s Digest者文摘Russian roulette俄罗斯轮盘赌 Sexual harassme nt 性骚扰 Short fuse易怒的脾气Soft-soap奉承讨好Silent contribution 隐名捐款Sill

5、y money来路不明的钱Silver screen银幕,电影界Summer complaint 夏季病,拉肚子Tenth-rate最低等的,劣等的Vertical/lateral thi nki ng 纵向,横向思维 Wide-body大部头的作品Wheel of life (佛教)轮回Xenomania媚夕卜Yearbook年鉴年刊Zen禅Paparazzi狗仔队Show people娱乐界人士Exotic dance 脱衣舞英语中常见的专有名词英语中常见的专有名词Seed money 本钱Principal本金,可生息Securities证券,有价证券Sag萧条,下跌Profiteer投

6、机商,奸商Prime银行贷款的最低利率Red ink赤字,亏损Ready money 现钞Bell-bottom trousers 喇叭裤 Julibee五十周年大庆Jim Crow对黑人的蔑称Iron lady指铁娘子撒切尔夫 人Itinerant巡回的Intelligentsia知识分子的总称, 知识界,知识阶层Blue moon千载难逢的时机Benefit义卖,义演,义赛Brainwave灵感,突然想到的 王意Honor man (美)优等生Full professor 正教授 Doctorate 博士学位Alma Mater 母校Academician 院士Pony report每日要

7、闻报道Peter Fu nk (美俚)拍卖中冒 充卖家抬高价格的冒牌出价人Pep rally动员大会Pipe dream 白日梦,空想Pay TV收费电视Plastic operation 整形手术 Made man成功的人Manicure修指甲Mad mo ney (美俚)私房钱Lotusland逍遥乡Jolly Roger 海盗旗In valid病号,伤残者In formed sources消息灵通的 人士Hot air吹牛,空话Idiot box (口)电视机Insand outs迂回曲折,底细 In-flight meal 航空餐Mixed marriage 异族通婚Moon roof

8、汽车的顶窗Egghead对知识分子的蔑称Dog days七八月份的酷暑期,伏天Box office 票房Bridesmaid 女傧相Bee (美)为互助友好而举行的聚会Bigtime红极一时的,赫赫有名的Exclusive独家新闻Divorcee离了婚的人disposable worker 临时工Ede n伊甸园Bandwagon见风使舵Sapphire蓝宝石Scrappage报废物Sha ngri-la香格里拉Obituary 补告Hangover 宿醉Full scholarship全额奖学金Stone-cold fox 冰山美人Brain trust政府的智囊团A-list名流群,精英a

9、ll-expense tour 自费游Bard-of-Avon埃文河诗人,莎士比亚的别称Beau monde上流社会Beautiful people上流社会的时髦阶层Bagstuffer街头广告传单Antichoice 反堕胎Backwater死水,死气沉沉的地方Intercom对讲机,闭路通讯装置In vitro fertilizati on 体外受精,试管受精Cottonmouth snake 百步蛇Laser surgery激光外科手术Intercept 截球Un scrupulous bomb ing 狂轰滥炸Tommy gun (美)冲锋枪Strafe扫射,猛烈炮击Superbomb

10、 氢弹Uncon diti onal surre nder 无条件投降Losing battle必败之战Military operati on 作战Missile equipped destroyer 导弹驱逐舰Mess军用食堂Rock-bottom 最低的中华文明 Chi nese civilizati on文明摇篮 cradle of civilizati on华夏祖先 the Chin ese an cestors秦始皇帝 First Emperor, Emperor Chin皇太后 Empress女皇;皇后 Dowager汉高祖刘邦 fou nder of the Han Dyn as

11、ty (206BC-220AD)成吉思汗 Gen ghis Kha n Temujin夏朝 Xia Dynasty明清两代 (of) Ming and Qing dyn asties地名:特别注意四川和陕西拼法四川 Sichuan, Szechwan, Szechuan 陝西Shaanxi四大发明 the four great inven ti ons of ancient China火药 gun powder 'g ? npa?d?(r)印刷术 printing 'pr ?it?造纸术 paper-making指南针 the compass汉字 Chinese charact

12、er 'k? r?kt?(r)单音节 single syllable 's?bl n.音节汉语四声调 the four tones t ?un of Chinese characters阳平 level 'levl tone阴平 rising tone上声 falling-rising tone去声 falling tone四书 the Four Books大学The Great Lear ning中庸 The Doctrine 、d ?ktr?n of the Mean论语The Analects '? n?lekts文选,论集of Confucius k?n

13、'fju: ?>孟子The Menciusmen ?春秋the Spri ng and Autu mn Ann als'画?编年史史记Historicalh ?' st?l Records'rek?:d诗经The Books of Songs; The Book of Odes?dz颂诗,颂歌书经 The Books of History'h tr?易经I Ch in gt?; The Book of Cha ngest?nd?s礼记 The Book of Ritesra?s仪式,典礼孝经 Book of Filial li?lf子女的Piety

14、'pa ?虔诚,虔敬孙子兵法 The Art of War三字经The Three-Character Scripture'skr ©t?gr)经文,圣典;The Three-Word Chantt?ant吟颂,咏唱三国演义 Three Kin gdoms西游记 Journey to the West; Pilgrimage'p ?y?n?l?朝圣之旅 to the West红楼梦 Dreamdri:mof the Red Man sio ns m?n ?大厦;宅第山海经 The Classic of Mou ntai ns and Rivers资治通鉴His

15、tory'h ?str? as a Mirror'm ?(r); Comprehensive HistoryRetold as a Mirrorfor Rulers西厢记The Roma nee of West Chamber* 宅?mb?(r)MarginStrangewrit ing水浒传 Heroes'h ? of the Marshesm a?沼泽,湿地;Tales of the Water 聊斋志异 Strange Tales of a Lonely'l? nl? Studio'stju:d ?工作室,画室;Tales from Make-Do

16、 代用的;权宜的 Studio围城Fortress'f?:tr?s堡垒,要塞Besiegedb?s?i?d包围,围困阿 Q 正传 The True Story of Ah Q五言绝句 five-chara cter quatra intrekW ?四行诗七言律诗 seven-character octave' ?kt?/高八度音;八度和音八股文 eight-part essay'ese?散文;随笔;stereotyped ' stea?t套用陈规的 重要文化遗产 major cultural heritage'her ?d?优秀民间艺术 outstand

17、ing folkf ?k arts 文物 cultural re lics'kpl遗物,遗迹中国画 traditional Chinese painting书法 calligraphyk?' g?fi水墨画 Chinese brushbr? painting; ink ?k and wash painting工笔 traditional Chinese realistic painting中国结 Ch in ese kn ot n?t旗袍 Cheongsam't?:?'s?m中山装 Chinese tunic'tju:n *长袍 suitsu:t唐装 t

18、raditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit朝廷使者 royal'r ?court envoy'env ?使节,外交官;文人 men of letters雅士 refinedr ?fa?id经过改良的;举止优雅的scholars'sk?l?(r)奖学金获得者;学者表演艺术 perform ing art现代流行艺术 popular art, pop art纯艺术high art高雅艺术 refined art电影艺术 cinematographic's ?i?m?t?' g?你电影的 art戏剧艺术

19、theatrical 0浏?戏剧的art才子佳人 gifted scholars'sk?l?(r) and beautiful ladies生(男性正面角色)male (the positive male role)旦(女性正面角色 )female (the positive female role)净(性格鲜明的男性配角)a supporting male role with striking'stra *? character丑(幽默滑稽或反面角色 )a clownkla ?n or a negative role花脸 pain ted role歌舞喜剧 musical滑稽

20、场面,搞笑小噱头shtick?*滑稽短剧skitsk?京剧人物脸谱 Pekingpi:'ki? Opera'? p?r? Mask皮影戏 shadow' ? d? play; leather'lee ?(r) -silhouettes ?'et轮廓,剪影 show 说书 story-telling叠罗汉 make a human pyramid'p 孑?m?折子戏 opera'?p?r? highlights踩高跷stiltst?t支柱;高跷 walk哑居U pantomime'p? nt?ma?m; mimema ?m哑剧演员p

21、antomimist'p? nt?ma?n/St戏剧小品 skitsk?马戏 circus's?:k?s show单口相声 monologue'm ?n?l? g|独白;独角戏 comic talk, standup comedy'k ?m?d?特技表演stu ntst? nt相声 witty dialogue comedy'k ?m?d?, comic cross talk杂技 acrobatics" kr?'b? t*s京韵大鼓 the traditi onal story-telli ng in Beiji ng dialect

22、with drum dr?m鼓;鼓状物accompaniment ?'k?mp?nim?nt伴奏;伴随物秦腔 Shaanxi opera'?p?r?武术 martial'm a?军事的;战争的 art功夫 kung fuk ?、fu:武术门派 styles or schools of martial'm a? art习武健身 practice martial art for fitn ess气功 qigo ngk?g?, deep breath in gbri:e exercises'eks? sa'Z'Z拳击 boxing篆刻 seal

23、si:l密圭寸;印章;海豹cutting upriteous 工艺,手艺 workmanship /craftsmanship 'kr aftsm ?n?卷轴 scroll skr?l蜡染 batik b ?'ti:k泥人 clay kle? figure漆画 lacquer 'l? k?(r)漆,天然漆 painting唐三彩 Trio 'tri: ? -colored glazedgleNd像玻璃的 pottery'p ?t?r?陶器 of the Tang Dyn asty景泰蓝 cloisonn e文房四宝 The four stationery

24、 'ste ?ri文具;办公用品 treasures 'tre ?z of theChinesestudy - a writing brush, an ink stick, an ink stone and paper民间传说 folklores 'f ?kl?(r)寓言 fable 'fe?Dl传说 lege nd神话 mythology m ?' 0l?d?古为今用,洋为中用 make the past serve the present and the foreign serve china赋诗 in scribe ?n'skra?)题写,

25、题献 a poem 'p ?m对对联 matchi ng an an tithetical ? nt?' 0 ei?正相反的,对立的 couplet'k ?pl?t对联阳历 solar calendar公历 Gregorian calendar 'k? I?id?(r)阴历 lunar'lu:n ?(r) calendar天干 heavenly 'hevnli 天国的;庄严的 stem地支 earthly branch闰年leapli:p 跳;冲动的行动 year二十四节气 the twen ty-four solar terms十二生肖 the

26、 twelve Ch in ese zodiac'z ?d? k黄道带;黄道十二宫图sig ns本命年 one's year of birth considered in relation to the 12 Terrestrialt ?'restr?地球的;人间 的 Branches 传统节日 traditi onal holidays 春节 the Spring Festival元宵节 the Lan tern、l? nt?n Festival (15th day of the first lun ar'lu: n ?(r) mon th)清明节 the P

27、ure Brightness Festival / the Tomb-sweeping Day (April the 5th)端午节 the Drago n Boat Festival (5th of the fifth lunar mon th)中秋节 the Moo n Festival / the Mid-Autu mn Day (15th of the eight lunar mon th)重阳节 the Double Ninth Day / the Aged Day(二)第二部分:缩写词CIA-Central Intelligenee Agency 中央情报局ABC American

28、 Broadcasting Corporationk ?:p? re?美国广播公司CCTV-Chi na Central Televisi onFBI-Federal Bureau 'bj?r? of Investigation 联邦调查局NSA-National 'n? ?n?l Security s?kj?r?t? Agency 国家安全局NASA-National Aeronautics e?r?、n?:t?<s and Space Administration 国 家航空航天局 APEC-Asian-Pacific'e? Economic i:k?'

29、;n?mK Cooperation k ? ? p?'re?亚太经济合作组 织ATM-Automatic' ?:t?'m? t?< Teller'tel?(r) machine 自动取款机BBS-Bulletin'b?l?t?iBoard System 电子公告板CEO-Chieft?:fExecutive?cfzekj?t?/ Officer 首席执行官CFO-Chief Financialfa?n? n? Officer 首席财务官CPI-Co nsumer Price In dex全国居民消费价格指数CPU-Ce ntral Processi

30、 ng Un it 微处理器GDP-Gross Domesticd?'mest* Product 国内生产总值GNP-Gross National 'n? ?i?l Product 国民生产总值GPS-Global Position System 全球定位系统OTC-Over the Cou nter 非处方药SUV-Sport-utilityju:'t ?ti vehicle 多用途跑车全国人民代表大会 National People's Congress (NPC)主席团Presidium常务委员会 Standing Committee办公厅Ge neral

31、 Office秘书处 Secretariat代表资格审查委员会Crede ntials Committee提案审查委员会Moti ons Exam in ati on Committee民族委员会Eth nic Affairs Committee法律委员会Law Committee财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee夕卜事委员会Foreig n Affairs Committee教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Scienee. Culture and PublicHealth Committee内务司法委员会Committee for In

32、 ternal and Judicial Affairs华侨委员会Overseas Chin ese Affairs Committee法制工作委员会Commissio n of Legislative Affairs特定问题调查委员会Commissio n of In quiry into Specific Questi ons宪法修改委员会Committee for Revisio n of the Con stituti on2、中华人民共和国主席 Preside nt of the People's Republic of Chi na3、中央军事委员会 Central Mil

33、itary Commission4、最高人民法院 Supreme People's Court5、最高人民检察院 Supreme People's Procuratorate6 国务院 State Cou ncil(1)国务院部委 Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Coun cil夕卜交咅 E Ministry of Foreig n Affairs国防部 Mi nistry of Natio nal Defe nee国家发展和改革委员会Nati onal Developme nt and Reform Co

34、mmissio n国家经济贸易委员会State Econo mic and Trade Commissi on教育部 Mi nistry of Educati on科学技术咅 EMinistry of Scie nee and Tech no logy国防科学技术工业委员会Commissio n of Scien ce. Tech no logy andIn dustry for Nati onal De-fe nee国家民族事物委员会State Eth nic Affairs Commission公安部 Mi nistry of Public Security国家安全部 Mi nistry

35、of State Security监察部Mi nistryofSupervisio n民政部Mi nistryofCivil Affairs司法部Mi nistryofJustice财政部Mi nistryofFinance人事部Mi nistryofPerso nnel劳动和社会保障部Mi nistry of Labour and Social Security国土资源部 Mi nistry of Land and Resources建设部 Min istry of Con structio n铁道部 Mi nistry of Railways交通咅 EMi nistry of Commu ni cati ons信息产业咅 EMi nistry of In formatio n In dustry水利部Mi nistry of Water Resources农业部Mi nistry of Agriculture对外贸易经济合作部Mi nistry of Foreig n Trade and Econ omicCooperati on文化部Mi nistry of Culture卫生部Min istry of Public Health国家计划生育委员会State Family Pla nning Commissi on中国人民银行 People


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