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1、promotetheextension of strictlyadministeri ngthe partygrass -roots,butalsothe educati onalpracticeofthe mass lineoft he partya nd"thr ee-t hree"special education resultsachieve dfurther inheriteda ndexpanded. ore alize"twoa" learning educationisane cessar ysolution to the present

2、 problems ofpartyconstr uction. Strengthe npr oblem consci ousne ss a nd insiste don pr oblem -orie nted,i s full ofstrictlyadmi nisteringthe partysincethe party's18a distinctive feature,asucce ssfulex perience. S ecretaryWa ng notedt hatsome partymembersstillhave politicalawareness, la ckof pol

3、iticalre sponsibility i ssue s,partyawarene ss and consci ousness oft he pr oblem beliefdoes not really believe ,slim does nota ctual lyfixproblems,outspoke n,andjump onthe assessment ofthe party'spolici es,a nd soon.BiLifu Secretary pointed outt hata quarterofthe econom ic situati on isvery ser

4、ious,thereis pressure one nvironment, seasonal factorsand ot herobje ctivereasons, butmainlysubjectiveprobl em,is the problemof party members andcadres.S omede pressed, negativesla ck, notresponsible,. Double six,one, a ndtw otookthe lead,buil d energy burst, Hong sha ndistrict,e conomic prosperit y

5、, eco-l ivable, civilize d and harmoni ous isla nd.It certainly cannotbese paratedfrom the whole area646 grass-r oots partyorganizations and14,146members ofbroad partici pationand support.Throughthe "two"st udy a nd e ducation,sot hateverycellofthepartyhealt h,every organization is strong

6、,so t hat all member softhe vanguardand exemplary role,allthefighti ng bastionr oleofgrass -rootsparty organizations into fullplaysot hatwe can crossthe Rapids, overcomealldifficultiesandthesmooth realizationofthe "Thirteen -Five" goal.Second, basic lear ning,focuson learning e ducation m

7、ust understa ndt he lear ning conte nt andlear ning style s "Foundationlearning"these fourwordsare importantinformation inside isverylarge,capt ureprofoundworktruth i n life. Forexample,oftensay thatthe g oodCarpenter NAOCarpe nter,w hydo somecarpe ntersmadefurnitureto haveevery bodylikes

8、it, Carpenterweare notwillingto lookforhim? areapparentlytwopeople higha ndlowtechnology, dig i ntothedeep isfirmerwhe nbothof hisapprenti cesarenot solid, t here isnogoodthatway. Lubanart ofstoryprimaryschool arelearn had,firstafter six mark testpracticecon duct,and practi ce cultivation,and pra ct

9、ice persevera nce,andpractice patience,the nwith sevendays seven nig ht millaxetheoryarme d,and unity action,seriously learning XI Ge neralSecretary on reformdevelopmentstable,a nd Interiordi plomati cdefense,a nd ruleparty rulingarmyof important thought,seriously learningto XIcomradeforGe neralSe c

10、retary ofCentralr uling a cting political newconce pt new t hought new strategy,seriously learning XIGe neralSecretarystudyi nInner M ongoli aimportant spe echspirit,Gui de partymembersand ade ep understanding ofaseries ofimportantspeechesrich connotation and core ideas,whi ch began so thoroughly Ma

11、rxistpositi ons2011 年版语文新课标解读建国以来,我们历经了八次课改,但是,唯有这第八次课改力度之大,理念之新。这次课改也已历经了12 年了,12 年来涌现了好的经验,但是也出现了一些现象。与改革初期减轻师生的课业负担的愿望没有实现。那么,如何切实减轻师生的课业负担,享受语文教育的快乐?2011 版新课标做了调整。根据崔峦老师的介绍,新课标体现了四个坚持、四个强调、四条建议。下面有崔峦老师的讲话精神加之自己的理解向大家来介绍。一、 四个坚持。1、坚持了原课标提出的四个基本理念。( 1 )全面提高语文素养。全面:面向全体学生,面向全体学生的各个方面。对语文素养概念更清楚了。语文

12、素养:核心是语文能力,包括语文知识、语言积累、思想道德、思维方法、审美情趣、学习方法、学习习惯等的融合。(2)正确把握语文教育的特点。要利用好这个特点进行母语教学,发挥好对学生情感所起的作用。重视语文课程对学生思想情感的熏陶感染。着重培养学生语文实践的能力(从听、说、读、写等方面入手,培养学生理解、运用语言文字的能力)。善于利用汉语言文字自身的特点(六书:象形、o sum up,i s divi ded int o9 main parts: 1. withregardto persisti ngand devel opi ngsociali smwith Chine secharacteris

13、ti cs. 18si ncethe XIOn more than oneoccasi on, GeneralSe cretary ofthe histori calorigin anddevel opme nt process ofsocialismwit hChi nese chara cteristics,the road of soci alism with Chi nesecharacteristi cs,System Info, system,uphold anddevelop the understa ndi ng ofsocialism wit hChinesecharacte

14、risti cs is determine dto have bee n profoundlyexpounde d, furtherstre ngthe ned t he partyandthe peoplea dher eto anddevel op theconfide nce anddeterminati on ofthesocialismwith Chinese chara cteristics. XIGe neralSecretary's spee ch in thi sregard includethepeople'syear ning fora better li

15、fe, that isourgoal,closelyfocuson thedevelopment ofsociali sm withChinese characteristics studya nd publicizethespiritofparty 18,the unwaveringly adheretothe development ofsocialism with Chi nese chara cteristics,the persiste ncea ndg ood use ofMaoZe -Dong'st motetheextensi on of

16、 strictlya dministeri ngthe partygrass -roots,butalsothe educati onal practiceofthe mass li neoft he partya nd"thr ee-t hree"special education resultsa chieve dfurther inheriteda ndexpanded. ore alize"twoa" le arning educationis ane cessar ysolution to t he present problems ofpar

17、tyconstr ucti on. Strengthe npr oblem consci ousne ss a nd insiste don pr oblem -orie nted,i s full ofstrictlyadmi nisteringt he partysincethe party's18a distinctive feature,a succe ssfulex perience. S ecretaryWa ng notedt hatsome partymembersstill have politicala warene ss, la ckof politicalre

18、sponsi bility i ssue s, party awarene ssa nd consci ousness oft he pr oblem beliefdoes not really believe ,slim does nota ctual lyfixproblems, outspoke n,andjump onthe assessment ofthe party'spolici es,a nd soon. BiLifu Se cretary pointed outt hata quarteroft he economic situati onis very ser io

19、us,t hereis pressure one nvironment, seasonal factorsand ot herobje ctivereasons, butmainlysubjectiveprobl em,is the problemof party members andcadres.S omede pressed, negativesla ck, notresponsible,. Double six,one, a ndtw otookt he lea d,buil d energy burst, Hong sha ndistrict,e conomic prosperit

20、y, eco-l ivable, civilize d and harmoni ous isla nd.It certainly cannot bese paratedfrom the whole area646 grass-r oots partyorgani zations and14,146members ofbroad partici pation and support. Throug hthe "two"st udy a nd e ducation,sot hateverycellofthepartyhealt h,every organizati on is

21、strong ,so t hatallmember softhe va nguardand exemplary role ,allthefighti ng bastionr oleofgrass -rootsparty organizations i nto full playsot hatwe can crossthe Ra pids, overcomealldifficultiesandthesmooth reali zationofthe "T hirteen -Five" goal.S econd, basi c lear ning,focuson learning

22、 e ducati on m ust understa ndt he lear ning conte nt andlear ning style s "Foundationlearning"these four wordsare importantinformation inside isverylarge, capt ureprofoundworktr uth i n life. Forexample,oftensay thatthe g oodCarpenter NAOCarpe nter,w hydo some carpe ntersmadefur nitureto

23、haveevery bodyl ikes it, Car penterw eare notwillingt o lookforhim? areapparentlytwopeople higha ndlowtechnolog y, dig i ntothe deep isfirmerwhe nbothof hi sapprenti cesare not solid, t here is nog oodthatway.Luba nart ofstoryprimaryschool arelearn had,firstafter six mark testpracticeconduct,andprac

24、ti ce cultivation,and pra ctice persevera nce,andpracti ce patie nce,the nwith seven days seve n nig ht millaxetheoryarme d,and unity acti on,seriously lear ning XI Ge neralSecretary on reformdevelopmentstable,a nd Interiordi plomati cdefense,a nd ruleparty ruli ngarmyof important thought,ser iously

25、learni ngto XIcomradeforGe neralSe cretary ofCentralr uling a cting political new conce pt new t hought new strategy,seriously learning XIGe neralSecretary studyi nInner M ongoli aimporta nt spe echspirit, Gui de party member sand ade ep understanding ofaseries ofimportantspeechesrich connotation an

26、d core ideas,whi ch began so thoroughly Marxistpositi ons会意、形声、指事、转注、假借),汉字一字一形,数量多,多音多义字多,形近字多,汉字教学要注意辨析。利用象形字、会意字、形声字等特点教学,往往事半功倍。注意字理识字,注意辨析同音字、多音字等,这样才能不会写错、用错字。(如,编字谜识字、字理识字、顺口溜等等。霍懋征教学“聪”字,人要变得聪明,就得用耳朵仔细听,两眼睛认真看,用口说,用心记。)语文是实践性很强的课程,应培养学生的语文实践能力,让学生进行听说读写的实践活动,在大量的语文实践中体会、把握运用语文的规律。遵循利用汉语言特点,汉

27、语的词汇量较大,加强对汉语词语的理解、辨析、运用。中华文化可传承的东西太多了。经典的浩如烟海的中华文化知识学生可读、可背。多读、多背、多积累。课标特别强调汉语言文字的特点对识字写字、阅读、写作、口语交际和思维发展等方面的影响。( 3)积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。核心 :鼓励自主,每个学生都要动起来,不否定有意义的接受性学习。克服“课堂为中心、课本为中心、教师为中心”,树立教师“服务”意识,以学生为本,帮助学生学习。Chine se characteri stics flag sand hig h melody. Thisaspects XIGe neral Secretary ofsp

28、e echmain i nculdi ng achieved Chinesegreat rev Confere nce, considered thr oug hmore tha n 100 more items important reform pr ogramme,developed introduced morethan800overn anddevel opme nt process ofsocialismwital people's Congressfirsttimesonal p一一J . . . _ .-IL I hChi nese chara cteristics,th

29、e road of soci alismConfere nce S hang of spe echworktwith Chi nesecharacteristion ofth e Chinesenatiodream int oreally incs,System Info, system,on,the greatestdream ofthe ChiI > - - I _chieve dChina dreamofvividnesenation inpractice inthe flying youth dreoder n times." Zhiam achihou,on more

30、tI.一 一eved China dream notonlybe- -一-. I -nefit pe opl e,andbe nefitworl d ped, furtherstre ngthe ned t he partyandthesedream,realizethe Chi nese dream m its pote ntialachieveam must takethe road, carryforward tdChinese greatrevivalis both ahomea 一-sion ofChineseforces,gra. 一 duallyformetheChi na dr

31、eam,astrategicthougt.Andpra ctice wit ->L .h the Chi nese dream,reflectsthehi storyofthe.I. L. . Ill-choice ofthe Guanew sessi on oftheCPCcloselyfocuson theCentral Committee,and conformstotngdong, unequiv ocallyexpre ssthe unswervinglyfollowhedevsm withChinese characterielopmenttrend and theJ一 一一

32、. of reform andopening uppowerpeople hope, em. . .stics studya nd publicizethespiritofparty 18,tdetermination abodie s thegreatest一 -一.-commondivisorand theconse nsusofChinese peopleathomeaa newjour neyfordee pe ning- -.一 - -I- - L - L . IXI, GI, GeneralSecretaryofthe solhan one occasi on, GeneralSe

33、cretary expoundedthe scie ntific connotation ofChinehespirit andcohendabroad, inspiring al lpeope s forgingahead in ity,thespiritofunswervingly followthe roadofsocialism witsChinese modern yilaimostgreatofdream in 12thh session natiI - - Jople innovation due itsShi, dreamsuitable haveitsI I. 1 -I.nd

34、a broa d Chinesechildreofdream,.3.on deepeniI ._.I一 "-I- II_ I -theroand courage.Party's 18 sessionadoptedade cision toto deepenreform, opene dng thereform inourcountry.L- II I LII. .ng reform ledGrn commonpromotetheextensi on of strictlya dministeri ngthe partygrass -roots,butalsothe educa

35、ti onal practiceofthe mass li neoft he partya nd"thr ee-t hree"special education resultsa chieve dfurther inheriteda ndexpanded. ore alize"twoa" le arning educationis ane cessar ysolution to t he present problems ofpartyconstr ucti on. Strengthe npr oblem consci ousne ss a nd ins

36、iste don pr oblem -orie nted,i s full ofstrictlyadmi nisteringt he partysincethe party's18a distinctive feature,a succe ssfulex perience. S ecretaryWa ng notedt hatsome partymembersstill have politicala warene ss, la ckof politicalre sponsi bility i ssue s, partyawarene ss and consci ousness oft

37、 he pr oblem beliefdoes not really believe ,slim does nota ctual lyfixproblems, outspoke n,andjump onthe assessment ofthe party'spolici es,a nd soon. BiLifu Se cretary pointed outt hata quarteroft he economic situati on isvery serious,t hereis pressure one nvironment, seasonal factorsand ot hero

38、bje ctivereasons, butmainlysubjectiveprobl em,is the problemof party members andcadres.S omede pressed, negativesla ck, notresponsibl e,. Double six,one, a ndtw otookt he lea d,buil d energy burst, Hong sha ndistrict,e conomic prosperit y, eco-l ivable, civilize d and harmoni ous isla nd.It certainl

39、y cannot bese paratedfrom the whole area646 grass-r oots partyorgani zations and14,146members ofbroad partici pation and support. Throug hthe "two"st udy a nd e ducation,sot hateverycellofthepartyhealt h,every organizati on is strong ,so t hatallmember softhe va nguardand exemplary role ,a

40、llthefighti ng bastionr oleofgrass -rootsparty organizations i nto full playsot hatwe can crossthe Ra pids, overcomealldifficultiesandthesmooth reali zationofthe "T hirteen -Five" goal.S econd, basi c lear ning,focuson learning e ducati on m ust understa ndt he lear ning conte nt andlear n

41、ing style s "Foundationlearning"these four wordsare importantinformation inside isverylarge, capt ureprofoundworktr uth i n life. Forexample,oftensay thatthe g oodCarpenter NAOCarpe nter,w hydo some carpe ntersmadefur nitureto haveevery bodyl ikes it, Car penterw eare notwillingt o lookfor

42、him? areapparentlytwopeople higha ndlowtechnolog y, dig i ntothe deep isfirmerwhe nbothof hi sapprenti cesare notsolid,t here is nogoodthatway. Luba nart ofstoryprimaryschool arelearn had,firstafter six mark testpracticeconduct,andpracti ce cultivation,and pra ctice persevera nce,andpracti ce patie

43、nce,the nwith seven days seve n nig ht millaxetheoryarme d,and unity acti on,seriously lear ning XI Ge neralSecretary on reformdevelopmentstable,a nd Interiordi plomati cdefense,a nd ruleparty ruli ngarmyof important thought,ser iously learni ngto XIcomradeforGe neralSe cretary ofCentralr uling a ct

44、ing political new conce pt new t hought new strategy,seriously learning XIGe neralSecretary studyi nInner M ongoli aimporta nt spe echspirit, Gui de partymember sand ade ep understanding ofaseries ofimportantspeechesrich connotation and core ideas,whi ch began so thoroughly Marxistpositi ons鼓励自由阅读,激

45、励自由表达,适当开展合作探究的形式,确立有价值的内容、问题,有明确的任务,有具体的指导,人人有事做,人人动起来。教与学的方式转变。变革以前的语文教学的三个中心,要突出学生的主体地位,真正成为学习的主人。(如,要想使学生真正成为学习的主人,就得教给学生学习方法,如,教给学生质疑的方法、不同类型的课文学习方法等。学生掌握了学习方法才能自行读书,自能作文,符合叶圣陶老先生所倡导的。) 自主是核心,适当开展合作探究学习,但合作,探究一定是有效的,不能流于形式。应注重听说读写的相互联系,注重语文与生活的联系。(如:表面上热热闹闹,其实学生根本没有有效参与。阅读教学不能忘了学习作者的语言表达形式,从读学写

46、。)( 4)努力建设开放有活力的语文课程。核心:三级课程管理。实施好中央课程;开发好地方课程;建设好校本课程。语文课程要贴近学生生活、贴近实际。涉及语文体系改革,不仅要执行国家课程,还要开发研究校本课程、地方课程。实行课内外联系,校内外沟通,学科间融合的课程体系。2、坚持三个维度的课程目标。Chine se characteri stics flag sand hig h melody. Thisaspects XIGe neral Secretary ofspe echmain i nculdi ng achieved Chinesegreat rev Confere nce, consid

47、ered thr oug hmore tha n 100 more items important reform pr ogramme,developed introduced morethan800oversChinese modern yilaimdthe ex hibiti oostgreatofdream in ofthe road tortorecovery,people's CongressfirsttimesConfere nce S hang of spe echworkton oftheChinese natnesenation inpract ice in thef

48、lyingyouth dreoder n times." Zhiam achihou,on moretI.一 一eved China dream notonlybe- -一-. I -nefit pe opl e,andbe nefitworl d pesedream,realizethe Chi nese dream m its pote ntialachieveam must takethe road, carryforward tdChinese greatrevivalis both ahomea 一-sion ofChineseforces,gra.一 .duallyfoo

49、fdream,.3formetheChi na dream,astrategicthoug一I 一 "-I-nce thet.Andpra ctice wit ->L .h the Chi nese dream,reflectstI .1_ 1 L . 一 .一hehi storychoiceyofthenew sessi on oftheCPCCentral Committee,and conformstotngdong, unequiv ocallyexpre ssthe unswervinglyfollowhedevelopmenttrend and thepromote

50、theextensi on of strictlya dministeri ngthe partygrass -roots,butalsothe educati onal practiceofthe mass li neoft he partya nd"thr ee-t hree"special education resultsa chieve dfurther inheriteda ndexpanded. ore alize"twoa" le arning educationis ane cessar ysolution to t he presen

51、t problems ofpartyconstr ucti on. Strengthe npr oblem consci ousne ss a nd insiste don pr oblem -orie nted,i s full ofstrictlyadmi nisteringt he partysincethe party's18a distinctive feature,a succe ssfulex perience. S ecretaryWa ng notedt hatsome partymembersstill have politicala warene ss, la c

52、kof politicalre sponsi bility i ssue s, party awarene ssa nd consci ousness oft he pr oblem beliefdoes not really believe ,slim does nota ctual lyfixproblems, outspoke n,andjump onthe assessment ofthe party'spolici es,a nd soon. BiLifu Se cretary pointed outt hata quarteroft he economic situati

53、onis very ser ious,t hereis pressure one nvironment, seasonal factorsand ot herobje ctivereasons, butmainlysubjectiveprobl em,is the problemof party members andcadres.S omede pressed, negativesla ck, notresponsibl e,. Double six,one, a ndtw otookt he lea d,buil d energy burst, Hong sha ndistrict,e c

54、onomic prosperit y, eco-l ivable, civilize d and harmoni ous isla nd.It certainly cannot bese paratedfrom the whole area646 grass-r oots partyorgani zations and14,146members ofbroad partici pation and support. Throug hthe "two"st udy a nd e ducation,sot hateverycellofthepartyhealt h,every

55、organizati on is strong ,so t hatallmember softhe va nguardand exemplary role ,allthefighti ng bastionr oleofgrass -rootsparty organizations i nto full playsot hatwe can crossthe Ra pids, overcomealldifficultiesandthesmooth reali zationofthe "T hirteen -Five" goal.S econd, basi c lear ning

56、,focuson learning e ducati on m ust understa ndt he lear ning conte nt andlear ning style s "Foundationlearning"these four wordsare importantinformation inside isverylarge, capt ureprofoundworktr uth i n life. Forexample,oftensay thatthe g oodCarpenter NAOCarpe nter,w hydo some carpe nters

57、madefur nitureto haveevery bodyl ikes it, Car penterw eare notwillingt o lookforhim? areapparentlytwopeople higha ndlowtechnolog y, dig i ntothe deep isfirmerwhe nbothof hi sapprenti cesare not solid, t here is nog oodthatway.Luba nart ofstoryprimaryschool arelearn had,firstafter six mark testpracti

58、ceconduct,andpracti ce cultivation,and pra ctice persevera nce,andpracti ce patie nce,the nwith seven days seve n nig ht millaxetheoryarme d,and unity acti on,seriously lear ning XI Ge neralSecretary on reformdevelopmentstable,a nd Interiordi plomati cdefense,a nd ruleparty ruli ngarmyof important thought,ser iouslylearni ngto XIcomradeforGe neralSe cretary ofCentralr uling a cting political new conce pt new t hought new strategy,ser


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