



1、大学英语B全国统考真题资料题库第四部分:完型填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)There were once three sons of a wealthy bus in essma n. 46 they met, the two eldest, whowere twins, 47 to quarrel about which of them should be his fathers heir (继承人) .Theyoungest, who was not _48_ambitious(野心勃勃的),took no part in their arguments. As s

2、oonas they left home, the father arran ged for an adequate in come to be provided for _49of them,but in sisted that apart from this they were to be finan cially self-support ing. The _50 twi n, who had theadva ntage of good looks and a strik ing pers on ality, decided that he would take up the stage

3、_51_a career. He 52 a small repertory compa ny, acted in minor parts, was in variablyunpun ctual at rehearsals and was accord in gly 53 with his fellow-actors. He earned little andso had to live main ly on his allowa nee. He occasi on ally thought of_ 54 his professi on, butalways put off_ 55_a deci

4、si on, and he became in creas in gly bored and disillusi on ed.从前有个富商,他有三个儿子。无论他们合适遇到,两个大的,也就是一对双胞胎,都 要为谁是他们父亲的继承人而争吵。而最小的一个,没有丝毫的野心, 从不加入他们的争吵中。就在他们要出去找工作时,他们的父亲为他们每个人提供了一笔足够的收入,但除此以外,必须经济独立。双胞胎中的老大,因为相貌出众且个性鲜明,决定当演员。他加入了一 个小型的戏剧公司,担任了一些小角色,但他排练总时不准时,同事们因此都不喜欢他。他 挣的钱很少,所以主要靠他父亲给他的钱生活。他偶尔会想要换个工作,但总是

5、下不了决心, 因此变得越来越烦躁,越来越迷茫。46. A. whateverB. wheneverC. whereverD. however47. A. are usedB. usedC. usingD. are using48. A. at leastB. at mostC. in the leastD. i n the most49. A. everyB. allC.eachD. none50. A. firstB. olderC. youngD. elder51. A. isB. asC. beD. /52. A. joinedB. atte ndedC. we ntD. joi ned

6、 in53. A. popularB. unpopularC. welcomeD. un welcome54. A. liv ingB. turni ngC. endingD. changing55. A. makingB. makeC. decideD. decidi ngMany students find the experienee of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrati ngexperie nee. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours, perhap

7、s_46 the talk withslides, writ ing up importa nt in formati on on the blackboard,_ 47 read ing material and givi ngout assignment. The new student sees the other student continuously writing on notebooks and48 whatto write. Very ofte n the stude nt leavers the lecture with n ote which do not catch t

8、he main points and49become hard even for the stude nts to un dersta nd.Most in stituti ons provide course which assist new stude nt to develop the skills they n eed to be50 listeners and note-takers. If these are unavailable, there are many useful study-skills guides which_一51 lear ners to practice

9、theses skills in depe nden tly .In all case it is importa nt to 52 the problembefore actually start ing your studies.It is importa nt to ack no wledge that most stude nts have difficulty _53 acquiri ng theIanguage skills require in college study. One way of _ _54 these difficulties is to attend theI

10、anguage and study-skills classes which most institution provide throughout the academic year.Ano ther basic strategy is to find a study part ner_ 55 it is possible to ide ntify difficulties, exchange ideas and provide support.很多学生发现在大学听课是一种令人费解,令人灰心的经验。老师会花一两个小时用幻 灯片来讲解课的内容,在黑板上写出一些重要的信息,散发一些阅读材料,布置

11、一些作业。 新生发现别的学生一直在记笔记,他们不知道该记些什么。学生经常会记一些不切重点的笔记,这使学生对所学的知识难以理解。大多数学校给学生提供的课程可以帮助学生培养如何成为一个高效的聆听者的技能和记笔记的技能。如果这些没有,那么会有很多有用的学习的指导,使听者能够单独得训练这些技能。通常学生在开始学习之前就应该解决这种听课技能的问题。不得不承认大多数学生在大学学习期间在获取语言技能方面有困难。 克服这种困难的一 种方法就是参加语言和学习技能培训班,很多学校在整个学年中都开设此班。另一种基本的方法就是找一个学习伙伴,和伙伴一起就有可能找出困难所在,交换意见和提供帮助。46.A. exte n

12、dingB. illustratingC. performi ngD. con ducting47.A. attribuding B. contributingC. distributingD. expla ining48 A. suspectsB.un derstandsC. wondersD. convin ces.49A. whatB.thoseC .asD. which50. A. effectiveB.passiveC. relativeD. expressive51.A. enableB.stimulateC. advocateD. preve nt52.A. evaluateB.

13、 acqua intC. tackleD. formulate53.A. inB.onC. ofD. wish54.A. preve nti ng B. withsta nding C. susta iningD. overcoming55. A. in thatB. for which1C. with whomD.such asOne day when Jamie came home after school, his mother had on her worry face. He knew she wasthinking of 46It s bad out there. Black cl

14、ouds are coming from the sea,“ Yes . I m thinking of those fishing boats at sea ,” she said.At that mome nt 47 went out . Jamie and his mother were in the dark.“ The coastline will be in the dark,” Jamie s mother said. She g48 e in threes. I broke my best glasses this morning, and my sister has the

15、cold.“ Now ,don t worry ,mum. They re right. _49_” torbemethreugh this all right.But Jamie really worried about those fishing boats himself. The fishing boats would 50 the cove in thedark .Jamie took flares and rushed into the wind. There was a cliff by the sea. He started to climb. He 51himself up

16、hand over hand. At last he reached the top.He 52 there times. On the fourth try he fired off one of the flares. It rose and cut into the black sky inbright light. Then he saw an an sweri ng flare up at sea. Jamie fired off two more. He saw another answeringflare up ,then another, then another. The a

17、nswering flares from the fishing boats showed they 53 theentrance to the cove but the n cha nged course and were 54 sail ing into the cove. They were almost home.Jamie helped 55 the fisherme n of the village.Jamie一天,当杰米放学回家时,他母亲显得很担心。他知道她在想天气的事。外面天气很糟糕。乌云正从海上飘来,”杰米说道。 是的,我正在想海上的渔船,”她说。正在那时,灯熄灭了。杰米和她

18、母亲陷入了黑暗中。海岸线上将是漆黑一片,”杰米的母亲说道。她更担心了。坏事总是接二连三的。早 上我打破了最好的杯子,然后我妹妹感冒了。别担心,妈妈。他们会没事的。”他们肯定能顺利克服这些的。但是杰米自己的确是担心那些渔船的。渔船在黑暗中会找不到海湾的。杰米拿了闪光装置冲入了大风中。海边有个悬崖,他开始爬起来。他双手交互的往上 爬。终于他爬上了崖顶。他失败了三次。第四次他发出了一个信号。亮光划破黑暗升上天空。然后他看到海的 上空有了一道回复的信号。杰米又发了两次信号。他看到又一道回复的信号。然后又一次, 又一次。来自渔船的回复信号表明他们通过了进入海湾的入口,然后换了帆,现在正驶入海湾。他们几乎

19、就快到家了。杰米帮着救了村里的渔民。46. A. the wi ndB. the cloudsC. the rainD. the weather47. A. JamieB. his motherC. the fireD. the lights48. A. MessagesB. Accide ntsC. TroublesD. Questi ons49. A. sureB. luckyC. safeD. ready50. A. loseB. missC. leaveD. forget51. A. pushedB. pulledC. carriedD. climbed52. A. madeB. tr

20、iedC. failedD. fini shed53. A. were atB. had foundC. had passed byD. were going into54. A. nowB. thenC. onceD. aga in55. A. an swerB. saveC. find outD. look forMore and more teachers and parents have noticed another kind of pollution, 46 came from the prin tedpapers sold on streets.These prin ted th

21、ings look like n ewspaper but have hardly anything to do with them. You can only findreading material badly47 there-some are too strange for anyone to believe, _48are frighte ning stories of someth ing even worse. However, many of the young stude nts are gett ingabsorbed in such pois onous readi ng,

22、 which costs them what they should pay for their breakfast and bringthem nightmares and immoral ideas 49 return. Homework is left undone, daily games lost.These sellers shout on streets selling their papers well. The writers, publishers and printers, 50_ theyare, we never know, are making their sile

23、nt money. The sheep skinned wolf seem to have bee n forgotte nonce aga in.Why not forbid this kind of things at school? Yes, both teachers and parents have _51 each other formore strict control of the young readers. Yet unfortunately, 52 you want to forbid it, the more they want tohave a look at it.

24、 Sometimes you may even find several childre n share one patched paper, which hastraveled from one hand to 53driven by the curiousnature.It really does harm to our society. It has already formed a sort of moral polluti on. The_54 teacherss storiand pare nts n eed more powerful support. Mean while, t

25、he young readers n eed more in teresti ng books tohelp them 55 these ugly papers.越来越多的老师和家长已经注意到了另一种污染,即随街叫卖的印刷品。这些印刷品看起来象报纸,但几乎和报纸粘不上边。你看到的只是胡编乱造的文章-有些离奇得让人难以置信,有些是更糟糕的恐怖故事。然而,许多学生却迷上了这种有毒文 章,他们花早餐钱去买这些印刷品,而带给他们的却只有恶梦和不健康的思想。家庭作业不做,日常锻炼丧失。这些卖报者在街上叫卖,生意不错。这些作者、出版商和印刷者,我们不知道他们是谁,正默默地赚着他们的钱。披着羊皮的狼的故事似

26、乎又一次被遗忘了。学校为什么不禁止这种读物?是的,老师和家长都互相要求更严格监控这些小读者。不幸的是,你越想禁止,他们就越想看。有时你甚至发现好几个孩子争着看一张由于好奇心 而传来传去的破报纸。这种读物确实对我们的社会是有害的。它已经形成了一种道德污染。担忧着的老师和家长需要更有力的支持。同时,这些小读者需要更多有趣的读物来帮助他们摆脱这些不健康的读物。46.A.itB. thatC. whichD. this polluti on47.A.made ofB. made upC. made fromD. made in48.A.the othersB. othersC. the otherD.

27、 some others49.A.asB. inC. forD. from50.A.howeverB. whoeverC. whicheverD. however51.A.warnedB. advisedC. persuadedD. asked52.A.ifB. the moreC. oneD. one only53.A.the othersB. some othersC. anotherD. others54.A. puzzledB. disappo in tedC. an xiousD. worried55.A. destroyB. throw awayC. fight aga instD

28、. get rid ofIt is always interesting to visit another country, especially for those who have never traveled a greatdeal. Foreig n 46 can be very educati onal for anyone if he is in terested eno ugh to make preparati onsbeforeha nd. Lear ning the Ian guage of the new country would be difficult for th

29、e traveler, 47 the ben efits ofsuch an effort would become obvious immediately 48 his arrival. It may not seem important to him when hecomfortably stays at home, but knowing how to 49a meal or book a room is n ecessary for the newcomer in a stra nge coun try. Without knowingthe Ian guage, it is very

30、 difficult 50 the stra nger to un dersta nd the people of the new country and theircustoms.Of course, in our small world, it is often possible to find some one 51 un dersta nds our own, but thisis only sec on d-best for the traveler. To be sure, he can see places and thi ngs _52 the use of a Ianguag

31、e,but places and things_53_ not the heart of the country. To get the greatestben efit from a trip 54ano ther coun try, it is how importa nt for the visitor to 55 anun dersta nding of the Ian guage.出国旅游总是很有趣的,尤其是对于那些很少出门旅行的人。如果旅游者兴致很高, 提前做些知识准备,在国外旅行中能学到更多的东西。学习一门新的语言对于旅行者来说会很难,但是一到达新国度,这种努力学习语言的益处就会

32、立竿见影。当他在国内的时候这并不重要,但是在一个陌生的国家里, 对于一个新来的人知道如何点餐或预定房间却是必须的。如果不懂这个国家的语言,对陌生人而言,就很难理解这个国家的人文及风俗文化。当然,世界很小,我们经常有可能找到理解我们自己语言的人,但是对于旅行者来说,这只是次之的选择。他能够不用语言看懂地方及很多东西,这是肯定的,但这并不是一个国家的核心内容。为了在旅游中能够从别的国家获得最大的收益,对于游客来说,懂一门新语言是多么重要啊!46. A. travelB. country C. language D. people47. A. whe nB. so C. and D. but48.

33、A. on B. before C. while D. at49. A. buyB. order C. eat D. book50. A. of B. to C. for D. in51. A. who B. where C. which D. whom52. A. without B. with C. by D. that53. A. is B. areC. wereD. had54. A. of B. in C. toD. on55. A. has B. havi ng C. had D. haveDid you sleep well last ni ght? Maybe many peo

34、ple will an swer: No. In fact, in the world about one inthree people do not have good sleep. _46_ you say you do not have good sleep, it means waking early andnot getting back to sleep, often interrupted short period of sleep, or hours of wakefu In ess. You _47_ gettired, worried, and an xious. Your

35、 memory and ability to remember thi ngs will be _48_.Then what should you do whe n you have the trouble? Do not worry about it too much. First, let s seewhether you can sleep yoilfsThe ways are as follows:First, _49_ that your bedroom isn t too cold or too hot. Keep it dark and quiet.Second, check y

36、our lifestyle:Do not drink tea, coffee, cola or chocolate four hours before _50_. Drink less liquid so that you canhave no or fewer visits to the toilet.Set your body clock well by getting up and going to bed at the fixed time every day. You _51_ take anydaytime n aps.Develop a relax ing bedtime hab

37、it. Read or _52_ music, the n take a warm bath. If you really can notsleep, try some bread, rice _53_ milk. They will help you fall asleep.Go for a daily walk. Natural light helps you to put your body clock into correct habit, _54_ do exerciseoutdoor if you can.Forget the worries of the day. Write d

38、own any worries, thoughts or questions before you go to ed. Withthese written down, you will have _55_ to think about and your sleep will become easier.昨天你睡得好吗?也许很多人会说:不。事实上,全球有1/3的人睡不好。如果你说你没有休息好,这意味着早醒后无法再入睡,睡觉的时间断断续续,或一连数小时无法入睡。你可能总是感到疲劳、焦虑或易怒;你的记忆力和集中注意力都可能受到不良影响。那么出现这样的问题你该如何做?不要太担心。首先,我们来看你是否可

39、以自己入睡。 方法如下:首先,确保你的床不是太冷也不是太热。保持黑暗和安静。第二,检查你的生活方式:睡觉前4小时不不喝茶,咖啡,可乐,不吃巧克力。少喝点水这样你就可以少上,或者 不上厕所。调整你的生物钟,每天固定时间起床,睡觉。最好不要睡午觉。培养床上放松的好习惯。阅读或者听音乐,然后洗个热水澡。如果你真的不能入睡,吃点面包、米饭或者喝点牛奶。这些可以帮助你入睡。每天散步。自然光有助与调节你的生物钟。如果可能的话,到户外去运动。忘掉一天中烦恼的事。上床之前,把烦恼的事、思绪或者问题写下来。把这些写下来之后你就可以少想事了。这样你入睡就更容易了。46.A. WhenB. In caseC. If

40、D. As47.A. mightB. mayC. mustD. should48.A. affectedB. damagedC. destroyedD. endangered49.A. determ inedB. make sureC. watch outD. look into50.A. sleep ingB. going to sleepC. going to bedD. falli ng asleep51.A. won tB. wouldn t betterC. had betterD. had better not52.A. listen toB. liste nC. hearD. s

41、ee53.A. andB. orC. withD. on54.A. n eitherB. butC. soD. however55.A. harderB. fewerC. moreD. lessNew comers to the United States are often surprised by the schools. American schools sometimesseem so differe nt from schools they know in_ 21_ parts of the world. America neducati on is based on the_ 22

42、_ that childre n n eed to learn to thi nk_ 23_themselves.The school should be the_ 24_ where they lear n to do this. I n school, childre n lear n the“ threeR s(Reading, Writing and Arithmetic), history and government ( often called Social Studies) andmany other subjects. They also lear n_ 25_to be i

43、n depe ndent, how to maketheir own judgment and how to develop their own abilities and interests. The American teacher does not_26_ the children in her class to sit with hand folded quietly and to say_ 27_ . She wants them to listen attentively and to ask questions. She knows that what children lear

44、nfrom books is_ 28_ . She also knows that , it is necessary for them toknow how to use this learning for their _ 29_and development During Open SchoolWeek, pare nts have a_ 30_ to see how America n educati on works.21.A. otherB. hisC. ano therD. all22.A. opinionB. ideaC. promiseD. questi on23.A. ofB

45、. aga instC. forD.with24.A. placeB. spaceC. roomD.area25.A. whe nB. howC. whatD.where26.A. thi nkB. wantC. letD.make27.A. someth ingB anythingC. nothingD. much28.A. importantB. uni mporta ntC. necessaryD. useless29.A. improvi ngB. growthC. futureD. tomorrow30.A. abilityB. possibilityC. i nterestD.ch

46、ancePeople used to say, “ The hand that rocks (摇)the cradle (摇篮)rules the world ” and “ Behind every successfulman there s a woman.”_ 21these sayings mean the same thing. Men rule the world, but their mothers 22wives rule them.Some wome n still_23_ making their husba nds and sons successful. But som

47、e wome nwant more for_ 24_ . They want good_ 25_ . When they work, they want good_ 26_.They want to be as successful as men.Today, the best jobs are _27_ give n to men. Even whe n wome n do the same work, they areofte n paid_28_ men. Wome n want these things cha nged.The women sliberation movement w

48、as started by women who didn want to stand behind successful men. They wan tedto sta nd_ 29_ men, with the same cha nee for success. Themoveme nt is quite n ew, and many America n wome n do not agree with_30_ purpose.21. A. AllB. BothC. NeitherD. Each22. A. orB. andC. notD. with23. A. likeB. likesC.

49、 likedD. have liked24. A. theirB. theirsC. themselfD. themselves25. A. jobsB. jobC. worksD. work26. A. paysB. payC. paidD. payme nt27. A. alreadyB. alwaysC. yetD. still28. A. as muchasB. as many asC. less thanD. more than29. A. beforeB. beh indC. besideD. betwee n30. A. it s B. itsC. theirD. theirsW

50、hen some one asks me what bus in ess I am in. My face feels_ 21_ . I envy (嫉妒)people who can say that they are writers , bookkeepers and doctors. All these jobs speak for themselves.I really do make a living by_22_ , and a good one, too. I can laugh like a king or like aschoolboy. It is a skill that

51、 I have lear ned,_ 23_the skill of mending shoes. When ever andhowever laughter is needed lam asked to do _24_ . I laugh like a bus driver or ashopkeeper. I laugh_ 25_ , kin dly and happily.I need _26_ point out that a job of this kind is tiring. I spend most evenings in nightclubs.My job is to laug

52、h during the_27_ part of the show. My loud, hearty laughter must be timedcarefully. It must not come too soon,_ 28_ n either must it be too late.I go through life quietly. I can_ 29_ the laugher of others. I can laugh in many differe ntways. But I m not sure that I have ever heard the sound of_ 30_

53、own laugh.21. A.warmB. coolC. hotD. cold22 A. laughingB. writ ingC. speak ingD. working23. A.atB. toC. byD like24. A. oneB. itC. thoseD. these25. A. gladlyB. sadlyC. trulyD. sudde nly26. A. clearlyB. easilyC. badlyD. hardly27. A. weakerB. stro ngerC. more terribleD. more wonderful28. A. forB. soC. b

54、utD.and29. A. getB. makeC. copyD.have30. A. theirB. myC. herD. hisWhat is a museum? A museum is a good place to keep_ 21_ and beautiful thin gs. Amuseum may be a place to learn about scienee. A museum can be a place_ 22_ art ofIn dia ns or ani mals. What is in side a museum? Some museums_ 23_ old ca

55、rs and airpla nes._ 24_ museums have pictures and statues. Others have rocks and old bon es. One museum even has 25coalmine in side! Many cities have museums. Some very small _26_have museums,_ 27_.In dia napolis has a_28_museum. Childre n do not have to payto get in. Childre n go to the museum ofte

56、 n. They like_29_ at the dino saur bon es. They seea white bear ten feet tall. They go in side an old log cab in(小木屋).O n Saturday, In dia napolischildre n can_30_talks about ani mals and trees. They see movies.21. A. newB. oldC. goodD. importa nt22. A. forB. inC. aboutDon23. A. hasB. haveC. there i

57、sD. there are24. A. A bitB. A littleC. MuchD. Many25. A. theB. anC. aD. on26. A. homesB. townsC. villagesD. coun tries27. A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. n either28 A. childs B. childC. childrensD. children29. A. seeB. to seeC. lookD. to look30. A. liste nB. to listenC. hearD. to hearOn May 27, 1995, our l

58、ife was suddenly changed. It happened a few minutes past three,21my husba nd, Chris,fell from his horse as it jumped over a fence. Chris was paralyzed ( 瘫痪)from the chest down, 22to breathenormally . As he was thrown from his horse,we entered into a life of disability with lots of unexpected challen

59、ges. We went from the to the “ havts ” . Or so we thoughYet what we discovered later were all the gifts that came out of_ 23_difficulties. Wecame to lear n that somethi ng_ 24_ could happe n in a disaster. All over the world people caredfor Chris so much that letters and postcards poured a every day

60、. By the end of the third week in a25_cen ter in Virginia, about 35,000 pieces of_ 26_ had bee n received and sorted. As27_- ,we ope ned letter after letter. They gave us comfort and became a source of stre ngth for us. We used them to en courageourselves. I would go to the pile of letters marked wi


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