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1、Unit1Directions: 根据英文意思,选择相应单词1. a. boring and continuing for too longA)  physicalB)  cardinalC)  primeD)  tedious 2.  a. so interested or involved in sth. that you do not notice anything elseA)  fierceB)  absorbed C)  eminentD)  proficient3.  a

2、.very serious and sincereA)  earnest B)  civilC)  instantD)  urgent4. v. say sth. suddenly and loudly because of surprise, anger, or excitementA)  dripB)  overflowC)  exclaim D)  spill5.  n.the style and design of a building or buildingsA)  logB) 

3、60;boundaryC)  architecture D)  prey6.   vt. make sth. that is spoken or written shorterA)  condense B)  murmurC)  amuseD)  fancy7.  vt. be more than a particular number or amountA)  wrinkleB)  exceed C)  deleteD)  slap8.  n.

4、a short journey you take for pleasureA)  utilityB)  excursion C)  excessD)  organ9.  n. a feeling of extreme unhappinessA)  distress B)  brinkC)  fumeD)  grease10. v.recognize the differences between thingsA)  weldB)  grazeC)  browseD)

5、  distinguish 11. n.remarks that say what you think is bad about sb. or sth.A)  criticism B)  outletC)  ventD)  scout12.  a.stupidA)  soberB)  soloC)  moistD)  dumb 13. make an urgent request for people to give you sth. that you needA)  smell of

6、B)  appeal to sb. for sth. C)  fill outD)  impose sth. on sb.14.  n.a situation that shocks you and makes you angry, esp. one that you think sb. in authority should changeA)  relayB)  epochC)  scandal D)  flesh15. having just come from a particular place or ex

7、perienceA)  let offB)  make up forC)  fresh from D)  mess around16. a. having enough skills or knowledge to do sth. to a satisfactory standardA)  fundamentalB)  compactC)  competent D)  imposing17.  n.a book that you put photographs, stamps, etc. inA) 

8、60;sectionB)  trifleC)  album D)  echo18. give special attention toA)  focus on B)  profit fromC)  revolve aroundD)  pay a big price to do19. a.easy to recognize because of being different from other people or things of the     same typeA)

9、 distinctive B)  tranquilC)  pettyD)  terminal20. v. remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the pastA)  urgeB)  suspendC)  recall D)  disguise21. (infml.) meet sb. by chanceA)  hand downB)  run into sb C)  in line withD)  keep

10、 abreast of22. n. (the ) ideas, methods, or people that are considered ordinary or normal and accepted by most peopleA)  inflationB)  curriculumC)  agentD)  mainstream 23.  ad. used for saying that sth. is obviously trueA)  possiblyB)  probablyC)  evident

11、ly D)  consonantly24. n. a large public meeting, esp. one that is held outdoors to support a political idea, protest, etc.A)  rally B)  adolescenceC)  grantD)  induction25. vt. (fml.) describe sth. or sb. in writing or speech, or show them in a painting, picture, etc.A)

12、  tackleB)  depict C)  raidD)  motivateDirections: 选择最合适的单词26. I do not enjoy picnics because I am _ to grass.A)  externalB)  decentC)  ultimateD)  allergic 27. Some artists are able to catch a likeness in a sketch while others are gifted t

13、o _ a fleeting expression.A)  capture B)  accomplishC)  stimulateD)  trace28. The most commonly used plastic for making water bottles is derived from_ oil.A)  crude B)  explosiveC)  remoteD)  idle29. The soccer team has had five _ victories. Wit

14、h each successive day, the teams confidence grew stronger.A)  tidyB)  academicC)  successive D)  vertical30. The doctor told Penny that too much  _ to the sun is bad for the skin and may cause cancer.A)  exposure B)  destinationC)  scratchD)  span31.

15、 The average life _  for Americans is now more than 74 years.A)  span B)  deficitC)  excursionD)  grocery32. All dormitory rooms are  _ with high speed Internet access.A)  equipped B)  decayedC)  delayedD)  obliged33. Youll have to pay extr

16、a money if you _ your luggage allowance.A)  delayedB)  grantedC)  exceed D)  isolated34. The _  design of a product provides a powerful competitive advantage over other products.A)  distinctive B)  internalC)  racialD)  radical35. Not only did h

17、e help me find the right bus, he also accompanied me to my _  and paid the entrance fee to the museum.A)  deficitB)  groceryC)  destination D)  pad36. The student failed because his instructor found the _ of his research paper not acceptable.A)  stationeryB) &

18、#160;padC)  groceryD)  format 37. Time passes quickly when you are _ in reading a good book.A)  tidyB)  absorbed C)  extinctD)  extraordinary38. The combination of virtual and traditional teaching will _the scope of every lesson and increase the students interest i

19、n learning.A)  weaveB)  preserveC)  expand D)  abuse39. In this new biography, the famous actress is  _as a lonely and unhappy woman.A)  transportedB)  acceleratedC)  depicted D)  appreciated40. He felt _ to help his mother, even if it meant leaving

20、college.A)  obliged B)  accelerateC)  acquireD)  stimulate41. Her _ need to be loved comes from a deep feeling of insecurity.A)  insignificantB)  desperate C)  absoluteD)  vague42. The ability to read in a critical way involves the ability to distinguish

21、_ facts and the writers opinions or interpretations.A)  between B)  fromC)  intoD)  about43. Although Brando avoids speaking in details about his marriage in his _, it is well-known that he was married three times to three ex-actresses.A)  assetB)  destinationC) &#

22、160;scratchD)  autobiography 44. In her _ to achieve a healthy and perfect body, she exercises four times a week.A)  albumB)  quest C)  padD)  stationery45. Buying in _  is more economical than shopping for small quantities.A)  bulk B)  expenditureC)

23、  expenseD)  balcony46. He got a position in a well-known international company because he was_ in English.A)  verticalB)  tidyC)  fluent D)  extinct47. Telling the story has become _, as I have done it so many times. A)  suspiciousB)  tedious C) 

24、60;liberalD)  tender48. Many communities have a low_ rate, making it useless to pass out AIDS literature and to expect people to read it.A)  stationeryB)  bulkC)  distressD)  literacy 49. I dont think it _ that he be assigned to the job since he has no experience i

25、n it.A)  advisable B)  internalC)  racialD)  hollow50. Britain proudly _  that it is a nation of animal lovers.A)  proclaims B)  opticsC)  trapsD)  campusUnit2Directions: 根据英文意思选择正确单词1. vt. make a judgment about what is likely to happen using th

26、e available informationA)  calculate B)  amuseC)  approachD)  assume2. vt. increase or improve sth. to make it more successfulA)  absorbB)  accumulateC)  boost D)  accuse3. n. sth. that is possible or likely to happen in the future, or the possibility itselfA)

27、  accountB)  aeroplaneC)  affectionD)  prospect 4. vi. leave a country, political party, or organization to go to another oneA)  associateB)  defect C)  attackD)  arrive5. n. a particular type of person or thingA)  probeB)  featureC)  catalogD)

28、 breed 6. vi. (fml.) continue to existA)  apologizeB)  appealC)  appearD)  persist 7. v. happen or make sth. happen at a faster rateA)  balanceB)  bakeC)  awaitD)  accelerate 8. v.find new people to work in a company, join an organization, do a job, etc.A

29、)  bunchB)  pluralityC)  lodgeD)  recruit 9. a. sth. that is bound to happen will almost certainly happenA)  AfricanB)  aggressiveC)  bound D)  accustomed10. a.more important, powerful, or successful than the other people or things of the same typeA)  aca

30、demicB)  abstractC)  dominant D)  absent11. a. connecting ideas or reasons in a sensible wayA)  accurateB)  advancedC)  logical D)  absolute12. a. feeling sad and without hopeA)  classicB)  cuteC)  weirdD)  gloomy 13. a.beautiful, attractive and

31、 graceful.A)  elegant B)  brittleC)  beautifulD)  broken14. vt. support or encourage sth.A)  annoyB)  arouseC)  attainD)  promote 15. a. the only one of a particular typeA)  destructiveB)  compellingC)  vividD)  sole 16. give sb. or sth. a

32、particular qualityA)  feel obliged to do sth.B)  invest sb./sth. with sth. C)  get serious aboutD)  derive sth. from sth.17. n. C a senior official at a college or universityA)  dean B)  philosopherC)  architectD)  destruction18. n. C a man who has never been

33、marriedA)  bachelor B)  couchC)  proteinD)  episode19.          vt. (fml.) think carefully about sth. before making a judgment about its value, importance, or qualityA)  approveB)  grantC)  evaluate D)  coordinate20. n.

34、a person or company that does business for another person or company A)  recessionB)  agent C)  toneD)  gap21. a. extremely good or impressiveA)  dominantB)  boundC)  logicalD)  outstanding 22. make sb. feel very interested in sth.A)  tip the scalesB

35、)  capture ones imagination C)  make a contributionD)  swell with pride23. n. sb. whose job is to design buildingsA)  atmosphereB)  aviationC)  averageD)  architect 24. n. Ca photograph or painting showing an area of countryside or landA)  applianceB)  la

36、ndscape C)  associationD)  assignment25. vt. put a piece of equipment somewhere and make it ready for useA)  install B)  resembleC)  trimD)  tolerateDirections: 选择最佳答案26. Its difficult to _  the long-term effects of these changes in the law.A)  restrainB)

37、  obligeC)  calculate D)  arouse27. Some countries hope that warmer weather and more rain will _  their farm output. A)  boost B)  retainC)  restrictD)  adapt28. Students must _  in their efforts if they wish to do well.A)  adhereB)  temptC

38、)  isolateD)  persist 29. Human activities can cause or _  permanent changes in natural systems.A)  motivateB)  undertakeC)  accelerate D)  dispose30. Most high-tech stocks are regarded as good long-term _ .A)  investments B)  displaysC)  notionsD) &

39、#160;options31. The new president advocated the removal of trade _  for his country.A)  schemesB)  barriers C)  notionsD)  occasions32. Career _  in science and technology are virtually unlimited.        A)  notionsB)  organs

40、C)  prospects D)  labels33. Unemployment rate will be the _  issue at the next president election.A)  idleB)  resistantC)  coarseD)  dominant 34. Scientists have made more than one major _  in the treatment of cancer.A)  breakthrough B)  grindC) 

41、0;destinationD)  asset35. The weather is _ to get better tomorrow.A)  superbB)  bound C)  disposedD)  secure36. He gave a very _  and often shocking account of his time in prison.A)  radicalB)  vacantC)  vivid D)  respective37. Equality is one of the

42、 _  of a stable society.A)  cluesB)  groceriesC)  pillars D)  factors38. The president is clearly in a      _    about how to tackle the economic crisis.A)  triumphB)  universeC)  chaosD)  dilemma 39. To acknowledge other cul

43、tures will _  good will among people of different          backgrounds.A)  promote B)  charmC)  precedeD)  violate40. It seemed as if the stress of everyday life never   _     her in the past.A)  wanderedB) 

44、60;submittedC)  emphasizedD)  bothered 41. It is too early to    _       the outcome of the negotiations between the workers union and  the companys leadership.     A)  speculate about B)  take inC)  put offD)

45、 filter out42. There has been an angry reaction to the government's _ to reduce unemployment  benefits.原始的选项顺序(试题最初的选项顺序)A)  responseB)  competitionC)  snapD)  proposal 43. Congress has decided      _    a $200 million housing developme

46、nt.A)  in favor of B)  a bunch ofC)  out of controlD)  in despair44. Mary      _    me at the meeting, sparing me some embarrassment.A)  made contact withB)  chipped inC)  whipped outD)  stood up for 45. Its getting more and more

47、difficult to    _      experienced and motivated staff.A)  evolveB)  recruit C)  distributeD)  oblige46. During a successful business career, she     _     a great amount of wealth.A)  devisedB)  accumulated C)

48、  skimmedD)  negotiated47. Plans to _  the health-care system have failed more than once.A)  regulateB)  entitleC)  reform D)  attach48. We are trying to keep the room clean and tidy, and wed like you to do       _     

49、.A)  likewise B)  yourselfC)  lonelyD)  solely49. We have reached a _  after a long discussion.A)  consensus B)  detailC)  gapD)  fragment50. His behavior today has made me _  my original impression of him.A)  shrugB)  shiverC)  revise

50、 D)  withstandUnit3Directions: 根据英文解释选择相应的单词或词组1. n.U the time, usu. between the ages of 12 and 18, when a young person is developing into an adultA)  fableB)  cashierC)  doseD)  adolescence 2. n.C one of the stages of a process of development or changeA)  blurB) &

51、#160;knotC)  phase D)  rumor3. vt.(1)be equal or similar to sth.  (2) be the same distance apart at every point along their whole lengthA)  erectB)  transplantC)  twistD)  parallel 4. vi.pause before saying or doing sth. because of nervousness and uncertaintyA

52、)  hesitate B)  exceedC)  obligeD)  exclaim5. a.reasonable, practical, and showing good judgmentA)  validB)  classicC)  sensible D)  rival6. a.  steady and not likely to move or changeA)  .stable B)  .compactC)  .explicitD)  .scattered

53、7. v.(infml.) leave a job, school, etc., esp. without completely finishing it A)  stingB)  profitC)  creepD)  quit 8. a.(fml.) happening, existing, or done before a particular timeA)  behavioralB)  prior C)  immuneD)  external9.  n.C (fml.) a husband

54、 or wife A)  volumeB)  sessionC)  spouse D)  factor10. vt. make sb. believe sth. that is not true A)  .assumeB)  .deceive C)  .participateD)  .recommend11. a.extremely unhappy or uncomfortableA)  spectacularB)  arrogantC)  miserable D)

55、  liable12. a. belonging to the present timeA)  .religiousB)  .contemporary C)  .dueD)  .confident13. a.related to business and the buying and selling of goods and servicesA)  composedB)  vagueC)  commercial D)  plausible14. stop supporting sth., or decid

56、e not to do sth. you were planning to doA)  stare atB)  heat upC)  back off D)  smell of15. vt.1 show or prove sth. clearly2 show or describe how to do sth. or how sth. worksA)  demonstrate B)  compoundC)  condemnD)  convert16. n.a mountain that forces hot gas

57、, rocks, ash and melted rock into the air through a hole at the topA)  scopeB)  establishmentC)  volcano D)  barrier17. a.1 with no real meaning2 empty insideA)  compellingB)  hollow C)  logicalD)  vivid18. n.the goods that are being carried in a ship, plane o

58、r truckA)  allowanceB)  cargo C)  rebelD)  stability19. stay far enough away from sb. or sth. to be safeA)  .far fromB)  .keep a distance from C)  .suffer fromD)  .be different from20. vt.state publicly that sth. is true A)  affirm B)  guarantee

59、C)  harnessD)  export21. vt.attach a label onto sth. or write information on sth.n.a piece of paper or other material which gives you information about the object it is fixed toA)  evilB)  residencyC)  proposeD)  label 22. allow oneself to be controlled or influenced by

60、 sth. A)  lag behindB)  surrender oneself to sth. C)  gaze atD)  come over sb.23. a.not willing or able to keep still because youre nervous, bored, or impatientA)  interiorB)  evilC)  restless D)  surgical24. n. U sb.s position in a profession or society,

61、 esp. compared to other peopleA)  .appetiteB)  .cereaC)  cruiseD)  .status 25. vi. (usu. in progressive) experience a period of economic success, with a lot of trade and business activityA)  .indicateB)  .boom C)  .contactD)  .involveDirections: 选择最佳单词26.  As times are changing, were entering a new_ in international relations.A)  illusionB)  phase C)  blastD)  breed27. My best friends experiences _ mine in many instances.A)  burstB)  parallel C)  slipD)  transform28. He likes to do t


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