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1、大学英语四级考试听力技巧讲解和真题分析 李洁慧一、大学英语四级考试对听力能力的要求 大学英语课程教学基本要求对学生英语听力能力的一般要求(即四级水平)可以量化为:能听懂英语授课、能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材讲座、能基本听懂英语慢速节目,语速130词/分,并能运用基本听力技巧帮助理解中心思想和信息要点,准确率不低于70%。 二、大学英语四级听力考试的题型 Section A:包括八个短对话(8道题)和两篇长对话(7道题)。SectionB:三篇短文(10道题),每篇短文长度在200240词之间。SectionC:一篇复合式听写(11道题)。复合式听写要听三遍,补全8个单词,根据意思写出3个句子

2、,文章长度在240280词之间。 三、提高听力的方法和步骤1. 听懂考题。真题训练+模拟题训练是听力应试的捷径。精听真题,泛听模拟套题。精听强调听懂词汇、短语和句子结构,就是一个词一个词地往过抠,标点符号都要搞清楚。泛听是抓大意,听重点信息。2.朗读与跟读使用过的材料,主要是纠音,并熟悉语调,记清楚听力中的问题词汇和短语。 3. 把握出题规律,掌握做题技巧。四、大学英语四级听力各种题型的应对策略 1. 短对话 (1) 综合解题思路遵Ñ以场景词为核心(如:家庭、学习、生活、工作、娱乐、用餐、天气、购物、医疗、交通等),把握关键结构词汇(如:转折、因果、时间、比较、重复等)和关键句型句式

3、(如:反问句式、建议句型等),结合语音、语调、语速变化所引起的特征发音现象(如:连读、失去爆破等)。(2) 历年大学英语四级考试短对话中七种常见句型根据近年出题思路与喜好偏向,我们不难发现,就考点而言,近年的短对话中常见句型有以下七种。熟悉这些句型对听力能力的提高很有帮助。A. 表达建议的句子Why not? Why dont you?What do you think of?If I were you, I wouldYoud betterB. 否定句全否定关键词:no, none, nobody, nothing半否定关键词:Not all, not everything, hardly,

4、 scarcely, rarely, seldom 双重否定关键词:not uncommon, no one can deny表面否定,其实表达肯定意义:Never better, I cant agree with you more. (我非常同意观点)表面肯定,其实表达否定意义:Climbing is the last thing in the world I want to do. (字面意思是:爬山是这世界上我最后想做的事;其实正确的理解是:我根本不想去爬山。)C. 转折句but题型but以后是重点。常见的句式是:Idlove to / Id like to / Sounds grea

5、t / Sounds a lot of fun. but.D. 强调句It isthatE. 虚拟语气F. 比较句G. 反问句式(3) 短对话听力的一些原则A. 推理原则:一般需对对话进行推理,故直接在对话中听到的不一定是正确答案。B.挫折原则:通常要办的事情都是不顺利的(买东西买不到,订房间客满,考试、作业、论文一般比较难,或需要熬夜等)。C.男女原则:男生提出的观点女生通常不同意或有不同的看法,反之女生提出的观点男生则常常表示同意和赞赏。D. 父母教育子女好好学习。E.大学英语四级考试听力短对话中一般只考日常生活学习中遇到的事情、问题,所以如果选项中出现一些日常生活中不太可能发生或很少发生

6、的事情,一般不会是正确选项。(4) 短对话中九大场景常见高频词汇英语交际通常使用一种模式化的语言,在固定的场景中其词汇和表达也相对比较固定。所以考生只要平时注意积累场景高频词汇和习惯表达,在复习时重点突出,强化训练,就可以在大学英语四级考试听力短对话部分拿高分。八个短对话按照真题分析可以归纳为如下场景:A. 校园场景(宿舍、教室、实验室、图书馆)全体教职员工:faculty 本科生:undergraduate 导师:tutor 必修课: required/compulsory course 选修课: elective/optional course学分:credits 小论文:essay 学位

7、论文:dissertation 学术类期刊:journal 学期报告:term paper 期刊:periodical 最终期限:deadline 延期:extension 期末考试:finals 期中考试:mid-term博士学位:doctorate 学费:tuition fee 奖学金:scholarship / fellowship最近一刊:latest issue 阅读书目:reading list到期:due 过期:overdue 付罚款:pay a fine 笔记本电脑:laptop 图书管理员:librarian 索书条:call slip 图书目录:catalog 续借:ren

8、ew 书库:stack 开架选书:open-shelf 注册、登记:sign up for 参考书:reference books 打字机:typewriter 打印机:printer 激光打印机:laser printer B. 餐馆场景(定座、点菜、结账、小费、投诉等)酒馆、客栈:pub 汽车旅馆:motel (乡村或公路边上的)旅馆:inn 自助餐厅:cafeteria 三明治:sandwich馅饼:pie 甜食:dessert 色À:salad 威士忌:whisky 软饮料:soft drink 葡萄酒:wine 账单:bill 小费:tip 付账单:pay the bill

9、 AA制:go Dutch这饭菜不错:worth the money 各付各的账:Lets split it. 这次我请客:This is my treat. C. 医院场景(问诊、问候、问药、问价)学校医务室:infirmary 急诊室:emergency department 医疗中心:medical centre学生健康中心:students health centre 急救病房:emergency rooms特护病房:ICU (intensive care unit) 诊所:clinic 病房:ward 探视时间:visiting hours 开处方:prescribe 处方:pres

10、cription按处方抓药:fill the prescription 还按原方抓药:refill the prescription 药片:tablet 手术:operation 外科医生:surgeon 内科医生:physician 骨折:fracture 流感:flu 心脏病:heart attack 昏迷:faint 嗓子痛:sore throat 高血压:high blood pressure 呕吐:vomit 治疗:treat 治愈:cureD. 银行场景 账户:account 存折:bank book 开户:open an account 信用卡:credit card 存款:de

11、posit 透支:overdraw 自动提款机:ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) 利率:interest rate 支票户头:check account 银行职员:bank clerk 将支票兑换成现金:cash the check E. 旅馆场景 无空房:(be) booked up 客房服务: room service 登记入住手续: check in 结账:check out 单/双人间:single/double room 订房: reserve 行李员: porter 登记员: register 前台 :front desk 前台服务: reception

12、 F. 邮局场景 快递服务:EMS(Express Mail Service) 航空邮件:air mail 邮资:postage 小包裹:package/parcel 超重:overweight 发电报:send a telegram 挂号信:registered letter 明信片:postcard 加急电报:urgent cable 递送:deliverG. 机场场景飞机:airplane 航班:flight 起飞:take off 降落:land 盘旋:circle 机翼:wing 候机大厅:terminal H. 找工作、面试场景分类广告:classified ad 公告板:bull

13、etin board 供求关系版:help and wanted section 传单:flier 个人简历:resume 面试:interview 证书:certificates 资格:qualification 身份证:identification 推荐信:reference letter I. 购物场景待售:for sale 出售:on sale 削价:price reduction 廉价品:bargain 拍卖:auction 不流行,过时:out of style/fashion 收据:receipt 出纳员:cashier百货公司:department store 超市:super

14、market 市场价:market price 折扣:discount 退货:to return purchase 销售季节:selling season 购物时间:shopping hour 一口价:one price 现金:cash 信用卡:credit card2. 长对话两组长对话的理解题型一般随话轮的交替而追问事件的先后次序、事件的因果关系、事件的逻辑对比和对照等关系,以及对话一方的行为和打算等。 长对话就其出题分布而言,一般会有一题整体把握,考查对话主题、对话人物关系或对话地点场景等。若对话为多话题内容,之后部分则选择其中几个话题进行考查;若对话内容为单一事件的描述,则关注事件的起

15、因、经过、结果等方面;如果是调研性内容,则考查点往往可能集中到被调研人的观点、意见、建议等方面。 Conversation One W: Sir, youve been using the online catalogue for quite a while. Is there anything I can do to help you? M: Well, Ive got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and Im really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and

16、I just dont know where to begin. W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why dont you narrow it down to something likeuh the history of the studios during that time? M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more than 30 books came up when I typed in “movie studios”. W: You could cut that down even

17、 further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding “1930s” or “1940s” or maybe “Golden Age”. M: “Golden Age” is a good idea. Let me type that in. Hey, look, just 6 books this time. Thats a lot better. W: Oh another thing you might consider. Have you tried looking for any magazine or newspap

18、er articles? M: No, Ive only been searching for books. W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. And we do have the Los Angeles Times available over there. You might go through their indexes to see if theres anything you want. M: Okay, I think Ill get

19、started with these books and then Ill go over the magazines. W: If you need any help, Ill be over at the Reference Desk. M: Great. Thanks a lot. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. What is the man doing? 24. What does the librarian think of the topic the man is

20、working on ? 25. Where can the man find the relevant magazine articles? 本文第一题同样是对对话主题的考查;而第二题则是对女人态度以及反问句式的考查,并且该反问句式还是建议句型的表达模式;第三题则是对建议句型的考查,考查女人建议男人怎么做。 3 短文理解(1) 大纲要求文理解一般由三篇内容难度适当,话题比较流行,250词左右的小品文或者小故事组成。每篇文章之后有34个问题,问题往往涉及到考生对短文中重要细节、中心思想、作者态度、特殊词汇的理解。短文听力对考生的语言感知能力、逻辑思维能力、短时记忆能力都是一个挑战。考生只有在多

21、读、多听的基础上才能提高短文理解的准确率。 (2) 历年真题出现的体裁类型A. 说明文主要关注说明对象、说明对象各方面的特点等。介绍新的概念,说明起源、发展过程、现状、展望未来,对我们的影响和用途(正负两方面)等。B. 议论文讨论型:根据问题进行讨论,分析原因一、原因二,最后说明如何解决。对比型:两种观点、流派、理论进行对比,比较两种的优缺点,最后突出自己的观点。C. 记叙文以短小故事类为主,考查事情的起因、经过和结果。(3) 听力短文的分类及对策A. 主观题又称态度题,问Speaker对所叙述的对象的态度,或褒或贬。典型的问题有:What is the speakers impression

22、 of? What is the speakers attitude to / toward? 短文题中一般是褒的态度。B. 客观题比如数字题。Section A这部分要考查对数字的进一步运算能力。你听到的多为原始数据,而不是最终结果(正确选项)。但是,在Section B的短文中,一般听到哪个数字就要选那个数字。短文中的数字不考运算。C. 主旨思想题考查文章的整体思想把握,即中心思想题。一篇文章的首尾是这篇文章的灵魂,体现Speaker的观点。典型的问题有What is the passage mainly about? What is the passage talking about?

23、What is the main idea of this talk? 等。解题对策:对于中心思想题,我们可以从三方面来把握。其一从选项入手,选项中多次出现的词一般是中心词(Keyword),正确的选项应该围绕这个中心词来叙述。其二从短文入手,要特别注意文章的两头。尤其是文章的开始两个句子最重要。其三从问题入手,这里也可以提供中心词的线索。多数考题都问及的词一般就是文章的中心词。D. 细节题关注中间出现的表示逻辑关系的连词。(4) 短文听力的答题技巧总结听文章开头和末尾部分,中间抓小词。文章的两头是一篇文章的重点,文章的开头是观点,文章的结尾是结论。而中间是细节,是用来支持观点的论据。听短文,

24、听结构。一般正确选项基本会是原文的重现。所以,最好能做到边听边记。(5) 真题讲解为了便于理解上面提到的应试技巧,我们来看2007年6月真题中出现过的一篇听力短文。Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.29. A) He suffered a nervous breakdown.B) He was wrongly diagnosed.C) He was seriously injured in the leg.D) He developed a strange disease.30. A) He was

25、able to talk again. B) He raced to the nursing home.C) He could tell red and blue apart. D) He could not recognize his wife.31. A) Twenty-nine days. B) Two and a half months.C) Several minutes. D) Fourteen hours. 32. A) They welcomed the publicity in the media.B) The avoided appearing on television.

26、C) They released a video of his progress.D) They declined to give details of his condition.Passage ScriptDuring a 1995 roof collapse, 29 a firefighter named Donald Herbert was left brain damaged. For ten years, he was unable to speak. Then, 30 one Saturday morning, he did something that shocked his

27、family and doctors. He started speaking. “I want to talk to my wife,” Donald Herbert said out of the blue. Staff members of the nursing home where he had lived for more than seven years raced to get Linda Herbert on the telephone. “It was the first of many conversations the 44-year-old patient had w

28、ith his family and friends during the 14-hour stretch,” Herberts uncle Simon Menka said. “How long have I been away?” Herbert asked. “We told him almost ten years,” the uncle said. “He thought it was only three months.” Herbert was fighting a house fire December 29, 1995, when the roof collapsed, bu

29、rying him underneath. After going without air for several minutes, 31 Herbert was unconscious for two and a half months and has undergone therapy ever since. News accounts in the days and years after his injury described Herbert as blind and with little memory. 32 Menka declined to discuss his nephe

30、ws current condition or whether the apparent progress was continuing. “The family was seeking privacy while doctors evaluated Herbert,” he said. As word of Herberts progress spread, visitors streamed into the nursing home. “Hes resting comfortably,” the uncle told them. 29. What happened to Herbert ten years ago?答案 A。解析文章刚开头就提到了Herbert十年前的遭遇“屋顶倒塌,身为消防员的他大脑损伤,丧失了语言能力”,所以答案选A。30.What surprised Donald Herberts family and doctors one Saturday?答案 A。解析 文章说到,一个周六的早上,他做了一件令家人和医生震惊的事情:他开口说话了。所以答案选A


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