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1、2021年6月份四级完形填空真题及答案The term e-commerce refers to all commercial transactions conducted over the Internet, including transactions conducted over the Internet, including transactions by consumers and business-to-business transactions. Conceptually, e-commerce does not 67 from well-known commercial off

2、erings such as banking by phone, "mail order" catalogs, or sending a purchase order to a supplier -6 8- fax. Ecommerce follows the same model -69- in other business transactions; the difference - 70- in the details.To a consumer, the most visible form of e-commerce consists 71- online orde

3、ring. A customer begins with a catalog of possible items, -72- an item, arranges a form of payment, and 73 - an order. Instead of a physical catalog, e-commerce arranges for catalog to be -74- onthe Internet. Instead of sending an order on paper or by telephone, e-commerce arranges for orders to be

4、send -75 - a computer network. Finally, instead of sending a paper presentation of payment such as a check, e-commerce 76 - one to send payment information electronically.In the decade - 77- 1993, e-commerce grew from an 78 - novelty(新奇事物)to a mainstream business influence. In 1993, few 79 - had a w

5、eb page, and - 80 - a handful allowed one to order products or services online. The years- 81 -, both large and small businesses had web pages, and most 82 -users with the opportunity to place an order. 83 -, many banks added online access, - 84 - online banking and bill paying became 85 -. More imp

6、ortantly, the value of goods and services 8 6- over the Internet grew dramatically after 1997.67. a) distract b) descend c) differ d) derive68. a) with b) via c) from d)off69. a) appeared b) used c) resorted d) served70. a) situates b) lies c) roots d) locates71. a) on b) of c) for d) to72. a) refle

7、cts b) detects c) protects d) selects73. a) sends in b) puts out c) stands for d) carries away74. a) visible b) responsible c) feasible d) sensible75. a) beside b) over c) beyond d) up76. a) appeals b) admits c) advocates d) allows77. a) after b) behind c) until d) toward78. a) optional b) invalid c

8、) occasional d) insignificant79. a) communities b) corps c) corporations d) compounds80. a) largely b) slightly c) solely d) only81. a) lately b) later c) late d) latter82. a) offered b) convinced c) equipped d)provided83. a) Instead b) Nevertheless c) However d) Besides84. a) and b) or c) but d) th

9、ough85. a) different b) flexible c) widespread d) productive86. a) acquired b) adapted c) practiced d) proceeded 完型答案67. B) differ68. B) via69. B) used70. B) lies71. B) of72. D) selects73. A) sends in74. A) visible75. C) beyond76. D) allows77. B) behind78. D) insignificant79. C) corporations80. D) o

10、nly81. B) later82. D) provided83. D) besides84. A) and85. C) widespread86. A) acquired2009年12月19日大学英语四级考试完形填空全文解析 Older people must be given more chances to learn if they are to contribute to society rather than be a financial burden, according to a new study on population published today.The curren

11、t approach which _67_ on younger people and on skills for employment is not _68_ to meet the challenges of demographic人口结构的 change, it says. Only 1% of the education budget is _69_ spent on the oldest third of the population.The _70_ include the fact that most people can expect to spend a third of t

12、heir lives in _71_, that there are now more people over 59 than under 16 and that 11.3 million people are _72_ state pension age."_73_ needs to continue throughout life. Our historic concentration of policy attention and resources _74_ young people cannot meet the new _75_," says the repor

13、t's author, Professor Stephen McNair."The major _76_ of our education budget is spent on people below the age of 25. _77_ people are changing their jobs, _78_, partners and lifestyles more often than _79_, they need opportunities to learn at every age." _80_, some people are starting n

14、ew careers in their 50s and later.People need opportunities to make a "midlife review" to _81_ to the later stages of employed life, and to plan for the transition过渡 _82_ retirement, which may now happen _83_ at any point from 50 to over 90, says McNair.And there should be more money _84_

15、to support people in establishing a _85_ of identity and finding constructive _86_ for the "third age", the 20 or more years they will spend in healthy retired life. 文章首句的意思是:根据今天出版一份关于人口的研究报告,如果老年人要为社会做奉献,而不是成为财务上的负担的话,他们必须要有更多的学习的时机。这就是全文的主旨,抓住关键,老年人需要学习的时机。 67. A) operates B) focuses C)

16、 counts D) depends68. A) superior B) regular C) essential D) adequate本句的意思是:报告称,目前的手段都是67年轻人和求职技能,这并不68符合人口结构的变化的挑战。两个空格在一个句子,建议从后向前来解题。68题考查搭配,be动词加形容词加to do。通过文章的阅读,发现此处的意思应该是“不能够,结合选项的意思:superior上层的,regular常规的,essential重要的,adequate足够的。正确选项为D) adequate。67题考查动词。由于空格在定语从句中,所以先弄清楚定语从句的修饰限定关系。67题的实际主语

17、是前面的手段approach,也就是说approach 67 on sth.,这说明解此题时我们要考虑两个线索,一是67能与形成搭配用法,二是67须是物可以发出的动作。那符合题意的只有B) focus,关注,集中。其它几个选项:operate on给做手术,count on依靠,主语只能是人,depend on取决于。 69. A) currently B) barely C) anxiously D) heavily本句的意思是:只有百分之一的教育预算是69花在占人口三分之一的老年人身上。69题考查副词。副词是修饰整个句子的,所以要结合本段的内容,本段都是在讲现状。再利用本句与上一句的重现关

18、系,选项A) currently正好照应了上一句的The current approach, 是为正确答案。70. A) regulations B) obstacles C) challenges D) guidelines71. A) enjoyment B) retirement C) stability D) inability72. A) over B) after C) across D) beside本句的意思是:这个70包括以下的事实,一、大多数人将把他们生命的三分之一花在71,二、现在59岁以上的人比16岁以下的人要多,和三、一千一百三十万人是72退休年龄。三个空格在一个句子

19、,建议从后向前来解题。72题考查介词。解答时应注意其前的动词,和其后的名词,此题空格之前是Be动词,空格之后是退休年龄。结合前面两个并列的从句,意在说明老人多,那也就是72这里要说他们都超过退休的年龄,于是选择A) over。71题考查名词。还是利用整体的并列关系,后面讲到的pension退休金的问题,于是B) retirement,退休为正确项。70题考查名词。利用上下文的重现关系,就在上一段提到过“符合人口结构变化的挑战,这里名词之前一个定冠词告诉我们此处讲的是上文提到的事情,于是选C) challenges。 73. A) Identifying B) Learning C) Instr

20、ucting D) Practicing74. A) at B) by C) in D) on75. A) desires B) realms C) needs D) intentions本句的意思是:“73需要持续终生。我们74年轻人的政策和资源的有历史意义的关注不能符合这个新的75,报告的作者,Stephen McNair教授说。75题考查名词。依然是利用对上文的重现,上一句讲到一种需要,那么这里直接就可以看到需求,也就是选项C) needs。74题考查介词。此题有一个变相的考法,以往我们解介词题的时候都是找介词前的动词,后的名词来找线索,而此题新在考的是名词与介词的搭配,而这里考的名词与

21、介词实质上也是动词和介词,正确答案是D) on。实际考查的是concentration与on的搭配。73题考查名词。同样是利用对上文的重现,来源于遥远的第一段,属于对文章主旨的重现,第一段提到:老年人想要学习的时机。故此题正确答案为B) Learning。 76. A) measure B) ratio C) area D) portion本句的意思是:我们的教育经费的主要的76都花在25岁以下的人身上了。76题考查名词。观察一下空格之前的形容词,不难发现,此处想表达的是经费的大局部,故正确选项为D) portion。 77. A) When B) Until C) Whether D) Be

22、fore78. A) neighbors B) moods C) homes D) minds79. A) ago B) ever C) previously D) formerly本句的意思是:77人们正在改变他们的工作,78,伙伴和生活方式比79更加频繁了,他们需要在任何年龄的学习的时机。79题考查副词。谈到改变,一定是现在与之前的比较,选B) ever。78题考查名词。利用并列连词and,可知此处为并列关系,是把工作,伙伴,生活方式和空格放在一起并列。还要注意此处的名词须是能够被动词“change改变的。应选C) homes。77题考查连词。分析前后主从句的关系,再结合排除法。主从句不存

23、在否认的含义,前后的分别,也不需要“是否的说法。故正确答案为A) When。 80. A) For example B) By contrast C) In particular D) On average本句的意思是:80,一些人在他们50多岁的时候正在开始新的事业。80题,结合前文的引用的话,这里正好是对前文所讲的人们正在改变的一系列的情况的一个具体的例子,于是选择A) For example。 81. A) transform B) yield C) adjust D) suit82. A) within B) from C) beyond D) to83. A) unfairly B)

24、 unpredictably C) instantly D) indirectly本句的意思是:人们需要时机去做一个“中年检讨去81受雇生命的最后几年,并且去方案82退休的过渡,这个过渡可能83在50到90岁的任何时间,McNair说。83题考查副词。通过本句的意思判断,是想说这个过渡随时可能发生,选项中符合题意的是B) unpredictably。82题考查介词。结合本句的意思,是方案从中年到退休的过渡,表示这种方向的介词应选择D) to。81题考查动词。依然需要理解本句的意思,最符合文章意思的是C) adjust,adjust to调节。 84. A) reliable B) consid

25、erable C) available D) feasible85. A) sense B) conscience C) project D) definition86. A) ranks B) assets C) ideals D) roles本句的意思是:并且应该有更多的钱84支持人们去确定一85的身份,并且为“后三分之一时代找出建设性的86,“后三分之一时代即“他们将要在退休后渡过的健康的20几年。86题考查名词。动词和形容词为此处的名词选择提供了线索,再加上之前的并列连词的提示,前面讲身份,后面应该讲“角色,于是选择D) roles。85题考查名词。结合前后的表达,确定一种身份的85。

26、再结合排除法,四个选项中符合的为A) sense。84题考查形容词。但这里的形容词的位置有点特殊,前有名词,后为介词,于是要想到,这里是形容词做后置定语的情况,换句话说就是有更多的84的钱,这样能获得更好的理解,也就更容易做出选择,我们需要的是更多的可随意支配的钱来对老年人的教育问题提供支持。于是正确答案为C) available。、2009年6月20日大学英语四级考试完形填空全文解析 Kimiyuki Suda should be a perfect customer for Japans car-makers. Hes young, successful executive at an I

27、nternet-services company in Tokyo and has plenty of disposable _67_. He used to own Toyotas Hilux Surf, a sport utility vehicle. But now he uses _68_ subways and trains. “Its not inconvenient at all, he says. _69_, “having a car is so 20th century. Suda reflects a worrisome _70_ in Japan; the automo

28、bile is losing its emotional appeal, _71_ among the young, who prefer to spend their money on the latest electronic devices. _72_ mini-cars and luxury foreign brands are still popular, everything in between is _73_. Last year sales fell 6.7 percent, 7.6 percent _74_ you dont count the mini-car marke

29、t. There have been _75_ one-year drops in other nations: sales in Germany fell 9 percent in 2007 _76_ a tax increase. But experts say Japan is _77_ in that sales have been decreasing steadily _78_ time. Since 1990, yearly new-car sales have fallen from 7.8 million to 5.4 million units in 2007. Alarm

30、ed by this state of _79_, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) _80_ a comprehensive study of the market in 2006. It found that a _81_ wealth gap, demographic (人口结构) changes and _82_ lack of interest in cars led Japanese to hold their _83_ longer, replace their cars with smaller ones

31、 _84_ give up car ownership altogether. JAMA _85_ a further sales decline of 1.2 percent this year. Some experts believe that if the trend continues for much longer, further consolidation (合并) in the automotive sector is _86_. 先看首句:须田仁之对于日本的汽车制造商来说应该是一个完美的客户。67. A) profit B) payment C) income D) bud

32、get 先读完句子:他很年轻,他是东京一家网络效劳公司的成功的执行官,并且他有大量的可任意处理的_67_。 此题考查形容词与名词的关系。从选项中我们也能发现,四个词都是在说钱的。Profit利润,payment支付、报酬,income收入,budget预算。由此可见,payment与income之间的关系更为接近,于是锁定此二词,再结合原文中disposable,正确答案应为C) income收入。 68. A) mostly B) partially C) occasionally D) rarely 本句意思:他以前有一个丰田的Hilux Surf,一辆运动型的汽车。但是现在他使用_68_

33、地铁和火车应该是新干线吧。 此二句之间有个连词But,意味两句意思是完全相反的。前一句有个短语叫used to,过去常常,而后面一句问的是一个副词,意指他乘坐地铁的频度,过去常常相反的是现在常常,于是做出选择,A) mostly。 69. A) Therefore B) Besides C) Otherwise D) Consequently 本句意思:“这丝毫不会不方便,他说。_69_,“有车是很20世纪的。 考查连词,关注两句间的关系,前一句是在说坐地铁好,后面说的是有车是很过时的象征,两句间是并列的关系,应选BBesides,而Therefore因此,Otherwise否那么,Conse

34、quently结果,均不是并列关系。 70. A) drift B) tide C) current D) trend71. A) remarkably B) essentially C) specially D) particularly须田反映了日本的一个令人担忧的_70_;汽车正在失去它的情感吸引力,_71_在青年人中,他们更喜欢把钱花在最新的电子产品上。从后向前解题。71题,副词考查,经合后文的线索,青年人更愿意把钱花在电子产品上,故此处的青年人与前文表达了一种递进,于是看选项remarkably异常地,essentially本质地,specially特别地,particularly尤

35、其地,D项particularly为最正确答案。70题,名词考查,线索为空之前的形容词,一种令人担忧的东西,看选项,drift飘流,tide潮汐,current当前,trend潮流,令人担忧的应该是潮流,于是D项trend入选。 72. A) While B) Because C) When D) Since73. A) surging B) stretching C) slipping D) shaking本句意思:_72_迷你汽车和奢侈的外国品牌仍然很流行,在它们之间的东西_73_。从后向前解题。73题,由于上句的线索,青年人都把钱花在新电子产品上,而这句的前面又说迷你车和奢侈品仍然流行,

36、那就意味着后面的一定是不流行的,带着这个思路,选项中只有一个词的方向符合,那就是C项slipping下滑。其它选项surge奔放,stretch伸展,shake抖。72题,连词考查,分析句间的关系,前半句说仍然流行,后半句说下滑,方向相反,故为转折关系,选项中只有While是然而的意思,为转折关系。A项入选。 74. A) unless B) if C) as D) after本句意思:去年的销售下降了百分之六点七,百分之七点六_74_你不算迷你车市场。考查连词,结合前后两句的意思,后面的数据前面的要多一些,意在说明这是条件关系,如果你不算迷你车的话,那这个下降的量还要更多一些。于是选B) i

37、f。 75. A) lower B) slighter C) broader D) larger76. A) liable to B) in terms of C) thanks to D) in view of 本句意思:在其它国家,有_75_一年的下降:德国在2007年的销售下降了百分之九_76_税收的增加。从后向前解题。76题,考查短语,此句是因果关系,因为税收的增加,所以销售下降了。选项中,Liable to应受,In term of根据,Thanks to多亏了、因为,In view of在的观点。于是C项入选。75题,考查形容词的比较级,要根据上下文的线索确定比较关系,上文是6.7

38、,7.6,而本句是9,得知这个下降比上文的要更大,于是选择C) larger。 77. A) unique B) similar C) mysterious D) strange78. A) over B) against C) on D) behind本句意思:但是专家认为日本是_77_,因为销售一直稳定地的_78_时间下降。从后向前解题。78题,考查介词,要看其后的名词,over time随着时间,against time对抗时间争分夺秒地,on time按时,behind time在时间背后晚了。符合句意的选项为A) over。77题,考查形容词,注意句子开头的连词But,转折说明与上文

39、的意思完全相反,前面讲日本和其它国家的共同情况,汽车市场的销售收入都在下降,而这里But,说明要讲出日本与其它国家的不同情况,于是找出表达日本独特一面的词,即A) unique独特的。其它选项B) similar相似的,C)mysterious神秘的,D)strange奇怪的略带贬意。下一句的意思:从1990年开始,日本每年的新车销售量从780万下降到2007年的540万。 79. A) mess B) boom C) growth D) decay80. A) proceeded B) relieved C) launched D) revised本句意思:受到这种_79_的情况的警告,日本

40、汽车制造商协会JAMA在2006年_80_一份市场的综合研究报告。从后向前解题。80题,考查动词,主语是一个组织,宾语是一份研究报告,而选项中的几个动作为:proceed继续进行,relieve减轻,launch启动,revise修订。从这几个选项来看C项launch为最正确。79题,考查名词,有this的指代关系得知,此题接上一段的情况来说的,故要选择与上一段的情况有联系的单词,看选项,mess混乱,boom激增,growth成长,decay衰落。不难发现整个上一段都是在讲下降,也就是衰落的问题。于是选项D为最正确。 81. A) quickening B) widening C) stre

41、ngthening D) lengthening82. A) average B) massive C) abundant D) general83. A) labels B) cycles C) vehicles D) devices84. A) or B) until C) but D) then本句意思:它发现一个_81_财富差距,人口结构改变和对于汽车的兴趣的_82_缺乏导致了日本握住他们的_83_更长,用更小的汽车替换他们的汽车_84_彻底放弃汽车所有权。从后向前解题。84题,连词考查,研究前后的关系,发现这里有三者并列,于是锁定范围是or和but,又看出其中并没有转折关系,于是选A

42、) or。83题,名词考查,依然是利用并列的关系,后面两处都提到了车,于是此处也需要找一个车,没有Car,找它的同义替换词C)vehicles汽车。82题,形容词考查,看它后面的名词,是缺乏,结合上一段中的数据,得知,人们对汽车普遍缺乏兴趣,于是看选项,average平均的,massive大量的,abundant充足的,general普遍的。正确选项为D)general。81题,形容词考查,还是要看它后面的名词,此处说财富差距,看选项,哪个可以修饰差距,quickening不断变快的,widening不断变宽的,strengthening 不断加强的,lengthening不断变长的。符合句意

43、的为B)widening。 85. A) concludes B) predicts C) reckons D) prescribes本句意思:JAMA今年_85_百分之一点二的销售下降。动词考查,除了考虑动词之后的宾语,还需要看看状语,或者副词,此处有今年,说明是对未来的一种预测,而选项中conclude推断、总结,predict预言、预告,reckon认为,prescribe开处方。应选B) predicts。 86. A) distant B) likely C) temporary D) immediate本句意思:一些专家相信,如果这种趋势再继续一段时间,汽车业的大量合并是_86_。

44、形容词做表语的考查,看选项distant立即的,likely可能的,temporary同时的,immediate迅速的。由此看来仅是一种可能性,于是B项入选。2008年12月21日四级完形填空真题解析 playing organized sports is such a common experience in the United States that many children and teenagers that them for granted. This is especially true 67 children from families and communities tha

45、t have the resources needed to organize and 68 sports programs and make sure that there is easy 69 to participation opportunities. Children in low-income families and poor communities are 70 likely to take organized youth sports for granted because they often 71 the resources needed to pay for parti

46、cipation 72, equipment, and transportation to practices and games 73 their communities do not have resources to build and 74 sports fields and facilities.Organized youth sports 75 appeared during the early 20th century in the United States and other wealthy nations. They were originally developed 76

47、 some educators and developmental experts 77 that the behavior and character of children were 78 influenced by their social surrounding and everyday experiences. This 79 many people to believe that if you could organize the experiences of children in 80 ways, you could influence the kinds of adults

48、that those children would become.This belief that the social 81 influenced a persons overall development was very 82 to people interested in progress and reform in the United States 83 the beginning of the 20th century. It caused them to think about 84 they might control the experiences of children

49、to 85 responsible and productive adults. They believed strongly that democracy depended on responsibility and that a 86 capitalist economy depended on the productivity of worker.67. A. among B. within C. on D. towards68. A. spread B. speed C. spur D. sponsor69. A. access B. entrance C. chance D. rou

50、te70 A. little B. less C. more D. much71. A. shrink B. tighten C. limit D. lack72. A. bill B accounts C. fees D. fare73. A. so B. as C. and D. but74. A. maintain B. sustain C. contain D. entertain75.A. last B. first C. later D. finally76.A. before B. while C. until D. when77.A. realized B. recalled C. expected D. exhibited78.A. specifically B. excessively C. strongly D. exactly79. A. moved B. conducted C. put D. led80. A. precise B. precious C. particular D. peculiar81.A. engagement B. environment C.s tate D. status82.A. encoura


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